Posts Tagged ‘Thoughts And Feelings’

What is the purpose of Loneliness?

Friday, September 6th, 2013

I’ve talked to friends who have been married for
years and claim they feel lonely in the
relationship even after 20 years and two kids.
Business people who work in offices with hundreds
of people claim they are lonely all day, even in
the midst of daily activities.

In general humans are social creatures and want
the inner action with people.So where does the
loneliness come from and how can you use it for your

Sometimes external forces affect us and a partner
leaves. We receive bad treatment at work or are
out casted by our social group. We tend to stick
to our pack just like wolves and follow the pack
like sheep. We like what is familiar to us;
anything outside of this is unknown and most
people will stay where they are, no matter if it’s
good or bad for them. We have a need to belong to
something or someone, if those needs are not met
you feel lonely.

images motivates us to take necessary
actions that will relieve it. No matter what!
Emotions do have a purpose, regardless of how
unpleasant some of them can make you feel.

Loneliness can make you feel empty and a sense of
longing for someone to really know you. But
loneliness may not be linked to the reality of a
situation because it can exist when connections
with others are short-lived, meaningless, or not
what you consider to be significant.

Here are a few ways to use loneliness to your
1. Meditate- this will allow all of our
thoughts and feelings to come out.

2. Think positively-
Focus on positive and overcome whatever you think
about the most and it will be drawn to you.

3. Use alone time to simmer- soon the energy will
reveal itself to you and you will grow beyond
yourself and imposed limitations. It’s an
opportunity for intensive growth to inner

In a relationship, the main focus is
mostly on the partner and not on the spiritual
part. When you spend time alone you get the
opportunity for a lot of rest. Plenty of rest is
the main path to enlightenment. With plenty of
rest, inner tension dissolves almost by itself.
Connecting a lot of rest with regular meditation
practice is the optimal way to enlightenment. When
you meditate regularity the personal things get
clearer, focus becomes like a laser beam. The
fastest way to inner happiness is to constantly
practice spiritually.

Develop a regular meditation plan and stick to it. Spend
the same part of your day in meditation and
within weeks the feelings of
loneliness and boredom will be gone as well
as internal tensions.

In the Qi Gong Inner Circle I have developed a
series of practices to build your practice in
three important domains:

1. Health
2. Internal exercises
3. Meditation

These are key factors in developing your physical,
energetic and spiritual body.
Hop on board and you will be pleasantly surprised
on the practices you will learn and embody.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Live your Life Like a Luscious Strawberry

Friday, June 15th, 2012

Last weekend my friend
Ditteke invited me to a birthday party.
She is a young model who works
in Miami and told me that I don’t
want to miss this birthday party
since it is going to be very unusual!

She gave me the directions and I drove
into Coconut Grove. When I got to the house,
there was loud Indian music, incents burning
and in the back yard was a beautiful pond
with bubbling water.
The place was really lush!
That’s when she sprung the news
on the 20 of us that were there.
This birthday party was about
breakthroughs in our life.

The guy who hosted the party
was a workshop leader and talked to us about:

Pay Inner Attention – noticing my thoughts and feelings
Accepting the Worst – Fully acknowledging my doubts and fears
Expect the Best – Focus my intention on my desired outcome
Go For it! – If you choose to

At first we had no idea what the hell
heck he was talking about but we found
out that this special birthday party we were
going to do some unusual things. Like put an
arrow up against our throat and break it, break a
piece of wood with a single blow with our bare
hand, bend a 10 foot piece of rebar with our neck
and last but not least was walk on hot, burning coals.

He said:

“Attention is a choice
I am always choosing what I pay attention to”

He started to explain what we choose to
pay attention to will always change your
experience, no matter if it is positive or negative.
He told a story about a Buddhist monk who was
walking through the jungle and when he
walked down the path, he ran and smacked
into a ferocious tiger. The tiger started to
chase him and he ran wildly through the
jungle and before he knew it, he ran off of a cliff.

Luckily there was a vine and the monk
grabbed on to the vine. He was just hoping
that the vine was long enough so that he could
lower himself down to the ground.
As he slithered down the vine, he noticed
2 tigers on the jungle floor growling and
looking up at him. He started to climb up the
vine and noticed 2 hungry rats chewing at the
vine he was hanging on.
“The monk was really in between a rock and a hard place.”

Sometimes, situations like this
happen to us in our life.
What do you think the monk did?
He looked out and between the cracks
of the cliff, there was a strawberry plant
and on the plant there was a luscious ripe strawberry.
He reached out, picked the strawberry and ate it.
We always have choices. It makes no difference if
we are hanging on a vine or if there are tigers above
us and below us. We always have a choice.

“What I choose to pay attention to will
always change my experience!”
The monk chose to pay attention
to the luscious strawberry. What do you chose?
To be eaten by the tigers or to eat the sweet
luscious strawberries in life? I know what I choose.
I choose opportunity, challenges, gifts, and growth.

Isn’t it time that you choose the best for yourself?
I have dedicated my life to teaching others so
that they can grow, be on their limitations,
enjoy a healthier life and be all that they can be.

My students, patients, friends and family have
chosen to change their life. They have chosen to
practice the Recharging Qi Gong exercise
program at least 3 times a week.
Some are committed to the program
7 days a week and have changed their
lives for the best. I encourage you to
choose the best for you!
To be healthy and live a long life.

Don’t hesitate another day, order the
Recharging Qi Gong program today!
It will change your life forever!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi