Posts Tagged ‘Body Mind And Spirit’

Sunday Review

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

Dr. Wu’s Sunday Review

It’s yet another Sunday!
I hope that all of you are enjoying
your weekend as it is a very interesting
and wonderful time of the year!
So many holidays are coming up and I
am sure all of you are preparing for them.
It is important to keep on practicing and
looking after your health through all of this
‘hectic’ time. During the holidays, we usually
tend to give our families and close ones
special attention. Well, consider your body,
mind and spirit part of your family,
because -well it is!

Over the past week we have learned
many wonderful things.
I encourage you to read these blogs today.
I am also reminding you to check your
emails every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday because that is when they come out.

Enjoy these blogs today and follow along
next week as I will have some very
interesting things to say.
Stay tuned :)

Change your Stops to Steps
“Then I wrote:
The “5 Things I Can Improve”
Let me tell you, I improved by leaps and
bounds in my practice,
my energy levels and by aliveness…..”

Psychic Energy
“Whenever you’re stuck in a
place in your
life where you’re not having fun,
it means that
you are not open to the people and
things around you.
Your creativity is cramped, your
flexibility is stifled
and most likely you are living
in a…..”

The Sky is Falling
“Students and patients often ask
me, “How can I control my life, so
situations like this don’t cause me
excess stress and ill health?”
I’ve been teaching these precious
exercises to thousands of students
and patients throughout the years
to teach them how…..”

Happy Sunday everyone!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

What are the Three Biggest Energy Suckers?

Friday, October 14th, 2011

I started water fast for a few days
to clear out all the cobwebs so to speak.

Fasting has many benefits:

*Overall health
*Detoxing the body
*The Opening of Spiritual centers.

A body full of toxic foods,
environmental poisons and toxic
thoughts, will eventually cause
health problems to your body, mind and spirit.

If your head is filled with evil thoughts,
this can transfer the evil influences on the body.
What affects the body, affects the mind
and vice versa. One of the best ways to
purify it is by fasting. This will allow you
to see things more clearly.
Let me explain how this works.

The Three Biggest Energy Drains in life:
– Sex
– Over Talking
– Digestion

When we fast we give our digestive
system rest and a chance to renew
our energy supply.

If you can limit your SPEECH
when you are on a fast– you can easily
open the SPIRITUAL centers and SEX is a no,
no! – at least for a few days,
we don’t want any energy leaks.
This will give you a lot more energy
and you will notice that you will have a
lot more free time when you are fasting.

I suggest a one day fast to start.
Here is how to do it:

After your last meal in the evening, drink
a glass of water and retire early.
When you wake up, first thing- have a glass
of pure room temperature water. You can add a half
of lemon if you wish. Use pure water
to flush and purify the system.
I drink 3 or 4 quarts a day when fasting and
sleep a minimum of 8 hours with a nap or
two during the day. I try to make my
fasting days on days that I don’t have to work
or have much interaction with people.
The less talking you do, the more energy you
will have.

While on the fast, spend some time in nature,
walking, or sitting near the water. It will quite
the mind and allow your head space to open
more. If you can’t get out in nature spend some
alone time.

No Mind Sucking TV!
If you are a reader, read only inspirational
books or go to an art museum and quietly
walk around. When I am fasting, I’ll listen
to soothing music, without words
-only instruments.

Fasting is a personal time and you are more
likely to be in a programmable state,
so guard your speech, as well as what you
listen too.

While fasting, we shed extra weight from
the body and gain strength and clarity of
the mind.

For those of you who have emotional, nervous and
sexual problems, there is no better way than
fasting to clear and cure those problems.
Your mind will become quiet.
Fasting, whether for physical well-being,
or a spiritual purpose, is a very scientific
way to clear the body and mind of stuck energy.

This is one of the best ways to get started on
a detox program.
After the day of fast, I
usually do a two week detox program.
I have received major success with the detox kit.

and I take two Oxy-hydrate pills per night for the
two week detox program, this will insure you that your
colon is as clean as a whistle.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Detox your body at least 4 times a year!
-this is real anti-aging medicine!

“Yeh Ming Ju” The Energy Gem

Sunday, September 18th, 2011

It’s still hot here in South Florida.Today, the temperature was in the 90’s.
When you live in “The Sunshine State” you get use to the heat and the rain.
This weather will continue for at least another month or two until it starts to get cold up North. Then we will start to feel a sudden change of the
weather as we go from a hot and steamy summer to a more mild heat once the fall moves in.
The ocean will then cool off and I will again be living in paradise, a beautiful 70 degrees with no humidity. From November to May the weather here is perfect.This is when all the snow birds return to Florida and the tourist season begins again.

It’s strange to me that some people who live here all year long don’t venture outside in the summer to enjoy the energizing weather of the tropics.
It’s even harder to believe that some people never give
themselves the opportunity to swim in the ocean.
I make sure to spent much of my time outside.

In the early morning, long before the sun comes up,
even as we move into the winter months, I still go into the ocean.
The beautiful and rejuvenating ocean is why I moved to
South Florida many years ago. In fact, I tell most of my
patients to spend at least twenty minutes soaking in the ocean water, two or three times a week.

The salt water of the ocean has many healing and therapeutic qualities.

-It helps to detox the entire system.

-It keeps the lymphatic system moving and helps to
massage the intestine.

-It keeps the skin soft.

-It de-stresses the body, mind and spirit.

-Just standing in the ocean is the ultimate form of meditation
and provides your body with complete relaxation.

I spend most of my day busy with a full time Chinese
medicine practice, book and blog writing, DVD producing,
and personally training and coaching students and patients
in matters of health and longevity.
It makes no difference how busy I am or how many projects
I am involved in, I always make sure that my health is my number one priority.

When you spend so much time outside like I do, you not only
have the opportunity to experience nature, but also to become energetically sensitive.

The more energy you are aware of the more energy you can
cultivate and use for the growth of your health and spirituality.
You learn what kind of energy to avoid and when to put yourself
right in the middle of positive energy.

My friend Peter Dragon who trains in Qi Gong everyday,
knows how energy works and how to cultivate it.
I just received a new package from him today all the way from China.

I was happy to find that the package contained more of the
magical gems “. The Chinese know all about Yeh Ming Ju. Although most have never seen the gems in person, many would like to have one to enhance their Health, Wealth and Happiness.

When I wear my Yeh Ming Ju I feel like I am protected by body armor.
Since wearing these magical gems my energy and endurance
have increased greatly, I sleep better, and my creativity and awareness have been heightened.

Yeh Ming Ju is considered to be the ” King of the Energy Gems.”
These gems are infused with Rare Earth Elements and once they
are charged up by the Sun they hold and radiate Qi. In a sense they are alive and have their own awareness.
I was lucky enough to get a few of them for myself and some of my students. People have been writing to me from all over the world asking
how they can own one of these “energy gems”.
Like any rare gem they are hard to get and are “worth their
weight in gold”.
In ancient times only members of the Chinese Royal family
were allowed to own this rare gem and it has never left China until just recently. The last batch I received sold out in two days.

The more energy workers that become aware of the gems
the quicker the price will go up and the more difficult they
will become to obtain. It’s as simple as supply and demand.
In this recent shipment I was lucky enough to secure some
really choice pieces.
If you are interested in energy and better vitality you’ll definitely
want to own one of these amazing gems. Write me at
and reserve your energy gem today. I have small beads, large beads and
some really powerful necklaces available.
This is the last shipment I will receive until next year.
Don’t miss your opportunity to get one as they sell out fast.

Peter Dragon is currently finishing his first book on Energy
Gems and it will soon be available.
I’ll make sure that you are well informed as I get more information
on it’s release.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness.

Dr Wu Dhi

Don’t Ever limit your training.

Monday, July 11th, 2011

Don’t limit your training.

For the next few weekends I am
totally engaged in seminars on
meditation, acupuncture, nutrition
and Medical Qi Gong.
I am always training my
body mind and spirit.

“He who fails to train,
Trains to fail.”

This is the way we grow by working
outside of the box and pushing ourselves
to learn and get trained as often as we can.

If you ever took a peek at my Biography on
you will see that I am no stranger when it
comes to trainings, seminars or educating myself.
I have spent years being coached, practicing
and training myself and I continue where
I can and whenever I can.

It’s not always about just physical training and
energetic training, it’s about training in all aspects
of your life. To grow we need to touch on
every aspect of our lives and use all the
tools that are available.

“It takes two wings to fly.”
One is the training and the
other is the practice.
If you just have one wing
you just flop round on the ground.


For over 4 decades, I spent every
summer doing spiritual retreats.
Trainings that involved standing
practices, sitting practices and
chanted prayer or mantra which
is what they are called in the
eastern systems.

I learned to incorporate many of the
different modalities to enhance my
mind and over the years I learned how
to develop my learning and growing
experiences. Learning how to learn is an art.

In Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP)
they call that VAC (visual, auditory and kinesthetic).
This way you start to get as many modalities
as you can involved in learning experience.

1. Visually- you want to be able to
picture it in your minds eye.
See it, see yourself already having it.

2. Auditory- hear it.
What does it sound like?
Does it ring a bell?
Sing it, hum it play it on the piano.

3. Kinesthetic- feel it.
Get some movement into the learning experience.
Dance it, run it, touch it,
and get it into your body.

The more of the senses you can
activate the quicker you can learn
and retain that information.
Years ago I asked my Master to
teach me the inner workings of a
special meditation; he agreed but
told me that I had to repeat the
mantra 100,000 times before he
would give me the entire teaching.
I thought about it for a few days and
did the math. I wasn’t going to get
the teaching for over a year and this
didn’t sit well with me at all.

The next day I met with a friend for
dinner and he was telling me about a
doctor that he met, who was working
on “subliminal programming” of the mind.

The following day I contacted his doctor
and made an appointment.
When I got to his office I
had 100,000 questions.

He explained to me what subliminal
programming could do and how
it worked.
He said, “Our minds have so called
guards that block out useless and
harmful information, sometimes this
is good and some times not so good
as we are always get programmed
by outside influences.”

He gave me the analogy of a guard
standing at a guardhouse, who only
lets in the right things for us, but
sometimes things sneak in from
our subconscious mind, our guard
doesn’t even see it. He told me this
can be easily done with the right
suggestions to the subliminal mind.
He went on to say that the advertising
industry does this all the time to sell us
product that we had no idea we even wanted.”

I asked him if I plan to get the 100,000
repetitions of the mantra in my mind
could it be done?

He said, “I don’t see why not.
Just have a subliminal CD made and
listen to it over and over and you will
program your mind.”

I learned that I could have my own
custom subliminal program CD made
to get the mantra into my mind in
record time, so I set up an appointment
to meet with the recording company
and I explained what I wanted to do.

I wanted to produce a subliminal
program that would repeat the mantra
100,000 times in one hour. I worked
with them on getting the exact mantra
played down on the tracks and then waited.

It was a few weeks before they got it
back to me with the finished product
and then I got to work, I spent the
next few weeks listening to the
program for only an hour a day
1/2 hour when I woke up and
1/2 hour just before I went to sleep.

When I returned to see my Master,
I told him that I had completed the task.
He doubted me at first and said that it was
impossible, until I explained what I did.

He congratulated me on my unique
approach and said, “This was definitely
thinking outside of the box.”
He gave me the entire teaching!

Since that time I have taught hundreds
and hundreds of students
“The Internal Mantra Program” and
gave them the CD. I recommend this
program for all beginners as well as
well seasoned mediators to deepen the
understanding of the teachings as well
as the subliminal practice CD to
embody the practice.

The Internal Mantra program teaches
you the six most powerful words that
will reprogram your mind and open up
your locked spiritual energy. This is
not about any religion, it’s about
unlocking your spirit to receive more
energy no matter what your tradition
and training is.

Order your program today and
reprogram your body, mind and spirit.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Energy Gems

Monday, July 4th, 2011

It was last January when I first
heard about the power of the energy gems
and I was told that were going to be shipped
to me directly from main land China.
well the Chinese Qi Gong masters kept there word.

They have finally arrived after
4 months of waiting.
The Yeh Ming Ju that was promised
is now in my hands.
They are beautiful and full of energy.

The Imperial Treasure Stones have the
highest healing frequency of any mineral.
They were beloved by China’s Emperor’s & Empress
since the most ancient of days.
The rare and hard to acquire Energy
Gems from China are considered to
be the“King of the Energy Gems.”

They are infused with Rare Earth.
Elements and once they are charged up by
the Sun they radiate Qi.
In a sense they are alive and have awareness.
Those of you who were lucky enough
to get one of the Gems know that they
are the real deal.

Here is some advice on how to clean
the gems and recharge them.
I always ware my Yeh Ming Ju
as body armor when I am training
or working on patients.
By the end of the day I need to recharge to
clear my body, mind and spirit,
especially if I see chronically sick patients
all day or patients with Shen
disturbances (depression, mood disorders,
mental health problems and emotional
disturbances manifest as ‘Shen’ Disturbance).

Here is what I do to clean the Gems.
Before bed I wash them in cool clean water,
pat them dry and store them in a silk cloth
or bag. In the morning I put the gems on a
clean white cotton towel and leave them in
full sunlight for an hour. This recharges
them and they stay charged all day.

The Gem holds and radiates Qi.
When you wear the Yeh Ming Ju,
Your wearing Body Armor.

Make sure your protected if you do
any energy work. Don’t get
slimed on from negative energy.

Since I have the body armor on
my energy seems to have increased,
my endurance is great, I sleep better,
and my creativity and awareness
have been heightened.
Like any rare gem
they are it’s hard to come by
and cherished by energy workers
meditation teachers and Qi Gong masters.

The Chinese know what “Yeh Ming Ju” is,
although most have never seen
it. They want to get some in their
hands if they can.

In ancient times only the
Royal family was allowed
to own this rare Gem and it never
left China until just recently.

If you contact me I’ll send along a few pictures and price range.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

“The “The Qi Gong Renaissance.”.”

Saturday, June 18th, 2011

There is a trend happening in China as we speak.

People are studying and practicing
more Qi Gong than in any previous time
in Chinese history.

In the past, Qi Gong was only available to the
wealthy, monks, priests, and nobility.
But now, Qi Gong is taught in schools,
practiced in parks, temples, clinics and
hospitals to anyone who is willing to l
invest their time and energy.

When I was in Beijing a few years ago,
every morning when I went down to the park
to do my Qi Gong practice, there were hundreds
of people practicing different forms of Energy
work and today there is even more.
It was incredible to see and feel the Qi
and this type of energy brings in more energy.

In fact, when I went into the bookstores
in China,I found hundreds of books, tapes, videos,
magazines, on just about every aspect of
Qi Gong.
*The Martial art forms

*Meditation forms

* Medical Qi Gong

All kinds of healing forms of
Qi Gong. I was there searching for practices
on healing, health and the Medical Qi Gong forms.

I was amazed to find that Medical Qi Gong was practiced
in every hospital I went to. When I first went to China
17 years ago, these practices were all secret,
but today there are large Medical Qi Gong
hospitals in all major cities of China.

China is the only country in the
world where Medical Qi Gong has been
truly integrated and accepted as part of
the healthcare system.

You may be asking what is Medical Qi Gong?
Qi means life -force -energy and Gong means skill.
Qi Gong is the practice of gathering,
cultivating and applying life force energy
to heal the body,mind and spirit.

Medical Qi Gong is the oldest of the four branches
of traditional Chinese medicine and provides the
foundation in which acupuncture, herbal
medicine, and massage originated.

The Qi is the spark that activates all the other
branches and opens up the spiritual path of self
realization. It is the best way to prevent or cure a
disease, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

In my practice of Medical Qi Gong, I send
energy/Qi into my patient’s physical and
energetic body to help transform their health.

If I do this all day, without recharging myself,
I would be wasted in no time. Practicing charges
up my batteries up and I do my energetic practices
every morning, if I didn’t I would be sick myself in
no time at all.

That’s why every morning I train, practice and teach to
renew my body mind and spirit. The foundation
of the practice is built on the meditation and spiritual
work and that’s what guides me.

When I am practicing
Flying Crane Qi Gong,
I always close the set by doing the automatic move
to balance my meridians and chakras. This balances
and roots the energy in the lower
Dantian, navel and Ming area of the body and
Is the storage place for Qi.

Pick up your copy of the
Flying Crane Qi Gong today at
and lets get started now.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi