Posts Tagged ‘Ferrari’

Do you think you can build Power? Do You think you can Build Personal Power?

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

How consistent are you in following
a daily routine that will lead you
where you want to go?

When you want to build something,
like a muscular body, personal power
to improve your finances, or to be able
to project your Qi, it takes consistent
practices. People who focus on one
thing at a time get superior results,
and that’s a known fact.

You have to be consistent with
your practice. When you put in the
time day after day the skill is developed.
When you focus, a break through
happens mentally, emotionally and physically.

If you go from one project to the next
never finishing what you start- you will
end up exhausted with little results.
But when you dedicate yourself you
become an unstoppable force.

It’s as simple as changing your Stops into STEPS,
taking a step at a time until you get to the top.
When the master was asked,

“How do you eat an elephant?”
He replied, “One bit at a time.”

Every day I see students and patients
who complain that they don’t have the
energy to move forward.

They can’t sleep, their attitude is poor,
their diet sucks and they can’t get focused.
Yet they all claim that they want to
change their lives. But there is no
consistent action to move forward.

The Key here is: “ACTION!”
Don’t be the “hit and miss” type.

They hit it and quit it and try to get
back wit it.
They practice a few days
here and there and hope to make
some miraculous changes.
It ain’t gonna happen!

I have a patient that wants to
lose weight but every time she
gets upset she falls off the wagon.
Her upset steals all of her power
and the results are in her ass and belly.
Last week I asked her, if I gave her
a brand new car, a Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano,
the one that costs $320,000.00, would
she go to the cheapest gas station she
could find and fill it up with ‘regular?’

I don’t think so.

You would put in the best fuel
you could possibly find!
And would you get a $20.00 oil change?

Never in your life!

But she treats her
body like it’s just an old junker,
Putting the worst fuel.
Our bodies are like temples, they
need to be cleaned, polished and given
the best we can find, no matter if it’s exercise,
water, diet or the thoughts and ideas we put inside.

“Change your emotion to devotion”
-Yoga Bhajan

The easiest way to make change is
get it in your body, exercises like
the Flying Crane Qi Gong program

Thousands of people are doing it all
over the world. This will restore your
health and give you the structure and
focus you need to make and keep those changes.
The program is easy to learn, it
generates Qi and opens up the
channels quicker than any other
Qi Gong I have practiced
over the last 30 years.
The students that have trained
with me in person and who have the
Flying Crane Qi Gong Program
l know, have changed more aspects in their life
quicker than any other Qi Gong practice.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi