Posts Tagged ‘Few Days’

How to Free yourself from negative reactions

Monday, September 10th, 2012

There is a story about a princess who had a small
eye problem that she felt was really bad. Being
the King’s daughter, she was rather spoiled and
kept crying all the time. When the doctors wanted
to apply medicine, she would invariably refuse any
medical treatment and kept touching the sore spot
on her eye. In this way it became worse and worse,
until finally the king proclaimed a large reward
for whoever could cure his daughter. After some
time, a man arrived who claimed to be a famous
physician, but actually was not even a doctor.

He declared that he could definitely cure the
princess and was admitted to her chamber. After he
had examined her, he exclaimed, “Oh, I’m so
sorry!” “What is it?” the princess inquired. The
doctor said, “There is nothing much wrong with
your eye, but there is something else that is
really serious.” The princess was alarmed and
asked, “What on earth is so serious?” He hesitated
and said, “It is really bad. I shouldn’t tell you
about it.” No matter how much she insisted, he
refused to tell her, saying that he could not
speak without the King’s permission.

When the King arrived, the doctor was still
reluctant to reveal his findings. Finally the king
commanded, “Tell us what is wrong. Whatever it is,
you have to tell us!” At last the doctor said,
“Well, the eye will get better within a few days –
that is no problem. The big problem is that the
princess will grow a tail, which will become at
least nine fathoms long. It may start growing very
soon. If she can detect the first moment it
appears, I might be able to prevent it from
growing.” At this news everyone was deeply
concerned. And the princess, what did she do? She
stayed in bed, day and night, directing all her
attention to detecting when the tail might appear.
Thus, after a few days, her eye got well.

This shows how we usually react. We focus on our
little problem and it becomes the center around
which everything else revolves. So far, we have
done this repeatedly, life after life.– Driven by impulses of
desire and rejection without finding a way out. As
long as attachment and aversion are our sources of
living and drive us onward, we cannot rest. To
free yourself of being a slave to your likes and
dislikes first set your goals. To travel a new
road in life you need to know where you want to
go. Then you can make the best choices to get
yourself there.

I have found the Chinese system of the Magic
square can give you the directions you need to get
on course and bring you to what you want the

Every season I review and update my direction on
all nine aspects of life’s directions. This is the
most precise and fastest way of getting what you

Get a copy of the entire program today and start
the journey into your success mentally,
physically, financially and spiritually.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi


To find out how you can transform your life into
the life you want click here

Dr. Wu Dhi

Do you think you can build Power? Do You think you can Build Personal Power?

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

How consistent are you in following
a daily routine that will lead you
where you want to go?

When you want to build something,
like a muscular body, personal power
to improve your finances, or to be able
to project your Qi, it takes consistent
practices. People who focus on one
thing at a time get superior results,
and that’s a known fact.

You have to be consistent with
your practice. When you put in the
time day after day the skill is developed.
When you focus, a break through
happens mentally, emotionally and physically.

If you go from one project to the next
never finishing what you start- you will
end up exhausted with little results.
But when you dedicate yourself you
become an unstoppable force.

It’s as simple as changing your Stops into STEPS,
taking a step at a time until you get to the top.
When the master was asked,

“How do you eat an elephant?”
He replied, “One bit at a time.”

Every day I see students and patients
who complain that they don’t have the
energy to move forward.

They can’t sleep, their attitude is poor,
their diet sucks and they can’t get focused.
Yet they all claim that they want to
change their lives. But there is no
consistent action to move forward.

The Key here is: “ACTION!”
Don’t be the “hit and miss” type.

They hit it and quit it and try to get
back wit it.
They practice a few days
here and there and hope to make
some miraculous changes.
It ain’t gonna happen!

I have a patient that wants to
lose weight but every time she
gets upset she falls off the wagon.
Her upset steals all of her power
and the results are in her ass and belly.
Last week I asked her, if I gave her
a brand new car, a Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano,
the one that costs $320,000.00, would
she go to the cheapest gas station she
could find and fill it up with ‘regular?’

I don’t think so.

You would put in the best fuel
you could possibly find!
And would you get a $20.00 oil change?

Never in your life!

But she treats her
body like it’s just an old junker,
Putting the worst fuel.
Our bodies are like temples, they
need to be cleaned, polished and given
the best we can find, no matter if it’s exercise,
water, diet or the thoughts and ideas we put inside.

“Change your emotion to devotion”
-Yoga Bhajan

The easiest way to make change is
get it in your body, exercises like
the Flying Crane Qi Gong program

Thousands of people are doing it all
over the world. This will restore your
health and give you the structure and
focus you need to make and keep those changes.
The program is easy to learn, it
generates Qi and opens up the
channels quicker than any other
Qi Gong I have practiced
over the last 30 years.
The students that have trained
with me in person and who have the
Flying Crane Qi Gong Program
l know, have changed more aspects in their life
quicker than any other Qi Gong practice.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Auto-pilot training to build in muscle memory

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

When we are young and somewhat
immature, health is not a big concern.
I know in my younger days I thought
I was somewhat invincible and although
I have been training and working-out
since I was a teenager, I never put
much attention on health, sickness or wellness.
Probably because I never had any sickness
or death in my family until I was well
into my twenties.

By that time my training and daily workouts
were on my autopilot well ingrained into my
muscle memory and habit body.

The reason I always encourage you to train is,
if you keep it going you will build
in a habit body & muscle memory, that will
last a life time.
It will keep you younger and healthier.

That is one of the keys to Longevity.

As you mature, you hopefully become
more aware of not only your own situation
but others as well. As we move through
the different stages of life,
things around us
will constantly be changing–
they are all lesions to be learned.

When you experience any dis-ease,
no matter if it’s a common cold, an
emotional upset or a serious disease
it effects everyone around you as well.

If it’s a family member you will notice
it right away. If it’s a co-worker
and you are in the same office you are
going to notice their situation within a
few days or within a week for sure.

Why? Because it will effect you personally.
Maybe you’ll have to pick up the slack in
the office and do more work, or you may
catch what they have.
Just having someone around with
problems will effect you energetically.

But let us say it is someone thousands
of miles away, it can still affect us.
Take for example someone in Africa who
has Aids and comes into our country and
spreads the disease. It affects all of us.

“Getting well and feeling well
is a comprehensive growth process
that encompasses our entire humanity.”
-Dr. Reimar Banis

We only become healthy if everybody
is healthy. Getting well and staying
well is one of the most important tasks
in each person’s life.
Most people only notice their health
after they lose it or when they recovery
from a dis-ease.

All good Healers, no matter if they
are MD’s, Chiropractors, Massage
Therapists, Acupuncturists or Energy
Workers, promote self-healing by
providing profound stimulation for
the self-knowledge.

Help never really comes from the outside;
it is only to be reawakened within us to
bring a person back to true health and
We can therefore rightly say nature heals.

Getting well and feeling well is a
comprehensive growth process that
encompasses our entire humanity.

When you make the conscious effort to
change your health, you will change the
health of everyone around you.

The programs that I teach
are all about becoming healthier mentally,
physically and spiritually.
It makes no difference if you
begin with

The Recharging Qi Gong program,

The Flying Crane Qi Gong program
The Program on Mantra

or any of the other programs and health products
because they are all about
your Health and Happiness.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi