Archive for the ‘Sexual exergy’ Category

The Hard Cold Stone Facts about your Love Life

Thursday, February 27th, 2014

I hate hearing this kind of stuff but I do and
here is what they say:

“Dr. Wu, I am no longer in love with my mate and I
haven’t been in a few years. All the romance is
gone there are no romantic nights, no sensual
kisses, not even a loving embrace, our
relationship is more like a business arrangement.
I never imagined it would come down to this but to
tell you the truth, I am sick of it.”

They lost the spark of love and don’t have a clue
how to restore it . Some stick around and are
miserable for years, others leave the relationship
and some have affairs. But this is no solution.

Their mate has lost interest in them. They are
bored of each other their lovemaking becomes more
of a job than a pleasure. It can be the husband or
wife, boyfriend or girlfriend– basically it’s all
the same, the magic is gone.

images “Making love
to her? That’s the last thing I want to do with
my time or energy.” You may be surprised to hear
that but it’s more common than one would think and
it’s true in both men and women.

Here is why: They’re not thinking of their mate;
they are only concerned with their own pleasure
and fantasizing about someone else. I know couples
that can’t perform without watching pornographic
first and I doubt that the performance takes much
time at all. His main goal is getting off and she
is left frustrated most of the time and left to
satisfy herself over and over. It’s no wonder that
both of them have roaming eyes and are just plain

This can change by restoring the power and
reversing the aging process at the same time.
Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?
Want to find out more?
Check out
Dr. Wu Dhi’s Sexual Qi Gong Program

and bring the magic back!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to really get a good heart on Valentine’s Day

Friday, February 14th, 2014

It’s really a love story! The full moon is here on
Valentine’s Day! Venus is the planet of love,
beauty and romance and she went direct the end of
January after playing havoc with the ruler of love
Venus and romance for 6 weeks. This Full Moon will
bring things to light. Who is your love? It maybe
revealed tonight.
Did you know that Valentine’s Day didn’t start out
with love, flowers and candy?
There are several stories about Saint Valentine
and they are all about his gloom and doom. He is
the man that is responsible for our modern
Valentine’s Day. Who would ever think the day of
Love would have such bizarre roots. Saint
Valentine of Rome was imprisoned for performing
the weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to
marry and for ministering to Christians, who were
persecuted under the Roman Empire. According to
legend, during his imprisonment, he healed the
daughter of his jailer, and before his execution
he wrote her a letter signed “Your Valentine” as a
farewell. He really sounded like a good guy to me.
The day is associated with love, and the tradition
of courtly love an occasion in which lovers
expressed their love for each other by presenting
flowers, offering sweets and sending valentine’s
cards. This is the day of stating your love to
your Valentine and there can be no better way to
do it than getting them Dr. Wu Dhi’s Sexual Qi
Gong program

This can be the most romantic gesture you do for
your true love. A real valentine gift and the
sexiest one that will give you and your special
someone that spark to ignite your relationship
over and over again.

Order Dr.Wudhi’s Sexual Qi Gong Program here
and feel the heat.

I wish you a very romantic and special Valentine’s

Dr. Wu Dhi

Are you making your life Harder?

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

unnamed-1I had a great date this week. We went to a great
Greek restaurant in Ft. Lauderdale, walked on the
beach and watched the moon come up over sea.
The weather was just perfect; around 75 degrees
with a warm breeze, the palm trees were lightly
swaying in the wind. I brought two of those
Chinese lanterns and we lit them and they floated
over the ocean until they disappeared. What a
romantic and magical night this was.

Some times you just hit the right moment with the
right person and the energy opens up. It’s nothing
you do, it just happens now and again. We were
sharing stories until late in the evening and she
asked me if I ever wanted to have kids.
Hello! I never asked her how old she was and I am
sure she didn’t have a clue how long I’ve been
walking around planet earth. It turned out that
she was in her late thirties and hasn’t had any
children as yet.

When I told her my real age she started to giggle.
“I thought you were much younger, maybe in your
late fortes or fifties.” I am often told that I
don’t act or look my age. In fact they have been
telling me this all my life. Although age is just
a number, if you feel old and act old guess what?
You are old!

The Taoist believe that the aging process has a
lot to do with your sexual strength and for
thousand of years they have perfected techniques
to keep that energy strong and vibrant.
In Dr. Wu Dhi’s Sexual Secrets program
I have spelled out the exercises and energy
techniques that will strengthen and enhance your
sexual energy to keep you young, powerful and

Don’t let your age be a factor, strengthen your
internal power and stay young, healthy and vibrant
for years without relying on a blue pill to keep
you up and running.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


This is the real deal! Over the last 35 years I
have studied, researched and used these practices
to keep myself young and manly. Yes, it takes
practice but you can keep yourself years younger
and be more and more vibrant. If you really want
it, you can have it!
Get started today

Sexual Power for a Long Time!

Friday, January 17th, 2014

I was going over the sexual program with a student
last night and although he is in his early
thirties he felt that his sexual experience could
be a lot more than he was experiencing and was
asking me about the Taoist sexual practices and
other techniques that I have learned over the
years. I suggested he started doing the exercises
in Dr. Wu Dhi’s Sexual Qi gong program

This will give you the foundation for a much
better sex life and exercises that will keep
things hard and juicy for years to come.

is what I suggest:

Throughout history, people have gone to a lot
of trouble—not to mention putting their health in
danger, in some cases—trying to find libido
boosters to improve their sex lives. Today
pleasure seekers have it easier because, as it
turns out, the grocery store is the perfect place
to find natural aphrodisiacs. Bonus: In addition
to making sex a little steamier, nearly all these
foods have health benefits beyond the bedroom.

1. Chocolate ?This dark, delicious dessert
has long been associated with indulgence, but
that’s not the only reason chocolate puts you and
your guy in a sensual mood. The treat contains
caffeine, which helps perk you up and also boosts
serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that
contribute to feelings of well-being and
happiness, “Chocolate brings on feelings of
euphoria—It’s a psycho-stimulant so it has an
arousal effect.” That’s because chocolate contains
phe nylethylamine, a chemical with an
amphetamine-like affect that temporarily mimics
feelings of falling in love. In fact, a 2007
British study found that letting chocolate melt in
your mouth is more stimulating and raised heart
rates more than kissing. Chocolate, particularly
dark chocolate is also loaded with antioxidants
that improve circulation and lower cholesterol.

2. Pumpkin Pie ?- A study that measured
blood flow in men ages 18 to 64 found that the
scent of pumpkin pie rated the highest response
for sexual arousal —Lavender rated equally high,
while close runners-up included black licorice,
which boosted blood flow to the men’s organ

3. Good & Plenty Candy ?- Smelling Good &
Plenty, the popular licorice-flavored candy,
caused a 13 percent increase in vaginal blood
flow, the scent may trigger olfactory nostalgia,
such as positive memories from childhood as well
as feelings of security and safety—a state of mind
that helps make sex more relaxing and enjoyable.

4. Oatmeal ?- L-arginine, a common amino
acid is a precursor to nitric oxide, a substance
that “enhances the arousal response,” Good food
sources of L-arginine include oatmeal and granola
as well as nuts, seeds, dairy, and seafood.

5. Oysters ?- “It’s a sensual experience to
eat oysters,” these delicacies from the sea are
aphrodisiacs for another reason too. Oysters are
bursting with zinc, a mineral used in the
production of testosterone (and sperm), which
plays a role in fueling the sex drive of both men
and women. American and Italian chemists who
looked at oysters, mussels and clams found the
shellfish were packed with rare amino acids that
triggered increased levels of sex hormones in
animals. What’ s more, oysters contain taurine, an
amino acid with a caffeine-like effect for
alertness and physical endurance.

6. Fish- ? rich in omega-3 fatty acids such
as mackerel, wild salmon, halibut, and sardines as
well as flaxseed, nuts and oils can take your sex
life from lukewarm to hot. Here’s how: Essential
fatty acids are the building blocks of sex
hormones in men and women and help fight the
buildup of plaque in the arteries, thereby
improving circulation and increasing sensation.
“Omega-3 fatty acids help with sexual response, by
helping to raise dopamine levels in the brain that
trigger arousal,& rdquo; They’re important for energy,
memory, mood, and libido.”

7. Avocados- ?The deep green fruit contains
vitamin B6, which helps produce serotonin, the
feel-good hormone, Avocados are also loaded with
vitamin E, which enhances circulation and is
believed to stimulate the production of
passion-stimulating testosterone.

8. Garlic ?-Although you’d think garlic
would ruin, rather than improve, your love-making
sessions, it turns out that it contains allicin,
an ingredient that increases circulation,
including down south, which “helps improve
sensation,” The action of finely chopping garlic
releases allicin, so be sure to crush the garlic

9. Seeds and Nuts- ?Like, pumpkin seeds and
pine nuts are rich in zinc, which help the body
produce testosterone—and, in your man’s case,
sperm. Added attraction: Nuts, including almonds,
are also good sources of the aforementioned
omega-3 fatty acids, which help prevent plaque
accumulation in the arteries and improve blood
flow throughout the body (including to the
genitals). What’s more, nuts and seeds are
powerhouse foods, full of protein and healthy
fats, which give you a boost of energy both in and
out of the bedroom.

10. Mint- ?Popping a mint before kissing
your partner is not only courteous, it’s also a
turn-on. The overall conclusion: The scent of mint
makes people make out-worthy. Married people and
single women wanted their men to taste “fresh,
clean, and minty, like toothpaste

All of these foods can and will help to increase
your libido and make you a happy camper. Dr. Wu
Dhi’s Sexual Qi Gong program will give you all the
secrets you will need to keep you going and going
for years. Get going while the going is good.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Are you Frustrated Sexually?

Wednesday, November 20th, 2013

My self-esteem is so low, I don’t feel sexy any
more, attractive or loved. My husband isn’t
satisfying me, he wants me to take care of him,
but he is always too tired or too busy to please
me. I just think he’s being selfish.

I bend over backwards to do everything I can for
him and he’s dropping me out when it comes to
bedroom play.

The only time I get any satisfaction is eating and
now I am getting fat. What can I do? I don’t want
another lover I want my husband to love me.’’

These frustrated woman have been married for more
than 25 years. They have grown children; all of
them are more than financially stable. Their
husbands do love them but they are both bored in
the bedroom and their libido is non-existent. Most
likely they have been making love the same way for
years and the romance is long gone.

He can buy her new jewelry every day and let her
shop until she drops but that’s not fulfilling her
needs or his.
Like the old Beetles song says,”Money won’t buy
you love”

It’s high time for everybody to put their sexual
energy to work and use the power of sex to
increase each other’s health and longevity.

When I was much younger I was in an incredible
workshop on the love making and cultivating sexual
energy for health, longevity and personal power.
My teachers were both Taoist and Buddhist masters,
but I really embodied the tea chings when I worked
with a woman who mastered the techniques. I
learned loving making exercises from her that
changed me forever.

At first I was really
inhibited and somewhat awkward and my ego was not
really happy taking instructions. Every guy
naturally thinks he’s a great lover and even
though most don’t want to admit it they are not.
Like most things if you want to be good at
something you need instructions. I learned how to
use sexual energy to enhance my health, to retain
my youth, and to be much more powerful.
In ancient China the masters were well known for
their specialized
knowledge on sexual matters. ?

Emperors would
consult in secret Taoist masters for learning the
essentials of sexual practice.
?This would be done not only for enhancing
sexual pleasure with the
numerous concubines that filled the court, but
more specifically for
attaining the Chinese ideal of having a long and
healthy life.

?Sexual energy is associated in China with
vitality, strong senses, sharp mind, vibrant
health, personal magnetism,
psychic powers and longevity.
The Sexual practices are a branch of the Taoist
and Buddhist meditations for calming the
mind and opening the infinite potential of the
human spirit.

The idea of Viagra is just a joke to fulfill ones

In fact VIAGRA may cause chest pain and a sudden,
unsafe drop in blood pressure, along with severe
effects on other organs.

I have worked for years to put together this
series of CD’s and DVD’s that will guide you
through secret exercises that you and your mate
can do to increase your libido, your internal
power and enhance your relationship.

Isn’t it time
that you get things working to their fullest?

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. This program is the real deal. I will teach
you the exercises, meditations and techniques to
make your mate go crazy.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Taoist sexual practices

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

There are genes that we have that will increase
the dopamine in our brain- The pleasure circuit,
but is it just seeking pleasure, or fulfilling a
need? Sex can be good for your health or
can be a draining frustration experience. We all
want to be satisfied. It’s not just for one partner
or the other. If it was it won’t be long before your
mate strays. Most of us haven’t taken classes in
“How to Do It” and how to get the most out of your
sexual experience.

We either learn from trial and error or maybe we
are lucky enough to have a lover who knows what to
do and shares their knowledge.
I knew a woman that never had a real orgasm with a
man and there are men that cum so quickly they end up
frustrated and their partner isn’t interested in them any more
or they are cheating or engaging with prostitutes or other anti-social
behaviors to try and fulfill their Manhood or woman’s needs.

We all want to be fulfilling and for the most part we want our
lovers to be satisfied as well.

Many years ago I was at a seminar on Taoism love making secrets.
The program was a 6 weeks intensive. They
started with an early morning meditation, and
there were lectures, practices and demonstrations
all day long on Qi Gong, Internal exercises,
healing practices, diet, alchemical formulas and
the Taoist sexual practices.
The classes were packed. The teachers explained how you can get
more energy every time you made love. Things like: building your
sexual muscle, how to retain an endless erection
and the pleasuring of your mate with mutable

When that class was finished I still had a head
full of questions. I decided to meet with one
the woman teachers if I could. Luck was on my side
she was more than willing to share all the inner secrets.
I asked her if I could ask her
some personal questions and when she said yes, I
asked her when she was with her husband; she
stopped me there and said, I am not married. I
apologized and said, when you are with your boy
friend; again she stopped me and said. I am not in
a relationship at this time. This seemed like a
good opportunity for both of us. After a lot of
questions and answers we both agreed to work together
for six months and see each other every other
The experience was revealing for both of us.
When on puts these teachings into practice they
opened up centers that we never knew
existed and opened up many of the barriers that we
unconsciously hold on to.

The experience was an incredible one and inspired
me to teach and share these teachings with others.

You can learn the best of the best practices for
your health, longevity, well-being and sexual power
by getting Dr. Wu Dhi’s Sexual Qi Gong Program

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

I only have 25 of these programs in stock and will
not be making any more until 2014. If you want
to become a better lover order today.

Sexual Power is Power

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

I know a group of guys who are years younger than
me and work hard and also have an active family
life. One is in his mid 50’s, two in their mid
40’s and a younger guy who just turned 26. They
golf, lift weights, Ski and play sports. But, for some
reason all of their blood work came back showing
low testosterone (LOW -T). They are now
all on supplements and some of them are even
injecting themselves with testosterone to try and
bring their levels up to normal. I find this very
unusual. Could it be their diet? Their stress
level? Or the wrong type of exercises?

When you start artificially feeding your body with
testosterone, what happens is your body actually
becomes lazy and stops producing it. This causes
the old ‘No Led in you pencil” syndrome. Although,
I am years older I have been focusing on internal
exercises that stimulate and strengthen the
kidneys, move the energy and keep the led sharpened.

It’s highly unusual for the 26 year old but he has
been losing too much Jing. In Chinese Medicine,
the Jing feeds your sexual energy, your internal
fluids, your vitality and keeps you young! If you
do the correct exercises, you can strengthen your
internal organs but if you are not paying
attention, losing vital fluids every time you make
love, believe it or not you are draining yourself,
aging yourself and you can end up with low back
pain, hair loss, knee pain, tinnitus and sexually

, order this
program today!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS Sexual vitality is the secret to a long life
and an exciting one as well. Learn and practice
click on the link and learn more.

Was the Sex Worth It????

