Posts Tagged ‘Royal Oak’

Is the Government Making you FAT?

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

I was in Michigan with my friend
Frank eating breakfast in a little
Greek place located in Royal Oak.
I picked up the morning newspaper
and read this article by Dr. Paul Donohue
from Orlando, Florida.

“High – fructose corn syrup a
factor in obesity.”

“Dear Doctor,
I don’t remember you ever
discussing high-fructose corn syrup and
condensed corn syrup. Almost every product
includes these ingredients. Please let us know
the dangers and why the government allows it.

Fructose is the sugar found in fruits. Table
sugar is sucrose, a combination of fructose
and glucose .Up to the 1980s, sucrose was the
universal sweetener. In the 1980s, a process was
discovered that turned cornstarch into corn syrup
and then into fructose. Fructose was then combined
with glucose to produce a sugar product with the
terrible name of high- fructose corn syrup. It’s very
similar to sucrose, table sugar. High – fructose corn
syrup consists of 45 percent glucose and 55 percent
fructose. Table sugar is 50 percent glucose and 50
percent fructose.

High-fructose corn syrup is as sweet as and cheaper
than table sugar, the sugar that comes from
sugar cane and sugar beets. Manufacturers use it
in commercial products like soft drinks, baked goods,
energy bars and many candies.
So why all the fuss? People have increased their
consumption of high-fructose corn syrup foods and
drinks so much that they have become a main source
of their calorie intake. Some think it is the reason that
the obesity epidemic has struck North America. Like
other sugars, this can lead to problems like diabetes.
Excessive amounts cause fat accumulation in the liver.

One 12-ounce can of most soft drinks has the equivalent of
10 teaspoons of sugar, 150 calories – a large sugar load
and a large calorie load. The average American drinks
36 gallons of soft drinks in a year.”

Lately, the corn industry has been running ads saying
that high fructose corn syrup is like a healthy vegetable.

I don’t think so!
Eating and drinking High-fructose corn syrup affects
your health way more than you can imagine. Read all
labels before you put anything in your mouth. Here are
just a few of problems caused by the intake of
High-fructose corn syrup.

* Weight gain
* Heart disease
* Increases in body fat
* Higher levels of triglycerides
* Bad cholesterol, the type that sticks to your arteries!
* Diabetes
* Makes people want to eat more
* Osteoporosis
* Gout
* Fibromyalgia

You may be asking yourself right now, why would
our government allow something to be put in our
foods that would do so much harm?

Big corporations have strong lobbyists who work to
get legislation through. They pay lots and lots of
money to give big business what they want –and
they want money and power. It doesn’t have
anything to do with your health or wellbeing.
What can you do?

1. Read all labels
2. Ask for healthy products in your super market
3. Don’t buy foods or drinks with high fructose corn syrup
4. Avoid restaurants that use that stuff in their kitchen
5. Stop drinking all sodas
6. Keep reading Dr Wu’s blog
7. Get your friends to read Dr. Wu’s blog

The more locally grown fresh food you put into
your diet, the better chances you have of staying
healthy and dis-ease free.

I thank you for reading my new letters and please tell
your friends to sign up for them.
They will be thanking you for years.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Remember next week, on October 6th we will
start the Health and Wellness program.
The first lecture, held in my office in Aventura, FL
is on detox. Don’t miss this one!
It can save your life!
Call for Anastasia for reservations –941-275-5105