Posts Tagged ‘Dr Wu’

The Luckiest Gem in the World!

Monday, March 18th, 2013

The Chiropractor that I have been working with for
the last 6 years purchased a piece of images and he hasn’t taken it off his neck in three
years. It’s his personal Mojo. Most Americans
have no idea what Mojo is and think it has
something to do with their sexual organs. The
urban dictionary defines Mojo as:

1.Self-confidence, Self-assuredness. As in basis for
belief in ones self in a situation. Esp. I context
of contest or display of skill such as sexual
advances or going into battle.

2. Good luck fetish / charm to bolster confidence.

3. Ability to bounce back from a debilitating
trauma and negative attitude
He lost his mojo when she dumped him…
He got his mojo back now.

Anyway, the doctor has been wearing this Green
Yeh Ming Ju around his neck for years now, the
green stone seems to bring in luck and money and
since he has been wearing it he has created five
different successful businesses, his credit rating
went up from 5.5 to 8.8, and he’s doing great!
Although we don’t know if it’s all from his
mojo-it also took a lot of hard work and

Around 4 months ago the necklace broke and fell
off his neck, and what do you think happened?
Within hours someone stole his identity and tied
up thousands of dollars! Now one would think that
mojo was real and who would ever think that Yeh
Ming Ju would make that much of a difference in
ones life, but it did. Personally I never take
mine off.

If you’re interested in owning a piece of this
magical gem contact me. I only have 3 left
1. Two Green tile shape pieces
2. One special Spiritual Purple gem
They are all of very high quality and there are no
more of them at this time
If you are interested, send me an email today

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

The Secrets to Longevity

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

Last Thursday I was at a client’s office and we
were going over some of the treatments and
exercises that I do to stay younger than my peers
as well as my secrets to avoid taking medicines
that have negative side effects. She asked me
about diet, exercise, meditation, stress reduction
and improving sexual vitality and just about
everything else that has to do with the anti-aging

We were really enjoying each other’s company and
the conversation, that’s when she asked if she
could ask a personal question about her own
health. As a doctor I am used to a lot of
questions and if I can be of help I will surely
give my professional advice.

She told me that she had just returned from Mexico
City and she had dinner at a new restaurant and
since then has had a stomachache, bloating and
excessive gas.

I told her I would be willing to take a look at
her and that’s where I went wrong.
When I am working in my office I always go through
a ritual to keep myself protected from absorbing
both pathogens and energetic disturbances. I do
this almost instinctively before seeing anyone and
it protects me and helps the patient to recover

As I was at her office I just forgot to protect
myself. Sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, I
picked up her stomach pain, it didn’t last for
long but definitely intense. images

When I wrote the book Turn Stress into Power
I included the protections to keep clear from
picking up all that junk.

Get yourself a copy of the program today and stay

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Is your house in order?

Friday, February 22nd, 2013


This week I had at least 30 people contact me and
ask me if there was something strange going on in
the stars. People have been telling me that their
house, their lives and their friends and family
all seem to be in chaos.
Does any of this sound familiar?

If you haven’t noticed, people in general, don’t
do what you say, what they do is what YOU do!

We all seem to follow behavior patterns that
others do around us. That’s why it is so important
to keep good company, good friends and try to
remove yourself from negative situations as often
as you can. We are influenced already by the
collective consciousness. What other people are
thinking around us, in our city, in our state, in
our country and even in the world! Just last week
about 1,000 people were killed when a meteor fell
out of the sky and devastated people’s lives in
Russia! If you saw the pictures on the Internet,
you would think it’s from a movie scene and
although it affected those people on the other
side of the world, it affected you and me as well.

You never know when something will just fall out
of the sky and ruin your life. This last week, I
traveled to Jacksonville to clear 3 homes of what
the owners considered “bad energy”. Energy is not
bad, energy is just energy. We just need to know
how to work with it. Part of working with energy
is called Feng Shui or Geomancy. It’s like doing
an acupuncture session on a piece of property or
someone’s home. When you do this work, it
harmonizes the energy and makes everything
peaceful again. If you want to know more about
this work, contact me at my office at 305-407-0120
and if you would like to learn the basic
principles, you can pick up my DVD package called
The Magic Square:

You might wonder how Dr. Wu Dhi knows about
clearing these energies. About 30 years ago, I
started studying intensively with some very
powerful Tibetan Buddhist teachers who showed me
how to rid negative energies and bring our lives
back into harmony. When I started my study of
Medical Qi Gong with the Daoist’s, there was a big
emphasis on clearing negative energy from our
bodies, mind and the places we live and work!

Sometimes they referred to these as
spirit/energetic possession. All of these Daoist
studies dove-tailed with the Buddhist teachings.
It’s amazing that they don’t even talk about this
stuff in the West. Clearing your home can be a big
part of our health and happiness.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Would you buy a Haunted House?

Friday, February 15th, 2013

Would you buy a Haunted House?

I happened to have some free time this morning so
I turned on the morning news. The news commentator
was reporting about a story that is now in court
in Pennsylvania. A family just bought their dream
house and moved in, after a few weeks of being
there they heard from the neighbors that the
previous owner committed suicide in the main
bedroom and now the family wants to move out and
be refunded.

What is a Real Estates agent’s obligation anyway?
The obligation of the house seller and agent
should have to be to reveal things like a broken
dishwasher or if the garage door can’t be open,
but what about a death, suicide, an ugly divorce
or even a brothel?

I know I’d like to know what and who was going in
the home I am about to buy, wouldn’t you? Do you
know who was in your house before you moved in or
what took place on the land that you are about to
settle down on?

Last Sunday I had a group of people meet at my
office for a lecture on clearing ones home and
property of old stale negative energy. For the
most part we don’t know the “what’s, when, where
and why’s” that previous owners left in our home
and the property as well.

In China no one would ever think of buying
property or moving into a home without first
having it cleared of bad Qi, stagnant energy or so
called haunting from negative entities. You maybe
laughing right now and saying Dr. Wu Dhi, you have
got to be kidding. But would you move into a home
where you knew that someone killed their family
and then hung himself or herself in your new
bedroom? I don’t think so. I know I would pass on
that one.

Do you remember the movie Beetle Juice? It was
about a young couple driving back from town, she
swerves to avoid a dog wandering the roadway and
crashes through a covered bridge, plunging into
the river below. They return home and based on
such subtle clues as their lack of reflection in
the mirror and their discovery of a Handbook for
the Recently Deceased, begin to suspect they might
be dead. The young couple’s peace is soon
disrupted when their house is sold to obnoxious
new residents. Although this is just a movie there
is more truth to it than you would imagine.

Clearing negative energies out of your home is as
important as making sure your home has a good
foundation. Negative energies are often
challenging to clear and often affect the
individual and their family. But once this energy
is cleared it can be completely eliminated.
When there is looming negative energy or even just
stale energy, it can affect your Body, Mind and
Spirit. I have worked with patients that just
couldn’t turn their health picture around until I
came to their home and cleared out the previous
owners negative energy and then like magic their
health improved dramatically.

There are many of us that are affected by
negative energy in our homes or at work and we may
just say it’s bad luck or a coincidence but
millions of people all over the world think that
there is much more to it. We can pick up
negativity from:

• Family members around us that are negative
• Co-workers who are negative
• Our work or business is negative
• Working in a place of high emotional

• Any business that deals with money
or where there are fears, worries, pain, suffering
individuals and extreme anger

We bring this energy home with us each day, even
if we use the clearing techniques. This type of
energy can be picked up on our clothes, leather
jewelry and our hair.

Whatever energy we have in our home will be
attracted to us. Old energy patterns can be
affecting anyone else living in our homes,
apartments or surrounding areas.

People who are sick or not feeling well and living
or staying with us also affect the energy of our
home. Cleaning and clearing techniques can easily
clear all these items and areas. One thing we can
agree on: If we are clearing ourselves, our home,
our business and are aware of the dynamics around
us, the energy around us can change and not build
up in our homes. We want to keep energy flowing
through our living spaces.

Over the last 25 years I have visited homes in
Canada, Venezuela and many parts of the USA
including Hawaii for the soul purpose of clearing
out the old negative energy and making peoples new
house their new home.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

If you or one of your friends are moving into a
new home or apartment or they are the type of
people who seem to always have a black cloud over
their head, you may just want to have them contact

Call the office at 305-407-0120

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Black Snake Water is almost here

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

The Chinese New Year celebrations will last more
than a week! The New moon will be in Aquarius on
February 10th, which is considered to be a
particularly auspicious day.

It is known as the Lantern Festival
and is an all-out celebration of lights, fireworks
and parades. It is a day to welcome the God of
wealth, a day to celebrate farming and produce and
days to celebrate friends and family. Friendships
and family relationships are a very important part
of Chinese New Year.

The Celebration in my neck of the woods includes a
feast and lots of decorations and ceremonial fires
to burn up the old and welcome the new.

The Year of the Black Snake Sale

It is my way of saying thank you to all of you for
your support.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Black Snake Year can take a bite out of your wallet

Monday, February 4th, 2013

This February 10, 2013 is Chinese New Year which
is the year of the Water Snake. They say that it’s going to be
a year of conservation, a year of rebuilding and
a year of changes.
If you were born in any of these years, you’re a

HEALTH – Be aware of having small ailments,
including accidents. Drive carefully! Avoid
unnecessary surgeries and exercise more.

WEALTH- Your wealth is related to people, contacts
and relations. The harder you work, the more you

RELATIONS- Your relations tend to be better
outside your home than inside. There may not be
many romances, make it a lot of fun.

There are antidotes for just about everything. In
Chinese Medicine, if there is too much anger it
can be balanced by kindness. Sadness and grief can
be transformed into valor and courageousness. Rush
and hastiness can alchemically be transformed into
love and respect. Worry changes into balance,
being grounded and centered. Fear can be changed
into gentleness. It’s just a matter of staying in
flow. This year of the Snake can be filled with
worries or transformed into what ever you aim for.

I want to give you more this year than ever to
make your year of the Snake the best. As a great
way to bring in the New Year all my products are
now on sale for the entire week!

Check it out!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Act now! The Black Snake sale only lasts a few days!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Sexual Power is Power

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

I know a group of guys who are years younger than
me and work hard and also have an active family
life. One is in his mid 50’s, two in their mid
40’s and a younger guy who just turned 26. They
golf, lift weights, Ski and play sports. But, for some
reason all of their blood work came back showing
low testosterone (LOW -T). They are now
all on supplements and some of them are even
injecting themselves with testosterone to try and
bring their levels up to normal. I find this very
unusual. Could it be their diet? Their stress
level? Or the wrong type of exercises?

When you start artificially feeding your body with
testosterone, what happens is your body actually
becomes lazy and stops producing it. This causes
the old ‘No Led in you pencil” syndrome. Although,
I am years older I have been focusing on internal
exercises that stimulate and strengthen the
kidneys, move the energy and keep the led sharpened.

It’s highly unusual for the 26 year old but he has
been losing too much Jing. In Chinese Medicine,
the Jing feeds your sexual energy, your internal
fluids, your vitality and keeps you young! If you
do the correct exercises, you can strengthen your
internal organs but if you are not paying
attention, losing vital fluids every time you make
love, believe it or not you are draining yourself,
aging yourself and you can end up with low back
pain, hair loss, knee pain, tinnitus and sexually

, order this
program today!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS Sexual vitality is the secret to a long life
and an exciting one as well. Learn and practice
click on the link and learn more.

Special Feng Shui Lecture this Sunday!

Friday, January 25th, 2013

This Sunday is a very special day. I don’t usually
work on Sundays, in fact, I hardly ever come near
the office but this Sunday I am going to be doing
a special lecture and an introduction to some very
esoteric practices, at least some people think
they are esoteric. My associate who is from Moscow
arranged with a group of his patients and friends
to come to the office at 1 pm to learn about
cleaning ones environment like their house or
office as well as their health, energetically,
based on the Oriental principals of Chinese Fung
Shui and Ancient Geomancy. In the program that I
offer, the Magic Square, I share a formula with
people on how to balance out the different aspects
of their life like their career and their money,
their family and relationships, their projects and
how to bring influential people into your life
that will increase your financial well-being. This
Sunday we will be explaining how this affects not
only your environment, your living space but your
personal health and well-being as well. If you
are interested in joining us please call
305-407-0120 and make a reservation as the space
is very limited.

I wish you the best in our Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

If you cant attend and want to learn more about
these sacred practices I suggest ordering the
program, The Magic Square and once you go over the
program I will invite you to contact me personally
for your questions and comments and if need be I
can come to your home or office and balance your
energies as well.

Dr. Wu Dhi

How the tooth fairy affects your health

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013

Oh No! Another dentist appointment!
I’m on my way to the dentist this morning for my three
month maintenance. Every three months I get my teeth
cleaned and for good reasons. Did you know that
every tooth in our mouth is connected to an organ
in our body? You wouldn’t think so but if you are
having a problem with your digestion or you are
getting migraine headaches or a nagging backache;
a problem could lie in your mouth. The dentist
that I see is a biological dentist. He understands
the relationship between the teeth and the organs
and uses homeopathic medicine to treat along with his
traditional dental practice or he sends
his patients into my office to balance out the
imbalance in the body.
I tell all my students and patients that,

and start detoxing. If you have never done
a detox program, it is high time that you start
one now. I have found the Core Restore Detox
program to be one of the most effective and
easiest to do.

I have had hundreds of patients go through this
process with great success!
It cleans the digestive system, makes your skin
look younger, lose weight and your energy goes up!

You can order your program today and it will be in
the mail tomorrow!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Opening the Flow

Monday, January 14th, 2013

I received this letter over the weekend and I
wanted to share it with you.

“Dear doctor
I want to thank you so much! For years I’ve been
having problems with my weight,gas,stomach aches and
constipation. As you can imagine this has not only
been uncomfortable but also embarrassing for my entire
adult life! Thanks to you and the product
Oxyhydrate, I have never been so happy and so
regular in my entire life!
Thank you,
Mrs. Jennifer Sydney”

Dear Jennifer,
Thank you for writing me and telling me about
your success! your not the only one who has written me
with such good results.


Dr. WuDhi
Yes Oxyhydrate has worked like a charm. Not only are people
becoming regular they are also losing weight,
have less bloating more energy and their
general health is getting better!
I have patients who think it’s normal to only have a
BM only two to three times a week, and THAT IS NOT NORMAL!!

You should be having a BM everyday, come rain or
If you look at food as fuel, and you’re
putting the proper fuel in you system – after the
fuel is used the exhaust has to come out! If it
was your car you would be at the mechanics the next
Oxyhydrate is not a laxative.
Oxyhydrate is a combination of carefully developed
minerals and vitamins that puts more moisture and oxygen in
your system, and has regulated thousands of people
with no adverse side effects at all.

Our office is one of the only distributors of
Oxyhydrate in the U.S.A today, and you can order
by clicking here,

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi