Posts Tagged ‘White Bread’

Are you feeling stressed?

Friday, January 4th, 2013

I had a real scar the other day. It was the middle
of the day and my office was filled with patients,
when my mother called from Michigan and said, “The
ambulance is here I am on my way to the hospital”
and hung up. Damn Ma, what was I supposed to do
with that info? How was I going to get in touch
with her? At 92 years young she sure doesn’t carry
a cell phone. What hospital was she going too and
should I hop on a plane now? My head was spinning.
I immediately called my son who lives near her and
No answer! I called my daughter-in-law, No answer!
Finally I called a good friend who lives near by
and she got the details for me and later called me from
my Mom’s hospital room. It was a sever stomach
pain that was diagnosed as “Diverticulitis- (a
bulging sac of the inner lining of the
intestine that become inflamed and infected). No
one knows exactly what causes the sacs, or pouches
of diverticulitis to form but it is painful and
puts you on the toilet seat most of the day.

I’m sure it all started from the foods they have
at the assisted living facility my mother lives
in. People who eat mostly processed food, as many
Americans eat, do not get enough fiber in their
diet. Processed foods include white rice, white
bread, most breakfast cereals, crackers, and

As a result, constipation and hard stools are more
likely to occur – causing people to strain when
passing stools. This increases the pressure in the
colon or intestines and may cause these pouches to

Symptoms of diverticulitis are more severe and
often start suddenly, but they may become worse
over a few days. They include:
•Tenderness, usually in the left lower
side of the abdomen
•Bloating or gas
•Fever and chills
•Nausea and vomiting
•Not feeling hungry and not eating

Although I later discovered that Mom had a few of
these symptoms she didn’t let anyone know until it
was too late and she was whisked off to the
hospital. They gave her a handful of antibiotics
and sent her home. She was told to take 2 in the
morning and one at night and although it helped
with the infection, the medicine killed off all
the friendly bacteria as well as the bad stuff.
She spent the next 10 days on the potty still suffering
with stomach pain and now has pain where the sun
doesn’t shine.

Now Mom doesn’t know what to eat and is afraid to
eat at all. I sent her acidophilus but of course
her doctor didn’t recommend it so she wouldn’t
touch it.
I didn’t know that I was going to be STRESSED. I
thought everything was going well on my end and it
was, but you never know when the universe will
throw you a spinner.
Thank God Mom is feeling better! We are not out of
the crisis yet but things are sure better.
When we are faced with stressful situations we
immediately go into flight or fight mode.
This affects two important systems:
1. The sympathetic nervous system
2. The adrenal-cortical system.

The next thing you know, your heart is pounding,
hormones are releasing that gets the body prepared
to deal with the situation to help you survive by
organizing you to either run for your life or
fight for your life.

In situations where the tiger is about to rip you
to threads this is a good thing. But when you are
just threatened by things like Family, Work, or
Money that’s the time to use the energy of the
stressful situation to transform the “Stress Into
Power” We are all confronted with stressful
situations daily and if you are not eating the
stress it’s eating you.

Yep even when Mom calls!
Get a copy now! There is no doubt stress is coming
one way or another. This program can save you
hours of mentally, physically and spiritually
Order Now and turn your stress into power!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Being Cheap can cost you Big Bucks

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

We all love a good deal, but going cheap
at the expense of your health, is just plain stupid.

The old saying penny wise and pound-foolish has
more truth in it than you could imagine.

Here are 6 of the most penny-pinching
things that you should never do.

1. Eating Fast food for the most part
may seem cheap in the moment but in
the long run you will just be mounting up big
health bills later. Digestive problems, ulcers,
blocked arties are just a few of the things that can
go wrong by eating the wrong foods.

“Cheap people care about the cost of something;
frugal people care about the value of something.”

2. Avoid seeing your dentists for
years can cost you your teeth, gum problems
bad breath and even heart problems.
You may think you are saving money or don’t
have the money but take care of your
teeth they will soon be gone.

3. White bread should
be avoided like the plague.

The whiter the bread,
the quicker you’re dead!” – old saying.

White bread is a main stay of most people’s diets.
Believe it or not, eating white bread is bad for you!
If you want to improve your health, lose some weight
and avoid the possibility of ending up with all types of
diabetes, then white bread will have to go.

4. Freezing to death during the winter to keep the
thermostat low is just a bad idea. Although you may be
saving on the front end, your body has to work hard to
generate enough heat to keep you alert and healthy.
If you are alert you can come up with more creative
ideas and balance out your income.

5. Neglecting the basic maintenance needed on your
home and car will only end up costing you more money
down the road. House upkeep, such as changing furnace
filters, cleaning out the chimney, cleaning out the gutter,
even keeping up with landscaping, is not something you
should neglect. Neither is changing the oil and checking the
fluids on your car. Lack of maintenance inevitably leads to something
big breaking and that will cost you a lot more to repair than it would
have cost to make small, ongoing investments in regular maintenance.

6. Your retirement fund needs the years it has until your
retirement to build, and when you take it out early, you’re
costing yourself a huge amount that you’ll definitely wish you
had later. Solve your urgent problems with a little creativity.

• Pick up a side job or do some freelance work.
To make cash in today’s world you have to be more creative than ever.
I have my medical practice, my Internet business and teach classes and
I am always keeping my eyes open to new opportunities.
Always keep your finger in the pie and you’ll be happier, and wealthier.

• Sell some of your belongings that you don’t need.

• Stop (or cut down on) eating out and buying coffee or soda.

• Look for ways to cut costs in your regular expenses,
such as dropping/reducing your cable and cell phone plans.
But don’t cheat yourself out of retirement money!

Don’t be cheap especially with yourself and family.
Look for ways to be more creative and bring more health into your life.
I have known people who never do anything about their
health until it’s far too late, they are the type that think they
are saving or that they don’t have enough to take care of their
health so they wait and wait and then they freak out when they
are sick and say they will pay anything to get their health back
and it’s usually too late. Yet they never did a damn thing to stay healthy.

Don’t let this happen to you.
Start taking all unhealthy foods out of your diet.
Start loving your self.
Get on a regular exercise program and Stay well hydrated.

These are a few of the keys to Health, Wealth and Happiness
Don’t be cheap with the things in life that really pay.

Get the anti stress solution today and add more value into your life!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi