Posts Tagged ‘Mainland China’

Incredible Energy from Burma

Friday, October 26th, 2012

Incredible Energy from Burma

A friend of mine just returned from Burma and as
you know Burma is a dangerous place to be in on
the planet right now due to wars, fighting,
pollution and corruption. He spent the last six
months there having beautiful pieces of precious
jade carved and just yesterday I have received
some of the most incredible jade statues that I
have ever seen.

Why do the Asians find jade more valuable than
gold? In Asia jade is considered the “Stone of
Heaven.” Yes it was more valuable than gold in
imperial china, and is considered the bridge
between heaven and earth that allows us to open
our spiritual centers. It has been prized for its
beauty and symbolic value and has been worn as a
talisman to bring in energy, health, wealth and
happiness by Asians for thousands of years.

Jade has been known to strengthen the kidneys as
it transforms our fears into gentleness. The
kidneys are the key to energy, staying young and
sexual energy. It strengthens both the heart and
the nervous system balancing the Yin and Yang
energies of the body.

About 8 years ago, I returned from a spiritual
trip in mainland China. I visited one of the
sacred Dragon Mountains and traveled to Putuoshan
Island where they say Quan Yin appeared. On my
return I went to visit a friend in California and
take a few days to relax. He invited me to go to
the Calistoga hot springs and relax for the
afternoon. On our return to Santa Rosa someone
smashed into his car, the airbags went off yet
neither one of us were hurt. The car was totaled!
I contacted my master and told him about the crash
and he said, “I believe you were spared because of
the spiritual work you did on the sacred island of
Putuoshan. The next day I purchased a large jade
statue that represents to me both the healing
power of my spiritual quest infused in jade.

High imperial jade like the six pieces that I just
received carry the energy of healing, longevity,
and peacefulness. I only have six of these rare
pieces of art and although I treasure them all I
have agreed to let some of my students be able to
get these beautiful pieces of art.

They range in price from $600.00 – $ 2,000.00. If
you are a collector of fine art, or want to have
an energetic talisman in your house please contact
me by writing to “,” and I will
be more than happy to send you a picture of these
one-of-a-kind master pieces.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr WuDhi

Qi Gong’s Influence on Health

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

Qigong has influenced China for
thousands of years, although it has
been hidden from the public for the
most part. It has been passed
down from father to son and from
master to disciple with strict oaths
of secrecy- never to show or teach to outsiders.

In ancient times, when a practitioner
knew more than someone else it assured
them to make a good living. Herbal
formulas, special acupuncture treatments,
martial art forms and the most guarded
were internal practices of Qigong.

The exception to this rule was in the
monasteries, where the monks learned
Kung Fu meditations, internal work like
Qigong, Nei gong and Shen gong.
When the Communist government came
into power, all of this came to an end,
most of the books were destroyed and
many of the true masters were killed,
went into hiding or escaped out of mainland China.

When I was in China just a few years ago,
Qigong was still very much a kept secret to
the masses. Families held on to secret herbal
formulas like solid gold.

Change is good, although we may not think
so at the time it’s happening, but if it wasn’t
for the Cultural Revolution– all of those
Masters who fled China wouldn’t have had
the same willingness to share the secrets
of Qigong.

Today Medical Qigong has been proven to
work well on many illnesses that other
medical systems can’t even touch.
Emitting Qi from your hands may seem like
a remarkable feat to you now but with the right
education and training you can do it!
Qigong Masters can do it as easily as glancing at you.
I have spent years studying with such Masters and
the energy can kill cancer cells, alter brain waves, open up
spiritual path ways and much more.

The technology is no longer hidden in China.
There are books, teachers, DVD’s and classes
that will teach you how to cultivate the Energy
of Qi.

I was in the right place at the right time in the
early eighties to learn and practice these teachings.
I began an intensive study of Qi Gong with a
Master from China and worked intensely with
Lama’s from the Tibetan culture to learn and
eventually teach these precious techniques
to students from all over the world.

In my two programs:
Recharging Qi Gong

Flying Crain Qi Gong

I will show you step by step methods to
open your energy and help you develop your
spiritual digestive system. Don’t delay!
Start your program now and start learning how
to emit Qi and receive it at will.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth,
and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi