Posts Tagged ‘Long Distance’

The True Power of Healing

Thursday, April 18th, 2013

I received a call from Barbara 2 weeks ago. She
was having severe hip pain and although she saw
her doctor his only solution was surgery and she
really didn’t want to go that route.

I worked with her when I was in California and in
Wyoming years ago and was surprised to get the
call after so many years. She told me she was in a
pickle and spelled out all the details and asked
if I could do anything for her. I suggested she
come to Florida to see me but she said it was
impossible at this time and asked what other
options I could give her. At first I thought my
hands were tied, but I told her that I would think
about it and call her the next day. The next
morning I called and told her I would do a long
distance healing for her and we will see if it
will help. So we picked a time and I asked her to
find a comfortable space that’s quiet and I will
work on her from here.

The next day she reported that she had a
remarkable experience. She felt that she was
covered with light and then became very hot as the
treatment was going on, it went on for about ½
hour and then she said she fell asleep for 2 or 3
hours and when she woke the hip pain was gone. She
sent me this letter that I will share with you.
“I met Dr.Sherwood Swartz AKA (Dr Wu Dhi) several
years ago at a Peace Conference in Jackson Hole,
He was leading a Qi Gong class, the idea being
that learning to be peaceful within would lead to
a more peaceful world. The class was wonderful!
As time went by I had an acupuncture treatment for
a bladder infection on a stopover in Florida on my
way to Brazil. Who wants a bladder infection on a
long plane flight? Again I was cured.
Then years later I had a painful hip event (bone
rubbing on bone). The doctor wanted me to wait
for surgery until I was older, so the joint would
not wear out and have to be replaced a second
time. So I called Dr. Wu Dhi to help me with the
ongoing pain.

Since he was out of town he did a distance healing
on my hip which I was not sure would actually
work. To my amazement, the pain subsided! It was
incredibly helpful and powerful!!

-Barbara Lee, Northern California

Long distance healing is a powerful way to heal
many different conditions; it is recognized in
many different healing systems around the world
using prayer, energy healing such as Qi Gong and
Reiki healing.

I Wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

If you would like to schedule a session call my
office 305-407-0120

Long Distance Healing

Friday, April 5th, 2013

Long Distance Healing

I received an urgent call last week from a client
who lives in Santiago, Chile.
She was flipping out! Her boyfriend promised to
spend Holy week with her and her parents but he
didn’t show up and he didn’t call.
She was beside herself! She didn’t know if he was
hurt, dead or found another woman to shake up
with.She got so upset her blood pressure was over 200–
she couldn’t sleep and ended up with a bellyache.

I received her call early Good Friday morning
around 6:00 o’clock. At first I couldn’t understand
who it was or what she was saying. She was
sobbing, crying and yelling in Spanish and I dare
not spell out the words she was saying in any

After that, we talked for an hour or so on Skype.
I told her that she needed a clearing and
balancing and I could do it for her to clear the
space and bring in more harmony and balance in
their lives.

Remote or distance healing can be a little bit
difficult to comprehend for the Western mind. It’s
a form of healing, which brings similar results as
a one-on-one Medical Qi Gong healing in my office.
The only difference is the patients’ physical body
isn’t there. I would say that 15% to 20% of the
work I do with patients is distant healing.
Some patients are really doubtful at first when
they hear about long distance healing or healing
in any sense of the word, but it really works.
I am always asked questions like; how can you
possibly heal somebody without seeing them in
person. It does sound unbelievable in some ways,
but we get amazing results and that’s the bottom

I have heard that people who are incarcerated for
any length of time are affected physically and
emotionally and they need to have that energy
cleared as soon as possible. On the other hand if
an old friend or a lover calls to chat, by the
time you get off the phone your vibration is
changed and uplifted.

Let me explain how it works and why it works!
First, I gather as much information from the
person, the same as I would do in my office when I
make an initial consultation. This is done via
email; however it can also be done via regular
mail, or sometimes through phone contact. The
client also gives me an explanation of the
physical symptoms, as well as any disturbances
that they are feeling in their relationships,
their work, family and their spiritual life. I
begin each healing by going into a deep meditative
state. It usually takes around 30 minutes.
I’ll go into the persons’ direct Qi, into their
energy field and energy body. These thoughts are
transmitted through to hold the person in my
awareness while the healing takes place. The
transmission of Qi is directed to the area that
needs the healing. There is a veil of energy (Qi)
that protects both the patient and myself as we
are working and helps to facilitate the actual Qi
flow and any energy. This is all the protection
that is ever in need.

One thing I always impress on each person being
worked on is that the healing is being done no
matter how far away they may be. Energy has no
time, distance or boundaries. It’s limitless.
After the healing has been completed, I will
e-mail the patient, and tell them what I found and
what I did as well as what results they should
expect. People do not generally reply after I have
performed a distant healing, unless they
experience a further problem or if their problem
is quite severe.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Ps. To schedule an appointment call Anastasia at
She will send you the intake forms, give you a
personal appointment as well as my private Cell
phone number, Skype number or Viber number and we
can get started.