Posts Tagged ‘Comfort Zone’

A Wealthy bit of Knowledge for Mother’s Day

Friday, May 10th, 2013

Early this morning my friend from Hawaii sent me a
picture of images-4, the famous Hindu elephant God
of wealth and wished me the best in health, wealth
and happiness.

I have seen the picture on t-shirts, little
statues and large woodcarvings for years and know
that Ganesh is the representation of Wealth.

I never really explored the true meaning of what
it symbolizes.

It’s always a good idea to open up to new things
and open up your mind beyond your comfort zone.
So I went to the web to look it up and here is
what I found out.

Ganesh the Elephant symbol of Wealth

When we look at the picture of a Hindu deity it
doesn’t mean a whole lot to us at all in the
western world, but to millions of people all over
the planet it has great spiritual symbolism.

1. The meaning of the elephant trunk- The strength
to uproot a tree as well as the finesse to pick up
a needle. Ganesh’s trunk symbolizes the fact that
the wise person has both immense strength and fine

2. The Large ears- The wise person hears all and
talks less.

3. The four hands- In one hand he holds a lotus,
the symbol of enlightenment. In the other hand he
holds a hatchet that severs old Karma. The third
hand holds a bowl of sweets the rewards of a wise
life, although the wise man is not attached to his
good deeds. His fourth hand sends blessings to

4.The broken tusk symbolizes the wise person is
beyond duality. The self and other duality is the
curtain keeping us from realizing our real Self,
beyond body and mind.

5. Sitting with one foot on the ground and the
other resting on his knee- Live on this earth, yet
not entirely of this Earth.

6. Seated on a rat- The wise person rides on his
senses and keeps them under control.

Ganesh governs life force and the Earth mother.

The Hindu mantra or prayer for Ganesh is “Aum
Ganeshaaya Namah

(Let wisdom be our guide).

This is usually chanted 108 times before starting
any important work or travel.

This week I’ll be traveling up north to visit my
93-year-old mother for Mother’s day. It’s a real
blessing to have my Mom around for all these
years. She is quite a character, well versed on
many subjects and well read. Mom is also quite a
conversationalist. She is up on the latest news
events, movies, and very social. She’s liked by
most, if you piss her off, you will just hear her
just saying, “that’s Charming” and walk away.

She used to tell us a story that before she was
sent to charm school she used to say “Bullshit” to
people when they pissed her off or they would go
on and on with their story. At charm school she
learned to say “Charming”. To this day she still
will always stop and listen to everyone’s story
with a smile on her face and often when she walks
away you often hear her say “that was just

I wish all the mothers a very happy mother’s day
and safe trips to all of you who are traveling and
remember when someone pisses you off let them know
how charming they really are.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


We always want to push ourselves beyond our
comfort zones and learn something new. No matter
if it’s a new language, reading a new book or
learning a new way to exercise the body and mind.
Pick up a copy of the Flying Crane Qi Gong and
start retraining your brain.

Stuck in your own comfort zone?

Friday, April 26th, 2013

There is a wonderful little story about two monks
who lived together in a monastery for many years
and they were great friends. Then they died within
a few months of one another. One of them got
reborn in the heaven realms, the other monk got
reborn as a worm in a dung pile. The one up in the
heaven realms was having a wonderful time,
enjoying all the heavenly pleasures. But he
started thinking about his friend, “I wonder where
my old mate has gone?” So he scanned all of the
heaven realms, but could not find a trace of his
friend. Then he scanned the realm of human beings,
but he could not see any trace of his friend
there, so he looked in the realm of animals and
then of insects. Finally he found him, reborn as a
worm in a dung pile… Wow! He thought: “I am
going to help my friend. I am going to go down
there to that dung pile and take him up to the
heavenly realm so he too can enjoy the heavenly
pleasures and bliss of living in these wonderful
realms.” So he went down to the dung pile
and called his mate. And the little worm wriggled
out and said:
“Who are you?” “I am your friend.
We used to be monks together in a past life,
and I have come up to take you to the heaven realms
where life is wonderful and blissful.” But the
worm said: “Go away, get lost!” “But I am your
friend, and I live in the heaven realms,” and he
described the heaven realms to him. But the worm
said: “No thank you, I am quite happy here in my
dung pile. Please go away.” Then the heavenly
being thought: “Well if I could only just grab
hold of him and take him up to the heaven realms,
he could see for himself.” So he grabbed hold of
the worm and started tugging at him; and the
harder he tugged, the harder that worm clung to
his pile of dung. Do you get the moral of
the story? How many of us are attached to our pile
of dung?

We all have a comfortable zone that we live in and
no matter what happens come hell or high water we
don’t want to change it. We get stuck in our own
snug dung pile. It could be an abusive
relationship or it might be a bad job that you’re
caught in.
Being addicted to lust, money, drugs or power is
just the human way. We get into a robotic pattern
and hate to leave it, no matter if it’s good or
bad. Whatever it is we get comfortable where we
are and we are either afraid or just too lazy to
move out of our comfort zone.

I’ve been stuck several times in my life, but
lucky for me I found a class, a workshop, or a
teaching to pull me out of the pattern and wake me
up. Maybe it’s just karma or my self-discipline
but I believe it’s more than that. You need to
want to wake up and I am sure you want to, that’s
one of the reasons you read my blog.

The best is getting a coach or a teacher who can
guide you on the path.

If you are truly seeking growth on a mental,
physical, spiritual way, stay tuned and watch my

YouTube channel

Get my prime programs the Recharging Qi Gong

Flying Crane Qi Gong

and the Turn Stress into Power

and by all means join the

Qi Gong Inner circle

You don’t have to get all of them at once but get
started right now.
Let’s grow younger together.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr.Wu Dhi

Going Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

I went to sleep last night early, around 10:00 pm.
I try to go to sleep earlier in the winter because
as we get closer to the winter solstice, sleep is
the best course to keep yourself healthy and to
align yourself with the season.

I was in a deep dream state and I heard a
crunching noise, my focus shifted to my hearing,
what could this be? Maybe my dreams were slipping
into a realm that I really didn’t want to be in.
All my senses went on high alert. I was lucid
enough to try to move into another state of
consciousness in the dream, but the crunching kept
going on and on. It was loud enough to wake me up
and when I was fully awake, I still heard the

I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen where
the sound seemed to be coming from but nothing was
there. I got a flashlight and opened the back door
and to my amazement there was a very large possum
crunching on the bones of a furry animal. Oh My!
My bright light didn’t seem to disturb his meal
very much at all, he looked at me and went right
back to his eating. Opossums are not picky eaters
and will consume almost anything, including table
scraps and carrion. They do seem to have a
particular fondness for cat food, and I feed my
two cats “Yin & Yang” the tinned varieties. Mr.
Opossum seems to love cat food. Opossums just like
to eat everything. They have a diet consisting of
meat, rodents, insects, frogs, and plants
including fruit and grain.

This critter looked enormous to me! He was bigger
than both of my guard Cats and he was well fed.
Not someone I wanted to mess with for sure. So I
just said “bon appetite” and went back to bed.
In the morning there wasn’t a trace of Mr. Opossum
or what he was munching on. Last year around this
time I caught 4 or 5 Opossums in a trap and
relocated them a few miles away but as I learned
more about these Ratty looking creatures they
always come back to their hood. Even when taken
miles away.

Like many humans we feel more comfortable in a
certain space and return to it no matter if it’s
our neighborhood, our social standing, our job or
relationship. We go back to our comfort zone.
If you want to break out of your ghetto, your
position in life or your dysfunctional
relationship you must make some changes
internally. What you do on a daily basis, who you
associate with and even what you eat and where you
eat it can free you or keep you stuck like glue.
Over the last 3 decades or more I have been
working to pull myself out of the muck and to stay
on top of my game. Yea, it’s work to be on top,
feel good, be happy, healthy and wealthy. That’s
why I do it! I want the best for myself and
everyone who is around me.

I teach, I heal and train to be positive strong
and healthy. We all want to feel good, be
successful and have a happy life.

Don’t wait to be healthy, happy or wealthy, join
me and the members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle
today and make this holiday season the beginning
of having everything you want for yourself and
your family.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Oh My! – Possum Pie!

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

For the last few nights I have set traps
in my garden to see if I could catch and
remove the possums. They have been fighting
in the trees, making a racket all night and keeping
me and the neighbors up all night. My friend Harvey
loaned me his animal trap and with a can of cat food
and his steel trap, I have managed to trap and relocate
?3 large possums and one baby so far. I put the food out
at one end of the trap and when Mr. Possum comes in
for a snack, the door slams shut. Then I picked up the
cage and drove 3 or 4 miles away to the park and
put the critters in their new home. Hopefully they
can’t find their way back to my place.

They look somewhat like a big rat- the
Size of a cat, grey and black fur,
beady black eyes, cute pink pointed
nose, feet and tail like a rat and black ears.
When I caught the little guy he was
hissing and growling and showing his
50 sharp teeth.
They say they are
gentle and placid, but you could have fooled me.
I don’t do much trapping, hunting or making possum pie but
for the last few nights I was up late trapping.
Now everything is quite in
my neighborhood again, although I read that they will
eventually find their way back home.

We all like being where we are. Even if someone or something
relocates us or changes things in you life,
we will get back to what is
normal for us and back in our comfort zone.
That’s why it’s so important
for our health and well-being to establish practices,
exercises and meditations
that serve us mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

The Recharging Qi Gong Program was definitely
not a last minute thought.
It took research, study, and years of practice to come
up with this program that
will support you on every level.

Today is the day to make those changes in your life.

Don’t hesitate, order today!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Travel can Bring You Riches

Sunday, July 31st, 2011

Traveling is an education in it

Welcoming Cat, Lucky Cat, Cat Swipe, Money cat, or Fortune Cat;

Travel can bring Good Fortune

it’s good for your soul,
and it has the power to change your life.

Travel is part of an ancient formula to bring you prosperity.

The magic square in Chinese Fung Shui
shows that travel can bring you riches on the spiritual
and emotional level as well as monetary wealth.

You maybe asking yourself, how can travel bring me wealth?
When you travel you meet people from all over the world.
Interesting people who are adventures, who are seeking
to see, learn and exchange ideas with you.
This exchange of goods, cultures and new ideas opens us
new wonderful opportunity, if we are open.

I have learned more on my travels than in any class room.
There can be more wealth in the connections,
friendship and experiences than you could imagine.

Everything is different when traveling.
Breaking habits becomes a habit in itself,
you are almost forced to be flexible.

When you are flexible and open you will be given
a piece of real freedom.

You will be living outside of your comfort zone
and that forces you to grow.

When I travel I am always trying something new and
unknown, that opens up new doors.

I have spent a greater part of my life traveling around our
planet as a student, an adventurer and a seeker of wisdom.

In 1987 my Master called me and asked me to move to Caracas
for 6 months, to run the Ashram and teaching a group of students
advanced meditations and healing techniques.
Although I didn’t speak a word of Spanish.

I agreed and in 3 days I packed my bags
and moved to Caracas to teach, learn and
open to the adventure.

When the holidays rolled around I was
invited to a friends coffee plantation
to relax and enjoy the country.

It was a few weeks before the holidays and I
can remember calling my Mother on December 21
to wish her a happy holiday. I was excited to tell her
that I was going to spend the Holiday season relaxing
off the coast of South America on the plantation.

Thats when my world got turned upside down and my
tropical New year turned into a cold winter,
working at my fathers pawn shop in the inner city
of Detroit, Michigan.

My younger brother worked with my father in the family
business and one cold icy day crashed his new Porch into
a wall and broke his arm and leg.
He was hospitalized and couldn’t work at the busiest time
of the year.

The next thing I knew I was on a flight headed to a freezing
winter and saying good by to my tropical sun tan.

Trying to travel any where at that time of the year bring in
it’s own problems and this holiday season was no exception.
The only ticket I could get, last minute was first class from
Carcass to New York and off I went to fulfill some past karma.

The good news came when I got to my seat.
The gentleman that I sat next to was the CEO for a large bottling
company and we struck up a conversation about traveling,
learning and why I was in his country.

It turned out that his company was changing and management
and wanted to incorporate a healthier attitude into their work force.
I told him of the workshops I was teaching on
“Health in the work place”
and before we got to NY, we had a verbal contract for a series of
workshops at their world headquarters.
I didn’t get back to the tropics until late February,
but when I did my life had changed around for the better.

One never knows when opportunity will knock at your door,
but it is best to always be prepared.
When ever you get a chance to learn,
study or train jump on it.

The opportunity may never come again.

Today there is an opportunity for you to become a member
of the Qi Gong Inner Circle and receive years of teachings
that I have spent a life time learning.

These teachings didn’t come easy,
it took me years of seeking for the right teachers,
and going to hundreds of seminars and retreats.
I worked, practiced and trainings to weed out the phonies
and find the real goods.
I have spent hundred of thousands of dollars of my own money
to gather this knowledge.
The adventure was long and exciting,
sometimes even dangerous but nothing ever stopped me.

I am offering these teachings to a select group of people
who have been reading my news tips and my blogs and no others.
If you are ready for an adventure sign up today.

I Wish you the best in your Health, wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. I have reduced the cost of the program to make it easy to
become members.

This offer will only last until the planet Mercury
goes retrograde on Aug. 2

If you are thinking of joining ACT NOW
and Become a Member today.

Dr. Wu Dhi