Posts Tagged ‘Taker Not A Giver’

Are You A Taker or A Giver?

Wednesday, August 21st, 2013

We all like getting something for free, but would
you take it if it endangered others? Some do and
don’t give it a second thought.

I was in the lobby in a very busy office building
the other day waiting for a friend to have lunch
with; she was late so I was there for around 20
minutes before we met up. It was around 12:30
and it looked like the Grand Central
Station with all the people pouring into the

That’s when I overheard a conversation from
a group of women probably in their twenties. Some
were dressed to the nines and others in scrubs,
all talking at once in a very loud voice. One was
boasting to her friends about how she is “working
the system.” She said, “Girl, I free food,
money, free medical care, free child care and
everything else I can get from the government, and
they don’t know it but both me and my man have
good paying jobs, we just don’t report it. Ha-Ha.”

Then they all walked over to McDonald’s for lunch.
Little does she know the system is working her.
She thinks she is getting the so-called free ride.
The free medical care system is filling her family
up with vaccinations that can cause a host of
developmental problems with her kids, and the
drugs she is or will be taking for high blood
pressure, cholesterol and anxiety from the poor
choices she had made with her diet will bite her
in the back side sooner or later.

The free childcare is not care at all they are
feeding the children milk, cookies, sweet treats
and keeping them as unconscious as their mother.
All of this free stuff will be destroying her
health and most likely both her and her man will
get some disease like cancer, a heart condition
and definitely some major mental problems are
coming her way if the government pulls any of her
benefits away.
Sounds horrible don’t it?
The worst part is the society has her pegged as a
taker not a giver. This kind of poverty thinking
(I’ll beat the system) will keep her there and her
family for a long time.

Don’t be a poverty thinker. Don’t get pegged as a
girl Are you ready for a complete
transformation? Get started now; make it a
priority to make your life better today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS You can change anything you want to, just start