Posts Tagged ‘Serious Things’

This is why I do what I do!

Thursday, October 25th, 2012

Elizabeth wrote and told me I can share it with you.

“My son Gryphon who is 9 years old has been sick with
stomach problems since September 2010. After each meal he
eats he feels sick to his stomach. In late April, 2011 the
issue escalated that he was throwing up after every meal.

We went for special testing in January 2011 to All
Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida, which is 3 hours
away from our home in Naples. The doctors did numerous tests
at the hospital, and the only report they could give us
was reflux of the upper GI tract. We were told to give our
son “Prevacid” which he threw up as well as soon as he took
the medicine. I looked up the side effects and found that the cure was worse than the problem some side effects could be serious. Things like, rash, blistering or peeling skin, hives, swelling of the eyes, face, lips, mouth, tongue, or throat, difficulty breathing or swallowing. OMG the list went on and on and my son is only ten years old.

After a month of throwing up, I finally got in touch with
Dr. Swartz’s AKA Dr. Wu Dhi. I called the office and told him that I needed help!
…. and it was an emergency. Gryphon was now
losing weight due to throwing up.
He met us at his office
in Aventura the next day.

Dr. Wu has been practicing alternative medicine for decades. When we met the doctor he had a lot of unusual questions about diet, family life, exercise as well as standard questions about past illness and them He
did what looked like a massage, called Medical Qi Gong and put Gryphon under a special machine he called “the light beam generators” After about ½ the pain away from his aching belly. Finally, he
injected him with a homeopathic medicine directly into
his belly area on acupuncture points, and he gave us
Homeopathic drops to do at home for a week.

That was 30 days ago and my son has never thrown up again.

My Gryphon wants to go back and see Dr. Wu Dhi as he said, “Mom it felt so good to not be sick any more. In my opinion as
a mother Dr. Wu Dhi is a miracle healer. I have experienced his
healing personally as a patient myself 11 years ago, and I
have been a follower ever since.

I recommend Dr. Wu to you too. He is truly a healer who can
help with all ailments and disease. He has studied Chinese
and homeopathic medicine for a long, long time. You can
trust him to heal you as he is an expert in his field. I
now know that I should always start healing by seeing him.

Our medical bills from All Children’s Hospital have
exceeded $20,000 with no results. One visit to Dr. Wu
Dhi’s clinic was far less and my son is healed. It is a
simple decision for me today to call Dr. Wu Dhi and we
drive 3 hours round trip to see him. Utilize Dr. Wu, and
you will experience the miracle too.

Happy mother
Elizabeth Ganzi
Naples, Florida”

If you’re not in Florida, you can still get the power
to stay healthy every month with the Qi Gong Inner Circle:

I wish you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi