Posts Tagged ‘Professional Need’

Removing Negative Energy

Friday, March 1st, 2013

Unknown Removing Negative Energy

You may call it just bad luck or karma but it
could just be negative energy from someone or
something else that you just walked into. It’s
like walking into a spider web, you don’t see it
and before you know it you are trying to pull it
off of your face and hoping that the spider
doesn’t take a bite of you.

Do you know what a psychic vampire is? Those
Negative people who will invoke a reaction from
you just to suck your energy, they can literally
suck your juices with their story of sadness,
unhappiness and despair to hook you and drain you.
They cling like a tick does to a dog until you
have exhaustion, fatigue, and even depression.
Just as we need to change our oil and the oil
filters in our cars to keep it running well, we
need our filters replaced or cleansed, to keep our
energy up. How often do you need to complete an
energy cleanse is dependent upon your life style,
work situation and the people you hang out with.

You never know when you may be slimmed by a
negative spirit, person or just a place with low
sucking energy that can drain you. Anywhere that
you spend your time and energy, good and bad is
attached to you.
Most of the time we can just brush it off–
Imagine you are being bathed in White Light or
depending upon your religious beliefs, you can
simply say a prayer. For the most part you will be
free. If you have a black cloud that has been
following around for awhile, it’s going to take
more work and a professional need to be contacted.

When it comes to our house or office, the
cleansing becomes a little more difficult and the
use of herbs, smudging, the five element clearing
may be necessary to free old spirits out of your

Because I work with people all day, with problems
both physical and mental, I Visualize a vortex of
energy swirling around me to keep myself free of
negative energy and clean my office space daily.

No matter how you decide to cleanse yourself, your
home or your office, remember, positive attracts
positive and negative. Negative, although you
cannot see the energy doesn’t mean it’s not there.

If you need to clear your space don’t wait another
moment, start today by cleaning out any old or
useless stuff you have lying around. Make sure you
get your garage and the basement as well and if
you are still feeling haunted contact me and we
can set up an appointment to free up any lingering

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Every month I make a DVD or a CD for the Qi Gong
Inner Circle members on the how to’s of
meditation, protection and cleansing of body, mind
and spirit.
Join today and I’ll send you a bonus DVD

Dr. Wu Dhi