Posts Tagged ‘Meditations’

A Weekend with the Master

Friday, August 12th, 2011

Last weekend Stephen flew
in from Toronto for a private
coaching session with me.
A few weeks ago he called and
said he was going through a crisis
in just about every part of his
life and he needed a complete
tune-up physically, mentally and
spiritually. He flew in Friday night
and I picked him up at the Ft. Lauderdale
airport. We had dinner and went over
his program and treatment plan
for the next two days.

Early Saturday morning we started at
6 o’clock on the beach for the Qi Gong
training. This works on all levels
incorporating the Taoist and Buddhist
internal meditations, advanced Qi gong
practices, the internal energy work and
the advanced sexual practices.

After breakfast we took a little break and
later that morning Steve met me at my office.
We went over his blood work, diet and started
the treatments with acupuncture,
Medical Qi Gong, and Neuro-Therapy
which is all the homeopathic and
vitamin injections.

In the private coaching sessions we
work from morning until night. It’s intense
working on all levels at once to get the
maximum amount of growth in the least
amount of time. By the end of the
weekend he reported more energy than
he ever had and I could see and feel the
increase in his energy levels.
The one-on-one sessions are powerful;
there is a lot of information and
knowledge passed along in a very
short time.

The reason I insist on extensive blood
work is because it gives me a scientific
pictures of what’s going on internally.
The energy medicine gives us insight into
meridian health and quality of energy flow
and the Medical Qi Gong gives us a look
into both the spiritual openings, blockages
and where they needs to be addressed.

One formula that I use that is really
helpful is the magic square which allows
the student to set their goals on 9
different levels and balance all the domains.

That evening he came over to my
house so we could catch a bite to eat.
He had a ton of questions on just about
everything he saw, felt and experienced.

Over dinner we reviewed the weekend
and came up with a 3 month plan as
well as a 2 week plan, this way the
changes are made and checked.
This formula is a sure fire way to
revamp your system mentally,
physically and spiritually.

Years ago I was trained by multi
tasking and it proved to make me
the person I am today.

When you multi task, you do
everything at once. I got up in the
morning and started the meditation, right
after the meditation when other students
would go back to their rooms to rest and
get ready for the day, I immediately
started breakfast for 80 people, as I
was one of the chief cooks. When the
students were busy cleaning up for breakfast,
that’s when I was working on 2-3 patients,
and when the teacher started the program,
I was the first one in class and every time
there was a break I had a project to do.
I cut my sleep down to only 3 hours a night
and worked out and meditated in those
hours that most people were sleeping.
When you do this type of intensive and
multi task, you push yourself through
blockages that you may have mentally,
physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
This is a way to promote maximum
growth in the least amount of time.

This is exactly what I pushed Steve
through for those 2 days. If you’ve
got the cojones to make changes in
your life and you want it now,
contact me for a one-on-one coaching session.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Travel can Bring You Riches

Sunday, July 31st, 2011

Traveling is an education in it

Welcoming Cat, Lucky Cat, Cat Swipe, Money cat, or Fortune Cat;

Travel can bring Good Fortune

it’s good for your soul,
and it has the power to change your life.

Travel is part of an ancient formula to bring you prosperity.

The magic square in Chinese Fung Shui
shows that travel can bring you riches on the spiritual
and emotional level as well as monetary wealth.

You maybe asking yourself, how can travel bring me wealth?
When you travel you meet people from all over the world.
Interesting people who are adventures, who are seeking
to see, learn and exchange ideas with you.
This exchange of goods, cultures and new ideas opens us
new wonderful opportunity, if we are open.

I have learned more on my travels than in any class room.
There can be more wealth in the connections,
friendship and experiences than you could imagine.

Everything is different when traveling.
Breaking habits becomes a habit in itself,
you are almost forced to be flexible.

When you are flexible and open you will be given
a piece of real freedom.

You will be living outside of your comfort zone
and that forces you to grow.

When I travel I am always trying something new and
unknown, that opens up new doors.

I have spent a greater part of my life traveling around our
planet as a student, an adventurer and a seeker of wisdom.

In 1987 my Master called me and asked me to move to Caracas
for 6 months, to run the Ashram and teaching a group of students
advanced meditations and healing techniques.
Although I didn’t speak a word of Spanish.

I agreed and in 3 days I packed my bags
and moved to Caracas to teach, learn and
open to the adventure.

When the holidays rolled around I was
invited to a friends coffee plantation
to relax and enjoy the country.

It was a few weeks before the holidays and I
can remember calling my Mother on December 21
to wish her a happy holiday. I was excited to tell her
that I was going to spend the Holiday season relaxing
off the coast of South America on the plantation.

Thats when my world got turned upside down and my
tropical New year turned into a cold winter,
working at my fathers pawn shop in the inner city
of Detroit, Michigan.

My younger brother worked with my father in the family
business and one cold icy day crashed his new Porch into
a wall and broke his arm and leg.
He was hospitalized and couldn’t work at the busiest time
of the year.

The next thing I knew I was on a flight headed to a freezing
winter and saying good by to my tropical sun tan.

Trying to travel any where at that time of the year bring in
it’s own problems and this holiday season was no exception.
The only ticket I could get, last minute was first class from
Carcass to New York and off I went to fulfill some past karma.

The good news came when I got to my seat.
The gentleman that I sat next to was the CEO for a large bottling
company and we struck up a conversation about traveling,
learning and why I was in his country.

It turned out that his company was changing and management
and wanted to incorporate a healthier attitude into their work force.
I told him of the workshops I was teaching on
“Health in the work place”
and before we got to NY, we had a verbal contract for a series of
workshops at their world headquarters.
I didn’t get back to the tropics until late February,
but when I did my life had changed around for the better.

One never knows when opportunity will knock at your door,
but it is best to always be prepared.
When ever you get a chance to learn,
study or train jump on it.

The opportunity may never come again.

Today there is an opportunity for you to become a member
of the Qi Gong Inner Circle and receive years of teachings
that I have spent a life time learning.

These teachings didn’t come easy,
it took me years of seeking for the right teachers,
and going to hundreds of seminars and retreats.
I worked, practiced and trainings to weed out the phonies
and find the real goods.
I have spent hundred of thousands of dollars of my own money
to gather this knowledge.
The adventure was long and exciting,
sometimes even dangerous but nothing ever stopped me.

I am offering these teachings to a select group of people
who have been reading my news tips and my blogs and no others.
If you are ready for an adventure sign up today.

I Wish you the best in your Health, wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. I have reduced the cost of the program to make it easy to
become members.

This offer will only last until the planet Mercury
goes retrograde on Aug. 2

If you are thinking of joining ACT NOW
and Become a Member today.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Need More Energy?

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

We all want to increase our energy levels.
Here is my formula that works like a charm.

First let’s look at what is the biggest
energy sucker.
The thief that steals your energy the most
and leaves you exhausted.


Stress can cause a multitude of problems like:
Pain of any kind
Heart disease
Digestive problems
Sleep problems
Auto immune diseases
Skin conditions, such as eczema

Stress has dramatic effects on energy
and can turn your world upside down.
The medical treatment people always suggest
is that you reduce your stress as much as possible,
an easy statement to make but harder to deliver
unless you have the proper education and training.

Here are 6 formulas to transform
stress into personal
power,regain and rebuild your Energy.

1.Start by identifying the things that stress you
out; this is the first step towards eliminating

Make a list to start changing and eliminating
these energy suckers.

*What re-occurring things stress you out?
*Which people and what activities
cause stress in your life?
*What foods seem to give you more stress?

See which of them can be eliminated,
changed or do less of them.
Make a plan on what you will do daily in order
to keep yourself fit, mentally, physically,
and spiritually and follow it.
Discipline your monkey mind to follow your
chosen de-stressor health program.
This will start to release blocked energy
and increase your energy.

Follow the exercises and meditations in the program.
It can be your guide.

2.Choose Energy Producing Foods
If you just got a new Lamborghini Reventon Roadster,
you would not put the cheapest gas in it,
would you? You’d put in the best you could find.

Your body is the same so don’t fill it up on
cheap food.
I haven’t been into a fast food restaurant
in 25 years and all my parts still run like
a fine tuned machine.
If you treat your body as a temple
by keeping it clean and offer it only the best
foods,it will work years with no break downs
and will have incredible power.

But as the saying goes, “if you put Junk
in you will only get Junk out!”
It’s important to pay attention
to the timing of when you eat, and what you eat.
This is a major factor in your energy levels.

Never skip breakfast! Your body needs good
clean fuel to run properly.

I eat as soon as I finish my morning workout.
I usually drink a protein drink in the morning
to get going if I don’t have time to sit down
and have a meal.
It has 18 grams of protein in it and
all the amino acids. I’ll just add 1 scoop of
“Greens First” to the mix to get all my
fruits and veggies.
Sugar filled cereals are not fuel;
they burn too quickly and leave you flat in
no time. Poached eggs are a good choice because
they are low in fat, high in protein and
will keep your energy up.
Our bodies thrive on variety, so mix it up
fruit one day, eggs the next and power protein
drink a few days a week.
Skip the high fat desserts after dinner–
this will drain your energy and make you fat.

3. Exercise regularly,
but make sure you are doing the right exercises.
I find that a Qi Gong workout will
give you much more energy in the
long run than running or heavy
weight lifting. Those exercises can
cause injury too often. If I lift I
do light weights and instead of running,
I’ll do walking and short fast sprints.
Qi Gong will increase your internal power
and charge up your batteries.

That’s why I put together the
Recharging Qi Gong program
It will increase your energy and Qi flow.

You will see that within one month you will
boost your energy ten fold and keep yourself
healthy on every level.

I usually do my practice of the
Flying Crane Qi Gong at sunset
This will chill you out with real mellow energy.
I have found that it gives one much better sleep,
better dreams and puts you in a meditative state
very easily. The more consistent you become,
the more energy you will have.

4. Shut the Boob tube off!
It’s a giant energy sucker.
If you’re a TV junkie, wake up
because it’s addicting just like hard drugs.
Switch it off by 9 O’ clock because it
will steal your energy for sure!
Also, watch out for your computer as well,
it has energy sucking qualities that can
sneak up on you and drain your juice as well.

These brain drains keep your brain stimulated
late into the evening and will rob you of a restful
sleep and important dream time.
A far more beneficial way to unwind is to read,
listen to classical music and meditate and your
brain will thank you!

If my mind is racing at night, I’ll take
a walk before bed. This will relax you and
increase your energy.

5. Make your bedroom as dark as possible.
The darker your bedroom is the better you will sleep.
Use your bed for sleep and sex that’s it.
If you have other activities you need to do,
do it somewhere else except your sleeping quarters.
These changes will ensure you a
restful sleep and much more productive days.

6. Complete your projects
Every project you have is filled with energy.
The quicker you complete them the more energy
you will get.
They are like little treasure chests but
in order to get the treasure you need to complete
the task. The more tasks you complete the more
energy you will get. But on the other hand if
you have unfinished projects, they drain your
energy until they are finished. So make a list
of all your current projects, what needs to be
done and get going.
As you complete them you see your energy levels
go higher and higher.

Having more energy will change
many aspects of your life and
your thinking. All it takes is the
strong decision to make a change.
You’ll be glad you made these simple changes;
they will improve the quality of your life
and increase your energy.

In The Turn stress into Power program, you will find
a series of exercises and meditations to
calm your mind and allow you to unwind before bed.
“The Tension Release Exercise” featured in the
program will give you a step by step process to
clear your mind of useless physic tension and clear
your energy pathways.
This will give you a sounder sleep
and you will wake refreshed and full of energy.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness.

Dr Wu Dhi