Posts Tagged ‘Toxic Overload’

How to Clear yourself from Toxic Overload

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

When a person comes into
my office as a patient they
always fill out the usual papers
on their health history.

Then they meet with me and are
usually somewhat caught off balance
by the unusual way of determining
the appropriate treatment. I always
take a look at their tongue, feel the
pulses and ask some important health
questions that help unravel their health
problems that most doctors don’t take
the time to go over.

1. What’s your main symptom, why does it bother you?
2. When was the last time you felt good?
3. Do you have any pain? Where is it and on a scale from 1-10
4. What do you plan to gain from the treatment?
5. Were you breast feed as a child?
6. Do you get colds easily or did you as a child?
7. Did you suffer from allergies or asthma as a child?
8. Have you ever had your tonsils or appendix taken out?
9. Do you have any amalgam fillings or root canals?
10. Have you taken antibiotics?
11. Do you feel tired after eating?
12. Do you have a regular bowel movement?
13. What foods don’t you do well with?
14. How much liquid do you drink per day?
15. What do you fear the most?
16. What do you feel is the cause of your problem?

All of these questions reveal hidden secrets
about your immune system, the function
of your lymphatic system and if your body
is suffering from Toxic over load.

You maybe asking yourself what the heck
is toxic overload?

That’s when we are exposed to chemicals
in pesticides, plastics, cosmetics, cleaning solvents,
and many other common products they build
up to toxic levels in our bodies and break
down our natural defenses against disease.

Let’s say there is a pile of garbage,
parasites, fungus and bacteria that
will come to eat the garbage, this is a
natural occurrence that’s how
organic material is broken down.
Or you can kill the parasite fungus and
bacteria with poisons which will work
for awhile but they will return. But if you
clear the garbage up there is nothing to
eat and the parasites and other things
will not come back. When you eliminated
the source of the problem it’s gone forever.

We start out life with a clean system.
As we age, we are exposed to toxins in
the food we eat, the water we drink and the
air we breathe. Before you know it we have a
toxic over load where diseases begin to develop.

We can kill them with pharmaceutical drugs,
but that’s not a cure and they damage the body trying.
For every action there is a reaction and every
pharmaceutical drug has side effects. If we
detox we can clean out our systems and
keep our immune systems functions running well.

I use many different detox programs to assist the
body in healing and staying healthy.

Some are as simple as a drink that you take for 4 weeks

and some are more extensive like the 2 week program

Detox involves everything from changing your
fillings in your teeth to high colonics. It depends
what symptoms you have and how serious you
are in getting back to optimal health.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Toxic overload causes Weight Gain

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

I am totally amazed when patients
come into my office and tell me that
they only have a BM once or twice
a week. They eat 3 times a day and
yet nothing is moving out.

People eat a diet mostly made up of
the wrong stuff and wonder why they
have gas, bloating and constipation.

What are people thinking?

When you only have a BM a few
times a week, that’s considered
constipation in my book. You should
have a BM at least once or twice a day.

If you don’t, the Qi flow is blocked.
The organs are not getting the right
nourishment and you’re going to be a
toxic mess if you’re not already.
Even the brain gets fogged up from the
amount of toxins stuck in the intestines.
I hear people say that it’s normal to only
have a bowel movement a few times a
week–maybe that’s normal for them but
it’s not normal to have rotting food stuck
in your intestine. If you eat a meal and it
isn’t moving through your system with hours—
you can be getting a toxic overload and it
affects every function in the body.”

These foods could be the culprit and
should be avoided or at least cut down.

Red Fatty Meats –
Steak, veal, brisket, pork

Fast & Fried Foods –
Pizza, burgers, tacos, fried chicken

Caffeinated Drinks –
Sodas, coffee, energy drinks

Dairy Products –
Milk, butter, ice-cream

Carbonated Drinks High in Sugar –
High fructose corn syrup

Refined Sugars –
Milk chocolate, cake, pie, candy-bars

Alcohol –
Beer, wine, mixed drinks

Enriched White Flour –
White bread, doughnuts, and tortillas

We need green leafy vegetables,
fresh fruits, clean water and pure
clean air. If you are getting them
daily, your digestion system will
start to work better and better in a
very short time.

There are a few things to start
doing right a way that can get
your gut healthy again.
FRUIT and DRINK 8 glasses

I put all my patients on these two
wonderful products as well and
they get unbelievable results.
First- The best and purest fiber
product I have ever found.


and next


The combination of these two
products works wonders!
I have hundreds of patients taking
them daily.

Here is what a few of them
have reported:

“Dr. Dr Wu, I have taking both
Fiber 1-2-3 and Oxy-Hydrate
for 6 months now and I am a
regular for the first time in years.
My complication has cleared up
and I have dropped 18 un-needed
pounds in 6 months. I take it every
day and I am grateful I found it.
Thank you.”

“I feel younger and better!
After only two weeks of taking
Oxy-Hydrate, while eating a
normal healthy diet, I feel at least
10 years younger, my eyes are bright,
whiter and no longer sunken in my
head with dark rings around them.
The aches and pains that
I’ve had are gone.”
-Jane Westley, Florida

“I Lost 18 Pounds!
About ten years ago, I was involved
in a motor cycle accident that left me
with pain all over my body. I took so
many pain pills and anti inflammatory
pills that my entire digestive system
was screwed up. Until I took Oxy-Hydrate,
and Fiber 1-2-3! I would have bowel
movements only once every two or three
months. I now lost 18 pounds and I feel
better every day! It was quite a shock to
me to find that I had that much waste
in my body!”
-James Holt, Boston, Massachusetts

If your digestive system isn’t working
100%–you are building up toxins in your
system daily and aging yourself quicker
than you could imagine.
Keeping your system open on every
level is the anti- aging secret we all have
been looking for. Moving the bowls is as
important as moving the Qi. If there is a
blockage in any part of our system,
we are blocked. Opening up the flow
in your entire body, mind and spirit
will keep you much younger than your
years and feeling good.

I Wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi