Archive for the ‘Manifestation’ Category

The Luckiest Gem in the World!

Monday, March 18th, 2013

The Chiropractor that I have been working with for
the last 6 years purchased a piece of images and he hasn’t taken it off his neck in three
years. It’s his personal Mojo. Most Americans
have no idea what Mojo is and think it has
something to do with their sexual organs. The
urban dictionary defines Mojo as:

1.Self-confidence, Self-assuredness. As in basis for
belief in ones self in a situation. Esp. I context
of contest or display of skill such as sexual
advances or going into battle.

2. Good luck fetish / charm to bolster confidence.

3. Ability to bounce back from a debilitating
trauma and negative attitude
He lost his mojo when she dumped him…
He got his mojo back now.

Anyway, the doctor has been wearing this Green
Yeh Ming Ju around his neck for years now, the
green stone seems to bring in luck and money and
since he has been wearing it he has created five
different successful businesses, his credit rating
went up from 5.5 to 8.8, and he’s doing great!
Although we don’t know if it’s all from his
mojo-it also took a lot of hard work and

Around 4 months ago the necklace broke and fell
off his neck, and what do you think happened?
Within hours someone stole his identity and tied
up thousands of dollars! Now one would think that
mojo was real and who would ever think that Yeh
Ming Ju would make that much of a difference in
ones life, but it did. Personally I never take
mine off.

If you’re interested in owning a piece of this
magical gem contact me. I only have 3 left
1. Two Green tile shape pieces
2. One special Spiritual Purple gem
They are all of very high quality and there are no
more of them at this time
If you are interested, send me an email today

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

Instant Spiritual Enlightenment

Friday, March 15th, 2013

Last weekend I was at the Fruit and Spice Park in
Homestead, Florida. It’s about an hour drive from
my house I decided to take a drive with a few
friends to see what exotic fruits grow in Florida
and stock up on spices. I really wanted to get
some local cinnamon and see what else was grown
locally in South Florida.

When I finally got there I was pleasantly
surprised to see the Asian cultural festival was
there! It was so crowded! It took 1/2 hour just to
find a parking space. There were literally
thousands of people, foods from all over Asia,
India and the Philippines, Yum!

There was also a special performance by “Fushu
Daiko” a group that plays Japanese Taiko Drums.
I only heard the Taiko drums a few times in my
life and it was definitely a spiritual
experiences. The first time was in Maui, Hawaii.
I could feel my core opening as the drums shook
the ground under my feet.

The rumbling power of the Taiko drums has been
long remained associated with the Gods in
religious ceremonies, to honor their ancestors.
Both Buddhist and Shinto, some Buddhist sects use
Taiko drums to represent the voice of Buddhah,
Shinto rites to offer up prayers to the Gods.
If you haven’t had the experience of hearing them
I highly recommend it. It can be a real opening in
your spiritual growth.

Unknown On the full moon I taught a weekend
workshop based on some aspect of healing,
meditation or Qi Gong from both the Taoist and
Buddhist traditions.
The main purpose of being in South America was to
raise the vibration of the group and teach them
the work.

Today in Florida I am still teaching and seeing
patients daily. Although the groups have changed,
the teachings are the same.

I share these teachings with the members of the
Qi Gong Innercircle
through a series of DVD’s that are made every
month and sent by mail all aver the world to
educate and train students in Meditation, Qi Gong
and the different aspects of healing work.

Years ago when I was a young student I wished I
had these teachings on video. Every now and then
one of the Masters would record a teaching on a
cassette (if you remember what that was). I would
listen to it until I wore it out to get the
teachings. In today’s world where internet, DVD’s,
pod casts, Facebook and down loads are the main
communications, you can learn and grow much

Join the Qi Gong Inner Circle today and get these
ancient teachings in your hands today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu

PS check this out

Got lemons make lemonade

Friday, July 27th, 2012

“Honorable Sir,
In thanking you for this opportunity, I herewith
take the liberty of contacting your Good Self with
my questions regarding this subject:
Born 27.07.1936, 5 children, I spent the last 30
years with concentration on the Path of Spirit (20
yrs. India) but I do feel more and more
handicapped by an overall fatigue, especially
after a hip joint replacement (right side, 2002)
plus the medical finding of being
subject to
Arthritis, Osteoporosis & Sclerosis in advanced
stages, with multiple pains involved. Being
actively involved in spreading spiritual
truths, I wonder if you have any advice. “

Sincerely –


Dear friend,

Throughout our life we are presented by changes
and lessons.
Some of these are easy to learn and others are
more changeling.
As a child, Siddhartha the Buddha was troubled by
some of the same thoughts that we have today. We
wonder about birth and death, why we get sick and
why people suffer and die.

We wonder why our wishes do not come true.
The Buddha knew what was in the hearts of
humankind; he taught everyone how to live a happy
and peaceful life. Life’s lessons show us how to
understand ourselves and how to cope with our
daily problems.


One day, the Buddha sat down in the shade of a
tree and noticed how beautiful the countryside
was. Flowers were blooming and trees were putting
on bright new leaves, but among all this beauty,
he saw much unhappiness. A farmer beat his ox in
the field. A bird pecked at an earthworm, and then
an eagle swooped down on the bird. Deeply
troubled, he asked, “Why does the farmer beat his
ox? Why must one creature eat another to live?”
During his enlightenment, the Buddha found the
answer to these questions. He discovered three
great truths. He explained these truths in a
simple way so that everyone could understand them.

1. Nothing is lost in the universe
Matter turns into energy, energy turns into
matter. A dead leaf turns into soil. A seed
sprouts and becomes a new plant. Old solar systems
disintegrate and turn into cosmic rays. We are
born of our parents; our children are born of us.
We are the same as plants, as trees, as other
people, as the rain that falls. We consist of that
which is around us; we are the same as everything.
If we destroy something around us, we destroy
ourselves. If we cheat another, we cheat
ourselves. Understanding this truth, the Buddha
and his disciples never killed any animal.

2. Everything Changes
The second universal truth of the Buddha is that
everything is continuously changing. Life is like
a river flowing on and on, ever changing.
Sometimes it flows slowly and sometimes swiftly.
It is smooth and gentle in some places, but later
on snags and rocks crop up out of nowhere. As soon
as we think we are safe, something unexpected

3. Law of Cause and Effect
The third universal truth explained by the Buddha
is that there are continuous changes due to the
law of cause and effect. This is the same law of
cause and effect found in every modern science
textbook. In this way, science and Buddhism are

The law of cause and effect is known as karma.
Nothing ever happens to us unless we deserve it.
We receive exactly what we earn, whether it is
good or bad. We are the way we are now due to the
things we have done in the past. Our thoughts and
actions determine the kind of life we can have. If
we do good things, in the future good things will
happen to us. If we do bad things, in the future
bad things will happen to us. Every moment we
create new karma by what we say, do, and think. If
we understand this, we do not need to fear karma.
It becomes our friend. It teaches us to create a
bright future.

The Buddha said,
“The kind of seed sown will produce that kind of
fruit. Those who do good will reap good results.
Those who do evil will reap evil results. If you
carefully plant a good seed, you will joyfully
gather good fruit.”

On the medical side I would start detoxing your
body from all toxins .Eliminate sugars and
chemicals. Maybe even wheat products and even eggs
and see what happens.
Personally I do all of those things and spend time
in meditation and practice Qi Gong. If you were
unable to do the movements physically I would
practice them in your minds eye. See if you’re
self-going through all the movements a few times a
day until you have it etched into your memory.

I have taught the Flying Crane Qi Gong
to a group of seniors that for one reason or
another were unable to do the movements but as we
went over it, they visualized themselves doing the
exercises over and over.

Guess what happened?
More than 50% of them can now go through the 6
sets of exercise physically.
Sometimes we get challenging lessons that will
bring us a new opportunity to learn and grow.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

I can tell you this for sure get the program
and learn it, visualize doing it, embody the
teachings and your body mind and sprit will work
better than you ever thought possible!

Setting your Goals and Accomplish them in 6 weeks

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

he 4th of July is here and gone again.
Half of 2012 is finished and it’s time to take an inventory of what you have accomplished over the
last 6 months. Let’s take a look at the 8 major aspects that can affect us and make sure you are
going in the direction you want to be going. First ask yourself a few questions:

• Do I have a solid plan in place?
• Does that plan have checks and balances that will keep me on target?
• Do I know what I want?
• Do I know why I want it?
• What action do I need to accomplish this?

According to ancient Chinese, Feng shui the Bagua is used to determine the balance in all of the
characteristics of life. It’s one of the main tools used to analyze the energy of any given space,
as well as all aspects of your life. Bagua literally means “8 areas.” The 9th area is the spiritual
aspect. Take a look at your carrier, relationships, family, your finances, spirit, travel, projects,
self cultivation and your success patterns. Are they in balance?
When you are balanced every aspect of your life will be working in harmony.

Many years ago my Master spoke to me about moderation. At that time I didn’t have a clue of what he
was talking about. I was more of the excessive compulsive type. If one was good 2, 3 or 4 seemed
better to me.

Luckily I had some good habits established. As a young man my father enrolled me in marshal arts
classes before I was even a teenager. My excessiveness was exercise, healthy diets, and study. I
thought I was just doing great but years later I see what my master was talking about.

My excessive diets, over training and studying for hours were burning me out. I was using up
valuable energy and burning Qi quicker than I could produce it. Eventually I woke up from these
excessive patterns and my life started to balance. My business got better, I received the
acknowledgements, degrees and rewards I was looking for.
My career took off, my relationships opened up and my health internally and externally came into
balance. Balance doesn’t happen on its own. It takes some work and some guidance. It was back in
1984 when the “Lama on the mountain” first taught me this Bagua formulas and things started to come
together. I learned how to look at every aspect of my life and have all bases covered. I have been
using the formula ever since to balance my life and have shared the formulas with thousands of
patients, students and friends.

Here is what we have found- when there is a system in place:
-You become more accountable to yourself
-You get more of what you want
-Your health mentally, physically and spiritually gets better
-You accomplish more with grace and ease
-You invoke growth and establish patterns of success

I taught a 2-day workshop in Miami Beach on how to use the formulas and apply them into your life.
The two days were video recorded and professionally edited and I have put these DVDs into a learning
package which includes all of the notes that shows you the how’s and the why’s.

Ready to change things around to give you more energy, vitality, balance finances, and your

If, the Answer is YES, this program is for you.

Order this week and I’ll also send you a free bonus Bagua to keep your house and office in harmony
and perfect balance.

Get your program today:

I wish you the best in
your Health, Wealth and Happiness,

Dr Wu Dhi

If You Really want it You can Get It.

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

When I was just 17 years old
I met a girl and I fell head-over-
heals for her. At that time she was
just 15 and I couldn’t wait to take
her out on a date. So I borrowed my
Dads car and headed over to see
her and meet the parents. I guess
it was no surprise when her mother
said she wasn’t going anywhere with a
teenager with a car and raging hormones.
I was disappointed but there was no way
I was giving up.

It turned out that her mother was a Yoga
instructor and taught classes every week.
Although I didn’t have a clue what yoga
was at that time, I went to her classes and
said I loved it and wanted to come to more
classes. It was great! I sat as close to my
sweetie as I could possibility get and rolled,
stretched, bent over and laid with my eyes
closed and my heart beating for the entire class.
After I became a regular Yogie fan her
mother trusted us to go out and pick up
some dessert and bring it back to the family.
At last we had an hour alone.
I drove to the
restaurant as fast as I could go, pick up
the order, park in a dark street and make
out for ½ hour and drive back to her
parents’ house as quick as possible.
That was it! I was hooked on Yoga and
never missed a class. In fact I often
stopped over to ask her mother questions
about the practices and got to spend some
more time with my sweetie.

My entire body mind and spirit was focused
on being at their house and the yoga was
the key to unlocking what I wanted.
Doing a practice has rewards way beyond
our imagination. When I was a youngen it
didn’t matter what the motivation was.
I had a goal and nothing was going to
stand in my way.

That was a long time ago but the lesson
learned still applies today. If you want
something no matter how impossible it
may seem, if you are motivated in body,
mind and spirit- YOU WILL GET IT!
Over the last 40 or 50 years I have studied
many aspects of health, both Eastern and Western.
They include internal and external exercises,
many systems of yoga, meditation, Qi Gong,
Shen Gong and Nei Gong and many longevity
practices you may not be aware of that are
still practiced in Europe today.
These practices involve living life in a
responsible way and living life to its fullest
but integrating the reality of the world you
live in by taking a mindful look around you.
In Buddhism they have a formula to live life
to it’s fullest, it’s called:

The Noble Eightfold Path
1. Right View
2. Right Intention
3. Right Speech
4. Right Action
5. Right Livelihood
6. Right Effort
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration

It is a practical guideline to ethical and
mental development with the goal of freeing
the individual from attachments and
delusions; and it finally leads to
understanding the truth about all things.
Great emphasis is put on the practical aspect,
because it is only through practice that one
can attain a higher level of being and
reach Enlightenment.

1. Right View
To see and to understand things as they
really are. Right view is the intellectual aspect
of wisdom. It means to see things through,
to grasp the impermanent and imperfect
nature of worldly objects and ideas, and to
understand the law of karma.

2. Right Intention
The mental energy that controls our actions,
it can be described best as commitment to
ethical and mental self-improvement.

3. Right Speech
Proper conduct is viewed as a guideline to
proper control of your life. The importance
of speech is obvious: words can break or
save lives, make enemies or friends,
start war or create peace.

4. Right Action
Healthy actions lead to sound states of mind.
Again, the principle is explained in terms of
abstinence: right action means

A. To abstain from harming any living being,
especially to abstain from taking life
(including suicide) and doing harm
intentionally or delinquently.

B. To abstain from taking what is not given,
which includes stealing, robbery, fraud,
deceitfulness, and dishonesty.

C. To abstain from sexual misconduct.
Positively formulated, right action means
to act kindly and compassionately, to be
honest, to respect the belongings of others,
and to keep sexual relationships harmless to others.

5. Right Livelihood
Right livelihood means that one should
earn one’s living in a righteous way and
that wealth should be gained legally and peacefully.

6. Right Effort
Without effort, which is in itself an act of
will, nothing can be achieved. Mental
energy is the force behind right effort.
The same type of energy that fuels desire,
envy, aggression, and violence can on the
other side fuel self-discipline, honesty,
benevolence, and kindness.

7. Right Mindfulness
It is the mental ability to see things as
they are, with clear consciousness.
Right mindfulness is anchored in clear
perception and it penetrates impressions
without getting carried away.

8. Right Concentration
Right Concentration on wholesome
thoughts and actions to develop the
right concentration is through the
practice of meditation. The meditating
mind focuses on a selected object, then
sustains concentration, and finally intensifies
concentration step by step.
Through this practice it becomes natural
to apply raised levels of concentration in
everyday situations.

In The Qi Gong Inner Circle –
you CAN get access to me and
teachings, get answers to your
health and spiritual practices
both mentally, physically and
spiritually as well as
encouragement to support
your drive toward a more
successful and healthy living.

I can assure you, as a member
of the Qi Gong Inner Circle,
I will go the extra mile for you.
Addressing the personal and
individual needs you have that
cannot be addressed in a
manuscript or set of CD’s or DVDs.
What you’re getting is an
“interactive experience.”

Believe me, one piece of advice
from me as well as the many
fabulous members already in the
QGIC – can put you on the
FAST TRACK to Anti- Aging,
Longevity and Internal practices
in a New York second.

Get On the Program
today, my friend. You got everything to gain.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Make sure you click the
link below to enroll.

P.P.S. We will notify you in
24-72 hours to let you know
your username and password
for the Qi Gong Inner Circle.
Some people, unfortunately,
will not make it in because
they’re too slow to act.
Don’t be one of them.

Enter the Dragon

Sunday, January 29th, 2012

Chinese New Year is ALWAYS a time
to clean up your life and that means your
internal spiritual temple as well as your outer temple- your home.
I started getting it together weeks ago and I’ll
make sure it’s all done by February 4th.
This year, the cleansing process is even
more important as we are in a Yang Water Dragon year.
The emphasis of the year 2012, a Water
Dragon year is to gather the spiritual benefits
and clean out all of the cob webs in our personal
as well as our spiritual lives.
The rituals done this time of year are most
important for your health, wealth and happiness.
In China, you will see statues of Guan Yin, the
Goddess of Compassion, riding on a Water Dragon.
This might give us a clue to be more
compassionate in all that we do.
It’s important to clean out your closets of anything
you no longer use, get rid of all the clutter in
and around your house!

