Posts Tagged ‘Acupuncture Treatments’

$48,000 Oscar Gift Bag

Monday, February 25th, 2013

“Everyone Wins at the Oscars Nominee Gift Bag.”
This year’s bag is estimated to be worth between
$45,000 and $48,000.
Unsurprisingly,the goodies include some considerably
over-the-top items: a $12,000 trip to an Australian resorts;
I’d like to go to that one.
A $4,100 stay at fitness retreat and hundreds of dollars
worth of acupuncture.

Check it out………
Acupuncture is finally making it Big time after 4000 years
At The Oscars………

People in the movie industry work long hard hours and
have to travel at a moments notice.
They may spend months in a remote location working,
learn their parts and under a lot stress.

The Oscar winning movie Argo- Where the Iranian-
hostage are held prisoner, staring images
surpassing its $44.5 million budget.

There is no holding back in the movies,
when doing a big movie production no matter if it’s
money, travel or keeping every one healthy
it has to be done.
If you are in the entertainment business you have to be
flexible, healthy and appealing to the masses.

People in the entertainment business should be into
their health or at least you would think they would be.

I know I would be getting regular acupuncture treatments,
massages, exercising, eating a healthy diet
and keep my mind active as well as keeping a spiritual practice
going strong.

“Our health is our wealth; without it you have nothing.”

To be on the top in your field no matter if its business,
music, acting or professional sports you have to work
on every aspect of your life all the time.
Health being #1

There are those who are in the limelight today that
know the importance of health and beauty like
Gwyneth Paltrow, Nicole Kidman
and Christina Aguilera. Yet there are still others
who are still stuck eating junk food, doing drugs
and are suffering from an anal cranial inversion.

If you want to be the best you can be follow these
simple rules:

1.Don’t allow anyone to lay a trip on you
2.K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple Stupid)
3.Be Creative (Think out side of the box)
4.Spend some time alone
5.Show gratitude
6.Love others and yourself
7.Practice loving kindness
8.Be generous
9.Take time to play, smile and
laugh every day

I have been seeing more celebrities lately for
acupuncture treatments, placing magnets in their
ears for stress control and weight loss. which
is very cool.

I’d like to tell you who I am seeing
But I am sworn to secrecy.

You would think treatments like these are
brand spanking new but they are exons old.
The Chinese have been practicing
anti- aging medicine and doing beauty
treatments for thousands of years, with
great success.

You can be a star yourself by staying
Healthy, Practice often, work on internal
exercises like qi Gong , treat your food
as fuel and only put premium grade in your body
No junk food. You deserve the best.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Join me and the members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle
for your growth. check it out you
will get a series of teachings on Qi Gong,
meditation and longevity practices
that will change your life.

Join today

Dr. Wu Dhi

Qi Gong’s Influence on Health

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

Qigong has influenced China for
thousands of years, although it has
been hidden from the public for the
most part. It has been passed
down from father to son and from
master to disciple with strict oaths
of secrecy- never to show or teach to outsiders.

In ancient times, when a practitioner
knew more than someone else it assured
them to make a good living. Herbal
formulas, special acupuncture treatments,
martial art forms and the most guarded
were internal practices of Qigong.

The exception to this rule was in the
monasteries, where the monks learned
Kung Fu meditations, internal work like
Qigong, Nei gong and Shen gong.
When the Communist government came
into power, all of this came to an end,
most of the books were destroyed and
many of the true masters were killed,
went into hiding or escaped out of mainland China.

When I was in China just a few years ago,
Qigong was still very much a kept secret to
the masses. Families held on to secret herbal
formulas like solid gold.

Change is good, although we may not think
so at the time it’s happening, but if it wasn’t
for the Cultural Revolution– all of those
Masters who fled China wouldn’t have had
the same willingness to share the secrets
of Qigong.

Today Medical Qigong has been proven to
work well on many illnesses that other
medical systems can’t even touch.
Emitting Qi from your hands may seem like
a remarkable feat to you now but with the right
education and training you can do it!
Qigong Masters can do it as easily as glancing at you.
I have spent years studying with such Masters and
the energy can kill cancer cells, alter brain waves, open up
spiritual path ways and much more.

The technology is no longer hidden in China.
There are books, teachers, DVD’s and classes
that will teach you how to cultivate the Energy
of Qi.

I was in the right place at the right time in the
early eighties to learn and practice these teachings.
I began an intensive study of Qi Gong with a
Master from China and worked intensely with
Lama’s from the Tibetan culture to learn and
eventually teach these precious techniques
to students from all over the world.

In my two programs:
Recharging Qi Gong

Flying Crain Qi Gong

I will show you step by step methods to
open your energy and help you develop your
spiritual digestive system. Don’t delay!
Start your program now and start learning how
to emit Qi and receive it at will.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth,
and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi