Posts Tagged ‘People’

Finding Money at your Feet

Friday, August 9th, 2013


A few days ago I was walking by the ocean and on
my way back home I saw an empty plastic bottle in
the sand. Unfortunately, there is a lot of plastic
that washes up on shore every day. Whenever I
find trash on the beach I’ll stop to clean it up.
Although it pisses me off that people just leave
their trash there and think that it will magically
disappear, I guess they are not really thinking at
I picked up a few handfuls of trash and I dumped
it in the trash container that wasn’t more than 30
steps away. Right next to the trash was a $5.00
bill just waiting to be picked up.
A lucky day for me indeed! In fact this week was a
good one as far as being lucky.
You have it within your power to create your own
It’s about recognizing that there’s far more in
life that is for you than against you.
Want to be really “Lucky”? Start looking outside
the box; believe that good luck is sure to come
your way. Believe in yourself, take a few more
chances in your own behalf and adopt an optimistic
view of life. Focus on what you want, not on what
you don’t want.
Whatever you put your attention on the most is
what you will get. You may call it Providence
moving in your favor. It doesn’t matter what the
heck you call it; what matters is that you embrace
the concept that if it is to be, it is up to you.
Here are a few tips for making your life a Lucky
1. Pulling in Good Luck- Invite lady luck to sit
at your table. If you think of yourself as a
winner, you become a winner. Adopt the mindset of
a winner. If you want to succeed think of yourself
as winning long before you ever finish the race.
That’s the key element of Luck!
2. Look for the opportunity at every turn. Life
can be a joy or a burden, you are the chooser.
Choose to have good things, good people and good
luck in everything you do.
3. Yin and Yang -Things are always moving from
light to dark and dark to light as you open up
more internally you can see that energy is just
energy, no good or bad just an opportunity to act
and accomplish what you want to have or be.

4. See Yourself differently than ever before –see
yourself as unique, magical, and unstoppable. It’s
better to be insane than out of sane
5. Listen to your inner voice- if you have a
hunch, go with it. You will know what to do, just
do it!
“Find a Penny, pick it up. All day long, you’ll
have good luck.”
In ancient times, people believed that metal was a
gift from the gods, and would give you protection
from evil.
Make your own Good Luck and join the Qi Gong Inner
and every month I’ll send you a new teaching on
I have been sharing this sacred work since May of
2007 with members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle from all over the
world. The group grows larger every month and
people are busting out of their old shells and
growing mentally, physically and spiritually. The
body of this work has its roots in the Tibetan and
Taoist schools of internal arts, meditation and
healing techniques.
Join today! Become a member of the Qi Gong inner
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi
I have 23 blessed power protection amulets from my
last visit to Putuo Shan Island in China. If you
become a member of the Qi Gong Inner Circle this
month of JULY I will send you one. People ask if I
can sell them one. Absolutely NOT!
But Join the Qi Gong Circle and I’ll gift you one.

No other offers are valid with this one.

Dr. Wu Dhi

How you can make people feel important instantly

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

UnknownThe more you make people feel good the better you
will feel and so will they.

1. Ask questions about them and maintain eye
contact. You don’t have to say much, use body
expressions smile, frown, nod, not so much
verbally, but nonverbally. Your body language is
more powerful than words. It will show the other
person they’re important to you and are interested
in their life. Don’t offer advice unless you’re

2. Listen closely to everyone, regardless of
their position or social status or “level,” find
something you have in common with them and expand
on it.

3. When you are with someone, give him or her your
100% attention. Don’t check your phone, don’t
glance at your monitor and don’t focus on anything
else, even for a moment. You can never connect
with others if you’re busy connecting with your
own stuff. Give the gift of your full attention,
that’s a gift few people give. The gift of your
undivided attention alone will make others want to
be around you and remember you.

4. Never think about what you can get from others.
Focus on what you can give; Giving is the only way
to establish a real connection and relationship.

5. Make the conversation about them. You already
know what you know. You know your opinions, what
you are and what you do. You know your
perspectives and points of view. None of that
stuff is really that interesting to others. If you
want to make others feel important, relaxed and
calm ask them all about themselves. Talk about
what interests they have, what they like and what
they dislike. If the conversation is about them,
they will find it the most interesting
conversation they ever had.

6. No one receives enough praise these days, No
one! Tell people what they did well in. Not only
will people appreciate your praise, they’ll
appreciate the fact you care enough to pay
attention to what they’re doing.
7. Choose your words carefully. The words you use
impact the attitude of others. For example, you
don’t have to go to a meeting; you get to go meet
with other people. You don’t have to create a
presentation for a new client; you get to share
cool stuff with other people. You don’t have to go
to the gym; you get to work out and improve your
health and fitness. We all want to associate with
happy, enthusiastic, fulfilled people. The words
you choose can help other people feel better –and
make you feel better about yourself too.

Incredibly successful people are often expected to
have charisma simply because they’re successful.
Their success seems to create a radiance effect,
almost like a glimmering light around them. You
don’t have to be incredibly successful to make
people feel important. Just be interested in them.
Making others feel good, important and have good
self worth will bring you better health, wealth
and happiness. Practice making others more
successful and fulfilled and you will be as well.

One of the ways to keep yourself in top condition
is to work on your health everyday. The Qi Gong
Inner Circle is a membership that will give you a
new teaching every month. We work on our mental,
physical, emotional health as well as our
spiritual growth. The DVD’s that you will be
receiving will change your life forever.
Become a member today!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Every Wednesday night I personally teach the
members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle the internal
secrets of the Taoist and Tibetan practices.

The Apes and the Two Travelers

Friday, March 8th, 2013

TWO MEN, one who always spoke the truth and the
other who told nothing but lies, were traveling
together and by chance came to the land of the
Apes. One of the Apes, who had raised himself to
be king, commanded them to be seized and brought
before him, that he might know what was said of
him among men. He ordered at the
same time that all the Apes be arranged in a long
row on his right hand and on his left that a
throne be placed for him, as was the custom among
men. After these preparations he signified that
the two men should be brought before him, and
greeted them with this salutation:

“What sort of a king do I seem to you to be, O

The Lying Traveler replied, “You seem
to me a most mighty king.” “And what is your
estimate of those you see around me?’ “These,” he
made answer, “are worthy companions of yourself,
fit at least to be ambassadors and leaders of

The Ape and all his court, gratified with the
Lie and commanded that a handsome present be given
to the flatterer.

On this, the truthful Traveler thought to
himself:” if so, great a reward be given for a
lie, with what gift may not I be rewarded, if,
according to my custom, I tell the truth?’

The Ape quickly turned to him. “And pray how do I
and my friends around me seem to you?’ “Thou art,”
he said, “a most excellent Ape, and all these thy
companions after thy example are excellent Apes

The King of the Apes, enraged at hearing these
truths, gave him over to the teeth and claws of
his companions.
This is one of images-1

The moral of the story, man or ape when we have a
belief that that we are a certain way and the
people around us agree with us, we reward them. No
matter if it is a lie or the truth. We sometimes
see ourselves through a smoky distorted mirror and
no mater what anyone says; good or bad we refuse
to change. To tell someone the truth can surely
ruffle their feathers and even start a battle.

We all think change is good, unless it means we
have to change something we are attached too.

Many of us are being forced to change at this
time, like it or not. The world economics are
changing, politics are changing and we are
changing with age. Do you care? Only if it affects
your paycheck, or your health and if it doesn’t,
most people have a who cares attitude.
The key to change is flexibility. Flexibility of
body, mind and spirit and how can you get that? It
takes work, play and coaching.

“If you want to make a permanent change, stop
focusing on the size of your problems and start
focusing on the size of you!”
― T. Harv Eker,

I can help you move forward on what you want and
how to get it no mater if it’s your carrier,
relationship, family, finances, spiritual growth,
or completing your projects, getting your health
together and your total success.

Click on the link and fill out these questions and
we will set up an appointment.

It’s absolutely free.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Don’t let the blue bird of happiness poop on your head

Friday, August 24th, 2012

I have been in contact with an old Dharma buddy
for years. We followed the same Master and as
Dedicated Practitioners’ we were involved in
Programs designed for serious practitioners of
Meditation to expand the understanding of the
dharma and intensify their practice.
As life goes on people make choices and then have
to live by the choices they make. I decided to
keep teaching and practicing and my buddy didn’t
make the same choices. It was two weeks ago when I
received a call asking for help. She said, with a
trembling voice, “I am lost, un-centered and have
no direction what should I do?” She was tormenting
herself with past regret and was not following any
common sense at all or the teachings she received
from the Master.

I asked her if she remembered the teaching from
the Magic Square?
Yes, you sent me a copy of your workshop and the
notes a few years ago. In fact I have it on my

We went over the 9 different categories together
for more than an hour and I suggested she takes
the time to write out exactly what she wants in
each of the categories. Then make a poster board
with pictures on it for each part of her life.
This way every time she looks at the poster her
mind and subconscious mind will be reprogrammed.
She thanked me and we said goodbye.

I haven’t heard from her for a few weeks, but last
night she called again and asked if I knew anybody
who could do soul retrieval for her? I suggested a
few teachers but she had excuses why one or the
other wouldn’t work for her.

Then I asked; Did you finish the Magic Square?

She didn’t!

Did you start it?

She didn’t!

So I shared this story little with her.
A man caught a bird, and the bird said to him,
“Release me, and I will give you three valuable
pieces of advice. I will give you the first when
you let me go, the second when I fly up to that
branch and the third when I fly up to the top of
the tree.”

The man agreed, and let the bird go. The bird
said, “Do not torment yourself with excessive
regret for mistakes.”
The bird then flew up to a branch and said, “Do
not believe anything that goes against common
sense, unless you have firsthand proof.”
And then the bird flew up to the top of the tree
and said, “You fool. I have two huge jewels inside
of me, and if you had killed me instead of letting
me go, you would have had them.”
“Darn it!” the man said. “How can I have been so
stupid? I am never going to get over this. Bird,
can you at least give the third piece of advice as
a consolation?”

The bird replied, “I have been hoaxing you. And
now you are asking for more advice, yet you have
already disregarded the first two pieces of advice
I gave you. I told you not to torment yourself
with excessive regret for mistakes, and I told you
not to believe things that go against common sense
unless there is some kind of firsthand proof. And
yet, you just tormented yourself with excessive
regret for letting me go, and you also believed
that somehow there are two jewels inside of a tiny
bird like me! So here is your third piece of
advice: ‘if you are not using what you know why
are you so intent on seeking what you do not

Sometimes we all get lost, un-centered, not
knowing what the next move will be like. You can
take the Bull by the Horns and get that BULL out
of your life if you have a formula. The teachings
in the Magic Square workshop have the formulas
that date back thousands of years. They have
worked for hundreds of thousands of people. They
are woven into the teachings of the Tao and the
ones who follow the teachings succeed in what they
want in life. I use it in my life and share it
with patients and students to bring them back to
balance in life no mater how bleak it may seem at

If you are ready to make the changes necessary to
make your life better order the Magic Square
program now! But if it’s going to sit on your
bookshelf and you are going to wrestle with your
Bull for a few more weeks, months or years wait…

When you are ready Order the Magic Square program:

Let your life begin now.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

How the Solar and Lunar Eclipses Affect You

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012

‘We are in a remarkable global pattern
for the next few years that can affect all of us.’
This is what some of the finest astrologers
in the world are saying.
Now, practice and staying grounded
is a must to keeping you balanced.

A Solar Eclipse occurred at 7:47 pm
on last Sunday May 20th 2012 and the
Lunar Eclipse will happen on June 4th.
The full moon has triggered an aspect telling
us to pay attention to what is right under our nose.
It is time to look at mental patterns that no longer work.
Pay attention to your habitual thinking and what you
create as the by-product of those thoughts.

Change the way you think about a
condition and the situation will change.
It’s as simple as that!

What you are saying to yourself can change a
habit and it creates the space for something new to happen.

It’s your Self-Talk – which is that
conversation that goes on inside your head,
the running commentary about everything you do.
It never lets anything go by
without some comment, remark or evaluation.

Once you become aware of
this process you can charge yourself
to the positive, successful, powerful
person you want to be. If the your
Self-Talk is not under control, look
out -the automatic reactions you have to
this constant chatter of judgments and
evaluations can keep you feeling stressed
and less able to meet your goals
and challenges of life.
Mind chatter like, “I’m not smart
enough, good enough, something
is wrong with me, I can’t do it,
I never finish anything, and this is too
hard” can rule you if you don’t take charge.

You may have initially formed
these negative ideas about yourself
from things you heard from a parent,
teacher or someone who was an
influence over you. You definitely
don’t need those people to tell you
what to do anymore, even if it’s
just in your head.

These thoughts surface when
you are faced with doing something
that is counter productive to what
your mind thinks you can do.
We may still crave things that are no longer
fulfilling. But now it’s essential to move in a new
direction. It is time to let go of the old mental
chatter and learn something new.
The past is the past — it is time for a healing and release!

We need to communicate what is important to us.
“Put your money where your mouth is”
“The proof is in the pudding” or “There is no free lunch”
may be the mantra for this period.

Start to look at things from outside of the box,
think differently and get on a healthy program.
Learning new things is the big key to the situation.
It is time to listen, learn, practice and ground your energy.
Get the Recharging Qi Gong program and the
Flying Crane Qi Gong program and practice daily.
These will give you the rooting and the grounding
techniques you will need to keep your
balance mentally, physically and spiritually.

The moon blocks the sun

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness,

Dr. Wu Dhi


Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

You know the saying, “Go the extra mile?”
How many of us know where it comes from?
Here is how the story goes:

Back in Roman times, a soldier from a
Roman army could ask any citizen to
carry their armor or what ever load they
had for a mile, the citizen would have to
do it since it was the law. This pissed off
a lot of people but it was severely punished
if you refused the soldiers command.

It is believed that Jesus said if you’re
asked to carry a load one mile, carry it two.

This is a very interesting saying indeed, as
well as a great spiritual technology.
No one likes to be ordered to do something that
they don’t want too.
But to go the extra mile is to give more than
is expected. You are taking back the power.

Truthfully, there is much more to it than
what meets the eye.
When you decide to “Go the Extra Mile,”
and do more than is necessary, you are able
to extract the (Qi) energy out of the situation.


Because you are now in charge!

You made a choice to do more than what was asked.
It may have started out to be an order by law but
when you make the decision to ‘Go that Extra Mile,’
the second mile is you being in total control you
choose to do it and choose gives you Power.
You’re not giving 100% –you’re giving 200% and
you are in charge.

Imagine if you went the extra mile in your work,
in your relationship or just in your daily activity.

How do you think people would perceive you?
How do you think you would feel at the end of the
day knowing that you are the one in charge
of making things better?

Now, if you are working with a bunch of slackers—
they may hate you. But if you are tired of being at
the bottom of the pile with people that don’t care
about making the move, choose to be more!

You will move to the top quicker than you can imagine.
Once you take responsibility for your own
actions, you will succeed at what ever
you choose to do.

In my medical practice, I always go
the Extra Mile. I do more than is expected!

One day, a doctor told me that I spent
too much time with a patient and I was
spoiling them. I also had a guy tell me that
he didn’t want to do too much for his wife,
he might spoil her.

They haven’t figured it out yet.
Caring for someone’s needs isn’t spoiling them,
it’s serving them more and when you serve
others they serve you.
Going the extra mile is your choice.
It’s not necessary and it’s not needed.
You choose to do in order to make a
good situation better.

When I take my time to write a blog, or make a video
or teach a meditation class, I do it because I choose to do it.
There is no obligation. I take the bull by the horns and do what I
do and the rewards come later. These principles are applied in every
product I make and everyone I coach, no matter if it’s their health,
physical training or as a spiritual advisor. I always make a good situation better.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Receiving these teachings will make
you grow past your expectations.
Become a member of the Qi Gong Inner Circle now.