Posts Tagged ‘Physical Health’

Do kids actually grow more in the summer?

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

I was talking to my buddy Matt the other day and
we both noticed that in the summer kids seem grow
more than any other time of the year, they seem to
be the same size all year long and over the summer
they sprout up a few inches over night.

Maybe it’s because they get more sleep and
relaxation. They don’t have the stresses of
school, studies, peer pressure or are forced to
have constant supervision by parents and teachers.

They get a lot more sleep, more play time and
relaxation without the stresses and pressures of
the school year.

We all need down-time in order to have our body
and mind function to its peak. I know if I am
stressed or if don’t get a good nights sleep, my
mind doesn’t function as well and if I am
overworked or overloaded by too many projects that
aren’t being completed, I just don’t function as

Stress and sleep are big factors and can cause
major imbalances in the body, mind and even affect
our spirit. One of the major complaints I hear
from patients is they are stressed, filled with
anxiety and can’t get a good nights sleep.

images-3 is a common problem that takes a toll on
your energy, mood, health and ability to function
during the day. Chronic insomnia can even
contribute to serious health problems.

In order to properly treat and cure your insomnia,
you need to become an “Undercover Sleep
Investigator”. Emotional issues such as stress,
anxiety and depression cause half of all insomnia
cases but your daytime habits affect your sleep
routine, and physical health also plays a role.
Ask yourself these questions:

▪ Am I under a lot of stress?

▪ Do I feel depressed or feel emotional?

▪ Do I worry or feel anxious?

▪ Was there a traumatic experience that
wasn’t addressed?

▪ Are there any health problems that may
be interfering with sleep?

▪ Is your bedroom quiet and comfortable?

▪ Do you try to go to bed and get up
around the same time every day?

Following the rules can make a world of
difference in your sleeping patterns.

▪ Make your bedroom quiet,and dark.
Even those little lights on the phone
chargers and night lights can affect the brain and
disturb your sleep.

▪ Make a sleep schedule by going to sleep
at the same time every night. Our mind loves to be
on a scheduled pattern. Get up at your usual time
in the morning even if you’re tired. This will
help you get back in a regular sleep rhythm.

▪ Avoid stimulating activity and
stressful situations before bedtime. This includes
exercise, stressful discussions or arguments,
avoid TV, computer, and video games.

*Limit or avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. Stop
drinking caffeinated beverages if you want the
Sandman to visit you.

*Quit smoking or avoid it, nicotine is a

Some years ago I had a group of patients come into
my office with stress related problems. They all
knew better and knew how to eliminate the stress
but for some reason they were frozen in their

They agreed to work with me one day a week for 6
weeks and learn and practice the meditations in
the ‘Turn Stress into Power book

Every one of them reported better sleep, more
energy during the day and were able to handle
their stress much better.

This isn’t unusual. I receive calls from people
from all over the world asking for my help as both
a coach and a doctor just to get a good night’s
sleep. I started teaching more and more people
these easy to learn techniques on how to use
stress to your advantage.

You can learn and practice these easy to learn
techniques and apply meditations and exercises to
Turn your Stress Into Power today.

Order here:

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Tantric and Natural Urges

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

Jerry wrote me at 4:30 in the morning with a
burning question.

Here is what he said:

Dr. Wu Dhi I am 33 years old. Single male and in
good physical health. I have two of your programs
Flying Crane Qi Gong and the Recharging Qi Gong
program and I train every day. My energy is on
fire and I seem to be having a lot of Urges lately
that I feel may not be normal. What can I do about

Jerry we all have natural urges. I read something
on Tantric yoga in the book “Sexual Secrets” that
I’ll share with you.

“One general principal that repeatedly appears in
Tantric teachings is to refrain from suppressing
natural urges. Any suppression of our physical
nature causes an inner reaction, a kind of
distortion that destroys inner harmony. The whole
range of physical emotional and mental urges
should be included in this admonition, even though
such a statement may seem like an endorsement of
self- indulgence.

Self-indulgence is rarely the product of a Natural
Urge. Rather, it results from a lack of emotional
and psychological maturity. Of course it is
all-important to be able to distinguish between
the natural and the unnatural.

Correct Judgment is the key to putting the
principle into practice. This point of view is
unique to Tantric traditions. Almost without
exception the other spiritual teachings prescribe
strict rules for the suppression of natural
functions such as hunger, sleep, and above all

Tantra teaches that suppression of natural urges
is potentially harmful to both mental and physical
health and can lead to neurosis or disease. Though
suppression of natural urges may bring about
desirable effects temporarily, the long-term
result is limiting and true spiritual evolution is
rarely achieved by this means.

There is a common misconception that the Tantric
teachings condone licentiousness. On the contrary,
Tantra requires great discipline. It enjoins, for
example, a disciplined effort to uproot unnatural
and unhealthy habits. As soon as a natural urge is
understood, it can be either satisfied or
transcended. Tantric texts state that unnatural
urges should be replaced by natural ones rather
than suppressed.

There was a man called Sarvabhaksha who had an
obsessive compulsion to eat whatever he could lay
his hands on. One day he met a Tantric Guru called
Saraha and begged for some advice to help him with
this problem. The Guru initiated him and taught
him to visualize his belly as the empty sky and
his digestive fire as the ultimate conflagration
of all the worlds. He told him to view all food
and drink as mere worldly phenomena and, while
eating, to imagine himself devouring the whole
universe. Finally the Guru advised him to meditate
on the essential emptiness of all phenomena.

Sarvabhaksha followed his teacher’s instructions
and, instead of suppressing his urge to eat,
replaced a excessive mental attitude with a
meditation. After some years he achieved
self-realization and became revered as a teacher,
illustrating that it is not so much what we do but
how we do it that transforms us.

Self-discipline should be undertaken willingly and
consciously, and performed from a position of
inner strength. Learn to distinguish the real from
the unreal, the natural from the unnatural in
yourself. For example, it is natural for the body
to need food every few hours, but unnatural for it
to crave food every ten minutes; the former urge
should be gratified and the latter transformed.

By including the unnatural urges of body and mind,
one loses the capacity to recognize true needs.

Once again, don’t suppress authentic physiological
urges. If you have the urge to sneeze, vomit or go
to the toilet, then by all means do so as soon as
possible. If you don’t obey these natural urges,
the accumulation of pressure on the internal
organs may lead to disease. The same principle
applies to sexual urges, which should be viewed
with similar common sense. If you wish to free
yourself of an unwholesome habit, do so by
degrees, replacing the negative habit with a
positive one.

I practice Qi Gong on a regular basis.

Flying Crane Qi Gong

It’s my habit to workout every morning. I replaced
my old negative habits with positive ones that
support health and longevity. You become an
Alchemist of your own life.

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi