Posts Tagged ‘Advantage’

What is the purpose of Loneliness?

Friday, September 6th, 2013

I’ve talked to friends who have been married for
years and claim they feel lonely in the
relationship even after 20 years and two kids.
Business people who work in offices with hundreds
of people claim they are lonely all day, even in
the midst of daily activities.

In general humans are social creatures and want
the inner action with people.So where does the
loneliness come from and how can you use it for your

Sometimes external forces affect us and a partner
leaves. We receive bad treatment at work or are
out casted by our social group. We tend to stick
to our pack just like wolves and follow the pack
like sheep. We like what is familiar to us;
anything outside of this is unknown and most
people will stay where they are, no matter if it’s
good or bad for them. We have a need to belong to
something or someone, if those needs are not met
you feel lonely.

images motivates us to take necessary
actions that will relieve it. No matter what!
Emotions do have a purpose, regardless of how
unpleasant some of them can make you feel.

Loneliness can make you feel empty and a sense of
longing for someone to really know you. But
loneliness may not be linked to the reality of a
situation because it can exist when connections
with others are short-lived, meaningless, or not
what you consider to be significant.

Here are a few ways to use loneliness to your
1. Meditate- this will allow all of our
thoughts and feelings to come out.

2. Think positively-
Focus on positive and overcome whatever you think
about the most and it will be drawn to you.

3. Use alone time to simmer- soon the energy will
reveal itself to you and you will grow beyond
yourself and imposed limitations. It’s an
opportunity for intensive growth to inner

In a relationship, the main focus is
mostly on the partner and not on the spiritual
part. When you spend time alone you get the
opportunity for a lot of rest. Plenty of rest is
the main path to enlightenment. With plenty of
rest, inner tension dissolves almost by itself.
Connecting a lot of rest with regular meditation
practice is the optimal way to enlightenment. When
you meditate regularity the personal things get
clearer, focus becomes like a laser beam. The
fastest way to inner happiness is to constantly
practice spiritually.

Develop a regular meditation plan and stick to it. Spend
the same part of your day in meditation and
within weeks the feelings of
loneliness and boredom will be gone as well
as internal tensions.

In the Qi Gong Inner Circle I have developed a
series of practices to build your practice in
three important domains:

1. Health
2. Internal exercises
3. Meditation

These are key factors in developing your physical,
energetic and spiritual body.
Hop on board and you will be pleasantly surprised
on the practices you will learn and embody.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Story of Fire

Friday, August 24th, 2012

Once upon a time a man was contemplating the ways
in which nature operates and he discovered,
because of his concentration and application, how
fire could be made.

This man was called Nour.
He decided to travel from one community to
another, showing people his discovery.

Nour passed the secret to many groups of people.
Some took advantage of the knowledge. Others
drove him away, thinking that he must be
dangerous, before they had time to understand how
valuable the discovery could be to them. Finally
a tribe before which he demonstrated became so
panic stricken that they set about and killed him,
being convinced that he was a demon.

Centuries passed. The first tribe that had
learned about fire reserved the secret for their
priests, who remained in affluence and power while
the people froze.

The second tribe forgot the art and worshiped
instead the instruments. The third worshiped a
likeness of Nour himself, because it was he who
taught them.

The forth retained the story of the making of fire
in their legends; some believed them, some did
The fifth community really did use fire, and this
enabled them to be warmed, to cook their food, and
to manufacture all kinds of useful articles.

After many, many years, a wise man and a small
band of his disciples were traveling through the
lands of these tribes. The disciples were amazed
at the variety of rituals which they encountered;
and one and all said to their teacher; ”But all of
these procedures are in fact related to the making
of fire, nothing else. We should reform these
The teacher said: “Very well then. We shall
restart or journey. By the end of it, those who
survive will know the real problems and how to
approach them.”

When they reached the first tribe, the band was
hospitably received. The priests invited the
travelers to attend their religious ceremony, the
making of fire. When it was over, and the tribe
was in a state of excitement at the event that
they had witnessed, the master said: “Does anyone
wish to speak?”
The first disciple said: “In the cause of Truth I
feel myself constrained to say something to these
“If you will do so at your own risk you may do
so,” said the master.
Now the disciple stepped forward in the presence
of the tribal chief and his priests and said: “I
can perform the miracle which you take to be a
special manifestation of deity. If I do so, will
you accept that you have been in error for so many
But the priests cried: “Seize him!” so the man
was taken away and was never seen again.

The travelers went to the next territory where the
second tribe was worshiping the instruments of
fire making. Again a disciple volunteered to try
to bring reason to the community.

With the permission of the master, he said: “I beg
permission to speak to you as reasonable people.
You are worshiping the means whereby something may
be done, not even the thing itself. Thus you are
suspending the advent of its usefulness. I know
the reality that lies at the basis of this

This tribe was composed of more reasonable people.
But they said to the disciple: “You are welcome
as a traveler and a stranger in our midst. But,
as a stranger, foreign to our history and customs,
you cannot understand what we are doing. You make
a mistake. Perhaps, even, you are trying to take
away or alter our religion. We therefore decline
to listen to you.”

The travelers moved on. When they arrived in the
land of the third tribe, they found before every
dwelling an idol representing Nour, the original
fire-maker. The third disciple addressed the
chiefs of the tribe: “This idol represents a man,
who represents a capacity, which can be used.”

“That may be so,” answered the Nour worshipers,
“but the penetration of the real secret is only
for the few.”
“It is only for the few who will understand, not
for those who refuse to face certain facts” said
the third disciple.
“This is rank heresy, and from a man who does not
even speak our language correctly, and is not a
priest ordained in our faith.” muttered the
priests. And he could make no headway.

The band continued their journey, and arrived in
the land of the fourth tribe. Now a forth
disciple stepped forward in the assembly of the
people. “The story of making fire is true, and I
know how it may be done,” he said.

Confusion broke out within the tribe, which split
into various factions.
Some said: “This may be true, and if it is we
want to find out how to make fire.”

When these people was examined by the master and
his followers, however, it was found that most of
them were anxious to use fire-making for personal
advantage, and did not realize that it was
something for human progress. So deep had the
distorted legends penetrated into the minds of
most people that those who thought they might in
fact represent truth were often unbalanced ones
who could not have made fire, even if they had
been shown how.
There was another faction, who said: “Of course
the legends are not true. This man is just trying
to fool us, to make a place for himself here.”

And a further faction said: “We prefer the
legends as they are, for they are the very mortar
of our cohesion. If we abandon them, and we find
that this new interpretation is useless, what will
become of our community then?”

And there were other points of view as well.

So the party traveled on until they reached the
lands of the fifth community, where fire making
was a commonplace, and where other preoccupations
faced them.
The master said to his disciples:
“You have to learn how to teach, for man does not
want to be taught. First of all, you will have to
teach people how to learn. And before that you
will have to teach them that there is still
something to be learned. They imagine that they
are ready to learn. But they want to learn what
they imagine to be learned, not what they have
first to learn. When you have learned all this
then you can devise the way to teach. Knowledge
without special capacity to teach is not the same
as knowledge and capacity.”

Learning to learn takes special skills and a
certin openness. The Lama on the Mountain often
talked about the six willingness’s of learning to

1. Willingness to Learn
2. Willingness to Change
3. Willingness to Ask
4. Willingness to Listen
5. Willingness to Act
6. Willingness to Reflect on the Results of

As we open and ask inside to learn the lessons
that we need to learn in this life time the
universe will support you.

The key is in the asking.
The different stories that I share with you are
all about learning, opening and discovering more
about yourself.

When I first started practicing Qi Gong I
discovered a new way of learning.

My body first learned the movements, then my mind
opened to new possibilities and then the true
magic happened! My spirit or soul began to change.

Life became easier; things that bothered me in the
past seemed to vanish. My stresses disappeared and
I was different person. Stronger, softer in
nature, more flexible in body and mind and what
happened? Spirit opened.

The reason I practice and encourage you to
practice is I know that if you do you will without
a doubt open and your life will keep getting
better. Start with the Recharging Qi Gong
exercises or the Flying Crane Qi Gong

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Dealing with Stress

Monday, May 30th, 2011

Everyday I deal with stress.
I’m used to stress.
I do my practices and training and for the most part,
I use stress to my advantage and turn stress into power.
Last week, I had to go to Michigan as my eldest son was
stressing out and crashing after his son’s surgery
a few weeks ago. He was stressed to the max.

With his children, job, relationship, and business in general,
he had so much stress,
that he was unable to function and this stressed me.
The reason I’m telling you this story, is even if you don’t have
stress in your personal life, if friends or family are going through
a rough time, they defiantly pull on your strings and can pull
you off center easily.

I noticed in Michigan, I wasn’t following my diet,
let my practice go for three days in a row,
and I was wasted.
“If you don’t eat the energy,
the energy will defiantly eat you.”

Although I had a ton of things to do there,
as soon as I realized I wasn’t training,
I immediately went back to it, corrected my diet,
and began doing the exercises in the
Turn Stress into Power program,
and took the reigns
back on my own situation. This happens to many people,
when life throws you a curve ball, the tendency of most
people is to eat, drink, and talk excessively or to just
stay home and do nothing.

But neither one of these strategies
work to put you in a place of power. If you want to be in
charge and on top of your game, its imperative to recommit
to your practice daily and make sure that your health is # 1.
Sometimes, people think this is selfish but it’s not at all.
If you’re sick, you can’t help anyone else.
It’s true in all walks of life. If you see a drowning
man in the water, and you’re not trained as a lifeguard,
and jump in, he could pull you down. Even a lifeguard knows that
when he jumps in to save the drowning man, he always
brings a life preserver to assist the person not only the
person drowning, but to keep himself from drowning.

If you want to help others, you must help yourself first,
and that’s where training comes in. You build in a
muscle memory that brings you back to your training
and your practice. The Turn Stress into Power program
will give you exercises, meditations, mantras, and
strategies to pull yourself out of stressful situations and
keep you healthy strong and powerful.

Get your copy today

“He who fails to train, trains to fail” –Unknown

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi