Posts Tagged ‘Coaching’

Juicy and Hard

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

Energy a little sluggish lately?
Maybe you’re getting tired after lunch-
you just don’t seem to have the punch you
used to and that bounce in your step isn’t bouncing.

Your “Un-balanced” Hormones could be the culprit.

It makes no difference male or female,
if your Hormone levels drop you could be pooped out
by mid-day.

Looking at our normal level of testosterone; they should
be between 350 and 1,000.
When we reach the age of 40 our levels start to drop,
you can lose about one percent a year-
a harmless decline in the short term, but there is a chance
you’ll be getting a fat belly, have weak bones, lose muscle
mass and your sex life may only bea fond memory by the
time you reach your early fifties.
When Testosterone levels are in the low- range this could
even increase your chances of dying of some
cardio-vascular disease.

You may be thinking that’s just for the sick and elderly.

Well wake up!

Both guys and gals in there thirties and forties are
reporting the same problems…

They can’t get a hard-on to save their lives,
and the woman’s vajayjay is dried out.
That desire for sex has gone bye, bye.

That’s when they run to my office all “Freaked out.”
Their adrenals are blown-out.

These things usually aren’t diagnosed until it’s too late.
Your hairy bagpipe is out of air and
your sexual desire is gone.
If you want to bring that Fire breathing dragon back to
life, the first thing to do is “Hightail” it to the doctor and
get your hormone level tested.

You can replenish your testosterone stores with injections,
creams, pills or patches, but if you’re supplying your body
with testosterone replacement, chances are your body will
shut down your natural production of the hormone.
Sounds like double- bind.
The side effects of testosterone replacement can be worse
than the original problem.

The ancient Chinese and Tibetans used a totally different
approach to keep vital, they were full of energy and were
ableto stay far younger than their years.
Armed with the knowledge of ancient internal exercises,
diets and meditations they have managed to stay young
and healthy throughout the ages.

These guarded secrets of longevity increase the
testosterone levels naturally.

It was back in the late seventies when I was invited by
my Master to a retreat center in the Catskills to learn
these formulas of sexual power, longevity and
internal spirit awareness.

I have been practicing and teaching these practices to my
students ever since.
If you have a burning desire to stay young, sexually strong
and vibrant in all aspects of your life,
I offer these teachings to a few selected students.

If you’re up for the adventure you can write me for more
details on the private coaching

Below are some hot tips designed to get juicy Lucy back online
andyour lazy joystick working well.

1. Lose that Jelly Belly

Carrying excess body fat elevates your estrogen levels.
That will cause your testosterone levels to drop.

2. The Best Sex is Morning Sex

Morning stimulation causes your circulating testosterone
to rise significantly.

3. Work your Legs

Working your butt and legs will increas testosterone.
If you are on that vitamin “Noassatall,”
it’s time to work your hindend.

4. Your Nuts

Nuts are good for your nuts. Make them your snack to
increase testosterone levels.

5. Hill Sprints

Run full out for 30 seconds to one minute.
Walk- for a full minute between sprints,
so you can regain enough strength to continue.
This will produce the greatest boosts in testosterone
Do at least two sets. Walk–sprint-walk-sprint walk.

6. Rest Hard

Six to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep before midnight
will repair, replenish and boost your testosterone levels.
If you’re a party animal, don’t be surprised if you stop
craving sex and are just too tired.

7. Don’t over Train

If you over train -you don’t allow your body to recuperate
adequately between training sessions -your circulating
testosterone levels willplunge by as much as 40 percent.

8. Moderation & Balance

Vitamins, minerals and amino acids are the keys to turn
that lock.

9. Eat regularly

Eat five meals a day, low in sugars -balance between
protein, carbs, oils and fiber.

Incorporate these valuable tips into your daily routine
and they will help to balance your levels of energy and
increase your sexual appetite.

In China a healthy sexual appetite is the source of
anti-aging practices.

I wish you the best in your Health Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Private coaching is a one-on-one training that can be at
my office in Miami or at your location

Write me for more details and we can set up a phone meeting.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Tuned in or Stressed Out?

Friday, December 11th, 2009


It’s a joy to have lunch with Brenda.

She’s always a bundle of energy and knowledge

and a pleasure to spend some time with.


She’s an international advisor to many

movie stars, political and a host of other

influential people.


Brenda was telling me that there are an

increasing number of people born from

1941 to 1954 that are totally freaked out

about getting older.

One would think getting older is a good

thing considering the other option.


This is causing a worldwide health dilemma

for people that we have never seen in such

high numbers before.




The amount of stress that people are experiencing

is causing an unheard of disruption to the immune

system and secondary diseases are showing their

ugly heads.


She claims this is due to people being inflexible

and resisting change both in their body and mind.


She asked me, Dr Wu, What you think about this

increasing dilemma?

“Well from both a medical and energetic level

I’d say that Stress is the number one killer in

the world and it leads to most health problems

it causes the biggest and quickest break down

of the body, mind and spirit and is a major

cause of ageing.


If we knew how to use the energy behind stress

we would not be suffering from anxiety, worry,

and struggle or blaming others for our problems.”


Most of us have a tendency to have stressful

situation in our life. Maybe it’s nature’s way

to teach us. But if stress has you by the short hairs

you’re ageing too quickly.


Stress seems to comes in like a big wave that

rolls over our head and bounces us like a

basketball on the ocean floor.

By the time we know what happened we are gasping for

breathe, flat on our face with our trousers down to

our knees filled with sand.


STRESS can be used as a very powerful tool

to change our entire life. It will increase energy,

keep you healthy, powerful and you’ll be able to accomplish

more than you could imagine.


That is, Once you know how to use it.


Every week people come into my office and have some

issue that’s affecting their health and blocking

their energy.

They are needlessly in torment suffering from one

thing or another. Usually self induced.


We all desire to live a long healthy life and

I believe that with the right education and coaching

we can all have it.


Most of our bad health issues can be trained out

of the body just the way they have been train

in over the years.


I wish you the Best in Health, Wealth and



Dr. Wu Dui


PS. I have some exciting news

that I will be sending you tomorrow to transform

you’re Stress into Power