Posts Tagged ‘Sports Drinks’

Fast food + soda= Big butt Big belly

Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

Sue works in a weight clinic near my house and she
has been struggling with her own weight for years.
We were talking and she was telling me that there
are more over weight people in the USA than in
Asia or Europe combined hands down.
I asked her why she thought that was true? She
went on to say it’s big business that’s fatting up

Sue said that most of the people who come into her
clinic just want a quick fix. They don’t have a
clue what they are doing to their health.
Sue told me that the woman that came in to see her
is running around from one fast food restaurant
deal to another looking for the discount of the
week. No wonder they are busting out of their
pants and as far as their workout it’s with a
knife and a fork.

She has completely stopped eating at fast food
restaurants and now wants the next step to those
love handles.
images-1 If you want
something sweet have some fruit before 5 O’ clock
in the evening the earlier in the day the better.

As far as sugar:
1. Use organic cane sugar in

2.Use organic raw honey in moderation.

3. Avoid ALL artificial sweeteners,
which can damage your health even more quickly
than fructose.

4.Avoid agave syrup since it is a
highly processed sap that is almost all fructose.
Your blood sugar will spike just as it would if
you were consuming regular sugar or HFCS. Agave’s
meteoric rise in popularity is due to a great
marketing campaign, but any health benefits
present in the original agave plant are
processed out.

5.Eat a fruit in moderation it will satisfy
your sweet tooth and drink more water.

6.Avoid energy drinks and sports drinks because
they are loaded with sugar, sodium, and chemical

In the hot summer wake up earlier, drink more
water, and practice the Yin exercises
these will pull the heat out of the body, keep
your internal organs healthy and give you better
sleep and more energy.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS The Recharging Qi Gong Program includes the Yinimages

Practice, Practice, Practice.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Are you gulping down enough water?

Friday, May 31st, 2013

Drinking water will eliminate a host of problems
for you.

The first thing to do when you jump out of bed in
the morning is to drink a quart of water as soon
as your feet hit the floor.

It will flush your stomach and gastrointestinal
tract. After a nights sleep we get dehydrated.
When you gulp down a quart of water first thing in
the morning, you flush the mucous and other
garbage from your stomach, intestines and kidneys,
and you will start to feel better with in days.

Drink water first thing as soon as you get out of
bed and you will feel the difference in every
aspect of your health.

When we are dehydrated we get sluggish, dizzy,
constipated and irritable. I have been doing this
for years. This is a great health habit done by
thousands all over the world and it is incredibly
powerful in improving digestion.

Another great time of the day to drink water is
during a strong workout in which you are
excessively sweating. Be careful not to drink too
much, a liter should be enough to feel energetic
and mentally alert.

images I
can’t stress to you how important it is to stay
hydrated. If I am not drinking water, I am
drinking green tea. It works as an anti-oxidant
and keeps your body hydrated.

As far as coffee goes, those diet and sugary
sodas, the sweetened waters, the sports drinks and
all of those other concoctions- Forget about it!
Most of them dehydrate you or stress your body
with sugar.

Water will help you lose excess body flab,
strengthen your immune system and make you

In addition to drinking green and white tea, make
sure you’re taking a daily supplement like the
Multi-Four from Qi Essentials. They come
individually packed so you can slip a package into
your pocket if you are not at home and they are
loaded with vitamins, minerals and fish oil.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi