Archive for the ‘Qi Gong Inner Circle’ Category

The Five Realms of Energy

Friday, September 12th, 2014

In ancient times, Masters divided Qi into five
• Minerals
• Plants
• Animals
• Man
• Divine

The Divine is the highest vibration of all the
realms but it is made up of all the other realms.
It is believed that it is possible to enhance the
nutritional value of what we eat by having a deep
respect for the plants and animals that give us
life force energy. The blessing and the preparing
of food are most important. When I am preparing
food or cooking for myself, friends or family, I
always make sure I have a loving attitude or I
don’t cook. This will allow for maximum absorption
of the vitamins and minerals contained inside and
make the meal far more delicious and nutritious.

Blessing your food is an absolute must if you are
at a restaurant. Here is why: Let’s say, the cook
is having a bad day or he’s pissed at his boss,
co-worker or his wife. As he cooks with an
attitude of anger, it goes right into your food.
Or if your waiter or waitress is depressed — yep!
That vibration is served along with your meal.
That’s why, it is so very important to change that
vibration before you put it in to your mouth. You
don’t want to chew on someone’s negative
vibrations. Once you become aware of the Divine
energy field, you can begin to experience the
refined vibrational energy field of the minerals,
plants and animals on an entirely different level.

Want to learn more about this vibrant energy we
call Qi? Join me and the members of the Qi GONG
imagesINNER CIRCLE and boost your spiritual growth.

I wish you the best in your Health,Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Opening to the Divine

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

My visit to Tampa was guided by spirit. I was able
to see friends who have been teaching and
practicing yoga that I have known for 35 years,
worked on the format for Energy Medicine radio
with Eluv, and visited the Thai Temple of Tampa.
On Sundays, there is both a spiritual and a
culinary adventure and hundreds of people show up
at the Wat Mongkolrata Buddist Thai temple, come
rain or shine. The Thai community gets together to
offer the public a taste of treats from Thailand
ranging from green papaya salad to delicious,
little, mouth-watering, coconut dumplings, and a
whole lot more that I have no idea what it is, but
it’s great tasting. The Temple sits on 3 ½ acres
overlooking a river and the Buddhist monks give
special prayers and blessings in the beautiful
temple that was completed in 2007. When you are
there, it looks just like Thailand.

When you are in alignment with the Spirit or the
Divine, you are led to places and people that
bring you IMG_7913. You’ll know when you
are in alignment with the Spirit because good
things will happen and good people will start
showing up in your life. You will have more energy
and more smiles on your face.

Want to find out more? Join me and the members of
the Qi Gong Inner Circle
and grow your spiritual digestive system.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. There are now members of the Qi Gong Inner
Circle all over the
world and every month, they receive a teaching via
CD or DVD on meditation, internal exercises, diet
and stress reduction. Don’t let life pull you
around by the strings. Take charge of your
spiritual life and transform your being into the
person you always wanted to be.

How to Make Your Dreams Come True

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

The other night, I dreamt that I was underwater
and yet could breathe perfectly without any
equipment of any kind. I was watching a school
of fish swimming in a very large circle and then
suddenly I woke up. It was 4:30 in the morning.
Everything was very quiet and dark. I got out of
bed, washed my face and sat down to do my morning
meditation. I must have been sitting for over an
hour because when I returned to an awaken state of
consciousness, it was daybreak. The birds were
singing and it was just starting to get light. I
got dressed and headed down to the beach for my
morning workout. As I crossed the little bridge to
get to the ocean, I looked down into the water,
and there was a large school of fish swimming in a
circle, just like in my dream. It was a déjà vu.

Our dreams have many interpretations. There is no
limit to what we can learn from our dreams, and
many cultures highly regard the use of dream to
guide them. In fact, dream-inspired art,
inventions, and spiritual guidance are endless.
Shamans have been using dreams for thousands of
years to guide them and many inspired artists,
inventors, and spiritual leaders use dreams to
guide them to success. In the Asian cultures, fish
represents wealth and prosperity. I also looked up
the dream interpretation for fish and it said
this: “Fish swimming tends to represent insights
from your unconscious mind especially when
associated with the ocean.” I took it as a good
sign. Our lives are made up of different maps on
the path, letting us know where to go, where to
put our energy on and what to avoid. The more open
you are to these signs, the more you will be
guided to what is best for you.

In the Qi Gong Inner Circle, I share many of these
techniques with the members. Every month, I’ll
send out a specific teaching to them that will
open up to new part of life and inner growth. I
encourage you to join us

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Save the date! June 11, 2014, Wednesday,
8:30 PM EST for Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson’s FREE
conference call on the Daoist Magic and Medical
Qi Gong Workshops. Dial 605-475-3200 and use
the access code, 952067 plus #, and announce
yourself and you will be on the conference.


My New assistant has finally arrived

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014

Finding someone to work with you is always
challenging. Sometimes a person is a good worker,
but they have a bad personality or they don’t get
along with the others in the office. They don’t
have a clue of where I am going with my writing or
they aren’t “people” kind of people.

So far I have been really lucky and I have had
some really top-notch people to work with me. When
I first interview someone, I have a few
qualifications that I need to have in assistance
no matter who it is. They have to be good writers,
quick learners, be up to speed on both Apple and
Windows, know a few languages, they have to like
people, care about their health and well being,
they have to have a good memory and be really good
at organization and logistics.

All of these qualities are not all that is
necessary to work in the office of a healer. They
have to be health conscious, with an open
spiritual background and it’s important not to
discuss any patient issues with anyone.
It’s not mandatory but I highly suggested that any
person that works with me comes to the meditation
classes, workshops and the Qi Gong classes. It may
seem like a lot of stuff but the kind of work I
do: teaching, healing, coaching and counseling
takes a team and a special kind of person.

We are working with people’s health, growth,
anti-aging and longevity.

It’s the same with the people who choose to be
members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle
It has taken me 35 years of studying all of the
information that I know and I have put it into
programs that work with and I’m going to do
whatever it takes to put these precious teachings
in your hands. But you are the one who has to
choose! I say, choose and I mean CHOOSE because
for 99.9% of all of us who choose the quality of
life and the quantity of life we live is about the
choices we make daily more than it is about the
hands we are dealt at birth.

If you are ready to make a commitment to your
growth, join me and the members of the Qi Gong
Inner Circle and I will send you a CD or DVD every
month on health, longevity, Qi Gong, Nei Gong,
Shen Gong, that will make your life better.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

There is a Stampede of Chi coming Your Way

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

I have been in a gallop since the start of the
Chinese New Year of the Wood Horse.
I have been writing a lot more, cleaned up my diet
by eating more organic green foods and I cut back
on restaurant foods. My new plan is inviting more
friends over for dinner instead of entertaining
outside of my home. That doesn’t mean I don’t go
out to eat. I do, just not as much unless it’s to
a place that serves healthy food.

I was at the 26th annual Chinese New Year Festival
last week to see the Dragon dance. They say it’s
good luck if the dragon touches you and I didn’t
want to miss that. In the Chinese and most Asian
cultures, Good Luck characters (Fu) are posted
everywhere during the first weeks of the New Year,
you will see them posted on red paper. Sometimes
you will even see the (Fu) posted upside down
meaning good luck has arrived.

I really like the Red Envelope tradition called
Hong bao and I often give Red envelopes to my
family and students around the beginning of the
New Year and on special occasions. This practice
can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty in the

The name comes from the red envelope in which the
money is contained. This is also known as lai si
in Cantonese.
The purpose of the red envelope is that the red
symbolizes good luck. (Fu) The cash amount
contained within is not important but is required
to be of an even number, as odd numbers are
related to money given during funerals; the money
is usually given by married couples to unmarried
no matter their age. I guess staying single has
some advantages.

The food was really good at the festival, that’s
if you know what to get, of course they had the
usual hamburger, hot dogs, fried chicken and a lot
of greasy donuts. But they also had sticky rice
filled with herbs chestnuts, walnuts, black sesame
and bei mu delicious. A cold mung bean soup and
vegetarian steamed dumplings– I don’t get those
treats often, they were really good and you can
feel the Qi as you eat them.

I have been working on organizing my files and
papers since the beginning of this New Year and
things are just about in order. I hope you have
been doing the same as everything will start up
again on March the 1st and it can seem like a team
of wild horses if you are not prepared.


I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


If you join before March 10th I’ll send you a lucky
charm from Putuoshan China and show you how to use
it for your protection.

Sweat and sour

Friday, December 6th, 2013

My trip to Michigan was sweet and sour.
This trip was a cold one! Every day it was below

Long Johns, hats, scarves and gloves were required
equipment to even stick your head outside. Burr!

Although I have lived in the cold before, going
from 80 degrees to the teens is a bit of a
shocker. The nice thing about all that cold is
that it really makes winter real. Living in South
Florida, you have a tendency to forget that the
rest of the country is in a frozen sleep for a few

Winter is a time for an internal prospective, a
time to reflect on what you have accomplished over
the last year. We are into the darkest days until
the winter solstice on the 21st of December, then
the days will get lighter and lighter. I IMG_2364
I will be sending the members of the Qi Gong Inner
Circle special meditations and herbal recipes to
stay warm, build kidney Qi, increase your sexual
stamina and how to focus energy for most internal
power. If you aren’t a member yet, get on board.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Smoking is hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs

Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

Carla turns three years old this November, a
pretty little girl with smiles from ear to ear.
Unfortunately for her, both of her grandparents
smoke 2 to 3 packages of cigarettes a day! They
don’t smoke in front of the little girl though,
her mother told me they are closet smokers.

You’d wonder what they are thinking or if they are
thinking at all. It’s all over the news, on TV
even the shock jocks are telling how dangerous
smoking is for us and the second hand smoke is
just as bad.

What’s wrong with smoking?
-It robs your body of oxygen
-It prevents your immune system from repairing it
-It kills the taste buds
-Can leave your appetite in Shambles
-Impairs digestion
-Can Open you up to a host of Cancers

Timages What makes
tobacco harmful are the chemicals and toxins used
in the manufacturing of cigarettes, even the paper
has been found to be carcinogenic. The toxins from
smoking gets stored in fat tissue that we have and
when combined with a high fat diet you are
building a time bomb inside your body.

I see at least a dozen patients a week for the
acupuncture to stop smoking program and it works
75% to 80% of the time. If the person really wants
to stop it works 98% of the time. Hopefully the
grandparents will wake up and get to smell the
roses before it’s too late.

But this isn’t what I wanted to talk to you about
today. I want to tell you a little more about
Carla. She spends a lot of time with her grand
parents and even though they trying to curb the
smoking around her she gets enough second hand
smoke that the little girl developed a cough and
no matter what her mother did she couldn’t shake
it loose.

The mother took her to the pediatrician and Carla
was diagnosed with the croup. (Croup is a
condition that causes an inflammation of the upper
airways — the voice box and windpipe it often
leads to a barking cough or hoarseness.) Of
course the entire family was concerned and
followed the doctor’s advice to the letter.
We all bend over backwards when it comes to the
health of our children.

Here is the scary part:
They picked up the medicine and followed the
instructions -take 15cc, 3 times a day, just like
it says on the label. The child was rushed to the
hospital for a drug over dose. The instructions on
the bottle were wrong, just about dead wrong.
The correct dosage was 5 cc 3 times a day. Lucky
for everyone the child is recovering. The
pharmacist wrote down the wrong instructions. This
happens more times than you would ever image.
That’s why I prefer the alternative healthcare to
western medicine, homeopathic medicine, eating the
right foods for your health and doing internal
exercises to strengthen your organs.
Yes that includes your sexual organs as well. Join
me and the members of the Qi gong Inner Circle in
a quest to stay young and healthy

Carla recovered and is back to smiling from ear
to ear.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Who is in charge of your Future?

Monday, August 5th, 2013

A few weeks ago I was walking in the park and a
woman who was raggedy dressed and looked like she
was down on her luck came up to me and said hello
to me. I thought maybe she was hitting me up for
some spare change. I said hi and thought nothing
of it. She then called me by name and told me who
she was, I looked into her eyes and apologized to
her and I said, I can’t remember how I know you.
She said, “It’s me Gloria you know me from high
school.” I still didn’t recognize her. I thought
to myself I don’t know this woman at all. She told
me her full name and I was stunned.
I would have never recognized her in a thousand
years. She looked very old, with bags under her
eyes, she had straggly yellowish gray hair, a pale
complexion, and she was over weight and had a very
low vibration. I told her it was nice to see her.

Although I was shocked, I tried not to show it on
my face. She was a knockout in high school. Gloria
was tall, blond and beautiful and all the guys
were crazy about her.
She told me that she made some bad decisions in
her life and now is paying for them. She was now
divorced from a bad marriage, her family stopped
talking to her, she lost her job and went through
all her money, all bad news.
Although our encounter was brief it had a big
impact on me. I thought about her for a few days.
How such a beautiful girl could end up as a bag
It all comes down to what decisions we make and
how you orchestrate your life. The decisions you
make daily, weekly and through the years will
bring your future to you. Yes, we are in charge of
our own future.
Every decision you make affects your life for the
better or worse.

Bag Lady

Bag Lady

Most of my friends thought I had gone off the deep
end. (Many of them are not around any more) It
takes both energy and a willingness to stay on top
of your health and well-being,
It’s well worth it.
Do you want to learn how to make those Changes
That Will Last For A Life Time and Keep You
Up To Date With The Latest In Energy
Medicine Training, Qi Gong, Powerful Life
Changing Meditations
and the latest in
Longevity practices and Alternative Medicine…
Are you ready to Discover The Path To A Long And
Powerful Disease-Free Life

The investment is in your life. Learn and practice
how to stay around for many more healthy years.
Join me in an adventure that will save your life.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

This is the 7th year of the Qi Gong Inner Circle.
Make it your lucky 7 and join now!

What to do for the Full Moon

Monday, July 22nd, 2013

It’s the full moon and it’s National Hot Dog Day.
What’s in a hot dog? Don’t’ ask,
and we won’t tell.
Sometimes, its best if you don’t know.
At least that’s what they say on the national hot dog website.
I haven’t had a dog in years I gave them up long ago;

But there are much more significant things going on
right now that we should all be aware of.
On July 22nd, 2013 at 02:15 pm EDT the Full Moon,
will be full in the sign Aquarius, what will mean
for us?

•It’s a great time to start networking with groups.
•Time to work on relationship with friends.
•Create something for yourself,something special
•Spent time with people you aspire to be like.
•It’s high time to put yourself around people
that you aspire to be like.

Join a group that has the same kind of goals
and interests that you have.
Like the Qi Gong Inner Circle

Saturn is currently in Scorpio.
This is the sign of power and money.
It is the values of others that we associate with.
Saturn holds us responsible for the company we keep.
Don’t put yourself around people that you don’t
want to be like.

Take sometime to set your goals and
know where you are going.
This is the best way to understand the flow
of energy and how to work things out.

Whatever comes up at this Full Moon,
which requires attention or release,
there are options that aid in the movement forward.

I was at a beautiful christening ceremony on Saturday
with a group of people who are Unknown.
These are the kind of people that you want to
associate with.
Although we don’t share the same religious believes we
share the same spiritual believes way different than
the dogma of the church.
We share a heart to heart connection.
They know 100% that they can count on me
and I them.

I invite you to join me and the members of the-
Qi Gong Inner Circle.

I wish you the best in your Health Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

PS. I guarantee you that you will get far more
than you ever expected.
Join today

Having Faith that you will be directed to the right place

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

I really appreciate all of your great suggestions
on which car I should buy. You may know that I was
brought up in Detroit, “The Motor City”. Back in
the days when I was growing up, it was the car
capital of the world, the Headquarters of the Big
3- GM, Ford and Chrysler.

Living in Detroit mostly everybody was into cars
but I was an unusual kid more into the martial
arts, working out, meditation and longevity
practices. Cars never really interested me.

Maybe that sounds strange to you but I was really
hyperactive all the time with lots and lots of
undirected energy. Today they would have drugged me
with a number of ADHD medications like Wellbutrin,
Adderall and maybe some Ritalin to calm me down.
The list of drugs that they give kids today goes
on and on and it’s not especially healthy for them
in the long run.

Lucky for me, my Dad put me in martial classes and
when I got home from a 2 hour workout, I was ready
for a good nights sleep.

Mini-Cooper-Countryman-S-Images (3)
This was my start on the path to staying grounded in longevity
practices and meditations as well as becoming a teacher and a doctor

Anyway, let’s get back to the new car. I looked at
Hondas, Toyotas, Lexus’, Audi’s, Chevy’s,
Volkswagen and the new Cadillac’s. I finally
found the one I wanted.
It’s safe, strong sporty
fast and guess what?
The one I wanted drank gas like it
was still $1.00 a gallon and it just didn’t feel
right to be talking and teaching people to be
greener and not getting on the program myself.

I was beside myself as what to get and I was
starting to stress out about it to the point that
my focus and concentration was being disturbed.

I decided to drive to a dealership around 10 miles
from my office and just get a car and be done with

I was driving for over an hour, I thought I knew
where it was but I must have made a wrong turn
somewhere and when I called the dealer he said I
was still 20 minutes away. I pushed on and when I
got there I was at the wrong dealership but they
had a great selection of cars.

I walked around the showroom and the lot and then
I saw a cool looking car; a Mini Cooper
Countryman. It looked like a Mini on steroids, it
is much higher, longer and wider and this one had
a fuel-injected system. Really fast and handled
like a sports car, 27 miles to the gallon in the
city and over 35 on the highway. I ended up
getting the Mini and it’s fun to drive.

A Mini wasn’t what I was looking for and the
dealership wasn’t the one I thought I was going to
but it turned out this was the best car at the
best price and the best one I drove.

It’s the same with our health. We think we know
what we want and believe it will be the best for
us but, it takes a lot of searching and looking
around and sometimes we luck out and go to or do
the right thing and then you’ve got it.

We work years and years on our health, our studies and
getting educated. We want the best of the best for ourself
and our family.
It’s a must to avoid toxins mentally, physically and spiritually
if you want to have a healthy long life.

This kind of info is important to patients and
students. It’s all about staying balanced.
If you want to learn more, change your life and retard the aging process
join the Qi Gong Inner Circle today and I’ll send you DVD
filled with longevity secrets every month.
Join me and the members today

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi