Posts Tagged ‘Extra Mile’

Going the Extra Mile

Friday, October 14th, 2011

I came across this story that Petey Parker wrote.
I don’t know who Petey is, he could secretly be
“Spider Man” as far as I know or just a dam good writer.
Petey, thanks for sharing this.

“A cab driver taught me a million
dollar lesson in customer satisfaction and
expectation. Motivational speakers charge
thousands of dollars to instruct his kind of
training to corporate executives and staff.

It cost me a $12 taxi ride. 

I had flown into Dallas for the sole purpose of calling
a client. Time was the essence and my plan included a
quick turnaround trip from and back to the airport.
A spotless cab pulled up.
The driver rushed to open the passenger door for
me and made sure I was comfortably seated
before he closed the door.
As he got in the driver’s seat, he mentioned that
there was a folded Wall Street Journal
next to me for my use.

He then showed me several tapes and
asked me what type of music I would enjoy.
Well! I looked around for a “Candid Camera!”
Wouldn’t you? I could not believe the service
I was receiving!

I took the opportunity to say,
“Obviously you take great pride in your work.
You must have a story to tell.” 

“You bet,” he replied,
“I used to be in Corporate America.
But I got tired of thinking my best would
never be good enough. I decided to find my
niche in life where I could feel proud of being
the best I could be.
I knew I would never be a rocket scientist,
but I love driving cars, being of service and
feeling like I have done a full day’s work and
done it well. I evaluated my personal assets
and… Wham! I became a cab driver.
One thing I know for sure, to be good in my
business I could simply just meet the expectations
of my passengers. But, to be GREAT in my
business, I have to EXCEED the customer’s
expectations! I like both the sound and the return
of being ‘great’ better than just getting by on ‘average’

Did I tip him big time?
You bet! Corporate America’s loss is
the traveling folk’s friend!”

Lessons to be learned here:
-Go an Extra Mile when providing any Service to others.
-There is no good or bad job –You can make any job good.
-Good service always brings good return.

“Imagine what a harmonious world it could be
if every single person, both young and old,
shared a little of what he is good at doing.”
~ Quincy Jones

We all strive to achieve personal success in our lives.
At times we forget how important service is to others —
Things like unselfishness, kindness and generosity;
deeds that give meaning to your lives and above all,
that sustain and honor the lives of others.
I have been teaching and working for my entire life to
help others achieve their goals no matter if it’s health,
or being all they can be.

I have worked with Master’s, Guru’s, Lamas,
Doctors and Coaches that have
devoted their lives to the service of others.
They all helped others to move beyond their own
self-imposed limitations to success.

The members of the Qi gong Inner Circle receive teachings every
month to enhance the quality of their lives.
Take the opportunity and become a member of this exclusive group today.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi


Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

You know the saying, “Go the extra mile?”
How many of us know where it comes from?
Here is how the story goes:

Back in Roman times, a soldier from a
Roman army could ask any citizen to
carry their armor or what ever load they
had for a mile, the citizen would have to
do it since it was the law. This pissed off
a lot of people but it was severely punished
if you refused the soldiers command.

It is believed that Jesus said if you’re
asked to carry a load one mile, carry it two.

This is a very interesting saying indeed, as
well as a great spiritual technology.
No one likes to be ordered to do something that
they don’t want too.
But to go the extra mile is to give more than
is expected. You are taking back the power.

Truthfully, there is much more to it than
what meets the eye.
When you decide to “Go the Extra Mile,”
and do more than is necessary, you are able
to extract the (Qi) energy out of the situation.


Because you are now in charge!

You made a choice to do more than what was asked.
It may have started out to be an order by law but
when you make the decision to ‘Go that Extra Mile,’
the second mile is you being in total control you
choose to do it and choose gives you Power.
You’re not giving 100% –you’re giving 200% and
you are in charge.

Imagine if you went the extra mile in your work,
in your relationship or just in your daily activity.

How do you think people would perceive you?
How do you think you would feel at the end of the
day knowing that you are the one in charge
of making things better?

Now, if you are working with a bunch of slackers—
they may hate you. But if you are tired of being at
the bottom of the pile with people that don’t care
about making the move, choose to be more!

You will move to the top quicker than you can imagine.
Once you take responsibility for your own
actions, you will succeed at what ever
you choose to do.

In my medical practice, I always go
the Extra Mile. I do more than is expected!

One day, a doctor told me that I spent
too much time with a patient and I was
spoiling them. I also had a guy tell me that
he didn’t want to do too much for his wife,
he might spoil her.

They haven’t figured it out yet.
Caring for someone’s needs isn’t spoiling them,
it’s serving them more and when you serve
others they serve you.
Going the extra mile is your choice.
It’s not necessary and it’s not needed.
You choose to do in order to make a
good situation better.

When I take my time to write a blog, or make a video
or teach a meditation class, I do it because I choose to do it.
There is no obligation. I take the bull by the horns and do what I
do and the rewards come later. These principles are applied in every
product I make and everyone I coach, no matter if it’s their health,
physical training or as a spiritual advisor. I always make a good situation better.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Receiving these teachings will make
you grow past your expectations.
Become a member of the Qi Gong Inner Circle now.