Posts Tagged ‘Screw’

The Mini Cooper blues

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

The Mini Cooper blues

Last week I bought a 2011 Mini Cooper with a turbo
charged engine and I was buzzing around town in my
cool new car. Well guess what happened?

A few days ago when I started the car, it putt, putt and
then it died. I was shocked! I only had it for a
few days and it was broken already. I called the
dealer and they said to bring it in. So I took off
all morning and drove to the Mini cooper dealer. The
service manager took the car within 5 minutes,
checked it out with a computer and told me it was
just a mis-fire. He suggested put an additive in
the gas and it would be fine. I followed his
suggestion and all was good again. Well this
morning I jumped into the car to head to the
office and guess what? It did it again. I was

I canceled all my morning patients and drove back
to the dealer. I spoke to the manager of the pre
owned cars and told him I wanted my money back or
a different car. He looked at me like I was some
kind of a nut job and said, that’s now your car
and we will do all we can to fix it , but it’s not
our responsibility.

I just about hit the roof when
he said that, but I held it together and let him
take the car into service. While I was waiting I
stopped to see the credit manager and asked him
how all the paper work was going and he said it
was still on his desk. Interesting, as long as I
was stuck at the dealer I was looking at the new
cars and I happened to find a 2013 brand spanking
new Mini Cooper for just about the same price. I
couldn’t believe it. So I marched into the owner’s
office and told him how disappointed I was in the
manager’s lack of customer care. I also pointed
out that 2 of the bolts that hold on the back tire
were missing and the pre owned people assured me
the certified pre owned Mini was gone through with
a find toothcomb. Well they lied. I really don’t
know much about cars or engines, but I do know
when a car is missing a screw in the wheel. I got
my point across and they told me to go make a deal
with the new car guy and bring it over to him for
approval. I did and he gave me the same price that
I paid for the 2011. Some times it pays off to
complain when things are not done right. We should
be complaining about the GMO products to our

1. GMO’s are not labeled. Why? Because we wouldn’t buy it!

2. Monsanto Company is not being straight with
people. They are lying and thinking of profit not
health, at least not yours or mine.

The reason I always remind people to practice all
the time is Qi Gong keeps the movement of Qi
flowing and blood flow of Qi. If we have a good
blood flow we will have more oxygen cells, little
chance of blocked arties and you will cut your
chance of heart disease down by 75%. This is why
they refer to Qi Gong as a longevity practice.

If you aren’t practicing longevity, what the heck
are you doing?

Don’t be one of those people in years to come, who
is in pain with poor eye site, shortness of breath
and digestive problems saying that, “If I knew I
was going to live this long I would have taken
better care of myself.”

Start taking care of yourself today! The Federal
government, our state government and our city is
not looking out for you. The lobbyists for sure
are not taking care of you. You must be the one
who takes responsibility for yourself and that is
especially your health.

If you are ready to make a total transformation in
how you operate, contact me and let’s dance the
dance of health, longevity and anti aging
together. I practice what I preach.

Click on the link and let’s discover getting
younger today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


Every Wednesday night from 7:00 – 8:00 pm I teach
a meditation class in my office.

If you are interested call 305-407-0120 and check
it out!

Don’t be saying years from now, “If I knew I was
going to live this long I would have taken better
care of myself.”


They sold me a 2013 Mini cooper at the same price
as the used one with all the same options. Cool!
I am a happy camper.

Retrograde Mercury Screw Up

Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

I often talk about retrograde mercury, when the
planet mercury seems to be going backwards and
causes havoc with our communication, contracts and
all mechanical things; from you car to your
toaster, and although I was traveling this year in
a retrograde mercury I planned and re-planned. I
checked in with the airline many times, carried my
luggage so they wouldn’t lose it and was all set
to travel for Thanksgiving without a glitch. For
the most part it went well except for the two hour
delay at the airport and not getting home until
2:00 a.m.

This all seemed normal to me and my friend Anthony
agreed to pick me up at the airport. He told me
he’d meet me at baggage pick up and I called him
as soon as I landed. I got my suitcase and met
him downstairs. He told me he was at J, and I
told him I didn’t see J!

I told him I was at number 2 and he said he
couldn’t find number 2… He circled the airport
two or three times and we were on the phone
constantly, and then I said to him, “I can’t
believe you can’t find me this is the easiest
airport to find someone! I’m glad I didn’t fly
into Miami cuz that’s the confusing one!” That’s
when we discovered… he was at the Miami
International airport and I was at the Ft.
Lauderdale airport. So with bags in hand I looked
for the shuttle guy and finally got home at 2:00
a.m. exhausted. Sometimes even when you plan you
need to plan all the details…

It’s the same with our lives. If you’re not paying
attention to the nine main things in your life:
your career, relationships, family, money,
spiritual work, where you go and who you’re with,
projects and your success, you could end up with a
life that isn’t what you chose. Most people
choose what they don’t want and not what they want
and what they end up with is what they don’t want.
It’s important to focus on what you want and the
Magic Square can give you all of this and more.
The magic square workshop is a two DVD workshop
that will take you through the exercises and goal
setting procedures that will get you where you
want to go and make your life work 100%.

The program comes with the entire note in the
workshop and there’s just one thing that you have
to do, order now…

Magic Square Workshop

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi