Posts Tagged ‘Boston’

Twofers Solar Return Sale

Friday, December 16th, 2011

Everyone experiences a Solar Return

every year around their birthday.

Astrologers say it’s when the Sun comes to

the exact degree it was at the moment

we were born.

It’s just like you are reborn again on

your birthday, that’s why birthdays are so

important. They say that the activities that you’re

engaged in on your special day will be very

important for your up-coming year because

every two hours of the day on your birthday

is like a month in time.

For example, if you were born at 12 in the afternoon,

the activities that you do from 12 to 2 would be

what would likely take place in your life in January.

From 2 to 4 would be February, etc. This is why your

awareness of your time on your birthday is so important.

Therefore, one would want to be aware of every

hour of ones birthday and plan activities that are

rewarding, positive and beneficial to you.

The significance of the Solar Return is a chart for

the coming year and

will help guide you. One of the most

important aspects

of the chart is where you are on the planet

at the time

of your solar return. Last year I was in

Lake Havasu, Arizona

and this year I spent many hours with Ray Merriman,

a world renowned astrologer deciding where I should be.

First he said Miami would be the best for me and if

I was here I would be much more intuitive but as we

looked further into the astrology chart, he found that

the North East part of the USA would be even better

for my destiny.

Maybe NYC, Boston or an exciting city

where I have friends and loved ones, but NO, it seemed

like I had to be a little more to the West around Albany, New York.

This would move the planet Mercury into my first

house and I would be doing a lot more traveling and

teaching this coming year. Things will be lively,

interesting, and rather easy to adapt to new situations.

The easier it is to adapt to a new situation, the

less stress we have. We all like change, but we

like it to change somewhere else but not in our

personal lives. We are creatures of habit and

when things change that are not in our normal

environment, we have a tendency to be stressed out.

That’s one of the reasons I took the time to put

together the program, Turn Stress into Power.

As a gift to all of you, I am going offer you a

gift package at this holiday season.

Order a copy of the Turn stress Into Power program

and I’ll send you absolutely free— an extra

program that you can give away as a gift to

your friends and family for the holidays.

You will receive two books and two DVDs.

One for you and the other as a gift you could

give to your friends or family. I’ll also invite all

of you to join me for a live conference call for

all of your questions and go over all of the

exercises and meditations.

I wish you the best in your Health,

Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Cultivation Qi

Saturday, September 10th, 2011

he last three weekends have been incredible!
I traveled to Boston, Gainesville, and last
weekend I was in a great workshop on
biological medicine, right here in Miami.
You would think that
maybe I would get tired.
I’m feeding on the energy and the
energy is feeding me.
When you can get in flow with
energy, miracles happen. The
energy pushes you along like a
giant wave. Most of us,
when we have too much to do- we
get stressed out and a wave washes
over our body and bounces us to the
point where we don’t know what’s up
or down.
It took me many years to learn
how to work with energy and how to
ride the wave of continuous flowing Qi.
It takes the cultivation of Qi, practice
and training. Once you have trained
yourself, you will be able to use the
energy at will.
There is a story about the Master and a man,
who were stranded at sea.
Each both found a piece of wood floating
and climbed on it. The student just sat on
the piece of wood and the waves crashed
him into the rocks and he was killed.
The master on the other
hand, used his foot as a ruder to steer himself
into calm waters.
It’s the same in our lives.
If we are thrown into the sea of energy and
yet we don’t know how to use it, we too can
be thrown into the rocks of life and destroyed.

Qi Gong can move you away from the pitfalls
and teach you how to use the energy for your
health and well-being. Qi Gong is perhaps the
most important aspect of internal energy.
Benefits of Cultivating Qi:
Quiets the mind
Strengthens and corrects the skeletal system
Balances the nervous system
Improves and strengthens the heart
Strengthens and improves the digestive system
Increases Qi flow in the lungs and large intestines
Improves and strengthens the immune system
The Recharging Qi Gong program that
comes with a book, 2 DVD’s and 5 CD’s,
gives you:
-The Three Internal Secrets of Qi Gong
-The Spiritual Keys to Qi Gong,
-The 5 elements of Transformational Power
-The Compassion, the path to mental Well-being,
(and one of the most important aspects of Qi Gong and Longevity)
-10 Secrets to Sexual Vitality.
Order your copy in the month of September and
I will send you absolutely free,
a power amulet for protection and Qi cultivation.
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness
Dr. Wu Dhi