Archive for the ‘Pain Free’ Category

How much are you willing to pay for good health?

Monday, June 4th, 2012

Are you Willing to Pay for Good Health?

Health is a Gift

When we experience dis-ease, no matter
what it is it’s usually because our bodies
and minds are out of balance and have become
too toxic. Dis-ease is our body’s way of sending
us signals that all is not well and needs to be listened to.

Our health directly impacts our consciousness,
conduct, the choices we make, and how we present
ourselves to others.

Back in the mid 90’s there were nearly
twelve thousand people who were still alive at
the age of 100 in the USA. Today that’s no
longer true, the life expectancy is down to 78 years.

What happened in that 12-year cycle? Our world has
turned upside down. On September 11, 2001 the
World Trade Center was destroyed by hostile forces
and since then people in general are more stressed
than ever. You can’t even fly from one city to another
without being checked screened and sometimes probed.

The stock market left thousands of people
Penniless and we are all now 12 years older.
These stresses have rocked the boat big time,
our freedom and privacy in no longer sacred.
There is a lot more unemployment, insecurity and tension.
STRESS has shaken the nation.

When all this hit people in general tightened up
their pocket books, their trust in the system and
their bodies tightened up almost overnight and became
stiff and tense. Why? Stress and the fear of the unknown.

Unfortunately, this dynamic will affect us the rest
of our lives, and unless we take action and learn tools
to soothe and alleviate the stress, it will lead to
disease and eventually kill us.

People are fanatical about things like abortions,
dishonesty, pilfering, and betrayal. They casually
overlook things like over eating and drinking, food
addiction, and our political system and stay surprising
unaware in areas regarding health. If you bought a
Bugatti Veyron Super Sport car one of the most expensive
cars in the world, it costs somewhere around $2,400,000.00
you would be overseeing every single thing that went into
that car, down to the quality of the gas, oil, and lube.

You would want to manage the overall care; to the
smallest detail. However, with own body and health,
it’s a completely different story… Most people have no
idea what is in their food or what products they put on
their skin, if they are filled with toxic chemicals or
carcinogens they keep a blind eye to that.

In today’s toxic and high-stress world, taking care
of your health should be your #1 priority, If you don’t
think so just get hit with a disease — it will turn
your head around 360 degrees in less than one second.
Every ache and pain we experience is a result of toxins
in our body and our body’s way of communicating to us
that something is out of balance.

Detoxing will clear your most important organs, we
change and clean our oil filters and air filters in are
expensive cars. Are you cleaning your bodies filters?
The Liver Kidneys and the colon in our body has filters
that must be clean to prevent illness and disease.
Order your Detox cleansing kit today:

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Summer Suffering Gone Forever

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

It’s just about summer in South Florida
again as the temperature and humidity hits the 90’s.
This is the time of the year when my office fills up
with patients suffering from migraines, headaches,
cramps, pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness and
low back pain.

The culprit is heat and humidity. Every day I
hear from people complaining about THE HEAT, they
have excess thirst, their face gets red and so do their
eyes and irritability is a nice word for what I hear.
In general, people are restless and not having fun.
If you’re a woman combine that with your once a month
cycle and all hell can break lose.

Heat is Yang or male in nature and tends to injure the
blood and Yin is the female aspect. Heat dries things out,
makes your internal organs wither and atrophied. Too much
heat in your body will appear as wrinkles on your face and
your skin will start to dry out and look old.

But all of this can be reversed or at least slowed down
naturally, some with homeopathic, herbal medicine or a
relaxing natural treatment.

Hear are a few things you can do to beat the summer heat
and cool everything down:

1.Stay well hydrated. Drink at least 6 glasses
of water a day. Skip the drinks with carbonation-
they will throw your PH off and will bring you
more age related problems

2.Increase your Vitamin C

3.Tea is better for you in the
summer than coffee, I find jasmine tea quite
cooling and calming as well.

4.Believe it or not that summer Bar-B-Q can
make you look older than you really are, it
puts too much heat in the body.

6.Summer heat combined with too much cold food
weakens the digestive organs. Coldness causes
contraction; it holds in sweat and heat, and
interferes with digestion. Avoid iced drinks
and ice cream.

In my office I treat people where the root of
the problem begins and together we can retain
our youth longer and stay healthy.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

PS Pick up a copy of turn Stress Into Power and
end your stresses now

Why is Back pain so Common?

Thursday, September 1st, 2011

This problem is never ending!
You bend or reach for
something and you end up with a
sharp pain that feels like a knife is stabbing you.


It’s a fact that you will
experience back pain at some
point in your life, no matter
how healthy and fit you are.
I know I have!

It can happen from over reaching,
an unexpected sneeze, or lifting
even the lightest thing and there it

Why is back pain so common?
Our muscles have to work constantly to hold
us upright against gravity and to move us around.
These muscles can get tired,
and being overweight as well as out of shape
causes even more problems.
Strong muscles, in the central part of the body,
(the core muscles) help to carry body weight and
to prevent the spine from getting overloaded.
When, these core muscles get weak,
the spine must compensate and do extra work,
therefore causing pain.

Things like over sitting, muscle spasm and stress can be a real pain.

* Sitting is worse for the back than standing.
The load shifts onto the disc as you lean
forward causing more strain and the muscles become tired.

* When less oxygen reaches the muscle,
there is more waste built up.
These changes trigger the muscle to go
into a spasm; it keeps firing on its own.

* Stress and tension tighten up the muscles,
making them more susceptible to injury.

I have found that for the most part,
people don’t stretch enough
or they stretch wrong.
As soon as they make a wrong movement,
their back starts to hurt.

Stretching is one of the best solutions to a healthy
and pain free back!

You’ll need no dangerous pain pills,
no smelly creams and no Chiropractor.

Granted, it takes work, but remember there is
no free lunch.
You have to pay either way–
with the pain or by doing the work.

Back pain can be a never ending problem
or no problem at all.

Most traditional doctor’s treatment for back pain is
-pain-killers and anti-inflammatory, which will
jack-up your stomach.
Next, physical therapy, and if that
doesn’t work, surgery.

As we age our flexibility decreases and
our joints lose their range of motion.
This can cause tightness, spasms and a
number of back problems.

You can regain and maintain the
flexibility, as well as prevent nagging
back pain in only a few minutes a day.
I have unlocked stiff painful muscles in
only a few minutes with the right exercises
and nipped back pain in the bud with
long-term relief.

Here are a few exercises I recommend
that have worked wonders for
me and many of my patients:

1. Lying on the floor, place your right foot on the left knee.
Using your left hand, gently pull your right knee
towards the floor, twisting your spine and keeping
the left arm straight out, hips and shoulders on the floor.
Switch sides. Repeat 10 times.

2. Lie on your back and
bend both knees. Feet flat
on the floor, arms out at shoulder level.
Now, let your knees
drop to the left and turn your head to the right.
Repeat on the right side.
Repeat 25 times on both sides

3. Lie on the floor and place
your hands behind your head
with your legs touching each other
straight out. Begin to move your
Upper body from side to side.

4. Get a large rubber ball, around 3 feet
(you can find them at most sport stores).
Sit on the ball and then slowly
start to lie down on your back using the ball
for support. Lie on the ball from 1 to 3 minutes.

People are always pulling their backs
out, but if you get on a
good maintenance program and do the
correct exercises,
you can end your back pain forever.

Years ago, I hurt my back doing a flip on a trampoline
and no mater what I did I couldn’t seem to shake the pain.

I researched everything I could find about
back injuries and put together a program that really
works to keep the body flexible and pain free.

Dr. Wu Dhi’s “Eliminate Back Pain”
-How to strengthen your back naturally

I have students and patients who have been doing the
program for years and are pain free.
Order today and I’ll send you the
archive edition with your order-
Absolutely Free!

If you are suffering from pain, don’t
delay another day.

Get rid of pain now!

I with you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Restoring balance to a sick child in Record Time

Sunday, June 12th, 2011

I received this letter from Elizabeth after working on
her son Gryphon.

Elizabeth has been a patient for many years and
although her family is very conservative and believes strongly
in Western medicine, as a mother she knew that her only child
was in trouble and traditional medicine wasn’t working.
Liz brought the boy into see me last week
and he is now doing find.

I was able to restore his health in one treatment and although
that doesn’t happen all the time,
this time it did. Healing happens quicker in children.

Although western medicine has it’s place sometime they are to busy
looking at the problem and not the cure.

Here is what Elizabeth said in her kind letter.
“My son Gryphon who is 9 years old has been sick with stomach
problems since September 2010.
After each meal he eats he feels sick to his stomach.
In late April, 2011 the issue escalated that he was throwing up
after every meal.

We went for special testing in January 2011 to
All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida
which is 3 hours away from our home in Naples.

The doctors did numerous tests at the hospital,
and the only report they could give us was reflux of the
upper GI tract.
We were told to give my son Prevacid which he threw up as
well when he took the medicine.
After a month of throwing up, I finally got in touch with
my alternative doctor.

Dr. Wu Dhi and told him that I needed help with Gryphon,
and that it was an emergency as Gryphon was now losing weight
due to throwing up.
He met us at his office in Aventura.

Dr. Wu Dhi’s treated my son. He massaged him, did Medical Qi Gong
work and put him under a special machine he called
“the Light Beam Generators” (LBG)
to take the pain away from his aching belly.
Finally, he gave him some low potency medicine, and he gave us some
drops to do at home for a week.

That was 30 days ago and my son has never thrown up again.
My son wants to go back and see him as he said it felt so
good to be healed and massaged by
Dr. Wu Dhi In my opinion as a mother he is a miracle healer.
I have experienced his healing personally as a patient
myself 11 years ago, and I have been a follower ever since.

I highly recommend Dr. Wu to you too.
He is truly a healer who can help with all ailments and disease.
He has studied Chinese, homeopathic, acupuncture and
energy medicine plus so many alternative nature cures for
a long long time.

You can trust him to heal you as he is an expert in his field.
I now know that I should always start healing by seeing him.
Our medical bills from All Children’s Hospital have
exceeded $20,000 with no results.
One visit to Dr. Wu Dhi’s clinic for $300 and my son is healed.
It is a simple decision for me today to call Dr. Wu Dhi and we
drive 3 hours round trip to see him. Use Dr. Wu, and you will
experience the miracle too.

A Happy Mother
Elizabeth Ganzi
Naples, Florida

I truly thank Elizabeth for taking the time to write me and share the
experience with her son.
When it comes to our children it makes no difference if their
are infants or adults as concerned parents we will do all we can to
make their lives better.

That’s exactly what a worried mother did she protected her child.
She reached out to who ever and where ever she could to find a
cure for her child…

When it comes to health I always looking for balance mentally,
physically,emotionally and spiritually.

If the person is out of balance there is always some kind
of dis-ease.
Once the system is brought back into balance health is
easily restored.

Some times its just a change in diet, a realignment of the physical
body, the right nutrition, or giving the patient new possibilities and
teaching them how to stay healthy .

This will bring a person back to balance and restore their health.
The Qi Gong programs I teach and practice are all about bring
your body, mind and spirit into balance.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to work with any of my programs
I encourage you to get one today.

I suggest you start with the Flying Crane Qi Gong program
and then start to move up the latter by getting
the Recharging Qi Gong program.
I have entire families practicing these wonderful exercise
program together
and finally become a member of the Qi Gong Inner Circle. .

There are many other programs that can work to keep
you in balance, but if you want to take advantage of my
40 some years of expertise order today.

You can make a big difference in your own health and
the health of your family.

I wish you the Best in your Health wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

How do I free Myself from this Tennis Elbow Pain with Qi Gong?

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

I received this note today from a member of the
Qi Gong Inner Circle.

Dr. Wu Dhi Can you recommend any specific exercise
for tennis elbow?  
I just recent developed this condition and my Doc just
wants to add more pills to my diet.  

I just received your latest inner circle DVD’s. 
I will be reviewing them this week.  
The best investment I ever made was joining your
inner circle.  

Thanks for any advice you can offer.
Your student,

My Friend
I see at least one or two patients a week with this problem,
Florida has great tennis all year long and that means tennis
elbow or in medical terms, lateral epicondylitis.
It’s characterized by pain and stiffness in the extensor muscles
of the forearm.
There may also be pain at the elbow on extension of the wrist
and on gripping an object.

It’s usually treated with acupuncture or acupressure and
heat in my office to get rid of the cold and dampness in
the joint, acupuncture is a big help for this condition.

I use a few powerful points that you can also massage or
add heat, like moxibustion.
Both local and distal points are selected from the yang channels
supplementing the meridians to eliminate wind, cold and dampness.
I also have had a lot of luck using the influential point for muscle
and tendons gall bladder 34. it seem to work well and
patients get great lasting results.
Some a deep tissue massage and a manipulation may be useful as well.

In Chinese medicine tennis elbow is considered as “BI pain”
and is usually caused from wind, cold and damp if the pain
is from coldness I’ll also use moxibustion or a heat lamp
and use a good bone or hit medicine externally and
you will heal quicker than a you could imagine.

The reason I use the large intestine points is it governs fluid
in the body that comes from the small intestine.
Both of these channels cross at the elbow and travel up and
down the arm.
If there is a blockage from trauma, cold or dampness these
points free up the blocked Qi.

Listen up, this is the important part!

Work on I-chin techniques (tendon-changing).
This is to soften and relax all the muscle groups,
tendons, ligaments and nerve fibers in the body to increase
healing, speed and the reaction and performance needed.

Also Hsi-sui (marrow washing) to clean and regulate the bone
and marrow,
This will increase the size and density of the bone.
As Master Chia points out, you want to have the bone like steel
wrapped in cotton.
This will heal you quicker than any pill you could ever take and
will strengthen your tendons so you will avoid injury in the future.
I talked about this in one of the Qi Gong Inner Circle DVD’s

Hear is another Qi Gong healing method that I use that works great
for tennis elbow, stiff joints, sore arms and other related problems
that I learned from Donna Eden, she ‘s
the author of “Energy Medicine” and you can start with it right away.

Follow the channel of the large intestine, small intestine and the
heart start by doing tiny pinches up and down the arm.
This will reset the spindle cell at the belly of each muscle.

The lighter the pinch the better.

Take a Look at the Recharging Qi Gong Program where I teach the
bone breathing that will really help and pay special attention to the
wrist twist exercise, forearm rotation and the three part finger
recharging and that will do the trick.

For those of you who don’t have the Recharging Qigong Program
yet don’t delay another minute go to and get started today.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Tennis Elbow Pain

Blocked Energy =Disease

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010

A blockage is a blockage no matter if it’s mental,
physical, emotional or spiritual.
If you see a traditional western doctor he may
suggest an operation or medicine to open it up,
that could be good in some cases- it depends
how far the disease or blockage has progressed.

I prefer the natural route.
“It’s always better to prevent a problem than it
is to fix one.” There are many alternative ways
to open up the blocked energy, naturally.
I have spent a life time studying natural healing,
acupuncture, holistic healing and Qi gong healing;
it all comes under the umbrella of holistic healing.
Nine out of ten times I’ll teach a patient a Qi gong
exercise routine so they can speed up their healing
process. You will not get that from your regular
doctor. Most don’t have a clue about how important
exercise is in the healing process.
They’ll pawn you off to a physical therapist in a
New-York second, just to get you out of their office.

I have patients and students who contact me and say
that they feel Blocked- and it’s usually steaming
from their gut. They have stomach cramps, period cramps
and some report bloating after every meal.
You know that’s not natural and if the problem goes on
for more than a few months, they will end up with some
It’s not all about pain relief, it’s about getting rid
of the blocked energy, so their system runs smooth and

(The Stomach and Spleen are usually at the center of
our Health problems, believe it or not.)

In acupuncture as well as medical Qi gong, once you
get The Channels open the energy will flow as smooth
as silk,

“That’s real pain relief.”

The channels or meridians are like rivers of energy
traveling all over the body.
If you have a trauma, physical or mental it will
impede the flow of energy / Qi and the next thing you
know you have some kind of blockage.
A holistic healing approach will give you an
understanding of what you can do to open blocked

When I see a new patient, a complete medical history
is taken. I always ask about the patient’s digestion

* Are things moving regularly?

* Do you have any digestive problems?

* What’s a typical day of eating for you?

More than 50 % report some form of constipation,
gasses, and a bloated feeling. It’s amazing to me
that some people only have a BM three or four
times a week and that’s with laxatives and they think
that’s normal.
I’m not a big fan of laxatives just to take a poop;
they are usually just mild poisons anyway.

I prefer getting more oxygen, minerals
and moisture into the intestines.
That works for my patients 80% of the time.
I prescribe a natural healing formula,
” Oxy- Hydrate” to get more oxygen and blood
flow into the gut.
I’ll use acupuncture if it’s more physical and
medical Qi gong if the problem is more mental
or emotional.
Patients are given a prescriptive Qi Gong exercise
and most likely a detox program to bring them
back to perfect health ASAP.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. If you are feeling blocked mentally, physically,
emotionally or Spiritually write to me
and let me know what’s going on and I’ll do my
best to help you make some positive changes.

Feeling single, Seeing double

Friday, July 30th, 2010

It was some time ago when country singer George Jones
wrote these words
“Well I really had a ball last night
I held all the pretty girls tight
I was feeling single, seeing double
I wound up in a whole lot of trouble
and today I’ll face the big fight
but I really had a ball last night “.

— What were you thinking?
Your body doesn’t rebound that well anymore,
if it ever did.

I got a call Sunday morning from Ronald;
I had no idea that it was him at first as
I only heard groans when I picked up.
He is a friend who was at the wedding
last weekend and apparently couldn’t
hold his liquor very well,
but he was having fun or at least he
thought he was.
He started drinking before the ceremony
even started and by 10:00 he was lit-up
like a fire cracker on the 4th of July
and out-cold by 11.

Too bad the dude missed a great celebration.

When he called me he said,
“My head is throbbing,
I am shaking and I feel like
I’m in a deep fog.
Dr.Wu Dhi, my mouth feels like the desert
floor and to top things off,
my insides feel like they’ve been put
through the ringer.
Is there anything I can do to feel like
a human again?”

Ron, with every gulp of booze you drank
last night,you sucked your body bone dry.
You’re now in a state of Dehydration and
that leads to all kinds of health problems,
keep it up and you’ll be ageing yourself like

“Greased lighting”

Your aching head is just a symptom
of no moisture in your body.
Alcohol breaking down the body,
dumps electrolytes and uses up all your
reserve stores.
You must hydrate to get rid of that woozy

Drink as much water as you can, start taking
vitamin B and come into the office to get a
B-12 injection that will help pull you back

Alcohol blocks the body’s absorption of vitamins
B6 & B12.
“It flushes all the good stuff out of your system.”

A dose of multi-vitamin will help get your body
back into balance.

I had a few drinks myself that night but made
sure that I drank 2 eight ounce glasses of water;
and took a handful of vitamins and walked
as soon as I got home, then I did the Recharging Qi
Gong exercises.
It took me less than an hour to pull myself
together and when I woke up in the morning
I felt Great.

I Wish you the best in your Health Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS.If you’re not on the program,
now is the time to make those changes
and keep yourself healthy and stay young.
The program is an anti-aging program that
has been working for hundreds of people.
Dr. Wu Dhi


Sunday, February 7th, 2010

My cousin Sheldon was in town a few weeks ago.
We always stay in touch by phone, but I haven’t
seen him in years.
Sheldon 6 years my senior and my memories of him
are of a big strong guy. When I was a kid he rode
a huge Harley, he was in the gym all the time,boxed
andhe could kick your butt if he needed too.
The last time I saw him I was in California
many years ago he was quite muscular,
but this time he was walking with a cane
and in pain.

He had an operation 2 years ago and was still
experiencing the pain.The operation was a success,
according to the doctor and in all the testing he
was perfect.
His doctor said that there shouldn’t be any pain
but if there was, it’s just one of those things
and he’d just have to live with it.

Shel was having muscle memory of the trauma
and operation and he was somewhat stuck with
the pain still in his body and mind.

I convinced him to come into the office and with
only few treatments he left pain free.

Yes, no pain.

He couldn’t believe it. He had no idea that with a
few simple treatments he could be free of a two
year nightmare.
This is a common experience of many of my patients.
When the memory of pain gets locked in to the mind
and muscle,even if the body heals there is still
a nagging pain.
It was somewhat of a miracle to him to be
pain free.
This happens often as long as the patient is
willing to step outside the box and let go of
their per-conceived ideas around health
and healing.
When he left Miami he was walking on his own
without that walking stick and

I was pleasantly surprised this week when I
received a large box with one of his paintings
in it as a thank you.

It’s called “Center Ring”.
It’s now is a permanent part of Dr. Wu’s
growing art collection.

As I reflected on it and what Center-ring
or Centering meant to me. I ask myself what
is it to be centered or to keep ones center.
Is being centered more of a physical state
concerning center of gravity, natural posture
and movement or is it just a state of mind?

We are always trying to maintain homeo stasis or
I believe that being centered is to live in the
immediate and ever changing balance of all systems,
centering is a technique
to help you ‘stay in the present’ and discard
negative or distracting thoughts.

To keep myself centered I have built in a discipline
that works. Every morning I get up before day break to
begin my training.
I do the Recharging Qi Gong exercises and then move
into the Crain style Qi Gong set.

The Key is the regular time and consistence.
The body loves routine, doing the same thing
at the same time day in and day out.
Start practicing daily build in the habit and
join me in staying healthy.

Center ring

Worship a Furry Rat Day

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010
Anti aging rat?

Anti aging rat?

Today is the 2nd of February, Groundhog Day. A day when people from all walks of life converge on the small town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania to see what a large Groundhog will predict.

 Now how strange is that?

 Folklore has it that if the groundhog a large furry rodent comes out of it’s hole looks around and sees his shadow, old man winter will keep his clutches on and the cold weather for six more weeks in the United States. If he doesn’t see it, then spring will be here soon.

 I was looking at the official Punxsutawney Groundhog Day website and they list the tradition as being a blend of ancient Christian and Roman customs. Every February thousands of people come out freezing their asses off waiting in the cold to worship a furry rat. They used to pull that little sucker out of his burrow, and eat him. Lucky for the groundhog they changed the rules or he would be stew tonight. 

 In the news this morning the little dude, that they named Phil saw his shadow and winter will hold its grip on us a little longer.

  I was reflecting on this tradition and found it strange that people believe this is a judge or prediction of what’s to come and they doubt if Chinese medicine really works.

Did you know that acupuncture is the most used medical treatment in the world?

It’s a proven form of medicine that is thousands of years old that works for:



Pain Management



Mental­ Emotional

Eyes­ Ears ­Nose and Throat


Muscular ­Skeletal and Neurological

Urinary and Reproductive


The list goes on and on and yet people are always asking if acupuncture and Medical

Qi Gong  works.

I think the real question is will it work for me?

The “ME” is the key word here. If you don’t exercise, eat a healthy diet and have bad thoughts running through your mind most of the day, you will experience some form of dis-ease sooner or later.

Many of these mental emotional problems comes from Worry, Struggle and Blame they are known as the three poisons in the Buddhist system.These emotions keep us stuck and although the physical form is important preoccupation with personal health and well-being is not in itself, spiritual fulfillment. That’s something we all need for our growth. I am not talking about religion but internal growth.



The reason I started the website, the blog, the classes and workshops and the different products is to bring the message of health, and spiritual growth to you.

Every week I add new info to the website , to the blog and now I am on  You Tube

But, If you want the top-secret information it is only given to the members of the


It is truly high-level info that I always reserve for those who train with me month-in and month-out.


I receive emails daily asking me for info on Internal Exercise, Diet, Meditation and Health and Spiritual practices from men and women all over the world, and these well-meaning people want me to give them all sorts of advice.


I have been busting my behind to keep up with all the requests and I truly would love to continue to do this, but with a full medical practice, writing, teaching and making CD’s and DVD’s my days are full.

I realized I had better develop a different map – otherwise I was going to dump the baby out with the bath water and sacrifice my own health and well being.

So I found a way to separate the doer’s from the non DOERS by creating  the Qigong inner circle – a “members only” program where YOU can get access to me and have me answer your questions and send you the real goods.

As well as that, you will be on the monthly conference calls and receive the members only teachings on DVD’s every month.


Now the monthly fee for joining the Qigong Inner Circle is just $29.95 US. per month (automatically billed to your credit card every 30 days but cancelable and refundable at any time after the test-drive if you’re not pleased).

You can still join as a trial member for just $1.00 for a limited time. Soon the membership will be going up to $39.95 a month.

Say “YES” to a one-month test drive now and we’ll send out the DVD along with the free gift.


And if for any reason you don’t find the program to your taste, just let me know and we’ll remove you from the Qigong Inner Circle so that there are no more charges.

So jump on this one today, my friend. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.






Important: this offer expires very soon. Maybe later today. Act NOW!


 I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness


Dr. Wu Dhi

5 keys to unlocking Back Pain

Saturday, April 12th, 2008

Just moments ago I was enjoying a relaxing breakfast in my
kitchen and decided to get a jump on things and make a few
business calls. I made a call to a good friend and I was
shocked how he answered the phone.

“oh my back”

That’s how he answered the phone?

I know that in today’s day in age you already know who’s
calling you before you pick up the phone but how ’bout a hello

So before I do anything else this morning I’m dedicating an
email to my friend, you know who you are.

The rest of you who never have any back pain you’ll want to
read this as well because if you don’t have back pain I’m sure
you’re tired of listening to somebody that does.

Here’s the 5 keys to unlocking Back Pain:

1-Take care of the initial spasm or injury that created the
pain. (There are several ways to do this that I will give in
detail later below)

2- Give yourself time to recover.

3- Get your back stronger.

4- Avoid the things that may weaken your back. (I’m not just
talking about movement or lack of movement, there are types of
stress and even foods that can weaken your back)

5- Exercise your back daily.

That’s it, 5 things.

It’s really that simple but people suffer with this all the
time. Little do people know that if they start today they could
live the rest of their lives without another back ache.

Now for the details:

The pain that woke you up to your back problem is either a
spasm or a pulled muscle. In some chronic cases people have
spinal injuries but I assure you it those didn’t just sneak up
on you.

Unless the spinal injury was the result of a direct trauma the
deterioration of the spine would have first been preceded by
pulled muscles or spasms.

Those spasms are where you need to nip this back pain in the

Spasms can be treated with acupuncture, massage, deep tissue
work and even a good soak. The most important thing is that you
don’t ignore it. Once it hits you take it seriously, deal with
it, and eliminate the problem.

Back pain should be a priority to eliminate.

As I mentioned above, chronic back problems don’t sneak up on
you, they take years of neglect for them to become chronic
spinal damage.

Don’t ever neglect your back just doing a little Qi Gong
movement and breathing will banish Back Pain forever. This was
a major reason for putting together the Recharging Qi Gong I wanted to give away all the easy
to do exercises that eliminate all the aches and pains I see
every day in my office.

An ounce of Qi Gong is worth ten tons of cure. I don’t even
call it prevention because Qi Gong is fun to do. By just using
and moving your body and lungs every day all the tensions and
pains will leave the body.

Wishing you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness,

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS: Yesterday I wrote about how the micro movements of the
Instant Power Reset exercise can blow away stress and tension
in the shoulders and neck and I got some great feedback from
people that are using this exercise. The Instant Power Reset is
still only available as part of the
and is the foundation to the subtle body Qi Gong.