Posts Tagged ‘Health Wealth’

How to increase your Qi to go deeper in your meditations

Monday, July 1st, 2013

Detox It was a great weekend!
I am on the “Core Restore liver cleanses”, a 7-day
program to clean out toxins out of my body.

Although the first two days were a little rough
and I needed to get a lot more sleep, I feel good
and now my energy level is way up! My head is
clear, I dropped more than 5 pounds and my
meditations are much deeper.

Every morning long before the sun comes
I walk down to the ocean and begin my
Qi Gong practices.
It’s usually still dark and very quite
it’s the best time to train and your meditations
will be much stronger.
My focus this week has been slow moving Yin
exercises, like the Yin Set
and the Flying Crane QiGong.

When you are around large bodies of water you can relax deeper
and it’s much easier to open up your spiritual centers
The water element is very grounding. You just need to take
time to embrace the energy.
Our internal Qi should flow downward like water.
When you are around water let your energy sink
down. This will keep your body relaxed, your mind
calm and keep you rooted.

I am sure that we all want to go deeper in our
meditations and generate more Qi. Try the 7 day
detox program. It will enhance your body, mind and

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


On July 3rd I will announce some great news!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Are you gulping down enough water?

Friday, May 31st, 2013

Drinking water will eliminate a host of problems
for you.

The first thing to do when you jump out of bed in
the morning is to drink a quart of water as soon
as your feet hit the floor.

It will flush your stomach and gastrointestinal
tract. After a nights sleep we get dehydrated.
When you gulp down a quart of water first thing in
the morning, you flush the mucous and other
garbage from your stomach, intestines and kidneys,
and you will start to feel better with in days.

Drink water first thing as soon as you get out of
bed and you will feel the difference in every
aspect of your health.

When we are dehydrated we get sluggish, dizzy,
constipated and irritable. I have been doing this
for years. This is a great health habit done by
thousands all over the world and it is incredibly
powerful in improving digestion.

Another great time of the day to drink water is
during a strong workout in which you are
excessively sweating. Be careful not to drink too
much, a liter should be enough to feel energetic
and mentally alert.

images I
can’t stress to you how important it is to stay
hydrated. If I am not drinking water, I am
drinking green tea. It works as an anti-oxidant
and keeps your body hydrated.

As far as coffee goes, those diet and sugary
sodas, the sweetened waters, the sports drinks and
all of those other concoctions- Forget about it!
Most of them dehydrate you or stress your body
with sugar.

Water will help you lose excess body flab,
strengthen your immune system and make you

In addition to drinking green and white tea, make
sure you’re taking a daily supplement like the
Multi-Four from Qi Essentials. They come
individually packed so you can slip a package into
your pocket if you are not at home and they are
loaded with vitamins, minerals and fish oil.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

A Vote of Encouragement

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

I received a letter from Wendy this morning. She
has a group that provides resources and endorses
blogs to those looking to transform their life.

Just recently she wrote an article on the Top 50
Natural Blogs to provide her readers with a list
of what she believes are the top blogs in the
natural healing space and I was included.

Thanks Wendy!

Here is what she said about me.

“Dear Dr. Wu Dhi,

known world-wide and believe that my endorsement
will help you grow and spread a message we both
believe in.”

I really appreciate Wendy’s support and the
support from all of you.

I sincerely thank you for all your encouragement.

I wish you the best in your health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi,


If you enjoy reading turn
your friends on it! They will be happy you did!


Every Wednesday night at 7:00 pm
you are invited to the Qi Gong Meditation class
at our office at
18205 Biscayne Blvd #2214
Aventura, FL 33160

Call for more information: 305-407-0120

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Formula for Ultimate Success

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

Staying healthy and young is not something that
comes naturally. You have to work at it. Every
morning I get up and begin my training. I eat
healthy, stay well hydrated and stay away from
foods like sugar, breads and dairy. You may be
asking yourself, why?

The reason I stay away from foods like that is
because they do not give you the maximum amount of
energy. If I bought you a new Maserati for
$160,000 would you put the cheapest gas you could
find in that car?

Of course not, you would put in the best high
quality fuel that you could find. You would never
put in cheap fuel and why? Because it would make
your cool sports car run like a truck and yet, if
you are hungry and you stop by 7-11 and grab some
chips filled with trans fats, a genetically
engineered candy bar filled with corn syrup, or
some other strange item that you may think is fuel
for your system.

There are three rules that I follow:




images Make your
health #1 and put only the best fuel in your body
and in your Maserati.

When I train in the morning, I want to keep myself
balanced, healthy and strong. The Recharging Qi
Gong Program does all of that in the minimal
amount of time with the best bang for your buck!

Order Now!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

A Wealthy bit of Knowledge for Mother’s Day

Friday, May 10th, 2013

Early this morning my friend from Hawaii sent me a
picture of images-4, the famous Hindu elephant God
of wealth and wished me the best in health, wealth
and happiness.

I have seen the picture on t-shirts, little
statues and large woodcarvings for years and know
that Ganesh is the representation of Wealth.

I never really explored the true meaning of what
it symbolizes.

It’s always a good idea to open up to new things
and open up your mind beyond your comfort zone.
So I went to the web to look it up and here is
what I found out.

Ganesh the Elephant symbol of Wealth

When we look at the picture of a Hindu deity it
doesn’t mean a whole lot to us at all in the
western world, but to millions of people all over
the planet it has great spiritual symbolism.

1. The meaning of the elephant trunk- The strength
to uproot a tree as well as the finesse to pick up
a needle. Ganesh’s trunk symbolizes the fact that
the wise person has both immense strength and fine

2. The Large ears- The wise person hears all and
talks less.

3. The four hands- In one hand he holds a lotus,
the symbol of enlightenment. In the other hand he
holds a hatchet that severs old Karma. The third
hand holds a bowl of sweets the rewards of a wise
life, although the wise man is not attached to his
good deeds. His fourth hand sends blessings to

4.The broken tusk symbolizes the wise person is
beyond duality. The self and other duality is the
curtain keeping us from realizing our real Self,
beyond body and mind.

5. Sitting with one foot on the ground and the
other resting on his knee- Live on this earth, yet
not entirely of this Earth.

6. Seated on a rat- The wise person rides on his
senses and keeps them under control.

Ganesh governs life force and the Earth mother.

The Hindu mantra or prayer for Ganesh is “Aum
Ganeshaaya Namah

(Let wisdom be our guide).

This is usually chanted 108 times before starting
any important work or travel.

This week I’ll be traveling up north to visit my
93-year-old mother for Mother’s day. It’s a real
blessing to have my Mom around for all these
years. She is quite a character, well versed on
many subjects and well read. Mom is also quite a
conversationalist. She is up on the latest news
events, movies, and very social. She’s liked by
most, if you piss her off, you will just hear her
just saying, “that’s Charming” and walk away.

She used to tell us a story that before she was
sent to charm school she used to say “Bullshit” to
people when they pissed her off or they would go
on and on with their story. At charm school she
learned to say “Charming”. To this day she still
will always stop and listen to everyone’s story
with a smile on her face and often when she walks
away you often hear her say “that was just

I wish all the mothers a very happy mother’s day
and safe trips to all of you who are traveling and
remember when someone pisses you off let them know
how charming they really are.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


We always want to push ourselves beyond our
comfort zones and learn something new. No matter
if it’s a new language, reading a new book or
learning a new way to exercise the body and mind.
Pick up a copy of the Flying Crane Qi Gong and
start retraining your brain.

What the Heck is April Fools Day anyway?

Monday, April 1st, 2013

The beginning of April is the time of the year
that many different cultures have had days of
foolhardiness. The Romans had a festival named
Hilaria on March 25, rejoicing in the renewal of
Attis. The Hindu calendar has Holi, and the Jewish
calendar has Purim. Perhaps the ending of a long
winter and the beginning of spring lends itself to
lighthearted celebrations. April 1st is celebrated
in many countries and is referred to as All Fools’
Day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on
each other.

In the tarot deck, the Fool remains the most
controversial card in the deck. It is the only
card that has a zero on it; the other cards all
adhere to Roman numerals

The Fool is a powerful card because its
possibilities all start in nothingness and reach
into infinit, The Fool most likely represents you
enjoying a new life. It can also represent a
coming love interest that is not ordinary by any
of your measurements.
If you have been ignoring your health, you are
truly being played as the fool. There is large
book that lists all the medicines called the
Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) and there is not
one single drug to promote longevity or anti

If you want to stay young, avoid being caught in
the loop of drugs and surgery wake up don’t let
anyone pull the wool over your eyes and make you a
fool. Learn what you can do and practice it like
it will save your life. This is no April fools day
joke. It’s the truth. If you train, practice and
are flexible, you have a good chance of living a
long healthy life mentally, physically and

Join me in staying healthy and we can all grow
younger together.
The private coaching program is designed to keep
you healthy, vibrant and aware.
Find out if you can qualify today

Dr Wu Dhi

Being proactive can give you years of good health.

The Luckiest Gem in the World!

Monday, March 18th, 2013

The Chiropractor that I have been working with for
the last 6 years purchased a piece of images and he hasn’t taken it off his neck in three
years. It’s his personal Mojo. Most Americans
have no idea what Mojo is and think it has
something to do with their sexual organs. The
urban dictionary defines Mojo as:

1.Self-confidence, Self-assuredness. As in basis for
belief in ones self in a situation. Esp. I context
of contest or display of skill such as sexual
advances or going into battle.

2. Good luck fetish / charm to bolster confidence.

3. Ability to bounce back from a debilitating
trauma and negative attitude
He lost his mojo when she dumped him…
He got his mojo back now.

Anyway, the doctor has been wearing this Green
Yeh Ming Ju around his neck for years now, the
green stone seems to bring in luck and money and
since he has been wearing it he has created five
different successful businesses, his credit rating
went up from 5.5 to 8.8, and he’s doing great!
Although we don’t know if it’s all from his
mojo-it also took a lot of hard work and

Around 4 months ago the necklace broke and fell
off his neck, and what do you think happened?
Within hours someone stole his identity and tied
up thousands of dollars! Now one would think that
mojo was real and who would ever think that Yeh
Ming Ju would make that much of a difference in
ones life, but it did. Personally I never take
mine off.

If you’re interested in owning a piece of this
magical gem contact me. I only have 3 left
1. Two Green tile shape pieces
2. One special Spiritual Purple gem
They are all of very high quality and there are no
more of them at this time
If you are interested, send me an email today

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

The Secrets to Longevity

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

Last Thursday I was at a client’s office and we
were going over some of the treatments and
exercises that I do to stay younger than my peers
as well as my secrets to avoid taking medicines
that have negative side effects. She asked me
about diet, exercise, meditation, stress reduction
and improving sexual vitality and just about
everything else that has to do with the anti-aging

We were really enjoying each other’s company and
the conversation, that’s when she asked if she
could ask a personal question about her own
health. As a doctor I am used to a lot of
questions and if I can be of help I will surely
give my professional advice.

She told me that she had just returned from Mexico
City and she had dinner at a new restaurant and
since then has had a stomachache, bloating and
excessive gas.

I told her I would be willing to take a look at
her and that’s where I went wrong.
When I am working in my office I always go through
a ritual to keep myself protected from absorbing
both pathogens and energetic disturbances. I do
this almost instinctively before seeing anyone and
it protects me and helps the patient to recover

As I was at her office I just forgot to protect
myself. Sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, I
picked up her stomach pain, it didn’t last for
long but definitely intense. images

When I wrote the book Turn Stress into Power
I included the protections to keep clear from
picking up all that junk.

Get yourself a copy of the program today and stay

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Black Snake Water is almost here

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

The Chinese New Year celebrations will last more
than a week! The New moon will be in Aquarius on
February 10th, which is considered to be a
particularly auspicious day.

It is known as the Lantern Festival
and is an all-out celebration of lights, fireworks
and parades. It is a day to welcome the God of
wealth, a day to celebrate farming and produce and
days to celebrate friends and family. Friendships
and family relationships are a very important part
of Chinese New Year.

The Celebration in my neck of the woods includes a
feast and lots of decorations and ceremonial fires
to burn up the old and welcome the new.

The Year of the Black Snake Sale

It is my way of saying thank you to all of you for
your support.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Black Snake Year can take a bite out of your wallet

Monday, February 4th, 2013

This February 10, 2013 is Chinese New Year which
is the year of the Water Snake. They say that it’s going to be
a year of conservation, a year of rebuilding and
a year of changes.
If you were born in any of these years, you’re a

HEALTH – Be aware of having small ailments,
including accidents. Drive carefully! Avoid
unnecessary surgeries and exercise more.

WEALTH- Your wealth is related to people, contacts
and relations. The harder you work, the more you

RELATIONS- Your relations tend to be better
outside your home than inside. There may not be
many romances, make it a lot of fun.

There are antidotes for just about everything. In
Chinese Medicine, if there is too much anger it
can be balanced by kindness. Sadness and grief can
be transformed into valor and courageousness. Rush
and hastiness can alchemically be transformed into
love and respect. Worry changes into balance,
being grounded and centered. Fear can be changed
into gentleness. It’s just a matter of staying in
flow. This year of the Snake can be filled with
worries or transformed into what ever you aim for.

I want to give you more this year than ever to
make your year of the Snake the best. As a great
way to bring in the New Year all my products are
now on sale for the entire week!

Check it out!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Act now! The Black Snake sale only lasts a few days!

Dr. Wu Dhi