Posts Tagged ‘Solar Events’

How the Summer Solstice will affect your internal Energy

Friday, June 21st, 2013

The summer solstice is almost upon us again. It is
the longest day and shortest night of the year,
from the moment of the start of Summer Solstice,
on June 21st. The Sun immediately begins to wane
and the days will get shorter. In the Five
element system we are moving into the images,
which rules the heart, pericardium, triple heater
and small intestine.

In both body and mind.

I like a refreshing and tasty drink. I take cold
fresh Mint mixed with lemon juice, ice and a
little maple syrup as sweetener. It will help to
cool you down as things continue to heat up for
the next 3 months.

The formula:
¼ cup of washed fresh mint leaves
4 to 6 organic lemons
2 Quarts of filtered water
Maple syrup to taste

Squeeze the lemons, add juice to the water and
maple syrup, add ice and put in a blender with the
mint leaves and blend on high until smooth.

Midsummer has been one of the important solar
events throughout the evolution of humankind. It
was an indicator that the year was about to begin
waning, thus winter would be again returning. The
sun appeared to stand still in its northern
progression on the 21st

Whenever there is a change in the seasons and
especially on the winter and summer solstice it is
an opportunity to reset our internal clocks. It is
an excellent time to take a break from your usual
pace and allow oneself some quite time to reflect,
meditate or just relax.

Eat very light at these important junctions,
as it will help you move into the new system smoothly.

The Summer Solstice is the time to recharge your
spirit, building your personal power and fortify
your health.

This is an excellent time to detox the body mind
and spirit. I am doing the 7-day detox program
with a group of patients and students, called the
“Core restore program”.

It’s easy to do, will benefit your liver, kidneys
and digestive system. “The Core Restore program”
will cool your body down, relax your mind and
you’ll lose a few pounds to boot.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Have a great summer, stay cool, be safe and
have fun!