You also have to make sure that before February 4th,
you clean and renew all of the spiritual things in your life.
If you have spiritual statues, paintings,
amulets, books, and ritual objects, no matter what tradition, they all
need to be cleaned, polished, dusted off and
made ready for the year of the Water Dragon.
I will light incense around my house at every door.
This is a way to feed the spirit and I always make sure
that there are flowers in my house with fresh clean water.
I also put the traditional Chinese Red Welcome mats
at my door. Internal cleansing of the body is very
important at this time. I do skin brushing every morning
to cleanse and stimulate my skin which is one of the
largest detox organs in the body.
It’s important to do your own personal cleansing,
inside and out, at this time. Deep cleanse the surface
of your body. If you have access to hot tubs, saunas,
mineral or herbal bathes, this is the time to soak,
scrub and sweat out as much of the impurities as possible.
Be very clean on February 4th
(that’s the day ).
Wear only fresh clothes on February 3rd and 4th.
(The Dragon starts emerging in the evening of February 3rd).

I am definitely going to the Russian
Sauna to absorb the heat, jump in the cold plunges
and clean my body of toxins! I am even doing the
7 day Core Restore Program to clean out my liver,
remove all additional toxins from my diet and lifestyle.
my entire system! It’s a way of gently cleansing my
body inside and out, and it only takes 7 days!

I have a personal practice that is based on
ancient tradition that involves early morning meditations,
cleansing the house using epsom salts.
You can get the formula on my You Tube channel

Make this upcoming week a time of purifying your
body, mind and spirit. Eating pure foods at this time
is also VERY important. The Taoist Chinese say your
whole year’s fortune can depend on how you
enter the new year.
Order the Core Restore BT kit today!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness
Dr. Wu Dhi

Making Life Fun

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

I Wish all of you a Happy New Years
I got a call this morning from John who was
bummed out.
He was complaining that he had to work today and
when on and on on how it was unfair.

So John I am sending out this blog to
let you know what the true meaning of work is
and how I feel about work, by the way I am at the
office working and having fun.

When I was a small boy growing up in Detroit
my father would come home every night after
work around 6:30 and before dinner he would  
play with my brother and me before doing
anything else.

We would beg him to stand on his head and
Dad who was in good shape would do a head
stand for us. He loved to stand on his head
like a yogi right in the middle of the living

Every time he did this, coins would fall from his

My brother and I would scurry around and grab
as much loose change as we could while my father
pretended to protest, “give me back my money” from
his inverted position.

In truth it was as much fun for him as it was
for us.

My father was the youngest of a family of eight
and being the baby of that family was always having
fun with siblings even into adulthood.

Life for him was about play and having fun.

Dad successfully instilled this outlook of life
onto me and my brother.

Even when we would go with him to work in downtown
Detroit we had fun, maybe even the most fun of all.

The word work and the drudgery that goes along with
it never made any sense to me or my brother because
of this.

People hate to work but they use this word for
stuff that isn’t even work. Did you ever notice
that everywhere it does get used people are really

Serious people in the gym are Working Out.
For serious training you go to a Workshop.
When you’re serious about beauty you call
it a Work of art. If you’re serious about
your Work they say you have Work ethic.
Some even practice Spiritual Work.

I’ve done my best to work and be conscious
over the years,I really have, but most of
the time I can’t help but
consider how much fun I’m having.

If I’m not having fun or moving to a higher
level of “fun”in the sense of being able to
contribute; making a difference; learning;
growing and to feel that I am  part of a
successful group that is making a difference
in the world, it’s usually not fun and I am
not doing it or at least not for long.

What I’ve learned is that you can’t push
other people to work they are either workers
or not, but you can make it rewarding and Fun.
This gets you and others to be much more protective.
Everyone loves to have Fun.

Sometimes it’s just a matter of reminding ourselves
that we’re having fun.

Try it.

There are many situations that are supposed to be
fun that we often add tension to and they instantly
become serious situations or work.

At these times simply say aloud “This is fun”.

You’ll either break the tension in the room or
you’ll actually change the
orientation of yourself and others from one of
seriousness to one of FUN.

If you saw me doing Recharging Qi Gong with my
students on the beach I doubt you’d say that looks
like a lot of work. It’s actually a lot of fun and
it looks like fun, feels life Fun and it is Fun too.

Big smiles on everyones face and some occasional
laughter is normal.

This is not your usual “Workout” and so far it’s been
producing unusual results in those that have gotten
the program
and started to use it.

If you want more vitality and pep in your step I
encourage you to make a change.

Go to
and find out how you can use these simple and gentle
movements every day to pump up you Qi power and invigorate
your internal organs

Wishing you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness,

Dr. Wu Dhi

New Moon Magic

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

It’s 4 o’clock in the morning and
it’s pitch black outside.
It’s so dark; I can’t even see my
hand in front of my face.

It’s just about the new moon and
although it’s been cloudy and rainy in
South Florida, I can still see some of the
twinkling stars over the deep blue sea.

The reason I’m up so early and on
the beach is I want to get in my Qi Gong
practice today before I travel up north for
the holiday fun – and you know it’s going to be
fun sitting by the fire bundled up being with
my family and friends.

My daughter- in- law Dana is
cooking this year and she is a great cook
and In my honor everything is going to
be organic.

My mouth is watering already and I’m looking
forward to all of the traditional Thanksgiving
treats and especially being with my close friends
and family.

Take the time today to write down
12 things that you are Thankful for,
12 things that you still want to accomplish this year
and 12 things that you will do to serve others.

Start the list today, as have it complete by the
New Moon on the 25th of November your intensions
will bring you what you want and what’s needed as
the moon grows full on December 10th,
the last full moon of the year.

Remember to be Thankful for everyone and everything
in your life.

Life is a series of lessons to be learned. Gratitude will bring
you through with love in your heart for everyone.

‘Every cloud has a silver lining.’

Get The Three Treasure program today
it will bring you the Wealth
of Health for years to come.

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Best Formula for Pursuing Your Dreams

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

We all have wishes and dreams and
some never get explored to their full potential.
Do you wonder why?
I am up early as usual; everything is so
quite and tranquil here. I am in a little town in
Michigan, nestled in the woods about an hour
North of Detroit visiting good friends. They are
still sound asleep. It’s just day break around 6:00 am,
I came downstairs and there in the kitchen was this
tiny card on the counter with some writing on it.
I picked it up and read it.

How to pursue your dreams:
*‘A dream may speak to you before you are ready.
Listen anyway.

*It’s not enough to dream;
eventually you have to step into the void.

*Coincidences are the universe’s way of saying,
“Keep Going!”
Watch for them.

*”Gatekeepers” are not necessarily
blocking your path.
They may be pointing to an unseen door.

*Stay open to the unexpected.
It can enrich the outcome of your dreams.

*Pursuing a dream can force you
into frightening territory.
Go anyway.

*Find strengths you didn’t know you had.

*Be prepared for a crunching setback.
Rage, mourn, crying and get mad.

Never, ever, ever give up
– Sir Winston Churchill

33 years ago, I left my home in Telluride, Colorado
and drove to San Francisco, California to pursue
my dream of being a master healer. I was teaching
yoga, meditation and practicing “Polarity Therapy”
in the mountains and felt that I needed more skills.

So off I went, leaving my family and friends, to study
Postural Integration which is a form of deep tissue
work combined with physical release. The course
was seven weeks long and very intense but I was up
to it and ready to go.
The classes were held eight hours a day – three days a
week and when I had the other days off, being who I am I wanted more.

I met A Master teacher that was known as a
“structural magician.” He was teaching a course
called “Total Person Facilitation,” a combination
of Neuro-Linguistic programming,
Applied Kinesiology, deep tissue work, Tibetan
meditation and communications skills.

What a combination!

I knew this was for me, so I signed
up, payed my money and I could feel that this was going
to transform my life and it did.

The program was 40 hours a week which is a
push for anyone, but I knew I could do it all.
I worked it out with the teacher so I could study
with him ten hours a day, three days a week and a
few nights a week he gave me some private
coaching so I could be in both programs
at the same time –a total emergent of my body mind and spirit.

I really stepped into the void on this
adventure but I was open and had a
burning desire to learn and sharpen my skills.
I had no idea what was in store for me.
After the first week of intensive study I
realized that I had opened all of the doors
of my frightening terrors.