Friday, January 11th, 2013

Frank and his wife moved to Florida for the
winter. They are typical snowbirds and come down
right after Thanksgiving and play in the sun until
Easter and then head back up north for the summer.
Nice way to live if you can pull that one off. A
few years ago Frank started training with me.
Although his concept of Qi was new and out of
context sort of thing, he never heard of Qi Gong.
He took to it like a duck takes to water.

Every day we got together he raved about Qi Gong,
energy work and how happy he is with this new found
energy. Last week his wife joined us for a
workout, although she claims working- out isn’t
her thing she said, “I had to come to see what
Frank was doing to be so frisky in bed after years
of “not much activity”

I explained that Qi Gong is one of the keys to
sexual power and that includes better orgasms.
The more you understand the relationship between
energy, your Qi and your sexuality, the easier it
is to convert the power and drive of sexual
When practicing with a trained and knowledgeable
partner it can lead to more satisfying, longer
lasting sex, and greatly add to your health and

When we get excited sexually, all our cells get
excited as well, almost to an explosive nature the
weak cells die off and the stronger ones get even
stronger. This excitement and increasable movement
of Qi reverses the aging process and keeps you
healthy and younger.

Sexual Qi Gong practice can help with such common
sexual dysfunctions as:
•Premature ejaculation
•Menstrual problems

Trying to understand, comprehend and get the most
out of your sexual experience without including
the energy work is like going to an Italian
restaurant and saying you don’t eat carbs. It can
be done but isn’t more than half as rewarding.

Qi Gong can open up a new world of sexuality for
you and your partner.
Sexual Qi Gong is well understood in the Oriental
system; for the most part in the West people don’t
have a clue about energy, they think the goal of
sex is to cum…that’s it.

Sexual Qi gong practices work on both self and
duel cultivation.
Developing the ability to practice Sexual Qi Gong
requires training in how to master particular
practices, it’s not all just in the mind’s ability
to control and direct the Energy/Qi, and it is
also in developing the strength and power in the
sexual muscles, pelvic muscles, and organs. There
are techniques that a couple can engage in, which
have been found to have numerous health benefits
and healing effects on particular organs and
bodily systems.

The most essential aspect of sex with a partner is
that there is a very specific energy exchange that
takes place. It is exchanged from each partner to
the other and this serves to “balance out” each
one. This is perhaps the most compelling aspect of
sexuality and the aspect that drives people to it.

If these abilities are not developed then it is
like sending a gift back unopened.
Dr. Wu Dhi’s sexual secrets program will give you
the tools you will need to make your sex life
better, stronger and keep you younger. Reserve
your copy today

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Unleash your Sexual Power!

Friday, February 10th, 2012

Whenever Billy gets close to scoring,
the game is over before it even starts.
Now he stays away from sexual encounters as
he is embarrassed and within minutes of getting
excited he blows his goo. He told me that sometimes
he looses it even before intercourse.

This can happen to anyone, regardless of age.
It affects sex life big time and the overall
satisfaction of the partners as well.
According to western medicine, premature ejaculation
is due to a heightened sensitivity to touch which
results in quick ejaculation and thus sex can’t be
continued for long.

The causes for premature ejaculation can be:
• Emotional aspects
• Stress
• Mental instability
• Depression
• Blood
• Excess Medicines or drugs
• Over drink Alcohol

Most men experience premature ejaculation at
some point in their lives. It becomes a serious
health condition only if it persists over a period of
time and may be a precursor to impotency.
Most cases of premature ejaculation remain
undiagnosed and untreated because of the stigma
associated with this condition. ?? ?

Current evidence supports an average intra-vaginal
ejaculation potential time of six and a half minutes in
18-30 year olds. If it’s below this time, this is
considered premature ejaculation

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) see’s Premature Ejaculation
most commonly caused by a Kidney disorder.

There are many other patterns associated with this disorder
but most commonly have an underlying kidney deficiency.

Kidney deficiency with Liver Qi Stagnation:

Kidney is deficient in general, plus emotional factors
stagnate the Liver, like anger. This can lead to heat which forces
an already weak Ming Men Fire, (“The Door of Life”) It’s located
just beneath the two kidneys, and exactly opposite the navel, and
it is associated with the water element. These people are generally
depressed, have a bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat, and blurred vision.
Chinese Herbal Formula: see your Chinese herbalist

Kidney Yin deficiency with Fire Rising:

Excessive amounts of sexual activity, which leads to
this condition of premature ejaculation.
There are general symptoms of hot feet, night sweats,
red cheeks, mild anxiety, and low back ache.

Kidney Qi deficiency:

This type of premature ejaculation revolves around fatigue.
Although there is also low libido, when this individual can
achieve an erection it will not last long and will experience
premature ejaculation. The body will show signs of poor energy,
low back ache, dribbling urine or frequent urination, urination
at night, weak knees low sex drive and possible sense of cold,
especially the feet.

Fear/Shock injure Kidney:

Premature ejaculation occurring after a traumatic event in ones life.
There is a sudden feeling of fear or fright, which changes the
behavior of the individual. There also may be insomnia, fear of
crowds or similar uneasy feelings.

What can one do to hold on to your goodies:

• The Dear Exercise
• Chinese sexual weight lifting
• Deep thrill exercise
• Sexual male massage
• Sexual enhancement diet
• Sexual Qi Gong exercises

If you want to be all you can be in the bedroom I can
Show you the way on how to stay in the BEDROOM.

Join the members of the Qi gong Inner circle
and get ready to be more than you have ever been

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

What foods cause your belly to grow the most?

Friday, December 30th, 2011

It’s just about 2012 and New Years Eve is upon us.
My office is only open for emergencies, stuff like back pain,
auto crashes and I can’t stand my relatives.
When things are slow at the office it gives me a little more
time to train and to catch up on my reading.

I read a report this morning on the latest findings on what
makes your belly grow the quickest and kills your
sexual appetite at the same time.

They claim that the foods that lead to long-term weight gain
are things that most of us in the good old USA have been eaten
on regular basis for years.
Most people out there don’t have a clue that these foods
will fatten them up like a stuffed goose in no time
They didn’t realize anything until one day the big belly just
seemed to appear out of nowhere and there love tool
just didn’t work like it used to.

Hear are a few of the culprits:

• French fries
• Potato chips
• Soda
• Sugar laced bottled fruit juices
• Most bottled ice teas
• Red meat
• Processed meats like hot dogs
• Fast foods

When you have these foods groups in your diet on a regular basis,
you’re going to be looking at a big fat belly sooner or later.

Belly fat is a real killer and will age you quicker than you could
imagine and kill your libido quicker than a New York second
and that’s really fast.

As we get older our organs have a tendency to prolapse because
of lack of proper exercise, gravity and the natural aging process
everything begins to sag.
The lungs and heart don’t have the elasticity they had in your
younger years and as they droop this affect the entire chest cavity.
The liver and spleen are affected and of course both the
small intestine and large intestine are affected.
Everything drops!

The next thing you know you have problems “DOWN THERE”
and your sex life is over.
The famous country and western singer Willie Nelson wrote
this poem on His 75th birthday on how he out- lived his sex organ.

“My nookie days are over,
my pilot light is out.

What used to be my sex appeal,
is now my waterspout.
Time was when, on its own accord,
from my trousers
it would spring.
But now I’ve got a full time job,

to find the firkin’ thing.
It used to be embarrassing,
the way it would behave.

For every single morning,
it would stand and watch me shave.
Now as old age approaches, 
it sure gives me the blues.

To see it hang its little head, 
and watch me tie my shoes!”

Yep, Willie is a country party kind of guy and misused his
health for years and is now in a pickle with his pickle.

You can avoid these problems and delay the aging process
by changing your diet, keeping up with a regular exercise
program and following the
Programs set forth by the ancients from China, Tibet
and India.
I have explored these teachings in depth for over 30 years
and have created the Recharging Qi gong Program to enhance
your health and wellbeing.
If you don’t have the program as yet,
what are you waiting for? Next Year?
Place your order now and begin the New Years right!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi