Archive for the ‘Energy work’ Category

Are You Finding it Impossible to Get Work Done?

Friday, May 20th, 2016

Are You Finding it Impossible to Get Work Done?

WORKI was trying to get some work done last Sunday and it was just about impossible. A friend called early morning and said she was in the area and wanted to stop over to see my Feng Shui garden. “Of course,” I said, “Come on over.” It was nice to see her and share how the garden was put together, all about the compost pile, and what all the different plants were. She started her first garden this year and is really into organic and non-GMO foods. She stayed for ¾ of an hour, had a host of questions, and then was on her way. Within fifteen minutes, Eyla and Julio stopped by with their baby to take some measurements on the backyard door gate. I invited them to stay for breakfast. I picked all the veggies from the garden and cooked them up with some organic eggs, smoked salmon and a mug of Bulletproof coffee. Yummy! It’s always good to see friends and share the joys of life, but I needed to get back to my own projects and I was very happy to get back to working on them. To my amazement, in less than an hour, I received another call. Are you home? “Yes, I am.Can I come over? Before I knew it, another friend showed up and stayed until nine in the evening, and the day was gone. Although it was fun and very social, my plans were squashed. This happens to all of us now and then; we make plans and the universe does what it wants with us. That’s why, practice is so important. Doing a regular practice will give you the material to build your body and mind and, eventually, your muscle memory will automatically kick in to keep you in the best condition that serves you and keeps you young and healthy. Your meditations and internal exercises are key to a long and healthy life. These practices will keep you stress-free, balanced, and years younger than you actually are. Get on the program today. Right now, while you still can, get my Recharging Qi Gong Program and reverse the aging process. I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and Happiness. Dr. Wu Hi

Building An Energetic Force Field

Monday, April 18th, 2016

Building An Energetic Force Field


You may be asking yourself right now what the heck is Dr. Wu Dhi up to now?

Well, I have started building an energetic force field, sometimes known as an energy shield or deflector shield, around my home. It’s both a physical and psychic barrier made of energy or particles. Why?

To protect my home, health, objects, and well-being from attacks or negative and hostile intrusions. It’s sort of a physical energy force that puts an invisible barrier around and under my property and radiates out light. This is part of the House Cleaning that I have been doing for the people .

Every day, we are exposed to energy, some positive, while others negative. This constant bombardment of negative energy affects our moods and energy, and it stresses out our entire system physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It is the factor in all health problems. The Chinese have known about this work for thousands of years but, for some reason, we don’t have much knowledge of this in the West. Don’t laugh! If you are not eating the energy at hand, the energy is eating you. All of our thoughts are vibrations of energy. This is not a concept or theory, but a reality that quantum physics reveals to us. Thoughts have a powerful influence that they affect what happens to you every moment of every day. So do the thoughts of others. Most of us go through our lives taking little notice of our thought processes. We are driven by what we fear, what we think, what we desire. For the most part, we eat, work, converse, worry, hope, plan, make love, shop, and play with minimal attention paid to how we think, what we say, or what we do. This is unfortunate. Whether you are aware of it or not, the people that you live, work, and come in contact with every day have an energetic influence on you. Yes, even their thought patterns affect you. When you leave work or the just the neighbor’s house and come home, those thought forms stick to you like chewing gum on the bottom of your shoe. That’s exactly why I have set up a net of energy to protect myself and anyone who comes into my home. Want to find out more about this Sacred Geomancy / Feng Shui? We all want to be protected in every way we can. You can contact me and I’ll give you a free estimate on what needs to be done.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and Happiness.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Energetic Force Field

What Is The Essence Of Health?

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016


The essence of health is balance in all aspects of

your life. It is a harmony of formless, subtle and

manifest worlds of mental, emotional, physical,

spiritual, psychological, and organic developments

of oneself including others and the environment.

The microcosm of the body and the macrocosm of the

universe are constantly dancing with each other.

When they are out of balance or out of tune with

the spiritual reality, dis-ease will result sooner

or later. One of my Masters told me this long ago,

“Do what you say and say what you do. If you say

that you are going to get up in the morning and

practice, make sure you do that. This will

strengthen your word and your internal power. On

the other hand, if you say you are going to do

something and don’t do it, it is a break in your

integrity;Your word becomes less powerful and you

lose Qi and become vulnerable to dis-ease.” Years

ago, I was teaching seminars with a fellow who

came up with the brilliant idea to make subliminal

recordings that would suggest positive

affirmations to the subconscious. His company was

very successful, but he did not practice what he

preached. Within a few years, the business fell

apart and so did he.

In the Five Elements Theory, there are cosmic

principles and energies. The Water element is said

to contain all five elements. That’s why, we pour

so much attention into keeping the kidneys strong

and healthy in Chinese medicine. Earth holds the

principle of solidifying flesh and bone;while

Water shows cohesion represented by blood and

lymph. Fire, or body heat, stands for ripening and

maturing. The nervous and motor functions are

associated with the preserving element, Metal.

Wood seems to support the other four elements

which stands for consciousness.

To stay young, healthy, and vibrant, it is

important to be balanced in every aspect of life.

The Magic Square Workshop offers a special formula

to keep you balanced in all the domains of your life.

As you create your own Magic Square, you will see

what is lacking and what needs to be cultivated to

keep you healthy, happy and, perhaps, wealthy.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and


Dr. Wu Dhi

The Elixir of Immortality

Monday, March 21st, 2016

The Elixir of Immortality


Elixir of Immortality

An Exilir for Immortality. Healing your body from illness is a multi-phase process that we overlook in the West. According to Tibetan Buddhist medicine, an attitude has to be generated that illness is a blessing. That’s a strange one if you live in the West, for sure. An illness is a signal that you are doing something
fundamentally off balance. If you continue on that
path, you will have more anxiety and disease. The
sickness provides an opportunity to grow, to see
where we’ve gone out of balance and correct it.
This may seem a little harsh, but it gives us an
opportunity to develop compassion, practice
virtue, overcome pride and release oneself from
aversion to pain and unhappiness. You can build your own elixir of immortality!  In the Qi Gong
Inner Circle, I share deeper information on how to
deal with illness and death for your growth. If
you are not a member yet, let me share this
valuable information with you and your loved ones.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and
Dr. Wu Dhi

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Massive Energy Source

Thursday, February 4th, 2016

Massive Energy Source

I a

Tucson Gem Show

Tucson Gem Show

m at the Tucson Rock and Gem Show has done an

interesting thing to my internal energy. Every

mineral, rock, and gem puts out an energy field

that stimulates all animals. Did you ever notice

that a cow put out to pasture will lick certain

rocks or hang out near certain rock formations?

It’s because minerals put out an energy. They say

crystals put out the highest vibration of all in

the mineral kingdom. What I noticed just walking

around Tucson is a very high concentration of

minerals, rocks, and gems. My meridians and

chakras have shifted to a much higher vibration.

My meditations are much deeper and so is my Qi

Gong practice.

I want to make a suggestion to you so that that

you, too, can increase your spiritual and psychic

awareness. Gather eight crystals of varying size,

shape, and color. Place them in a Ba Gua position.

One in front of you, one behind you… North, NE,

NW, South, SE, SW, East and West. Stand in the

middle of those eight crystals, and begin doing

five forms of Flying Crane Qi Gong. When you

finish the five movements, begin the automatic

move and do that for 36 minutes. You will notice a

profound shift in your energy field within the

hour. If, for some reason, you do not know Flying

Crane Qi Gong, get your copy today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and


Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Being in the mountains for the last week, my

view, physically and internally, has shifted. In

combination with exposure to rocks and minerals, I

will be sending you more energy and light. Stay


Practice. Practice. Practice.

Stone Magic

Friday, January 29th, 2016

Stone Magic

In ancient China, understanding the mineral world was considered to be one of the most powerful levels of magic. Our planet Earth’s vibration is derived from the thousands of minerals deposited within its crust. Each rock and most minerals have structure that will store, collect, and realize energy.

Minerals have three componStone Magicents, just like our body, mind, and spirit: spiritual, energetic, and physical. They have an influence on our mental, emotional, and physical energies as well as how we vibrate. The vibration of the mineral will vary according to its color, size, shape, weight, and structure, and is also affected by our vibration.

My adventure this week at the Tucson Rock and Mineral show has enhanced my knowledge of the mineral world which I will be sharing more with you in the coming weeks. There are minerals and crystals that will assist in building up your immune system, stones to get rid of nightmares, and rocks to protect you from negative energies. I know that, for a fact, many of the minerals are used for medicine, and to ground a restless spirit, if needed.

Well, let me get back to finding out more information that I will be sharing with you soon.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and Happiness.

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. If you or one of your children have been plagued with nightmares, no need to worry anymore. Write me and let me know what’s going on so we can solve the problem and even do a remote healing, and get you the right mineral to end them once and for all.

Dr. Wu Dhi

An Energy of Healing

Wednesday, January 13th, 2016

Healing EnergyAn Energy of Healing

For the greater part of my life, I have approached

health issues from a much different methodology

than most traditional doctors. Some friends

and patients call me the energy healing doc.

Maybe it’s fate, or

karma from a past life, or my genetic makeup that

made me a doctor, healer, and shaman kind of guy.

I have been fortunate, and I am so grateful for

all the knowledge I have accumulated in my life.

My grandfather on my mother’s side was a

pharmacist back in the roaring twenties and

influenced me at a young age on the importance of

preventive health care. I don’t really think that

much of Western medicine and the big push of

pharmaceutical companies to get people hooked on

their drugs for their lifetime. This is downright

shameful; they are not looking at ways to prevent

the disease, just trying to manage disease. No one

ever gets off of diabetic meds or cholesterol

medicine. Once you are on, it’s for life. The sad

part is, if people would start exercising and

changing their diet, many of the so-called

diseases would disappear. As for the spiritual

aspect of health, it is completely dropped out as

if it had no value. To tell you the truth, I don’t

know anyone that is suffering from drug

deficiency. Now don’t get me wrong. Modern

medicine has made many people’s lives better, but

the cure of disease just isn’t happening with

drugs. Pharmaceutical companies are advertising on

radio and TV way too much, and it’s ONLY happening

in the USA and New Zealand. It isn’t helping the

doctors or the patients, only the drug

manufacturers. And now they are trying to force

Canada to do the same.

The kind of health care I practice incorporates

many different modalities from alchemical

medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tibetan

medicine, energy medicine, Medical Qi Gong,

Ayurveda medicine, and whatever it takes to get a

person back to health and keep them healthy

without doing any harm. There is a great value in

treating the physical, energetic, and spiritual

bodies, so the patient can break through their

blocked energy and get free of the dis-ease and

live a longer happier life.

A friend referred Mary Jane to my office. She was

looking for a holistic doctor in Miami, and she

was sent directly to me. Her family just moved to

Miami from the Big Apple where she received

regular treatments from her doctor for a multitude

of problems, from physical to hormonal issues to

emotional problems. She felt very vulnerable not

finding a good holistic doctor in Miami who could

fulfill her needs, and I was pleased she decided

to visit my office. I did my usual examination and

found she had been stressed out to the point of

adrenal exhaustion. She reported that her husband

was out of work, and she didn’t really like where

she was living. For the last 6 months, her energy

was okay but nowhere it should be for a woman in

her early forties that she suffered from anxiety

and sleeping problems. I started treating her with

acupuncture and, as we worked together, I could

feel a shift in her energy. Mary Jane started to

relax very deeply and then became very chatty. She

told me that she saw a few different acupuncture

doctors in Miami, but most of them pulled her

needles out too quickly which caused her a lot of

pain, and she didn’t feel the chi moving when they

worked on her. She went on to say that her doctor

in New York was not able to open up her blocked

energy and keep her healthy, and that no one was

quite like her. Her New York doctor would do some

strange things, and stuff would happen.

Mary Jane’s story made me smile inside as I could

sense that her other doctor in the city was

practicing Medical Qi Gong as well as acupuncture.

That’s when I turned on the power. Mary Jane was

accustomed to feeling the energy surge through her

meridians and opening up her chakras. Most people

haven’t experienced this kind of energy where

there is a soft flow of energy, somewhat like mild

electricity moving through your entire body. If

you have never experienced the chi flow, what you

have been waiting for is the power of Chinese

medicine. Once you feel the force, I will teach

you exercises to keep it flowing, and keep you

healthy, open and energized.

Call my office today at 305-407-0120, and come in

for an experience of your lifetime.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and


Dr. Wu Dhi


Monday, November 30th, 2015

It’s the last Monday, the last day in November
 the holidays are upon us. Monday is
ruled by the
 moon the yin female energy.
Every human being, every animal, every plant on
our planet is effected by the moon. We are now in
a waning moon for the next 11 days. The waning
moon detoxifies and sweats our, dries,
consolidates and contributes to the expenditure of
energy. The closer we get to the new moon on
December 11 the more we are effected by the force,
The Moon is in Leo today 
is a good day for
a party with lots of laughter. It’s a
to be spontaneous and even a
mischievous may be fun. Make time to
go to a, special places
 like museums, a
good restaurant or a snazzy 
boutiques. The
Leo lunar vibe brings out the
boldness in men and the diva quality
women. When the Moon is in Leo, there’s a
 of inspiration in the air. I
encourage you to shine more brightly and really
enjoy the day. 
Sunday is the day of the
Sun and Yang in nature it represents the self,
one’s personality and ego, the spirit and what it
is that makes the individual unique. It is our
identity and our face to the world. The Sun also
our creative ability and the power of the
individual to meet the challenges of everyday
life. This Sunday I will be teaching a special
class at the
Unity on the Bay Church in
Make this class I must do
Date: Sunday, December 6, 2015

I Wish you the Best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Who is Enslaving You

Friday, November 13th, 2015

Who is Enslaving You?

We all want to be free and not enslaved by our
job, family, government, or the dogma of the
church. How do we gain our freedom and keep it?
Every day, we are being programmed by
advertisements, TV, and unjust laws to keep us
unconscious and asleep. For the most part, we are
numb to what’s really going on.

Spiritual freedom is more than just religious
freedom. Freedom of religion or freedom of belief
is “a principle that supports the freedom of an
individual or community, in public or private, to
manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice,
worship, and observance; the concept is generally
recognized also to include the freedom to change
religion or not to follow any religion. In a
country with a state religion, freedom of religion
is generally considered to mean that the
government permits religious practices of other
sects besides the state religion, and does not
persecute believers in other faiths.”

On the other hand, s

Who enslaving you

Who enslaving you

It is the awakening
of your awareness to transcend all limitations in
your life. Spiritual freedom starts with the act
of surrender and a deep commitment to the divine
presence within. You choose to be more aware,
awake, creative, happy, free, joyful, growing,
loving, kind, and to be open to the unknown.
Spiritual freedom is real freedom no matter what
happens in life. If you are spiritually free, you
are free from any man-made incarceration or
slavery. You are free from the addiction and the
attraction to things, free from being identified
with any position or condition.

How do we get free? How do we gain spiritual
freedom? It comes with the practice of meditation
and internal awareness. Some years ago, I had an
audience with His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse
Rinpoche, a Vajrayana master, scholar, poet,
teacher, and head of the Nyingma school of Tibetan
Buddhism. I asked him what practice should I be
doing, and he told me to practice “Oṃ ma
ṇi pad me hūṃ”, a mantra to free
myself. It is a six-syllabled Sanskrit mantra,
particularly associated with the four-armed
Shadakshari form of Avalokiteshvara, the
Bodhisattva of compassion. When said properly, it
will free you from worry, struggle, and blame, or
“The Three Poisons”.

I have put together a program for my students to
give them the teachings and the power of the
mantra. You will be amazed how much you will get
out of these teachings. Click on the link and
learn more.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and
Dr. Wu Dhi

The 4th. of July Weekend

Sunday, July 5th, 2015

The 4th. of July Weekend

It was a hot 4th of July in Miami Beach. I trained around five this morning until the sunrise. It’s the best time to train in the summer. I get up, slug down a liter of water, and I am out the door ready to hit it. I walked down to the beach and stopped in front of the St. Regis Luxury Hotel.
There wasn’t a soul on the beach, and it was very dark. The quiet of the early morning is the best time to open up your internal channels. Most people miss this magic hour and are still sleeping. This is the very best time to work the Shen. That’s what the Chinese call spirit.

Jing, Qi, and Shen are referred to as sanbao, or “The Three Treasures”, the essential energies that sustain human life:
1. Jing – nutritive essence, essence; refined,
perfected; extract; spirit, sperm, seed
2. Qi – vitality, energy, force; air, vapor;
breath; spirit, vigor; attitude
3. Shen – Spirit; Soul, Mind; GOD, Deity;images-2
Supernatural being

A key to the internal work lies in building and a balance of the Three Treasures. In the Qi Gong Inner Circle, I will teach you how to work the internal energies, The Three Treasures, to keep you Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually Healthy.
Join in today. Become a member of the

For the Sunday Review:

Building A Body of Energy

Finding A Real Master

Moms are Forever

I hope you had a Happy Independence Day!

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth, and Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi