Posts Tagged ‘Aching Muscles’

Avoiding the Flu without a Shot

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

We are in the first week of the New Year
and I’m about to start an intensive
Cleansing Practice.
My good friend Frank has returning to Miami for 2
weeks to join me on this practice.
After the holidays, we all have a tendency to go
off our regular programs, because of family obligations,
travel and special holiday ritual, etc.
The celebrations usually bring us joy, happiness and
more stresses and work than we can shake a stick at.  
We over eat at thanksgiving, sugaring up our system for
Christmas and over drinking to celebrate the New Year,
although that was a lot of fun. For the last month or so it’s
now time to get on top of our health mentally, physically,
emotionally and spiritually.
Over the next 90 days I will see more people with
colds and flu’s, than I see the entire year.  I believe part
of the problem comes from all of  the overindulging and
just having too much fun.  
The runny nose, loose stool and aching muscles are the
body’s way of detoxing from all the holiday cheer.
But there are ways to avoid all the misery and stay healthy.
We are constantly exposed to numerous toxic
substances without even knowing it. Our body has
to defend itself against environmental toxins in the air,
water, poor nutrition and drugs, viruses and bacteria.
Our body has a sophisticated detoxification system to
neutralize the toxins. But when we overload the system,
our detoxification organs cannot handle them.
Resulting in symptoms like constant tiredness, colds,
flu’s as well as more serious acute and chronic conditions.
Detoxification is one of the most important natural
processes going on in our body every day. I recommend to
all my patients, students, friends and family that they detox
at least a few times a year. Personally I detox my entire
system four times a year.
A good detox program clears out the lymphatic system, the
liver, kidneys and the bowels.
 Some of the benefits that you’ll receive are your lungs will
function better, your skin will look younger, your brain will
function better and your energy levels will go way up.
Hear are some useful tips to keep your system clean and
functioning well:
·      Exercise daily
·      Get proper sleep
·      Maintain a positive attitude
·      Reduce your intake of coffee and black tea
·      Cut back on alcohol and for sure stop smoking
·      Eat a balanced diet
·      Drink at least two quarts of pure water a day
·      Reduce stress and learn how to turn it into personal power
This is one of the easiest and most effective detox
programs that I do and recommend.
The Homeopathic Detox Kit.
These Three Specific Powerful Homeopathic preparations
are easy to use and well tolerated with no bad side effects.
Avoid getting the winter blues, colds and flu’s!  
Get your kit today!!
I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness