Posts Tagged ‘Causes Of Breast Cancer’

The Future Picture of your Health!

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

There is a lot going on right now,
It must be a seasonal change.

I get a full check up a few times a year
and this year is no exception.

I have invited Dr. Carola Cuenca
to come to Miami.
Starting on April 4th she will be doing testing
and evaluations
using “Computerized Regulation Thermography,”

This is a testing device used all through
Europe in the major clinics to assess the
state of health of the internal organs.
I use it to see what’s going on inside
the body 6 months before anything shows up.

Computerized Regulation Thermography (CRT)
is a safe, radiation-free, non-invasive,
painless, whole body scan method for
discovering hidden dysfunctions and
infections that monitor the treatment

It can see problems before they
manifest into a palpable mass, or,
into health problems that may be

Using the CRT, internal organs
can be ‘seen’ digitally through the
nervous system. Connections with
the skin surface and, in many cases,
can help move the person
out of the danger zone, saving both
time and preserving health.

Dr. Carola Cuenca is a homeopathic
physician, her insights and understanding
of the holistic nature of human physiology,
mind and spirit are part of her talent in
helping people heal, she specializes in
women’s issues and immune system

The Causes of Breast Cancer:

1. Prescriptions Drugs, especially Synthetic
Hormones, e.g., birth control pills,
non-human estrogen, etc.

2.Exposures to Plastics and Plasticizers
that may act like Toxic Foreign Estrogens

3.Hidden and Chronic Infections of the
Teeth, Tonsils and/or Lymphatic and
Internal Organs

4.Toxic Heavy Metal Exposures
(mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium)

5.Improper Diet and Nutritional Deficiencies

6.Liver Metabolism Defects

Breast disease is not a disorder of the
breasts alone, but of multiple, systemic,
physiological malfunctions such as:

•Abnormal liver detoxification
•Hormonal imbalances
•Environmental toxins
-Mercury, lead, arsenic, plastics
•Dietary carcinogens(oxidized,
rancid fats, processed foods,
artificial food colors and

•Unresolved chronic infections
•Trauma and x-rays (30% of all breast
cancers may be triggered by the crush
trauma and radiation exposure of
repeated mammograms).

75% of women who get breast
cancer have no family history of the disease.
Moreover, 23% of all breast cancers occur in
women under 49. The most common
cancer in women is in this age group.
Breast cancers in younger women are
usually more aggressive and have poorer
survival rates.

Mammography and digital infrared image
thermography, as well as MRI and ultrasound,
can help to study the breasts and other parts
of the body, but only Computerized Regulation
Thermography (CRT) can help pinpoint and
explain the relationship and impact of all
the other body systems and their particular
influences on breast health on an individual

To secure your space call today!
305-407-0120 or

Office Address:
18205 Biscayne Blvd.
Suite # 2214
Aventura, FL 33160

Call today, as space is really limited!

I Wish You the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi