Archive for the ‘acupuncture’ Category

Coming Soon: The Energy Medicine Radio Show!

Monday, June 16th, 2014


I consider my life to be very lucky. You might say
that I live a charmed life. I have studied with
many gurus, masters, and lamas. I spent most of my
days getting people healthy — mentally,
physically, emotionally and spiritually — and
generally enjoying myself. I’ve been one of the
fortunate ones that has gathered a lot of
knowledge in my life. Now is my time to share it.
I’ve also spent a lot of time with very creative
people and I was talking to a very talented woman
today. She’s a musician, writer, singer,
producer, disc jockey and actress who has been
living in Florida for the last 18 years that I
know of. In Tampa, she has a radio show called
Ultrasounds with Eluv and you can pick it up on
the Internet at 88.5 FM WMNF with airtime every
Thursday from 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM. We were talking
today on how important it is for people to be more
conscious, to be aware of what’s going on in the
planet, and to come from a place of loving
kindness. She asked me if I’ll be willing to share
more of my knowledge with others, and of course, I
told her that I’d be more than happy to share it
with the whole world. That’s when a moment of
creativity struck both of us, like a bolt of
lightning. Why don’t we start a radio show and
invite healers and artists and creative people to
share their knowledge and expertise with us? What
a great idea! So, today, we decided to start a
radio show to bring you the best in Energy
Medicine, alternative health care, vibrational
healing, and all the other modalities that have
validity and work. I don’t care if it’s a Shaman
with a drum. If you feel better and it makes you
happier, healthier, and puts a smile on your face,
we’ll find somebody to talk about it and give you
tools so you can be a participant in your own
health, well-being, and longevity. The show will
probably not be starting for a few months. We’re
looking at August or September before it airs.
But, without a doubt, I’ll be blogging about it,
and give you the times and dates and everything
about the show as soon as we nail it down. They
say that when you want to get something done, you
give it to a busy person. And you know I’m busy. I
see patients every day. I write to you four times
a week. I teach a meditation class every Wednesday
night and a Qi Gong class every Saturday morning.
I train and work out daily. I write books and make
programs, have private coaching sessions, and I
couldn’t be any happier.

If you want to have some real fun, get involved.
Join me and the members of the Qi Gong Inner
Circle, and open up your knowledge centers and
build your spiritual digestive system. Click here to join, and
I’ll send you a DVD or CD every month and a
teaching to make your life better.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. I just wanted to remind you of Dr. Jerry Alan
Johnson’s workshop. Don’t miss it! Call me at
786-271-0325 or Dr. Isaac Goren at 954-732-5050.

Up Rooted

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

For the last 16 years, I have been living on a
barrier island in a little house a few blocks from
the ocean in Miami Beach just 10 minutes from my
office. The place is a gem. I have 2 large mango
trees at the backyard, a few dozen of banana
trees, and 20 papaya trees that produce delicious
sweet fruit all summer. Next to the house, I
planted a Feng Shui garden filled with herbs and
vegetables that produce tomatoes, lettuce, kale,
broccoli, spinach and more greens than a big
family could eat and it’s all-organic. Eating off
the land is one of the best ways to nourish your
body, mind and spirit. For me, working in the
garden is a great way to de-stress from work and a
joy to see my efforts grow. A garden grows at its
own pace. You can’t rush it or slow it down, but
it needs just a few things to grow- the right
soil, water and sunlight. If the pH of the soil is
too acidic, you’ll get a poor crop. If the garden
isn’t watered, your garden will dry up. And if
there is no sunlight, nothing happens at all. A
garden is very similar to our bodies. We need to
keep our internal system alkaline rather than
acidic to stay healthy and, without a doubt, we
need to stay hydrated. As for the sunlight, it’s
one of the biggest factors in keeping us happy,
vibrant and free from depression and anxiety.

For many years, I have lived a charmed life in a
charmed place near the sea. But now, I am going to
make some changes. I am in the process of packing
up all my belongings and saying goodbye to my
beach house and looking for a new place. It wasn’t
my idea, but change happens that make us change
and grow whether we like it or not. Within the
next few months, they are going to knock down the
house and build 17 condos on the property.

Most people don’t mind change as long as it
doesn’t change their life. Change is an
opportunity for us to grow. One of the reasons
that run this planet is to grow, just like the
vegetable garden. We want to grow strong,
productive, and make our world a better place.
Many of us get caught up in a situation that keeps
us slaves to our jobs, relationships, or
community. I hear people say this all the time,
“This is just how my life is.” On this planet, you
have the so-called ‘free will’ but most people
live in a place of fear. They’re afraid to make
change, they’re afraid to open up to change. And
they never experience their true potential. Change
is something that we want to welcome into our
lives. It forces us to grow. When students come in
to my class, or patients in to my office, they’re
looking for something new, something to make them
better, mentally, physically, emotionally,
spiritually and psychologically. If they continue
to do their same pattern over and over, and are
expecting different results, I would call this

Embrace change and open up to something new today.
If you haven’t been practicing the internal
exercises like the Recharging Qi Gong Program, take a chance. Maybe it will
make you uncomfortable, or it might take you off
your normal routine, but I can guarantee you one
thing, it will make you change for the better.
Order right now,

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Building Inner Strength

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

I left work late on Friday, came home, jumped in the shower,
changed my cloths and got ready to meet a friend for dinner.
There’s a cute little restaurant that I like not to far from my
house, they have some really taste treats that I knew we enjoy.
It was a beautiful night with a warm spring breezes blowing
from the east.
We decided to sit outside and appreciate the view,
the people walking by and the meal.
My friend just arrived to Florida from the cold north
and was delighted to sit outside and the suck up the
Miami Beach energy, this is the best time of the year
to be in Miami, there is a lot to see and do.
The next morning she woke up with a cough, the chills
and an aching body.
She was hit with what we refer to in Chinese medicine as a
‘wind invasion’

It didn’t take more than ½ hour sitting in the wind before
it happened and later that evening;
the wind was ‘stuck’ in her body.
First there was a general discomfort beneath the skin,
on the tops of her legs, and a general feeling of uneasiness,
and an aching back.

All these symptoms were due to the wind having penetrated
her ‘defenses’, the Wei Qi, that’s the ‘energy field’
that flows just beneath our skin and protects us from
this sort of ‘invasion’.
When an invasion like this takes hold, it will develop
into a ‘common cold’ every rapidly.

You may be asking yourself, does the ‘wind’ literally
penetratethe body and remain there?
The energy of the wind stimulates the energy beneath our skin
and this excitation is transferred to the part of our energy
that lies just beneath the skin.
The ‘agitation’ in the energy beneath the skin causes
the aching in the back, the uncomfortable feeling on the tops
of the legs and the general feeling of discomfort and discomfort.

The usual cure in this situation is to ‘release the exterior’
to let the pathogen out.
There are various ways that you can do this.
Acupuncture works very well, or jump in a hot bath for
around twenty minutes with Epson salts,
make it hot enough to induce a sweat.

I didn’t experience the same problem,
even though I was exposed to a cold wind as well.
I have a strong Wei Qi and the wind couldn’t penetrate
through me body’s defensive.
I am sure it’s because I train everyday doing the
Recharging Qi Gong.
Once you get on the program and start practicing you will
strengthen your Wei Qi Field and avoid most of those sickness.

I wish you the best in your Health. Wealth and happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS wind invasion is a common problem that will cause
a multitude of health problems.
Keep your Wei Qi strong and you can avoid most
of the colds, flu’s and neck pain.
Train daily and build a body of steel.
Start the program today


Dr. Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi was born Sherwood Swartz but mostly
known as ‘Woody’ to friends and family. As a student
of various traditions he as received various names
and titles over the years as is appropriate in those
schools. Among these names was Wu Di, very similar
to the pronunciation of Woody, in China the name
means ‘has no enemies’. Wu Di was later renamed by
a Tibetan Lama to Wu Dhi with an ‘h’. Although this
may not seem like that much of a change from Wu Di
or even Woody for that matter, it is in fact a high
honor to receive such a name directly from a Lama.
Dhi in this case is the Sanskrit seed syllable ‘Dhi’ and
associated with the great wisdom holder Manjurshri.

Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health
care for over 35 years and a Doctor Wei Qi field of Medical Qi
Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in
neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the
prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional
Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R.China.
Golden Skies Productions

1120 98th Street
Bay Harbor, Island, FL

Dancing with Grace

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

In 2009 I received a call from a woman who seemed
to be in desperate need of speaking to me. Said
told me this, “My niece referred me to you and I
have some personal matters that I need to discuss
with you, can you come to my hotel today? It’s
very urgent” I never had a call like that before
and although I found it quite strange, it
intrigued me. I agreed to meet her at the Mandarin
Oriental hotel Miami Beach. It was a 45-minute
drive from my office and I was amazed when I
walked into the lobby. It is a beach chic
laid-back luxury hotel with an exotic Asian flair,
beautiful Zen bamboo gardens and trickling water
fountains overlooking the bay.

It’s really elegant beauty at its finest.
I announced myself and was sent up to her suite,
anxious to hear what this personal matter was.
Well it wasn’t good news. The woman was diagnosed
with cancer and was about to start chemo and
radiation treatments and wanted me to come to the
hotel 3 days a week to treat her with Medical Qi
Gong, acupuncture, neural therapy and any other
thing I could think of that would help her through
this ordeal.

I usually don’t make it a practice of doing house
calls, but she wasn’t from Miami and was about to
go through the treatments by herself. Not only is
that scary, it’s darn lonely when there is no
support group around to help emotionally or just
to be there. Sure she had a beautiful space to
stay and an entire hotel staff to cater to her
needs but no one to share her fears. She touched
me with her story and I decided to spend a
considerable amount of time over the next 4 months
working with her. This was a heart-felt connection
and as she went through the treatments I had my
first experience of going through the western
treatments for cancer. It was truly an emotional
gut wrenching experience, the weight loss, the
hair loss, she was not able to do simple tasks and
the emotional trauma of passing close to death is
quite a challenging and a traumatic experience.
One couldn’t help to feel her pain, worries and

She was one of the lucky ones who beat the death
sentence. My treatments helped to boost her immune
system and relieve the pain, fear and help to pull
her through a fight for life.
Here are a few of the suggestions to help keep you

1.Make your environment as beautiful as you
2.Listen to peaceful music
3.Eat an alkaline diet
4.Drink at least 4 to 6 8oz. glasses of clean
room temperature water a day
5.Get fresh air daily and sunlight
6.No TV or be very selective, read positive
7.No negative news, gossip or others problems
of others
8.No visitors who are not positive
9.Get your body Ph. balanced to alkaline
10.No sugar, coffee, wine, caffeine
11.Get acupuncture at least 1 time a week 3 or
4 times a week is even better
12.Get Medical Qi Gone a few times a week
13.Get neural therapy and Vitamin C IV’s a few
times a week
14.Avoid red meat, chicken, farm raised fish
and all shellfish and pork
15.Eat organic foods, drink veggie juice
16.Avoid over-the- counter medicine
17.Avoid cleaning products
18.Make a list of all the things you are
grateful for
19.Forgive everyone for anything they ever did
to you
21.Walk daily

This is the program she was on and followed to a
I wouldn’t say this is a cure but it can give your
body, mind and spirit a much better fighting
chance to recover and have a quality life.
Last weekend was 5 years after her treatment and I
am more than delighted to report that we had
dinner and danced the night away to the
celebration of life.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


If you are going through a health trauma let me
know and I’d be more than happy to suggest an
alternative that will dovetail with your

An Alternative Cancer Treatment that can save your Life!

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

An Alternative Cancer Treatment that can save your Life!

I was in Detroit last June to see my family and a
good friend who is going through an intense cancer
treatment. They couldn’t do surgery on him but the
radiation and chemotherapy was given to him for 75
days, not an easy one. Both of those so-called
cures are toxic, poisonous and they’re
carcinogenic to boot. My friend experienced
nausea, weakness, diarrhea, constipation, extreme
pain and suffering just to get through the
treatment and was told that his bones will now be
brittle so he ha s to be careful when exercising
and his memory isn’t ½ of what it used to be, and
they don’t even know if it’s gone. My bet is it

As you know cancer has been an increase in the
USA. They say that 1 out of 4 people will get
cancer in their lifetime. Our traditional health
care system has only 3 options (chemo, radiation,
surgery) and that’s it!
Your chances of living after that kind of
treatment is on average around five years at the
most and the quality of life you can expect isn’t
what any of us would want.
No energy, poor sleep, disrupted digestive system,
and your sex life is over for the most part. Your
immune system is no longer functioning.
The average Joe who either has cancer or who’s
loved one has it is outraged, scared confused,
depressed, irritated and just plain frustrated
with their treatment and their oncologist the
treatment and the results. They don’t want to
bombard the body with poison but see no

But now, Unknown

For the last three decades I have been working
with patients suffering with autoimmune disease.
Using alternative modalities like acupuncture,
herbal medicine, diet, massage and exercises to
try and enhance their immune system. I’ve had some
success but there was still something missing in
the treatment of cancer patients.
I have been practicing Qi Gong, the exercise to
build my Qi for the past 30 years and teaching
students and patients how to keep themselves

The practice of Medical Qi Gong is different.
Around twelve years ago I got turned on to a group
of doctors who were doing an alternative treatment
on their cancer patients with amazing results
called Medical Qi Gong (MQG). Medical Qi Gong
therapy is the eldest therapeutic modality of
Chinese medicine. It is a comprehensive system of
health care addressing the root cause of symptoms
or disease, and treats the client as a whole.

The practitioner, drawing upon their ability to
sense and manipulate en ergy developed through
dedicated study and self-cultivation, it uses Qi
emission and teaches medical Qigong exercises and
meditations based upon a differential diagnosis
rooted in Chinese medical to restore health and

Since then I have specialized in cancer and auto
immune protocols that balances the body, mind and
spirit. These treatments also involve prescriptive
exercises to free up the pattern that replicates
the cancer. Cancer has a blue print and even after
chemo, ra diation and surgery, if the blue print
still exists in our system the pattern will
replicate and the cancer returns.

The Medical Qi Gong (MQG) system will disrupt the
blue print of the disease and eliminate it, bring
the patient back to optimal health.

I shared many of these techniques with my friend
in Detroit and although he has gone through chemo
and radiation, he was able to handle it with very
few side effects and now he is back on track to
good health and a long life.

If you or one of your loved ones is going through
these changes with cancer or any auto-immune
disease, contact me at 305-407-0120 and come in
for an evaluation and treatment that may save your

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

When you call be sure to tell them that you are
interested in the Medical Qi Gong Protocol and we
will be glad to setup an appointment for you as
soon as possible.

Honor our Warriors

Monday, May 27th, 2013

Today is Unknown
To honor our men and women who have served our country and lost their lives fighting for ourFreedom. There have been so many wars and so much loss of life in the name of Freedom that it is overwhelming.
One would think that this time in the evolution of man we would all work together asa world to make things better for all of us.

To make sure that everyone has food and shelter and good health instead of working to take advantageof others. Now, I am not a communist and I don’treally care for the way communism runs, but it seems that people are so jealous and so envious of others in the name of their God that they try to take advantage of one and another.

I personally thank all of the fallen soldiers who served our country to make this a better place.
This Memorial Day like most Memorial Day’s people forget the meaning and Partayyy! Partayy means BBQ’s, Pina Coladas, going to the beach, hangingout and relaxing.

Take a moment out of your long weekend and remember somebody served our country to make this a beautiful and safe place.

Freedom is not Free.
It is like our health. You have to work for your health and fight for your health. You only remember it when it’s gone and then it’s too late.

This weekend I will have more free time than usualand for sure I am going to train, work out,stretch more and relax. I will spend some of my day in meditation, some in relaxation and try to open up on every level to make my life and the people I come in contact with,like you better.

I spend a lot of time putting together programsand teachings to educate all of us about our health, what the best exercises are and what nutrition would be the best for us in order to give us a healthy and happy life. If you all ready have some of my programs, take the time on this long weekend to practice and if you don’t own any get one or two now, go to
And click the tab on top that says programs. There is a detox program, The Polynesian Salt WaterPurification
that works so incredible and you can do it at the beach and feel great!

If you don’t h ave the Yin set already, it’s a download, and you can order it and have it right now. It is instant gratification that will work on your heart, your spleen, your lungs, the kidneys and the liver to keep you healthy, strong, happy,and most of all well-balanced. These are only two of the products that will make your life better.

I wish all of you a happy and safe Memorial Day!
Keep on Practicing!
Dr. Wu Dhi

It’s against our nature to eat less

Friday, May 24th, 2013

This morning Shelly wrote me a long heart felt
letter about why she can’t shed any weight. She
said, “I tried everything and I am still fat,
please help!”

Shelly, we all instinctively eat more than we need
to. This instinct was passed down from our
ancestors. If there was food everyone would feast
and in lean times we would fast. Food is the key
to survival. You have to look at food as fuel. It
may be part of our DNA to eat whenever we can and
I am sure in ancient times we never knew when we
were going to get our next meal. Now a day we
still tend to eat excessively, maybe it’s due to
our modern lifestyles, stress or just plain
nervousness and anxiety. Social eating and
snacking is one of the biggest causes of being
over weight.

Excessive compulsive eating is just a nervous
habit like biting your nails or popping your
knuckles all day long.

We will do just about anything to lose weight.
Most of those Fad diets tell you to eat an
unnatural and unhealthy diet; like the cookie
diet, the protein diet and there is even an ice
cream diet.

What’s funny is they all work for a short time
because of the low caloric intake, but there is
absolutely no way you can keep those pounds from

Before you know it your body and mind will rebel
and take revenge on you and your waistline if you
eat those FAD diets. To keep the weight off we
need proper nutrients and the right exercise.

Those 500-calorie diet practices can cause
malnutrition, organ damage, slow metabolic rate
and imbalances within the body, mind and even your

You can decrease the amount of food that you eat
and increase the amount of energy using the
ancient method of acupuncture.

The Chinese for the most part don’t have an
obesity problem. At least they didn’t before
Mickey Dee’s and the Colonel showed up.

Acupuncture promotes better digestion, smooth
emotions, reduces appetite, improves metabolism
and eliminates food cravings.

The root of excess weight is an imbalance of the
spleen and liver.

The Acupuncture Weight loss system addresses the
root cause of excess weight; the imbalance caused
by malfunctioning of the spleen and liver.

Our Spleen is responsible for the proper
functioning of the digestive system, ensuring that
the food we eat is transformed into Energy. When
there is dis-ease of the spleen you will have
symptoms like fatigue, slow metabolism, water
retention, loose stool and a feeling of heaviness.

2. When the Liver is out of balance, the emotion
of anger will be heightened and with our
fast-paced lifestyles and excess stress, it will
negatively impact the liver’s ability to function
properly and smoothly, which, in turn, can cause
the spleen and the whole digestive system to
function poorly and decrease your metabolism.

If you have been struggling with your weight and
you live in South Florida, come into my office and
we will put together a program that will work for
you. Call and make an appointment today

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

If you can’t come in to see me, call 305-407-0120 and we can
put together a program that you can do in your own home for
the maximum healthy weight loss .

$48,000 Oscar Gift Bag

Monday, February 25th, 2013

“Everyone Wins at the Oscars Nominee Gift Bag.”
This year’s bag is estimated to be worth between
$45,000 and $48,000.
Unsurprisingly,the goodies include some considerably
over-the-top items: a $12,000 trip to an Australian resorts;
I’d like to go to that one.
A $4,100 stay at fitness retreat and hundreds of dollars
worth of acupuncture.

Check it out………
Acupuncture is finally making it Big time after 4000 years
At The Oscars………

People in the movie industry work long hard hours and
have to travel at a moments notice.
They may spend months in a remote location working,
learn their parts and under a lot stress.

The Oscar winning movie Argo- Where the Iranian-
hostage are held prisoner, staring images
surpassing its $44.5 million budget.

There is no holding back in the movies,
when doing a big movie production no matter if it’s
money, travel or keeping every one healthy
it has to be done.
If you are in the entertainment business you have to be
flexible, healthy and appealing to the masses.

People in the entertainment business should be into
their health or at least you would think they would be.

I know I would be getting regular acupuncture treatments,
massages, exercising, eating a healthy diet
and keep my mind active as well as keeping a spiritual practice
going strong.

“Our health is our wealth; without it you have nothing.”

To be on the top in your field no matter if its business,
music, acting or professional sports you have to work
on every aspect of your life all the time.
Health being #1

There are those who are in the limelight today that
know the importance of health and beauty like
Gwyneth Paltrow, Nicole Kidman
and Christina Aguilera. Yet there are still others
who are still stuck eating junk food, doing drugs
and are suffering from an anal cranial inversion.

If you want to be the best you can be follow these
simple rules:

1.Don’t allow anyone to lay a trip on you
2.K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple Stupid)
3.Be Creative (Think out side of the box)
4.Spend some time alone
5.Show gratitude
6.Love others and yourself
7.Practice loving kindness
8.Be generous
9.Take time to play, smile and
laugh every day

I have been seeing more celebrities lately for
acupuncture treatments, placing magnets in their
ears for stress control and weight loss. which
is very cool.

I’d like to tell you who I am seeing
But I am sworn to secrecy.

You would think treatments like these are
brand spanking new but they are exons old.
The Chinese have been practicing
anti- aging medicine and doing beauty
treatments for thousands of years, with
great success.

You can be a star yourself by staying
Healthy, Practice often, work on internal
exercises like qi Gong , treat your food
as fuel and only put premium grade in your body
No junk food. You deserve the best.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Join me and the members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle
for your growth. check it out you
will get a series of teachings on Qi Gong,
meditation and longevity practices
that will change your life.

Join today

Dr. Wu Dhi

Who is responsible for your health?

Monday, February 18th, 2013

Who is responsible for your health?

How many of you have an HMO insurance plan?
Most people who have health insurance in the USA
are covered by HMO, a Health Maintenance
Organization. In fact our government gives all the
American Indians who live on reservations the best
government HMO insurance and guess what! The
average of those receiving it live to 66 years
old. On the other hand people who don’t get
involved in the HMO insurance plans live 15 to 20
years longer.

I have been in the health field for 35 years and
we would think it is getting better every year.
Well it is for some, but if you are on the short
end of the stick, watch out.
Every time there is a new ruling from the FDA to
protect us, you have to wonder who they are trying
to protect. Is it our health or the drug industry?
They don’t seem to be concerned with what people
are eating, the side effects of drugs or how many
people are self-medicating at the drug store.
Could the lobbyists be controlling your health?
Let me tell you what I feel is happening. The
major drug companies, who like to be referred to
as pharmaceutical companies have a lot of money,
check it out!
These are the profits of the big drug companies in
$ Millions


2.Johnson & Johnson


4.Abbott Laboratories

5.Eli Lilly

6.Bristol-Myers Squibb


8.Gilead Sciences



11.Biogen Idec


These are millions of dollars

NICE Profit guys!

TV ads are full of commercials to promote their
products. They are distributed at every drug
store, grocery store and even Wal-Mart and Costco
are selling all kinds of drugs and flu shots. This
is BIG business and they are all on the stock
exchange making money for their investors. What do
you think they are in business for anyway, Your
Health? You would think that this program is
working fine if you were in the drug business, but
there is a problem.

People are getting sicker with more cancer, heart
conditions and diabetes then ever before and the
numbers are rising daily, there is something wrong
with this picture.

I am not saying that modern medicine is all-bad,
if you haven’t been following a good health
regiment or you were born with bad genetics, got
shot, or have been in an accident, modern medicine
is a blessing. Modern medicine has saved thousands
of lives both in wars and peaceful times; medicine
and can keep you going for years even if you were
on your deathbed.

Here is where the systems fails; the management of
disease. It stinks! They don’t know squat about
keeping you healthy.

Years ago I worked in a Psychiatrist office and
every patient that came into the office was told
that they needed to be on meds. If you see a
traditional Western doctor, for pain you are given
anti-inflammatory, pain pills and steroids or sent
in for psychological evaluation.

People have brain washed to believe they need to
be on medicine or something very bad will happen
to them.

Well it just ain’t-so!
I am not telling you to stop your medicine or
ignore your doctor but there is plenty you can be
doing to feel better and stay healthy but it takes

First, stop listening, reading or looking to any
commercials that are trying to suggest to you that
you need their medicine. No matter if it’s about
the flu, low T or sleepless nights. Start
exercising every day. If you are able, begin a Qi
Gong program, take a yoga class or start
meditation today. If you aren’t ready for that at
least walk.

The gym will keep you looking good but not
healthy. I dropped my membership years ago. There
were too many sick people all in the same room
coughing, sneezing and bitching about their
problems. Get-out in nature, breathe fresh air,
eat a healthy diet. No Fast Foods (they are a fast
way to the grave).

If you think I am being harsh try a few days in
the hospital with bad air, bad food, and a hoist
of diseases all locked up in the building with
you. No one goes to the hospital to get healthy.
I have created programs to keep all of us healthy,
younger, and happy.

I practice daily and so do thousands of students.
They are staying healthy, feeling younger more

I suggest you start out with the Flying Crane Qi
Gong Program

You will be able to learn that within weeks you
will be on your way to a healthy, stress free,
happy life. This was the first Qi Gong I learned
years ago and I still practice it daily.

Order it now and it will be in the mail tomorrow.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

If you are already doing internal exercises, get
the Recharging Qi Gong program

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to look younger Naturally: Part B

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

How to look younger Naturally: Part B

On Monday I was telling you about the natural face
lift. It’s more than just a face lift – it’s a
total body and skin rejuvenation that can turn
around your health and happiness.

Benefits of Natural Face Rejuvenation:

• Hydrates your skin
• Increases collagen and elasticity on the skin
• Tightens the skin on the face
• Reduction of sagginess
• Lifting of droopy eyelids
• Helps in reducing Wrinkles and fine lines
• Improves muscle tone
• Provides relief from stress
• Drains lymph and edema, in other words, it
helps to eliminate toxins.
• Removes Dark circles and eyes puffiness

What can be considered as simple aesthetic factors
(wrinkles, cellulite, adipose depositions, and
skin sagging.) is actually a consequence of a
general imbalance involving the body’s systems.
By recovering the physiological structure of the
fat tissue, restoring the endocrine balance,
detoxifying the extra cellular matrix, and
promoting a correct metabolic functioning, we can
expect to stimulate and repair the tissues to help soften wrinkles, reduce adipose
tissue, skin sagging, cellulitis, and reduced

Many people believe that facial wrinkles are the
most obvious sign of getting old with the
corresponding decrease in youth, vitality and the
consequent loss of self esteem. Apart from
external beauty, the skin also reflects a person’s
troubles, anxiety and pain.

No cosmetic surgery face lifts, Botox, or
anti-aging skin creams needed to achieve beautiful

What to Expect:

The results of cosmetic anti-aging treatments
reflect not only a change in external appearance,
but also an improvement in total body wellness.
Specifically, you may notice:

• More radiant, beautiful skin
• Disappearance of fine lines
• Smoothing of deep lines
• Fading of age spots
• toned muscles
• Enhanced overall appearance and health

This program is tailored to your individual needs

• Facial overall balancing
• Food Therapy to maximize results
• Eastern Nutritional Counseling
• Mind Body Therapies
• Organic Skin Care products

A typical protocol begins with a consultation to
determine your overall health and to see if you
qualify for the procedure. The consultation runs
15-30 minutes and is free of charge. This can be
conducted over the phone. If you qualify for
treatment, then a 1 1/2 hour session is scheduled
to include a complete evaluation, diagnosis and
overall body balancing treatment. We then schedule
a course of treatments during this time, herbs and
foods will be prescribed that are specifically
tailored for your overall health and your stated
goals for facial rejuvenation. You will also be
given internal exercises and recommendations for
skin care.

Call today to schedule your FREE telephone
consultation or you can come in to the office but
be sure to call 305-407-01-20

Consultations are limited so call ASAP

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and
Dr. Wu Dhi