Posts Tagged ‘Traditional Doctor’

What the heck is a Shen disorder?

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

You may be wondering what exactly is a Shen
disturbance or Shen disorder and how it can affect
you. What your traditional doctor calls a ‘mental
illness,’ or ‘psychiatric disorders,’ Chinese
medicine calls that a Shen disorder.

The term Shen
has a wide range of meaning, and may refer to:

• A persons spirit -the aliveness of mind
• The psycho-spiritual aspect of the Heart, as
the heart rules the mind
• The liveliness and sparkle in one’s eyes, or
the color in one’s complexion are good indicators
if your Shen is good or not.

When I think of a Shen disorder, it most often
is about our spirit, either as a reference to the
whole psycho-spiritual nature of a person, or as
the spirit which resides in the heart. When you’re
in love, your Shen is usually good and when you
experience emotions of jealousy your Shen is most
likely out of balance and disturbed. Each organ
system in Chinese medicine has a psycho-spiritual
component to it.
Here is a list of things that you could experience with a Shen problem
1. Kidneys- fear, fright and the lack of courage
2. The Lung- has to do with depression sadness and
3. Spleen –Worry, it controls focused thought
4. Liver –anger, Indecisiveness, confusions, lack
of courage and rage
5. Heart –Anxiety and restlessness

Unknown-1 If there is an imbalance in an organ
there is an imbalance in the Shen and vise versa.
The Shen is the spirit of the Heart organ and
governs all the other psycho-spiritual elements of
the body. It enables a person to be calm and have
a good sense of humor, and plays a big part in
your creativity and expression of love. When the
Shen becomes disturbed, one may experience
delirium, anxiety, nervousness and del usional
behavior. To balance Shen disorders the Shen must
be rooted again by anchoring the Shen, and enables
the healing of the Spirit.

Treating these conditions involves working at
several levels at the same time. The symptoms must
be eased, whether they are anxiety, worry, fear or

The eradication of ‘mental illness’ is possible
without drugs but it’s a project and takes time.
I believe we can heal anything if we feed it with
the right diet, exercise and treatments, any
condition can be improved substantially, or
eradicated altogether with the right program.
I’ll use treatments of acupuncture and herbs but
most often the Medical Qi Gong is the key to
releasing the blockages and restoring the body,
mind and spirit to health again.

Call the office at 305-407-0120 and set up an
appointment today, if you are not able to come to
Florida we can set up a long distance treatment.
We will meet on Skype to go over your condition
and symptoms and determined a treatment plan that
will work for you.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Why is Back pain so Common?

Thursday, September 1st, 2011

This problem is never ending!
You bend or reach for
something and you end up with a
sharp pain that feels like a knife is stabbing you.


It’s a fact that you will
experience back pain at some
point in your life, no matter
how healthy and fit you are.
I know I have!

It can happen from over reaching,
an unexpected sneeze, or lifting
even the lightest thing and there it

Why is back pain so common?
Our muscles have to work constantly to hold
us upright against gravity and to move us around.
These muscles can get tired,
and being overweight as well as out of shape
causes even more problems.
Strong muscles, in the central part of the body,
(the core muscles) help to carry body weight and
to prevent the spine from getting overloaded.
When, these core muscles get weak,
the spine must compensate and do extra work,
therefore causing pain.

Things like over sitting, muscle spasm and stress can be a real pain.

* Sitting is worse for the back than standing.
The load shifts onto the disc as you lean
forward causing more strain and the muscles become tired.

* When less oxygen reaches the muscle,
there is more waste built up.
These changes trigger the muscle to go
into a spasm; it keeps firing on its own.

* Stress and tension tighten up the muscles,
making them more susceptible to injury.

I have found that for the most part,
people don’t stretch enough
or they stretch wrong.
As soon as they make a wrong movement,
their back starts to hurt.

Stretching is one of the best solutions to a healthy
and pain free back!

You’ll need no dangerous pain pills,
no smelly creams and no Chiropractor.

Granted, it takes work, but remember there is
no free lunch.
You have to pay either way–
with the pain or by doing the work.

Back pain can be a never ending problem
or no problem at all.

Most traditional doctor’s treatment for back pain is
-pain-killers and anti-inflammatory, which will
jack-up your stomach.
Next, physical therapy, and if that
doesn’t work, surgery.

As we age our flexibility decreases and
our joints lose their range of motion.
This can cause tightness, spasms and a
number of back problems.

You can regain and maintain the
flexibility, as well as prevent nagging
back pain in only a few minutes a day.
I have unlocked stiff painful muscles in
only a few minutes with the right exercises
and nipped back pain in the bud with
long-term relief.

Here are a few exercises I recommend
that have worked wonders for
me and many of my patients:

1. Lying on the floor, place your right foot on the left knee.
Using your left hand, gently pull your right knee
towards the floor, twisting your spine and keeping
the left arm straight out, hips and shoulders on the floor.
Switch sides. Repeat 10 times.

2. Lie on your back and
bend both knees. Feet flat
on the floor, arms out at shoulder level.
Now, let your knees
drop to the left and turn your head to the right.
Repeat on the right side.
Repeat 25 times on both sides

3. Lie on the floor and place
your hands behind your head
with your legs touching each other
straight out. Begin to move your
Upper body from side to side.

4. Get a large rubber ball, around 3 feet
(you can find them at most sport stores).
Sit on the ball and then slowly
start to lie down on your back using the ball
for support. Lie on the ball from 1 to 3 minutes.

People are always pulling their backs
out, but if you get on a
good maintenance program and do the
correct exercises,
you can end your back pain forever.

Years ago, I hurt my back doing a flip on a trampoline
and no mater what I did I couldn’t seem to shake the pain.

I researched everything I could find about
back injuries and put together a program that really
works to keep the body flexible and pain free.

Dr. Wu Dhi’s “Eliminate Back Pain”
-How to strengthen your back naturally

I have students and patients who have been doing the
program for years and are pain free.
Order today and I’ll send you the
archive edition with your order-
Absolutely Free!

If you are suffering from pain, don’t
delay another day.

Get rid of pain now!

I with you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi