Archive for the ‘magic square’ Category

What Happens when we age?

Friday, December 13th, 2013

Sometimes it may feel that you are on an escalator
going down and can’t stop it.

When your life begins you’re on the top floor. No
aches or pains and unless you come into this world
with some karmic illness, you are usually in good
shape, keeping it that way is changeling. As
time passes we start to go down the escalator of
life and they say this is normal. Here I list of
what can happen to you if you aren’t on an
anti-aging program.

1. Muscle mass decreases. (Muscle/weight/height
Body Mass Index Increases)

2. Fat increases as a percentage of body weight.

3. Strength, energy and speed of the body

4. Base Metabolic Rate (metabolism) decreases.

5. Aerobic Capacity, the capacity to process
oxygen, decreases. Red blood cells as a percentage
of total blood volume (hematocrit) decreases

6. Digestion becomes slower and less complete.

7. LDL Cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) and
triglycerides increase, and HDL Cholesterol
(“good” cholesterol) falls.

8. Blood pressure increases.

9. Bone mineral density decreases.

10. The thickness of skin decreases, resulting in
more wrinkles.

11. Kidney functions decrease causing the sexual
desire to drop

12. We lose neurons in our brain. This leads to
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Senile Dementia.

13. You get liver spots

14. Growth Hormone secretion drops.

15. Testosterone in men, and estrogen and
progesterone in women, drops.

16. The thymus gland, the master of the immune
system, shrinks and atrophys, thus lessening our
immune system.

17. Melatonin (a hormone which regulates the body
clock) drops.

18. Cortisol, “the Death Hormone,” increases.

The good news is that for everything that can
happen, for each sign of aging there is a cause,
and there is a natural approach to slow down or
stop the sign of aging completely, or even reverse

These are the keys to slow down the aging process.
3.Proper exercise
5.Staying hydratedimages
7.Handling your stress
8.Proper elimination

How do you start?
There is a program that thousands of my students
and patients have been doing to transform their
lives. The program is thousands of years old based
on Chinese Fung Shui. This program will give you
the maps to balance every domain in your life.

The Magic Square program

This Will give you the formula to transform every

area of your life check it

PS. If you are one of the first lucky ones to
order the program in the month of December, I will
also send you all the workshop notes and gift you
a FREE phone consultation with me. (A $300 Value).
We will to go over the program together step by
step to get the maximum advantage out of every
phase of the Magic Square.

Order it now

I can only work with 30 people doing phone
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and
Dr. Wu Dhi

Moon Magic

Friday, November 1st, 2013

It was the new moon a few days ago and the night
skies were pitch black. I met up with five
students to work on our goals and wishes using the
magic square formula. This formula has been around
for thousand of years and you will see it although
Asia as well as in Germany and most of Europe.

It is a useful tool to sort things out in your
life and move you forward and back into balance.

It’s a rather simple system, but very profound and
most powerful at the same time. The Masters that I
studied with were skilled in Black Hat Fung Shui –
the most mystical and spiritual of all the Fung
Shui practices.

They say that the Magic Square formula
goes back to Emperor Yu who was the first Emperor
of China and was credited with the discovery of
the Magic Square.

The Emperor was trying to tame the unruly Yellow
River. The Yellow River is one of several rivers
that are essential for China’s very existence.

The Emperor saw a giant tortoise emerge from the river.
On the shell, there was a pattern of nine lines near
the head, one line near
it’s tail, four lines near its left foot, two
lines near its right fore foot, eight lines near
its left hind foot, six lines near its right hind
foot, and five lines in the center.

These lines contain the keys to the magic square.
The patterns that were found were so unique that
in any direction- horizontal, vertical, or
diagonal, the numbers all add up to fifteen. This
is said to represent the fifteen days in each of
the 24 cycles of the Chinese Year.

From the discovery of the Magic Square evolved the
I Ching, Feng Shui, Nine Star Ki, Geomancy,
Chinese Astrology and Chinese numerology.

There are many hidden secrets in the use of the
magic square;
this is one that I practice and teach my students.
It’s is a great formula for balancing your life,
setting goals and making your wishes come true.
Once you understand how it works, you can balance
your health, relationships, wealth, career,
success patterns, family, and open up your images
After we created our personal Mandela we headed to
the beach to send our wishes upward using the sky
lanterns. If you haven’t heard of Sky lanterns
they are one of the most well known festivity
activities in the world. They hold so much
significance for people in the Asian culture and
are said to imply good luck and prosperity.

We used then to send our wishes and prayers up
into the sky towards the heavens. It was a
breath-taking site to see five glowing lanterns in
the air over a black sky.

If you want to open up some new spaces in your
life, get a copy of the magic square workshop

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Reserve your copy of the Magic square
workshop and I’ll enclose all the notes as a gift
with your program

Fire Magic and the Puja Fire

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

Fire Magic and the Puja Fire

Many of you have written and asked me to share a

little more about fire magic and the Fire Puja is

very powerful and has many benefits for the
living, and the deceased.

The fire Puja ceremony fulfills wishers, removes
obstacles, improves health, and increases merit
and wealth. For the practitioners, making offering
to the fire deities helps the practitioner gain
accomplishments on the spiritual path. I have
found it can stabilize one’s meditation,
concentration and improve one’s spiritual

The ceremony is an excellent method of purifying
negative karma and attaining higher rebirth. You
can write the names of loved ones on a piece of
paper and put it in the fire or write your wishes
and toss them into the fire. The smoke emanating
from the fire is charged with vibrations and thevibrations travel for miles creating peace and
harmony in the world as it caries your prayers,
wishes and blessing along.

The Fire Puja also helps to avert and purify three
kinds of problems:

1. Clears past karma that affects your
life in your relationships, job, and business.

2. Dissipates and purifies internal
difficulties held in place by fear, doubts and
superstition. This can seriously affect health of
our body, mind and spirit

3.Undisclosed or unseen obstacles on the
path that keep one stuck like a vial of darkness
causing ignorance that obstruct our ability to
realize the true nature of existence

Fire, if directed properly can change water to
steam, steel into liquid and transform coal into
energy. Fire chemically changes the forms of
things it comes in contact with and it will
eventually become ashes returning the elements
back to the Earth.

Keeping a close eye on the fire is important and
can tell a story as well. As the wood is placed
piece by piece on the Puja grounds, a prayer or
mantra is placed on each and every piece. The
placement is important depending what you are
trying to accomplish. I have either been involved
in building Pujas that where 40 or 50 feet high
and small ones made of just matchsticks. There are
many different purposes: ceasing calamities,
increasing wealth, health and wisdom.

There are Puja’s to attract powerful people, bring
in powerful assistance and to attract the opposite
sex. There are even Puja’s to destroy opposition.
The Puja fire is a powerful tool in spiritual work
as well as clearing and purifying the physical
body and mind.

Want more info about these kinds of energie s?
You can join me and the members of the Qi Gong
Inner Circle and go deeper into your practice of
energy medicine.

IMG_3674I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Labor Day 2013

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

Labor Day

Its Labor Day and the last days of summer are here
and gone; we are about to move into Indian summer.

In Chinese medicine, they say it’s the time for
the earth element. It affects mostly the stomach
and the spleen. The negative emotion would be
worry; the positive emotion would be nurturing,
balance and cultivation. This is the time of the
year to start putting more root crops in your diet
like beets, squashes, and getting those soup
recipes out! We want to start feeding the earth
element at this time. If we strengthen the earth
element we can avoid colds, flues, coughs, as well
as avoid anxiety and keep ourselves strong and
healthy this entire fall.

1.)Wash you hands as often as possible

2.)Put a quarter of a cup of vinegar in a pan and
put it on the stove and let it boil. Although your
house will smell like vinegar, it will eliminate
many of the germs, and keep you healthy

3.)Walk everyday and get plenty of fresh air. Not
only will this build the lungs, but you can throw
off any viruses

4.)Make sure you keep your neck covered. Wind
cold invasion is when a cold breeze chills the
body and the next thing you know; you have a sore
throat or a cold. Keeping the neck covered will
help you avoid neck pain, colds, and sore throats

5.)This is a great time of the year to detoxify
the body. Clear out all the excess junk we ate all

This is the time of the year when we start putting
away the tools in the yard and harvesting things
from the garden, a quieting time before the long
winter. It’s a time to go more internal in your
body, mind, and soul. It’s a great time to set
your goals. I’m having all of my students and the
patients that come into the office use the One
through Nine goal setting program that is part of
the Bagua. If you are not familiar with this, pick
up a copy of the Magic Square workshop and I will
send you the two DVDs and all the notes.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Using Signs and Events to See Your Future

Monday, August 26th, 2013

phsyic If your toilet backs up and your
house or office stinks, there is a good chance
that something or someone is really off base and
should be removed as soon as possible. I’ve heard
that if a bird poops on your head it’s good luck,
however, I don’t believe that for one second, it

Just the other day, I was home writing and editing
a DVD that I was producing on the Shen set to open
up the spiritual centers. The exercises involve a
lot of leg strength as well as the working of the
three inner locks. The sex lock, the diaphragm
lock and the neck lock. These secret yoga
exercises are part of the longevity practices that
only a few students ever see and fe w get to learn
or practice, ones my guru past them down to me
years ago.

I stayed home that day and wrote and practiced for
hours, it was a good day. I had a patient to see
at my office around 5:30 in the afternoon, and
when I left my house it was a few minutes after 5
O’clock and I arrived at my office right on time.
I took the elevator to the second floor and my
assistant ran up to see me before I came inside
and explained that there was a flood in the
bathroom and the office. She said, “It was a
mess, the plumber was here and just finished at
4:30. It was a stinking mess for a few hours and I
should be thankful that I missed the disaster and
the smell. We got it all cleaned up before you
came.” I was happy to hear I missed the entire
stinking event.

Now that the mess was cleaned up, we have to look
into what the internal problems are in the office.
Is it the new people who draw blood and take
fingerprints? Are we attracting the wrong kind of
patients? Is there something that needs to be
cleaned up? Are all the files in order?

What ever it is, I’ll start looking more closely
and paying more attention to what I need to order,
what laws and rules I need to follow, who I bring
into the office and what I share with them.
Although I personally missed the disaster, I’ll
use it as a warning sign to clean up my own mess
both at home and the office.

I was lucky I wasn’t there to deal with the she-it
part, but it is a wake up call to put everything
in order before the she-it hits the fan.

When this kind of stuff happens in your life don’t
ignore it. Look around and see what needs to be
put back in order, what possible blockages you may
have and get them fixed ASAP.

If you want a really good way to put your life in
proper order pick up a copy of the Magic Square

This will give you the secrets to the Chinese
system of life, goal setting and a formula to
bring good luck and fortune into your life.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Reach into your pocket and get out the credit
card right now and get this program. Don’t wait
for the Shi-it to hit the fan in your life.

Retrograde Mercury Screw Up

Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

I often talk about retrograde mercury, when the
planet mercury seems to be going backwards and
causes havoc with our communication, contracts and
all mechanical things; from you car to your
toaster, and although I was traveling this year in
a retrograde mercury I planned and re-planned. I
checked in with the airline many times, carried my
luggage so they wouldn’t lose it and was all set
to travel for Thanksgiving without a glitch. For
the most part it went well except for the two hour
delay at the airport and not getting home until
2:00 a.m.

This all seemed normal to me and my friend Anthony
agreed to pick me up at the airport. He told me
he’d meet me at baggage pick up and I called him
as soon as I landed. I got my suitcase and met
him downstairs. He told me he was at J, and I
told him I didn’t see J!

I told him I was at number 2 and he said he
couldn’t find number 2… He circled the airport
two or three times and we were on the phone
constantly, and then I said to him, “I can’t
believe you can’t find me this is the easiest
airport to find someone! I’m glad I didn’t fly
into Miami cuz that’s the confusing one!” That’s
when we discovered… he was at the Miami
International airport and I was at the Ft.
Lauderdale airport. So with bags in hand I looked
for the shuttle guy and finally got home at 2:00
a.m. exhausted. Sometimes even when you plan you
need to plan all the details…

It’s the same with our lives. If you’re not paying
attention to the nine main things in your life:
your career, relationships, family, money,
spiritual work, where you go and who you’re with,
projects and your success, you could end up with a
life that isn’t what you chose. Most people
choose what they don’t want and not what they want
and what they end up with is what they don’t want.
It’s important to focus on what you want and the
Magic Square can give you all of this and more.
The magic square workshop is a two DVD workshop
that will take you through the exercises and goal
setting procedures that will get you where you
want to go and make your life work 100%.

The program comes with the entire note in the
workshop and there’s just one thing that you have
to do, order now…

Magic Square Workshop

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

When you wish upon a Star…

Monday, October 22nd, 2012

“When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you..”

I can remember living in the mountains of Colorado
and one winter night I counted more than 50
falling stars. When we are looking up at the sky
and seeing the heavens it does a few very
interesting things to us. Sometimes it makes us
feel very small and at other times it opens us up
to the grand universe and allows our hearts to
open. It’s sort of an internal meditation that we
can open our eyes to and see it externally.
Whenever you are looking out at the ocean or
seeing a mountain range or anything as exciting as
a meteor shower it opens us up to a higher state
of consciousness.

Meteors are usually dust particles left behind by
comets – bits of debris that enter Earth’s
atmosphere from space. At what altitude do these
meteors – sometimes called “” or
“falling stars” – become incandescent and begin to

Meteors become incandescent – or glow – almost as
soon as they hit Earth’s atmosphere. Some meteors
such as the Perseids in August burn up in the
atmosphere at about 100 kilometers – or 60 miles –
above Earth’s surface.
Other meteors such as the Draconids in October
fall to 70 kilometers – or about 40 miles – before
they heat up enough to glow and vaporize. The
difference is that the Draconids are much slower
meteors than the Perseids. So the height in the
atmosphere at which a meteor begins to glow
depends on its arrival speed.

When you are looking into the skies and seeing the
actual star falling that’s where the actual magic

You can make a wish on a falling star and by your
intention alone you can make that wish come true.

When I taught the magic Square workshop, I showed
people how to orchestrate 9 different points in
their life.

6.Influential people
9.Your ultimate success

These 9 magical squares can change your life. You
are doing more than just wishing on a star. You
actually set your intention on what you want and
then like magic it will come into your life! Pick
up your copy today!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Is your Mojo Workin’?

Friday, October 19th, 2012

Some years ago, an associate of mine purchased a
piece of “Yeh Ming Ju” and he hasn’t taken it off
his neck in three years. It’s his personal Mojo!
Most Americans have no idea what Mojo is and think
it has something to do with their sexual organ. Do
you remember the song that Muddy Waters sang, “I
got my mojo workin. – I got my mojo workin’ but it
just don’t work on you…
I got my mojo workin’ but it just don’t work on
I wanna love you so bad, child, but I don’t know
what to do
I’m going down to Louisiana, gunna get me a mojo
Going down to Louisiana, gunna get me a mojo hand.

Gunna have all you women under my command.”
The alternative names for the Mojo include hand,
Mojo hand, conjure hand, lucky hand, conjure bag,
trick bag, root bag, toby, jomo, and gris-gris
bag…The word “gris-gris” looks French but it is
simply a “frenchified” spelling of the Central
African word gree-gree. Gree-gree means “fetish”
or “charm,” thus a gris-gris or gree-gree bag is a
charm bag. Basically a Mojo brings you good luck
and repels bad energy.

He has created
five different businesses, his credit rating went
up from 5.5 to 7.8, and he’s doing great!
Although we don’t know if it’s from his Mojo-it
could be the same as the feather that Dumbo the
flying elephant was holding in his trunk when he
flew. What happened yesterday is his Mojo broke
and fell off his neck, and what do you think

Within hours someone stole his identity and tied
up thousands of dollars! He’s been working
non-stop for the last two days trying to repair
everything! Changing bank accounts, addresses,
passwords and everything in his life– now he’s
got the shakes, a bad cold and a fever!
Now, one would think that the Mojo gem was real
and who would ever think that Yeh Ming Ju would
make that much of a difference in ones life, but
it did. Personally I never take mine off.
If you’re interested in finding out more about
this magic crystal contact me at
and keep your Mojo workin’!–

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and
Dr. Wu Dhi

I only have a limited amount of the Yeh Ming Ju
gems left. If you’re interested, contact me ASAP.
I will not be getting anymore until next year.

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to use the Magic of the New Moon

Friday, September 14th, 2012

We are about to have another New Moon on September
15, 2012 at 10:11 pm. The new Moon is in Virgo and
it’s a great time to look at your daily routine
and see what needs alteration, changing or just a
tweaking. Take the time to slow down, and eat
more nourishing food. Virgo is about your health
and now is an ideal time to start a health
program. Virgo supports a deep cleanse of all the
toxins in your system, both body and mind.

Here are some ideas for the new Moon:

• Get a facial
• Clear your house of toxic products,
• Eat for health, even if it’s only a few days
• Take a sauna
• Drop a habit that you know isn’t good for you
• Start a detox program

You get the picture.
There are times to be listening to your body and
this is one of them. If something doesn’t feel
right, don’t do it. Virgo is a physically
sensitive sign that goes wild without release and
balancing. If you have any aches or pains, listen
to it. It’s usually a message that something
isn’t right and has to be attended to not
something to ignore. Get to the bottom of what
ails you now before it’s too late and correct it.

The Planet Mercury rules Virgo, which means not
only health issues will be on your plate but
communications and travel will be knocking at your
door as well. You should really be in the mood to
get things going and your ability to connect with
others can be really successful at this time.
Filter out what is not important and get things in
order and well organized. Virgo will help us fix
what we haven’t been able to fix until now.

This is the perfect time to start a health program:
detox, exercise, and unwind from useless
accumulated tensions. Start today and keep it
going until the next new moon, which is on October

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. If you are feeling stuck and just can’t get
started pick up a copy of the Magic Square
and I’ll show you a step-by-step instuctions on
how to get your life in order. The program
Carrier, Relationships, Family, Money, Spirit,
Travel, Projects, Health, Knowledge
and your Ultimate Success.

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Free yourself from negative reactions

Monday, September 10th, 2012

There is a story about a princess who had a small
eye problem that she felt was really bad. Being
the King’s daughter, she was rather spoiled and
kept crying all the time. When the doctors wanted
to apply medicine, she would invariably refuse any
medical treatment and kept touching the sore spot
on her eye. In this way it became worse and worse,
until finally the king proclaimed a large reward
for whoever could cure his daughter. After some
time, a man arrived who claimed to be a famous
physician, but actually was not even a doctor.

He declared that he could definitely cure the
princess and was admitted to her chamber. After he
had examined her, he exclaimed, “Oh, I’m so
sorry!” “What is it?” the princess inquired. The
doctor said, “There is nothing much wrong with
your eye, but there is something else that is
really serious.” The princess was alarmed and
asked, “What on earth is so serious?” He hesitated
and said, “It is really bad. I shouldn’t tell you
about it.” No matter how much she insisted, he
refused to tell her, saying that he could not
speak without the King’s permission.

When the King arrived, the doctor was still
reluctant to reveal his findings. Finally the king
commanded, “Tell us what is wrong. Whatever it is,
you have to tell us!” At last the doctor said,
“Well, the eye will get better within a few days –
that is no problem. The big problem is that the
princess will grow a tail, which will become at
least nine fathoms long. It may start growing very
soon. If she can detect the first moment it
appears, I might be able to prevent it from
growing.” At this news everyone was deeply
concerned. And the princess, what did she do? She
stayed in bed, day and night, directing all her
attention to detecting when the tail might appear.
Thus, after a few days, her eye got well.

This shows how we usually react. We focus on our
little problem and it becomes the center around
which everything else revolves. So far, we have
done this repeatedly, life after life.– Driven by impulses of
desire and rejection without finding a way out. As
long as attachment and aversion are our sources of
living and drive us onward, we cannot rest. To
free yourself of being a slave to your likes and
dislikes first set your goals. To travel a new
road in life you need to know where you want to
go. Then you can make the best choices to get
yourself there.

I have found the Chinese system of the Magic
square can give you the directions you need to get
on course and bring you to what you want the

Every season I review and update my direction on
all nine aspects of life’s directions. This is the
most precise and fastest way of getting what you

Get a copy of the entire program today and start
the journey into your success mentally,
physically, financially and spiritually.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi


To find out how you can transform your life into
the life you want click here

Dr. Wu Dhi