Archive for the ‘Karma’ Category

Why I fly Prayer flags

Friday, January 31st, 2014

DSC_3360 They claim that as the wind flows
through the flags they carry the prayers and good
vibrations. The flags are said to bring Happiness,
Long life and Prosperity to those who fly them.
I have them flying over the gates to my garden
and on the entire east side of my home, spreading
good vibrations and blessings on my home and
Prayer flag date back thousands of years to India
and to the shamanistic Bon tradition of
pre-Buddhist Tibet.
Bonpo priests used solid colored cloth flags, with
their magical symbols to balance the elements both
internally and externally.

The 5 colors of prayer flags represent the 5
basic elements:


The flags I have been flying have the mantra “OM
Printed on them sends blessings of compassion to
free us from the worldly realms.
1. The God Realm
2. The Human Realm
3. The Titan Realm
4. Animal Realm
5. Hungry ghost Realm
The Hell Realm

The great seventeenth-century Japanese Rinzai Zen
master Hakuin was once approached by a samurai
warrior who asked Hakuin to explain heaven and
hell to him.
Hakuin looked up at the samurai and asked
“How could a stupid ignoramus like you possibly
understand such things?”
The samurai started to draw his sword and Hakuin
“So, you have a sword. It’s probably as dull as
your head!”
In a rage, the proud warrior pulled out his sword
intending to cut off Hakuin’s head.
Hakuin stated calmly, “This is the gateway to
The startled samurai stopped and, with
appreciation for Hakuin’s cool demeanor, sheathed
his sword.
“This is the gateway to heaven,” said Hakuin
There are many stories and practices to free
oneself from the realms of birth and death. In the
Internal Mantra Program

I have spelled out the easiest and best way to
embody the practice using both the ancient
techniques as well as subliminal programing to
open up your internal centers the quickest.
If you are ready for a total change in your life,
get this program today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Balancing Yin and Yang Part I

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

In 1987 I was working in La Jolly, California
coaching the CEO of a large corporation in
longevity and anti aging practices. We were
sitting in his kitchen and I got an unexpected
call from my Spiritual Master. I had no idea how
he had gotten the phone number or even how he knew
I was in California, this was long before anyone
even knew about cell phones. But there he was on
the phone and he sounded quite serious.

He told me that he had an assessment for me that
would change my karma forever. I was told to move
to South America and bring the meditation students
up to speed, my title: Senior Instructor at the
G.E.F.ashram. Within 3 days I was on a plane headed for
Caracas, Venezuela for the next 6 months.
There were 50 some student’s in the group,
all-eager to study the internal practices of Qi
Gong, meditation and learn alternative healing

My life in Caracas was filled with special magic,
personal growth and discovery. When I arrived, I
only knew a few words in Spanish and was wondering
how I was going to pull all of this new life

My Master told me to just Trust, that sounded like
a quote from “Star Wars” to me and although I was
up for the adventure I was still a bit uneasy to
say the least. Never the less everything worked
out. The group received teachings from the Tibetan
Buddhist and Taoist traditions and we all grew by
leaps and bounds. I ended up staying for 3 years
teaching, seeing patients, sharing spiritual
practices, coaching students and traveled all over
the country. I met the most interesting people and
learned more about teaching, meditation and
coaching to large groups than I would have if I
stayed state-side.

I have always been interested in the mystical side
of life so when I found out that La Gran Sabana was
one of the oldest places on our planet jam-packed
with a raw “Yang Energy”images-2 and there was gold,
diamonds and crystals everywhere, as well as the
home for many healers, mystics and shamans I
organized a trip with my friend and off we went.

My girl friend knew of a fellow that moved his
family from Germany and ran a bed and breakfast in
the middle of the jungle. He was willing to share
his teachings and be our guide when we arrived.
Years ago he left his motherland where he was a
singer at the “Deutsche Opera in Berlin” and now
he teaches Opera to open up the chakras by
projecting sound into the different centers.
We arrived just in time for dinner and then they
showed us our rooms. The beds were draped with
mosquito nets and the chatter from the bugs, frogs
and what ever lived in the jungle was loud and
went on all night. I can remember waking up in
the middle of the night and seeing a very large
spider the size of my hand walking on the netting.
I definitely didn’t get out of bed until daylight.

The next morning after a workout and breakfast we
met in the lodge to begin the practice of opening
the upper chakras. I never sang before so it was a
vocal workout for me. We worked 2 hours in the
morning and another 2 hours in the evening for the
next six days. The experience was incredible and
helped to open my higher meditation centers in a
such extraordinary and unusual way.

One evening at dinner he told us of an Indian
Shaman who lived a few hours away that had these
incredible crystals that when rubbed together
would shoot out light. The next day we headed to
his place.

The Shaman met us and told us of the power of the
crystal. He said there is a long documented
history of use in healing work in practically
every culture and religious tradition since the
dawn of time. Crystals are regularly used because
of their inherent ability to deeply enhance things
and are used to deepen knowledge and

According to some experts:
Quartz crystals are considered sacred powerful
tools in many different traditions and have been
recognized as such for a very long time.
Magicians, shamans, and light workers have
utilized Crystals for their extraordinary
abilities since recorded history as tools for
healing higher consciousness and frequency

Crystals have the ability to transduce energy and
can take one form of energy and cause it to change
form, as in alchemy.

The Shaman invited us to return that night to
experience the power of the crystals. We arrived
at night fall and he took us over to a large pile
of Crystals maybe they were 4 or 5 feet high and
before he showed us their power he asked me if I
would take a few of them and place them in the
heart chakra of our planet, although I had no idea
where the heart of the planet was. He said I would
be going there soon, so I agreed. Then he took a
handful of the crystals and tossed them on the
pile and the entire pile of crystals lit up like
lightning! I was blown away. We stayed there most
of the night playing with the crystals and
listening to his unbelievable stories of the magic

To be continued…………..

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Share these stories with your friends, family and the groups your in, they will be grateful

Fire Magic and the Puja Fire

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

Fire Magic and the Puja Fire

Many of you have written and asked me to share a

little more about fire magic and the Fire Puja is

very powerful and has many benefits for the
living, and the deceased.

The fire Puja ceremony fulfills wishers, removes
obstacles, improves health, and increases merit
and wealth. For the practitioners, making offering
to the fire deities helps the practitioner gain
accomplishments on the spiritual path. I have
found it can stabilize one’s meditation,
concentration and improve one’s spiritual

The ceremony is an excellent method of purifying
negative karma and attaining higher rebirth. You
can write the names of loved ones on a piece of
paper and put it in the fire or write your wishes
and toss them into the fire. The smoke emanating
from the fire is charged with vibrations and thevibrations travel for miles creating peace and
harmony in the world as it caries your prayers,
wishes and blessing along.

The Fire Puja also helps to avert and purify three
kinds of problems:

1. Clears past karma that affects your
life in your relationships, job, and business.

2. Dissipates and purifies internal
difficulties held in place by fear, doubts and
superstition. This can seriously affect health of
our body, mind and spirit

3.Undisclosed or unseen obstacles on the
path that keep one stuck like a vial of darkness
causing ignorance that obstruct our ability to
realize the true nature of existence

Fire, if directed properly can change water to
steam, steel into liquid and transform coal into
energy. Fire chemically changes the forms of
things it comes in contact with and it will
eventually become ashes returning the elements
back to the Earth.

Keeping a close eye on the fire is important and
can tell a story as well. As the wood is placed
piece by piece on the Puja grounds, a prayer or
mantra is placed on each and every piece. The
placement is important depending what you are
trying to accomplish. I have either been involved
in building Pujas that where 40 or 50 feet high
and small ones made of just matchsticks. There are
many different purposes: ceasing calamities,
increasing wealth, health and wisdom.

There are Puja’s to attract powerful people, bring
in powerful assistance and to attract the opposite
sex. There are even Puja’s to destroy opposition.
The Puja fire is a powerful tool in spiritual work
as well as clearing and purifying the physical
body and mind.

Want more info about these kinds of energie s?
You can join me and the members of the Qi Gong
Inner Circle and go deeper into your practice of
energy medicine.

IMG_3674I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Using Signs and Events to See Your Future

Monday, August 26th, 2013

phsyic If your toilet backs up and your
house or office stinks, there is a good chance
that something or someone is really off base and
should be removed as soon as possible. I’ve heard
that if a bird poops on your head it’s good luck,
however, I don’t believe that for one second, it

Just the other day, I was home writing and editing
a DVD that I was producing on the Shen set to open
up the spiritual centers. The exercises involve a
lot of leg strength as well as the working of the
three inner locks. The sex lock, the diaphragm
lock and the neck lock. These secret yoga
exercises are part of the longevity practices that
only a few students ever see and fe w get to learn
or practice, ones my guru past them down to me
years ago.

I stayed home that day and wrote and practiced for
hours, it was a good day. I had a patient to see
at my office around 5:30 in the afternoon, and
when I left my house it was a few minutes after 5
O’clock and I arrived at my office right on time.
I took the elevator to the second floor and my
assistant ran up to see me before I came inside
and explained that there was a flood in the
bathroom and the office. She said, “It was a
mess, the plumber was here and just finished at
4:30. It was a stinking mess for a few hours and I
should be thankful that I missed the disaster and
the smell. We got it all cleaned up before you
came.” I was happy to hear I missed the entire
stinking event.

Now that the mess was cleaned up, we have to look
into what the internal problems are in the office.
Is it the new people who draw blood and take
fingerprints? Are we attracting the wrong kind of
patients? Is there something that needs to be
cleaned up? Are all the files in order?

What ever it is, I’ll start looking more closely
and paying more attention to what I need to order,
what laws and rules I need to follow, who I bring
into the office and what I share with them.
Although I personally missed the disaster, I’ll
use it as a warning sign to clean up my own mess
both at home and the office.

I was lucky I wasn’t there to deal with the she-it
part, but it is a wake up call to put everything
in order before the she-it hits the fan.

When this kind of stuff happens in your life don’t
ignore it. Look around and see what needs to be
put back in order, what possible blockages you may
have and get them fixed ASAP.

If you want a really good way to put your life in
proper order pick up a copy of the Magic Square

This will give you the secrets to the Chinese
system of life, goal setting and a formula to
bring good luck and fortune into your life.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Reach into your pocket and get out the credit
card right now and get this program. Don’t wait
for the Shi-it to hit the fan in your life.

Are You A Taker or A Giver?

Wednesday, August 21st, 2013

We all like getting something for free, but would
you take it if it endangered others? Some do and
don’t give it a second thought.

I was in the lobby in a very busy office building
the other day waiting for a friend to have lunch
with; she was late so I was there for around 20
minutes before we met up. It was around 12:30
and it looked like the Grand Central
Station with all the people pouring into the

That’s when I overheard a conversation from
a group of women probably in their twenties. Some
were dressed to the nines and others in scrubs,
all talking at once in a very loud voice. One was
boasting to her friends about how she is “working
the system.” She said, “Girl, I free food,
money, free medical care, free child care and
everything else I can get from the government, and
they don’t know it but both me and my man have
good paying jobs, we just don’t report it. Ha-Ha.”

Then they all walked over to McDonald’s for lunch.
Little does she know the system is working her.
She thinks she is getting the so-called free ride.
The free medical care system is filling her family
up with vaccinations that can cause a host of
developmental problems with her kids, and the
drugs she is or will be taking for high blood
pressure, cholesterol and anxiety from the poor
choices she had made with her diet will bite her
in the back side sooner or later.

The free childcare is not care at all they are
feeding the children milk, cookies, sweet treats
and keeping them as unconscious as their mother.
All of this free stuff will be destroying her
health and most likely both her and her man will
get some disease like cancer, a heart condition
and definitely some major mental problems are
coming her way if the government pulls any of her
benefits away.
Sounds horrible don’t it?
The worst part is the society has her pegged as a
taker not a giver. This kind of poverty thinking
(I’ll beat the system) will keep her there and her
family for a long time.

Don’t be a poverty thinker. Don’t get pegged as a
girl Are you ready for a complete
transformation? Get started now; make it a
priority to make your life better today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS You can change anything you want to, just start

Meditation Question and Answers

Monday, June 10th, 2013

Back in the late eighties I lived in Caracas, that’s when it
was a lot more peaceful and the quality of life was still good.
I haven’t been back since 1990 but I hear it lost its charm. I still see
quite a few Venezuelans here in Miami both students and patients
when they visit. This week Vivian was visiting Miami for a
few days and had the opportunity to receive a few
treatments at my clinic.

Today she wrote and I’d like to share with you.

“Thank you for the treatment, I didn’t realize how
much out of balance I was in my body and mind.
Today I took the time to watch the DVD that I got
from you after joining The Qi Gong Inner Circle.

It was great to see you, to feel your great energy
and to start the exercises. I felt so good, so
young, and so bright after doing the exercises. It
was like lifting a veil of heavy energy off my
head. Sometimes life has so many

When I start to follow your instructions, every
thing seems to lighten up for me. After so many
years closed as a Cocoon, I had a lot of
difficulties to make it flow as it used to be. I
have a few questions.

Thank you so much for the light in my life again!

Love you

Q. You show yourself seated on a chair when meditating
…is itbetter this way?
I remember years ago I use to
meditate sitting on the floor.

A. There is no bad way to practice your meditation
no matter if you are seated on the floor, in a
chair or standing position. What is important is
that you practice.

Posture and proper alignment will help get the
energy moving faster. Meditation works, if you
work at it daily.

10 years ago I was visiting Detroit and I heard
that one of my teachers was in town at the same
time. I called the number on the flyer and asked
if I could come to the meditation.

Although I haven’t seen Ma Yoga Shakti in years,
she was glad to hear from me and invited me to
join the lecture that she was giving. I sat right
next to her in my best meditation posture. I made
sure everything was in alignment properly.

The meditation started and I felt my energy moving
as if I was sitting on a giant rocket ship and
being propelled out into space. The next thing,
the Guru told me I could come back into the room
now although it seemed like the meditation only
took minutes an hour passed. My body was leaning
over to one side and I had a large drool of saliva
coming out of the side of my mouth. It was one of
the most profound meditations I ever had. The
posture didn’t seem to matter at all.

Q. Dr. Wu, I found myself having difficulty when
doing the double breathing exercise. When I inhale
I don’t feel that I have anough air to bring the
energy all the way down to the sex chakra and when
I exhale I feel like I am blocked.

A. When you are doing the Micro Cosmic Orbit,
double breathing exercise or just the orbit
meditation, I suggest taking a shorter breath in,
holding it for a moment, exhaling and then take in
more oxygen. It is important to apply the root
lock on the sexual organs. Make sure to lock all
the energy as you bring the breath downward and as
you exhale squeeze the sexual locks more. This
will send the energy upward and clear the

I will continue to share how to get the most out
of your meditation and Qi Gong practices. These
ancient longevity practices will help to keep you
balanced, strong and flexible. All you need to do
is practice, practice, practice and you will
receive the rewards.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. imagesTo receive a teaching every month, join Dr. Wu and
the members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle! Check it
out now!

A Vote of Encouragement

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

I received a letter from Wendy this morning. She
has a group that provides resources and endorses
blogs to those looking to transform their life.

Just recently she wrote an article on the Top 50
Natural Blogs to provide her readers with a list
of what she believes are the top blogs in the
natural healing space and I was included.

Thanks Wendy!

Here is what she said about me.

“Dear Dr. Wu Dhi,

known world-wide and believe that my endorsement
will help you grow and spread a message we both
believe in.”

I really appreciate Wendy’s support and the
support from all of you.

I sincerely thank you for all your encouragement.

I wish you the best in your health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi,


If you enjoy reading turn
your friends on it! They will be happy you did!


Every Wednesday night at 7:00 pm
you are invited to the Qi Gong Meditation class
at our office at
18205 Biscayne Blvd #2214
Aventura, FL 33160

Call for more information: 305-407-0120

Dr. Wu Dhi

Returning to your Roots

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

I was in the Motor City, “Mo Town”, my old stopping
ground and it’s spring! The air is fresh, the
trees all have new buds on them and the spring
flowers are all in bloom — it’s breath taking!
Michigan has four of the Great Lakes, 62,798
natural and man-made lakes and after a long cold
winter it seems like everyone who has a boat or a
jet ski is buzzing around the lake, all the
convertible tops are down and people have a big
friendly smile on their faces. As soon as I got
off the plane I headed downtown to the Detroit
Institute of Art. This is one of the top six
museums in the USA Founded in 1885.

The DIA’s collection is among the top six in the
Museum. It is the perfect place to meditate and
get grounded after a flight back into my past.
There are a few master pieces that I just want to
commune with. I haven’t seen them since I lived in
Michigan 40 years ago. The Mexican artist Diego
Rivera’s Detroit Industry, Rivera considered his
most successful work, and a rare Korean Head of

From there I am headed to an unusual place for
most of us the Cemetery In the west we don’t really
have ancestor practices like they do in Asia.
It’s a form of worship which is at the top of people’s
religious practices in China, but not a religion. The main
importance of this practice is the communicate with
your ancestor and to have reverences for the
wisdom of your elders. It extends back before
1000 BC.

I always go to visit when I return to the
homeland. My family tree goes back to Hungary and
the roots lie in both warriors and gold traders. I
bet they pillaged villages hundreds of years ago,
took the gold and went into business. No one told
me that but it sounds adventurous and romantic.

My practices are to show reverence for my
Unknown, and all my relationships.
I make offerings, thank them for
paving the way for me and ask deep inside for
their help and guidance in this life and the next.

If this kind of meditation and ritual work
interests you, join me and the members of the Qi
Gong Inner Circle
and I’ll send you a new DVD every month on a
different healing, ritual and meditation practices
to make your life richer.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


When one returns home they have the opportunity to
reconnect with their roots and pull in good Qi from
their ancestors. When you are ready to work on
yourself on a deeper level, join me and the
members of the Qi Gong Inner circle.

Stuck in your own comfort zone?

Friday, April 26th, 2013

There is a wonderful little story about two monks
who lived together in a monastery for many years
and they were great friends. Then they died within
a few months of one another. One of them got
reborn in the heaven realms, the other monk got
reborn as a worm in a dung pile. The one up in the
heaven realms was having a wonderful time,
enjoying all the heavenly pleasures. But he
started thinking about his friend, “I wonder where
my old mate has gone?” So he scanned all of the
heaven realms, but could not find a trace of his
friend. Then he scanned the realm of human beings,
but he could not see any trace of his friend
there, so he looked in the realm of animals and
then of insects. Finally he found him, reborn as a
worm in a dung pile… Wow! He thought: “I am
going to help my friend. I am going to go down
there to that dung pile and take him up to the
heavenly realm so he too can enjoy the heavenly
pleasures and bliss of living in these wonderful
realms.” So he went down to the dung pile
and called his mate. And the little worm wriggled
out and said:
“Who are you?” “I am your friend.
We used to be monks together in a past life,
and I have come up to take you to the heaven realms
where life is wonderful and blissful.” But the
worm said: “Go away, get lost!” “But I am your
friend, and I live in the heaven realms,” and he
described the heaven realms to him. But the worm
said: “No thank you, I am quite happy here in my
dung pile. Please go away.” Then the heavenly
being thought: “Well if I could only just grab
hold of him and take him up to the heaven realms,
he could see for himself.” So he grabbed hold of
the worm and started tugging at him; and the
harder he tugged, the harder that worm clung to
his pile of dung. Do you get the moral of
the story? How many of us are attached to our pile
of dung?

We all have a comfortable zone that we live in and
no matter what happens come hell or high water we
don’t want to change it. We get stuck in our own
snug dung pile. It could be an abusive
relationship or it might be a bad job that you’re
caught in.
Being addicted to lust, money, drugs or power is
just the human way. We get into a robotic pattern
and hate to leave it, no matter if it’s good or
bad. Whatever it is we get comfortable where we
are and we are either afraid or just too lazy to
move out of our comfort zone.

I’ve been stuck several times in my life, but
lucky for me I found a class, a workshop, or a
teaching to pull me out of the pattern and wake me
up. Maybe it’s just karma or my self-discipline
but I believe it’s more than that. You need to
want to wake up and I am sure you want to, that’s
one of the reasons you read my blog.

The best is getting a coach or a teacher who can
guide you on the path.

If you are truly seeking growth on a mental,
physical, spiritual way, stay tuned and watch my

YouTube channel

Get my prime programs the Recharging Qi Gong

Flying Crane Qi Gong

and the Turn Stress into Power

and by all means join the

Qi Gong Inner circle

You don’t have to get all of them at once but get
started right now.
Let’s grow younger together.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr.Wu Dhi

Removing Negative Energy

Friday, March 1st, 2013

Unknown Removing Negative Energy

You may call it just bad luck or karma but it
could just be negative energy from someone or
something else that you just walked into. It’s
like walking into a spider web, you don’t see it
and before you know it you are trying to pull it
off of your face and hoping that the spider
doesn’t take a bite of you.

Do you know what a psychic vampire is? Those
Negative people who will invoke a reaction from
you just to suck your energy, they can literally
suck your juices with their story of sadness,
unhappiness and despair to hook you and drain you.
They cling like a tick does to a dog until you
have exhaustion, fatigue, and even depression.
Just as we need to change our oil and the oil
filters in our cars to keep it running well, we
need our filters replaced or cleansed, to keep our
energy up. How often do you need to complete an
energy cleanse is dependent upon your life style,
work situation and the people you hang out with.

You never know when you may be slimmed by a
negative spirit, person or just a place with low
sucking energy that can drain you. Anywhere that
you spend your time and energy, good and bad is
attached to you.
Most of the time we can just brush it off–
Imagine you are being bathed in White Light or
depending upon your religious beliefs, you can
simply say a prayer. For the most part you will be
free. If you have a black cloud that has been
following around for awhile, it’s going to take
more work and a professional need to be contacted.

When it comes to our house or office, the
cleansing becomes a little more difficult and the
use of herbs, smudging, the five element clearing
may be necessary to free old spirits out of your

Because I work with people all day, with problems
both physical and mental, I Visualize a vortex of
energy swirling around me to keep myself free of
negative energy and clean my office space daily.

No matter how you decide to cleanse yourself, your
home or your office, remember, positive attracts
positive and negative. Negative, although you
cannot see the energy doesn’t mean it’s not there.

If you need to clear your space don’t wait another
moment, start today by cleaning out any old or
useless stuff you have lying around. Make sure you
get your garage and the basement as well and if
you are still feeling haunted contact me and we
can set up an appointment to free up any lingering

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Every month I make a DVD or a CD for the Qi Gong
Inner Circle members on the how to’s of
meditation, protection and cleansing of body, mind
and spirit.
Join today and I’ll send you a bonus DVD

Dr. Wu Dhi