Posts Tagged ‘Elephant Trunk’

A Wealthy bit of Knowledge for Mother’s Day

Friday, May 10th, 2013

Early this morning my friend from Hawaii sent me a
picture of images-4, the famous Hindu elephant God
of wealth and wished me the best in health, wealth
and happiness.

I have seen the picture on t-shirts, little
statues and large woodcarvings for years and know
that Ganesh is the representation of Wealth.

I never really explored the true meaning of what
it symbolizes.

It’s always a good idea to open up to new things
and open up your mind beyond your comfort zone.
So I went to the web to look it up and here is
what I found out.

Ganesh the Elephant symbol of Wealth

When we look at the picture of a Hindu deity it
doesn’t mean a whole lot to us at all in the
western world, but to millions of people all over
the planet it has great spiritual symbolism.

1. The meaning of the elephant trunk- The strength
to uproot a tree as well as the finesse to pick up
a needle. Ganesh’s trunk symbolizes the fact that
the wise person has both immense strength and fine

2. The Large ears- The wise person hears all and
talks less.

3. The four hands- In one hand he holds a lotus,
the symbol of enlightenment. In the other hand he
holds a hatchet that severs old Karma. The third
hand holds a bowl of sweets the rewards of a wise
life, although the wise man is not attached to his
good deeds. His fourth hand sends blessings to

4.The broken tusk symbolizes the wise person is
beyond duality. The self and other duality is the
curtain keeping us from realizing our real Self,
beyond body and mind.

5. Sitting with one foot on the ground and the
other resting on his knee- Live on this earth, yet
not entirely of this Earth.

6. Seated on a rat- The wise person rides on his
senses and keeps them under control.

Ganesh governs life force and the Earth mother.

The Hindu mantra or prayer for Ganesh is “Aum
Ganeshaaya Namah

(Let wisdom be our guide).

This is usually chanted 108 times before starting
any important work or travel.

This week I’ll be traveling up north to visit my
93-year-old mother for Mother’s day. It’s a real
blessing to have my Mom around for all these
years. She is quite a character, well versed on
many subjects and well read. Mom is also quite a
conversationalist. She is up on the latest news
events, movies, and very social. She’s liked by
most, if you piss her off, you will just hear her
just saying, “that’s Charming” and walk away.

She used to tell us a story that before she was
sent to charm school she used to say “Bullshit” to
people when they pissed her off or they would go
on and on with their story. At charm school she
learned to say “Charming”. To this day she still
will always stop and listen to everyone’s story
with a smile on her face and often when she walks
away you often hear her say “that was just

I wish all the mothers a very happy mother’s day
and safe trips to all of you who are traveling and
remember when someone pisses you off let them know
how charming they really are.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


We always want to push ourselves beyond our
comfort zones and learn something new. No matter
if it’s a new language, reading a new book or
learning a new way to exercise the body and mind.
Pick up a copy of the Flying Crane Qi Gong and
start retraining your brain.