Archive for the ‘Manifestation’ Category

Want a Trade?

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

Want a Trade?

I joined a trade company about 2 months ago, it’s

called Itex Trading
Now, I also take trades for treatments and all the products
that I produce. Even my coaching program is
available through trade. ITEX is a barter company,
a system where one can exchange goods and services
for others’ goods and services without using a
medium of exchange, such as money. I have never
been involved in this kind of commerce before
until one of my patients asked if I would be
willing to work with him in exchange for barter,
and I said, “I’d check it out.” Before I knew it,
I had a few patients a week coming into my office
giving me trade dollars. After a few months of
exchange, I accumulated quite a pile of trade
dollars, and I was wondering what I should do with
them. They had hotels all over the USA,
advertising in newspapers, magazines, and radio.
There were massages, facials, doctors, and
dentists all for trade. I could even trade for air
condition repair, dry wall, and electrical work,
and a lot more things as well. But I didn’t seem
to find anything that I needed at this time for my
pile of trade dollars. So, I just kept collecting
more credit and then, I came across a fellow who
offered to work on my webpage for trade. I started
my webpage in 2007 and, although I worked on it
every year for the last nine years, I felt it was
time for a complete rewrite and makeover. So, in
the next few months, expect a new look to my site.
There will be:
• More free stuff
• More products
• More classes and workshops
• Offers for special treatments
• A page to book your appointment online and
fill out all the paperwork
• Discounts
• Special sign-in for Qi Gong Inner Circle

I enjoy working with ITEX and making trades, and
that means I now accept trade dollars through ITEX
trading system
If you have services or goods that you want to open up to
another source of income, check out the trading
company. It’s fun and profitable.

We are also planning to add a lot more vitamins
and supplements, homeopathic and Chinese herbs
that you can order from the convenience of your
home. My plan is to change many of the books, CDs,
and DVDs to download which means better pricing
and much faster delivery with NO postage fees.
Now, the work starts and, within a few months, we
will be fully ready to roll.

If you have any questions, please send them to me
and I’ll get back to you ASAP. You can write me at

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi


Spring Magic is Finally Here

Friday, March 20th, 2015

Spring Magic!

Spring is here and the winds of change are upon
us! The color green is popping out of the ground
everywhere and, finally, the cold blanket of
winter is lifted. This is the most active time of
the year. It is a time to plant your seeds,
formulate your ideas and make new plans for your
future, and to look ahead and determine your
direction for the coming year.

In the 5-element theory, spring is associated with
the element of Wood. The Wood element rules our
sense of sight and the emotion of anger. I once
worked with a doctor whose Wood element was so out
of balance that he continually got into arguments
with all of his merchants and patients. No matter
who or what he was dealing with, be it a
government office or an insurance company, he
would blow up at them, shouting insults and
blaming them for his own shortcomings. It was
always their fault and they were the stupid ones
in his eyes. These types of problem can arise in
anyone and affect our liver and gallbladder. Poor
guy, he was stuck in perpetual anger and
frustration, feeling blocked in all directions.
Each and every interaction was a battle to him.
Such people are unable to experience growth and
the joy of internal springtime. I guess you would
say he couldn’t see the forest from the trees.
It’s not that he chose to be this way, but to a
Wood type of personality, it’s their way or the

But, there is always a way to reverse or enhance a
Wood personality and emotion. The opposite side or
positive part of a Wood individual is kindness,
and there are ways to allow it to flow into your

1. Begin your day early with a smile on your face,
and take a walk. It will get your blood flowing,
and you can let go of any frustrations you have
pent up inside. Feel the sunshine on your face,
and let the smile go deep into your body. Feel the
life within you, sprouting up within your being.

2. Begin something brand-spanking new in your
life, at home, in your work, and in yourself.

3. Decide and plan how you want to make your life
work. Spring is here for only 3 short
months. Jump on the bandwagon and get things
started. Use the energy wisely, and you can propel
yourself to new heights you never imagined.

This is the time of the year I put lots of
attention into learning a new form or a new
program. If you don’t know the Flying Crane Qi
Gong form as yet, it is the best time to start
Order it now and I’ll enclose a FREE gift to
enhance your practice and build your Qi.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi
Spring Magic

Are You Exhausted, Angry, and Depressed?

Thursday, March 5th, 2015

Are You Exhausted, Angry, and Depressed?…

I see patients daily who ignore their own health
all the time, and then, wonder why they are
exhausted, angry, and depressed. Many can’t even
tell me what they really want and enjoy in their
life. They believe that it’s selfish to take care
of their own needs first. They believe it will
lead to loss and loneliness. Well, guess what?
That’s not true.

The real foundation of self-love is self-care. For
many of us, this is a foreign concept. You could
be an amazing person and selflessly take care of
others, but when it comes to yourself, you fail
miserably. Maybe you were brought up in a family
where self-love and self-care just weren’t taught.
Don’t shut yourself out in the cold. Self-care is
self-love and you deserve it.

exhaustedThe Magic Square program
will give you the tools to recover that self-care
and self-love. Get your copy today!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. The Magic Square program
will address all aspects of your life and balance
you mentally, physically and spiritually.

Chinese New Year Surprise

Monday, February 16th, 2015

It’s the Year of the Sheep and the biggest holiday
all over Asia. Stores are closed and people are
traveling all over to visit friends and family.
The Sheep is the eighth among the Chinese zodiac
animals and eight is an auspicious number that
symbolizes peace and prosperity.

This year can bring more interest in realizing our
dreams in a natural way. If there’s been something
you have been unwilling to do, don’t do it. Refuse
to do it but with elegance and the greatest of
gentleness and patience. This is a good year to
settle disputes and to create a harmonious
atmosphere around yourself and your family.
Communications will be important in this Year of
the Wood Sheep. Do what you say and say what you
do. Be straightforward in all your communications
and you’ll have a great year.

In a Wood Sheep Year, people hold back in their
communications until they know you well. Even
your own family may seem a little more needy than
usual and they may feel heartbroken if you are not
at every birthday celebration, dinner party, or
even missing a coffee date with your son or
daughter may be a major trauma to them. Don’t
worry, they will get over it.

It seems that people born in the Year of the Sheep
— 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
— are melancholic and sentimental by nature. They
always look upon the world passively. Besides,
they are used to counting on others to cheer them
up. It is easy for them to get lost and to be blue
when frustrated, and to make improper choices when
going shopping. People born in this year are good
at covering up their own weaknesses with petty
shrewdness and in obtaining what they want by
clever tricks and hints. They are also talented in
the skill of pestering. People born in this year
are known for their balance and surefootedness.
They just have to be careful where they climb to.

I plan to be more grounded this year and increase
my Qi Gong practice as well as my Shen Gong

I offer all of you a great opportunity in
celebration of the Year of the Wood Sheep! Be more
balanced by getting FIVE of my most popular
meditation programs for ONLY $108.00 FREE SHIPPING
included. This amazing offer starts today,
February 16th until the 27th. Let’s round up the
herd and welcome in the Year of the Wood Sheep!

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. If you want these programs you have to email me at images

Want A Better Heart-on, For Valentine’s Day?

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

We celebrate Valentine’s Day by giving our lovers
flowers and sweets. But, who started this day of
love? Let’s look at the truth about the man for
whom the day is named. Not one but two different
men may have inspired this romantic holiday.

One account from the 1400s describes Valentine as
a temple priest who was beheaded near Rome by
Emperor Claudius II for helping Christian couples
wed. A different account claims Valentine was the
Bishop of Terni, also martyred by Claudius II, on
the outskirts of Rome. But who may have really
invented this day of love was a medieval English
poet, Geoffrey Chaucer, placing his poetic
characters into fictitious historical contexts
that he represented as real. No record exists of
romantic celebrations on Valentine’s Day prior to
a poem Chaucer wrote around 1375. In his work,
Parliament of Foules, he linked a tradition of
courtly love with the celebration of St.
Valentine’s feast day. The poem refers to February
14 as the day birds (and humans) come together to
find a mate. He wrote, Whan every foul cometh
ther to choose his mate.

What can you do that’s really special for your
Valentine this week? I am sure you have done the
same ritual over and over for years. You stopped
at the drug store, bought a card, picked up a
bunch of flowers, got a red box of candy, and may
have even planned a nice dinner. Isn’t it about
time you woke up and smelled the roses? She is
bored of the same old thing and may be bored of
the way you make love

Want to make this Valentine’s Day really special?
How about changing the way you make love??? Is
your lovelife just a cum-and-go situation???

Are you ready to change your lovemaking habits and
become a wizard in the bedroom?
If you want to re-train your sex tool and have
both of you screaming for more, get Dr. Wu Dhi’s
Sexual Secrets and start an adventure of a

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Order before February 14 and you get a gift
of a personal Skype call where I’Unknownll give you the
nitty-gritty on cultivating sexual energy. A $300
value for FREE with the program!

Chang dirt into Gold

Monday, August 25th, 2014

Charles called me and asked a question, “Dr. Wu
Dhi, how long will I have to practice the
Recharging Qi Gong program to get its full
benefits?” Charles, I’d like to share this old
parable from Burma, The Old Alchemist:

Once upon a time, there was an old man whose
daughter was married to a handsome young lad. The
young couple led a happy life except for one
problem: the new husband spent all his time
dreaming of a way to turn dirt into gold. In those
days, people who did this were known as
alchemists. Soon enough, he ran through all of his
inheritance, and the young wife had to struggle to
buy food each day. Desperate, she begged her
husband to find a job.

“But I am on the verge of a breakthrough!” he
insisted. “When I succeed in turning dirt into
gold, we’ll be rich beyond our wildest dreams!”

Finally the young wife went to her father about
the problem. He was surprised to learn that his
son-in-law was an alchemist, but he promised to
help his daughter and he asked to see the young
man the next day. The young man arrived
reluctantly, expecting a scolding. To his
surprise, his father-in-law confided in him, “When
I was young, I, too, was an alchemist!”

The father-in-law asked about the young man’s
work, and the two of them spent the whole
afternoon in animated conversation. Finally, the
old man cried, “Why, you have done everything I
did when I was your age! You are surely on the
verge of a breakthrough. But you need one more
ingredient in order to change dirt into gold, and
I have only recently discovered this secret.” The
old man paused. “I am too old to undertake the
task,” he confessed. “It requires too much work.”

“I can do it, dear father!” cried the young man.

“Hmm, perhaps you can,” said the old man. He
leaned over and whispered, “The secret ingredient
is a silver powder that grows on the back of
banana leaves. You must plant the bananas yourself
because it’s important that you cast certain
spells on the seeds. Then, when the plant grows,
the powder on the leaves will become magical.”

“How much powder do we need?” the young man asked.

“Two pounds,” the old man replied.

The son-in-law thought out loud. “Why, that would
require hundreds of banana plants!”

Yes,” sighed the old man, “and that is why I
cannot complete the work myself.”

“Do not fear!” said the young man. “I will!” And
so, the old man taught his son-in-law the magic
spells and loaned him enough money to start the

The next day, the young man bought some land and
cleared it. He planted the banana seeds just as
the old man had told him to do and murmured over
them the magic spells. Each day, he examined the
seedlings, keeping weeds and pests away. When the
plants bore fruit, he gently brushed the silver
powder from the banana leaves, but there was
scarcely any powder on each plant so the young man
had to buy more land and cultivate more bananas.
It took several years, but finally the young man
collected two pounds of the magic dust. He rushed
to his father-in-law’s house.

“I have the magic powder!” he cried with

“Wonderful!” rejoiced the old man. “Now I can show
you how to turn dirt into gold! But first you must
bring your wife here. We need her presence.”

The young man was puzzled, but obeyed. When his
wife appeared, the old man asked his daughter,
“While your husband was collecting the banana
powder, what did you do with the bananas?”

“Why I sold them,” the daughter said, “and that’s
how we’ve earned a living.”

“Did you save any money?” asked the father.

“Yes,” she replied.

“May I see it?” asked the old man. So his daughter
hurried home and returned with several bags. The
old man opened them, saw that they were full of
gold, and poured the coins on the floor. Then he
took a handful of dirt, and put it next to the

“You see,” he said, turning to his son-in-law,
“you have changed dirt into gold!”

When we begin a new practice or receive a new
teaching, we always want to hurry up and get the
treasures from that teaching as soon as possible
and get on to the next advanced teaching. As a
spiritual seeker, this is just what we do until we
become a Spiritual Finder(one who finds a
teaching and grows with it). We find a teaching
and work with it until we open up spiritually. How
long does it take? Sometimes a lifetime but, with
the right teaching and teacher, we grow daily as
we practice. The Recharging Qi Gong program is
such a teaching that will be with you for a
lifetime and strengthen your growth mentally,
physically and spiritually. Get the program, work
the program and you will surely turn diet into pure gold as you grow and develop.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Today is the New Moon and it’images-1s in Virgo. This
is a great time to organize your papers, put your
desk together, go through your filing cabinets, if
you still have one, and clear out those old
papers. And set your short-term goals for the next
2 weeks before the next Full Moon on September

Moving in to a New Home

Thursday, July 17th, 2014

Everything is all set.
I found the place, changed the electric, gas and the mail.
This week, before I move anything in, I have set up
the energetic patterns to cleanse out any old stale
or negative vibrations from spimages-1irits, ghosts and hanger-ons.
This process takes around 3 or 4 days to clear out the old
and invite the new energies into my home.

I got the painters lined up for this Saturday morning
and the movers ready to come over on Monday.
I plan to spend my first night there that evening.
I plan on having all these done before
Jerry Alan Johnson’s workshop on the 25th of July.
I spoke to Jerry a few times this week and told him
about my move and he agreed that it was a great idea
to clear all the energies before moving in
and he will be sharing more about clearing energies
at the workshop.

This work just isn’t shared with the public.
We’re so blessed to have him come to Florida for these
3 days and share these ancient techniques with us.

Don’t miss the opportunity.
If you’re moving in to a new home, or if you are changing
your business from one location to another,
I highly suggest that you have a spiritual cleansing
of your space,

If you need more information or you don’t know
exactly how it is done, contact me
and we can discuss how it can help
you in your home, relationship, business and
personal finances.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. You can still get in to Dr. Johnson’s workshop.
Here is a copy of the flyer.
Call Dr. Isaac Goren at 954-732-5050.

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to get what you want!

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

ace_cupsYou need to dream about what you want, then,
believe that you can do what you dream of, and
finally, achieve your dream by going out and doing
what needs to be done. The power of manifestation
is something that man has been striving for
through the ages. How do we get what we want? Most
of us already know what we don’t want and that’s
our main focus. Think about it for a second. When
you’re a little child and you wanted a bicycle,
you want a bicycle with the red frame, white wall
tires, and the tussles on the handle bars. You
wrote a letter to Santa Claus. You asked the
Easter Bunny. You told your friends long before
you had it. You drew pictures of it. And then like
magic, one Christmas morning, it was under the
Christmas tree. That is the true power of
manifestation. Knowing what you want and believing
that someone is going to give it to you without a
doubt, even if it’s Santa Claus. There is an exact
formula that works, and usually, when we were a
child, we know it. But as we get older, we start
doubting the true power of manifestation.

I have people come to my office with a multitude
of problems and they focused on what they don’t
want instead of what they want. What do they end
up with? What is on their mind the most and that’s
usually all the stuff they don’t want. They doubt!

Whatever we think about the most is what we get.
If you don’t believe me, try this experiment. Get
a fishing pole and some bait and go fishing and
say to yourself, “I won’t catch anything because I
am a bad fisherman,” or “There is too much sun,
the fish won’t be biting”, or any other excuse you
can think of why you won’t catch any fish. It’s
the same in every aspect of our life. If we don’t
think we are going to get our wish, we won’t. But,
on the other hand, if you believe you will, you
will. That’s the power of manifestation.

Here’s a formula that I learned years ago from
many different teachers. Some were spiritual
teachers, and others were self-help teachers. If
you ever read the book, “Think and Grow Rich”, by
Napoleon Hill, he has similar formulas that will
bring you everything you’ve always wanted. Here is
the 7-step formula that has worked for me time and
1. Decide exactly what you want.
2. Determine who or what can give it to you.
3. Determine what they want in return.
4. Decide when you want it to happen and give it a
specific date and time.
5. Declare that you are ready to receive it.
a. Ask as specific as possible.
b. Ask for what you want, not what you don’t want.
c. Be ready to grow and change as needed.
6. Ask precisely what you want to the person or
thing that can give it to you and offer what the
person requires.
a. If you don’t know who to ask, ask the unknown
or ask for the Giver to be revealed to you.
7. Open and receive your wish with gratitude.
a. If you don’t receive your wish, determine what
rule you violated and repeat the process from that
point. The only thing that you have to give up to
get what you want is the idea that you can’t have

This is a tried-and-tested formula that has worked
for hundreds of millions of people all over the
world. But, remember to focus and ask for exactly
what you want, not what you don’t want.

In the Magic Square Workshop,,
I spelled out an ancient formula to get exactly
what you want and how to bring it into your life
effortlessly. If you are ready to change your life
for the better, order the Magic Square Workshop
today and make the life you want to manifest.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. The Magic Square Workshop is a precise
formula that will give you the key to Feng Shui

A Most Interesting Encounter with Spirits and Demons

Friday, June 13th, 2014

The conference call was great! We had more than 36
people on the call, and in Daoism, that’s a very
auspicious number. Everyone was anxious to hear
what Professor Jerry Alan Johnson had to say. He
spoke about different illnesses and how they
affect us in our homes and clinics. He talked
about ghosts, demons, and spirits. I guess the
Western doctors would see these as psychological
disorders like, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia,
manic depression, etc. Many of these diseases come
from the imbalance of spirit. In the Daoist
Mysticism seminar coming up July 25th and 26th,
we’ll be focusing on how to recognize the various
types of spirits and what to do when you encounter
them. We’ll be learning many of the protections
and how to keep our homes and offices free of
negative influences. In Dr. Johnson’s book, Daoist
Exorcism: Encounters with Sorcerers, Ghosts,
Spirits and Demons, he explains how individuals
are vulnerable to these psychological imbalances.
He will cover the influence of The Three Bodies
and Three Worlds, the differences between
Psychosis and Neurosis, the differences between
Spirit Oppression and Demonic Possession, the
Energetic Function of Shadow Spirits – Shadow
Organs – Shadow Channels, why and how people
attract evil spirits into their lives, what
“feeds” them and why they stay, when your home,
office and/or clinic is impregnated with spirits,
understanding psychic attacks, and the difference
between curses and hexes. The things that people
were really interested in were the personal
protections, the protections for your house and
your clinic, and how to purify and cleanse your
home and property. I thought it was really
interesting what he said about removing spirit
entities and how they affect us negatively. We’re
all looking forward to this workshop. If you
haven’t registered as yet, call me at 786-271-0325
or call Dr. Isaac Goren at 954-732-5050, and sign
up while there’s still space available.

Here’s the link to the conference call:

Enjoy! If you have any questions, please feel free
to e-mail me at or call at

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Dr. Johnson is now retired from clinical
practice and no longer sees patients but he’s
dedicated to get as much of this information out
to people. He isn’t often available for classes
and workshops, so, if you have any interest in
this type of work, I encourage you to sign up

P.S.S. Unfortunately, Amazon and Red Wing are out
of Dr. Johnson’s book. But you can directly buy it
from him at his website,
Go to Daoist Books and it’s the 6th book down the
list entitled, “Daoist Exorcism: Encounters with
Sorcerers, Ghosts, Spirits and Demons”.

What the Heck is April Fools Day anyway?

Monday, April 1st, 2013

The beginning of April is the time of the year
that many different cultures have had days of
foolhardiness. The Romans had a festival named
Hilaria on March 25, rejoicing in the renewal of
Attis. The Hindu calendar has Holi, and the Jewish
calendar has Purim. Perhaps the ending of a long
winter and the beginning of spring lends itself to
lighthearted celebrations. April 1st is celebrated
in many countries and is referred to as All Fools’
Day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on
each other.

In the tarot deck, the Fool remains the most
controversial card in the deck. It is the only
card that has a zero on it; the other cards all
adhere to Roman numerals

The Fool is a powerful card because its
possibilities all start in nothingness and reach
into infinit, The Fool most likely represents you
enjoying a new life. It can also represent a
coming love interest that is not ordinary by any
of your measurements.
If you have been ignoring your health, you are
truly being played as the fool. There is large
book that lists all the medicines called the
Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) and there is not
one single drug to promote longevity or anti

If you want to stay young, avoid being caught in
the loop of drugs and surgery wake up don’t let
anyone pull the wool over your eyes and make you a
fool. Learn what you can do and practice it like
it will save your life. This is no April fools day
joke. It’s the truth. If you train, practice and
are flexible, you have a good chance of living a
long healthy life mentally, physically and

Join me in staying healthy and we can all grow
younger together.
The private coaching program is designed to keep
you healthy, vibrant and aware.
Find out if you can qualify today

Dr Wu Dhi

Being proactive can give you years of good health.