Like childhood fears, programs that my teachers,
family and friends crammed down my throat and
any dogmas I picked up along the way from church or state.
When anyone pushes themselves to their limits,
the universe naturally pushes back.
I remember after one of the classes just
sobbing and sobbing as if I lost my best friend.
They say to open your heart; you must first have your heart broken.
The programs did that and more.

My head was spinning the universe dropped
me in the middle of the ocean without a raft
and insisted that I swim. I asked for this but
like the Fool in the tarot deck I was moving forward
without a care in the world and that’s when
I began to crash—come undone at the seams
and totally fall apart. Later I discovered that
when you want to change and go beyond your
own limitations you have to get rid of the old
patterns first and that’s exactly what I did.

This kind of learning and transformation
allows for maximum growth mentally,
physically and spiritually. It’s not for the
meek at heart– it takes real balls to destroy
yourself and rebuild later.

This is the nature of the teachings you can
get from a membership in the Qi Gong Inner Circle.

If you are ready for an adventure, an
exploration of yourself, a way to be
coached into the ‘new you’ this program is for you!

Sign up today!
You will be glad you did.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to make 2011 a Lucky Year for You

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011

2011 may just be your Lucky Year!

“This year we are going to experience
4 unusual dates.1/1/11, 1/11/11,
11/1/11, 11/11/11 and that’s not all…

Take the last 2 digits of the year in
which you were born.
Now add the age you will be this year,
and the result will be 111 for everyone!
For example – Mark was born
in 1957 and will be 54 this year,
so 57+54=111….Good eh!!!!!!!!

Also, this year October will have
5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays and 5 Mondays.
This happens only once in 823 years.
These particular years are known
in the Chinese system of feng-shui as
It can be a very lucky year indeed if
you know what to do.

What do you think it takes to get good luck?

I believe you need to prepare yourself
so that you will be in the
right place at the right time to capitalize
on opportunities when they
come. That means you have to train.

“Fortune favors the prepared mind.”
-Louis Pasteur’s

When you want to create your own good luck,
there is one main principle to follow:

“Be Generous”- give whenever you have an
opportunity to help others be generous with
your time, and give all you can.
As the saying goes,

“The more you give, the more you will receive.”

Givers naturally give and you want to give
back to them. The more you give the more
people will give back to you.

It may seem like some people are just lucky,
but in reality they are Luck creators.
They give and the universe gives back to them.
Lucky people are usually happy, friendly
and outgoing, they magically
make the best of any situation.

You give them lemons and they make

Here is a fun exercise to do to bring
you more luck, if nothing else
it will make everyone smile.
Go into your bathroom and with a marker
pen or lipstick write these words on the mirror.
This will immediately change your luck for
the better.

Every time you look in that mirror you
will say to yourself, “This is my
Lucky Day” and before you know it,
it will be your lucky day.
What you are actually doing is a
system called “self talk” or self hypnosis.
It’s different from talking to yourself and
no one will lock you up for it.

What ever you say to yourself,
you are usually right. If you are
giving the subconscious mind positive messages
you will get positive response.
Sadly to say it’s the same with the negative
self talk.

Back in 2007 I was training as usual and my
students who were years younger than me asked,
“Dr Wu, where do you get all the energy?
Is it just good luck that your energy is
so much younger than your years?”

I create my own good luck by programming
my body and mind daily.
It’s the same with training.
When I wake up in the morning the first
thing I do is begin my internal workout.
I have already talked myself into the
workout that I am going to do and I do
it every day so my body and mind are on
the same page.
This keeps me in great physical shape as
well as mentally sharp.
That is one of my anti-aging secrets.
People always are asking me what they
can do to slow down the aging
process and how they can increase their
I must have heard these same questions
thousands of times by friends,students
and family,
so I spent hundreds of hours putting
together the
Recharging Qi gong Program to teach
these internal secrets of longevity.

These 36 internal exercises will change
your life forever.

Start making your own good luck and grab
your own copy now.
The program includes 2 DVD’s, a training manual
and 5 CD’s to train your internal body mind
and spirit.

Luck comes and goes…..Knowledge Stays Forever.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi