Posts Tagged ‘medical chi gong’

How much would you pay to stay Healthy?

Monday, August 30th, 2010

Have you ever asked yourself how much you would pay
to stay healthy?
On average, people pay between $1,200 a year and
$12,000 for insurance and that doesn’t include any
alternative care, like massages,vitamins or nutritional
counseling. That doesn’t include your membership
to the gym, health club or one glass of juice at the
juice bar, or that shopping trip to the health food store.

The price that you could be paying to keep yourself
healthy is easily in the thousands and most likely in the
tens of thousands,
it could go even higher if you are sick.


When you’re sick you’ll pay anything just to regain
your health.
I have patients that pay me a good penny to stay healthy
and they have paid medical doctors hundreds of
thousands hoping to regain their health. 

“If you don’t have your health you don’t have anything,”-

 My Dad always said that.

I know that I spend a lot of time and money keeping
myself healthy.
Just last summer I was at a health clinic in Switzerland
and dropped a bundle to keep myself in the pink. 

Lets say your doctor has you on ½ dozen different meds
for your high blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar, glaucoma,
acid indigestion and all of that is just to keep all those
symptoms abbey, you need to make serious changes in your
life style.
Now by no means am I telling you to through away your
medicine or even stop it.

What I am suggesting is you pay close attention to your
body is telling you.

Make a chart that shows the time and day that you take
your meds and how you feel when you take it.
Also, look at all the possible side effects, your pharmacist will
give you the list, formulate a plan to slowly
(with your doctor’s help)
reduce it and if possible get ride of it completely.

If you are anything like me and want to stay young and
healthy there are certain health keys to follow

1.Make sure you are well hydrated –Drink pure clean water.
Soda is a no no, coffee doesn’t work and sugar drinks don’t

2.Your mind set. If you think your young and act young-
you are young!

“Life becomes exciting with the passing days.
you have a head start,
If you are amongst the ones who are young at heart.”

That’s from an old song that I remember hearing when
I was a kid by Jimmy Durante. 

There are scientific studies that show if you think
you’re young you are young- I have people coming into
my office daily
who are half my age dragging their bodies around and
telling me that they are old, feel old and they act old.
So guess what? – They are old. 

3. Diet- Eat organic whenever possible, the organic food
has more vitamins, minerals and it isn’t poisoned by
bug sprays.

Remember when you go to the super market or health
food store and the signs says conventional-
that means its poisoned, grown in heavily chemical
fertilizers and the soil is most likely void
of nutrients.
Eat local as much as possible and if you have even a
small piece of land grow your own organic garden.
My mother lives in an apartment and on her balcony
she grows delicious organic tomatoes all summer.

If you find it to be out of your price range to buy
organic, make sure your washing your food
properly- read the article from my July 2010 blog
“What is Conventional Food doing to your Health?”

4. Your Sexual appetites, is what keeps you young.
If you are experiencing a Low sexual function or
desire, the diagnosed in Chinese medicine is Kidney
Yin or Yang deficiency.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman,
if there is sexual problems it’s most likely coming
from the Kidneys, they are at the root of sexual
You can look at your kidneys as a storehouse of Qi;
your acupuncture doctor may use terms like kidney
yin or yang deficiency.

That doesn’t mean kidney disease in the Western sense.
Overworking, over indulging, physical trauma, excessive
sexual activity, and emotional problems, causes kidney
deficiencies or having too many babies, even insufficient
sleep can affect the kidneys.
Basically you’re burning the candle at both ends
and the body

“taps-out and depletes the reserves”,

over time, you will have symptoms like low back pain,
knee pain, hair loss, and your sexual desire and
function is out the window.
This can result in low sex drive, impotence, erectile
dysfunction, low sperm count, poor sperm motility,
or premature ejaculation and no desire for sex.

That’s why I practice the “Yin Set” every morning
and do the Taoist exercised regionally,

if you know em do em, if you don’t order the
Recharging Qi Gong course today.
and learn them and practice.
The root cause of old age is a deficient kidney. 

5. Doing the Right Exercise- Many of us exercise daily,
we’re at the gym as if it were the newest church
on the block and we were going to get absolved of all
past sins, with out a dough or the best club and your
guaranteed that you’ll score every time you show up. 

Many of us are in to sports and are on the field or court
at least a few days a week and if that’s not your boogie
you’re on the golf course or on the mat doing your
martial arts practice.
Yes you exercise, but you could be burning your kidneys
out,loosing sexual energy and unknowingly be speed up
your ageing process. 

The reason I took over 2 decades to perfect the
Recharging Qi Gong Program is I wanted to make
sure that I was on the right track for my own longevity
and anti-aging program.
I can tell you with out a dough that if you practice these
carefully planed, tried, practiced and tested exercises
you will slow down the ageing of
your body and mind, increase your flexibility, power
and strength.


There are many other exercises, herbs and vitamins that
can help keep you healthy read all you can, study and
practice daily and stay young at heart. 

You can order the program by clicking here .

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and happiness 

Dr. Wu Dhi


Blocked Energy Will Kill Ya

Sunday, August 1st, 2010

A blockage is a blockage no matter if it’s mental, physical,
emotional or spiritual.
If you see your doctor he may suggest an operation or
medicine to open it up, that could be good in some cases-
it depends how far the disease or blockage has progressed.

I prefer the natural route.

It’s always better to prevent a problem than it is to try and fix one.

There are many alternative ways to open up the blocked energy,
I have spent a life time studying natural healing, acupuncture,
holistic healing and Qi gong healing; it all comes under the
umbrellaof holistic healing.

Nine out of ten times I’ll teach a patient a Qi gong exercise routine
so they can speed up their healing process.
You will not get that from your regular doctor.
Most don’t have a clue about how important corrective exercises
are in the healing process.
They’ll pawn you off to a physical therapist in a New-York second,
just to get you out of their office.

I have patients and students who contact me and say that they
feel Blocked-and it’s usually steaming from their gut.
They have stomach cramps, period cramps and some report
bloating after every meal. the colon needs to be detoxed.

You know that’s not natural and if the problem goes on for more
than a few months, they will end up with some dis-ease.
It’s not all about just pain relief, it’s about getting rid of the
blocked energy, so their system runs smooth and naturally.

(The Stomach and Spleen are usually at the center of our
health problems, believe it or not.)

In acupuncture as well as medical Qi gong, once you get the
channels open the energy will flow as smooth as silk,

“That’s real pain relief.”

The channels or meridians are like rivers of energy traveling
all over the body.
If you have a trauma, physical or mental it will impede the
flow of energy / Qi and the next thing you know you have some
kind of blockage.
A holistic healing approach will give you an understanding of
what you can do to open blocked energy..

When I see a new patient, a complete medical history is taken.
I always ask about the patient’s digestion first.
*Are things moving regularly?
*Do you have any digestive problems?
*What’s a typical day of eating for you?

More than 50 % report some form of constipation, gasses, and a
bloated feeling.
It’s amazing to me that some people only have a BM three or
four times a week and that’s with laxatives and they think that’s
I’m not a big fan of laxatives just to take a poop;
they are usually just mild poisons anyway.

I prefer getting more oxygen, minerals and moisture into
the intestines.
That works for my patients 80% of the time.

I prescribe a natural healing formula,
” Oxy-Hydrate”
to get more oxygen and blood flow into the gut.

I’ll use acupuncture if it’s more physical and medical Qi gong if
the problem is more mental or emotional.
Patients are given a prescriptive Qi Gong exercise and most likely a
detox program to bring them back to perfect health ASAP.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. If you are feeling blocked mentally, physically, emotionally
or spiritually
Write to me: at
and let me know what’s going on and I’ll do my best to help you
make some positive changes.

PSS If you feel that Oxy-Hydrate may be for you- contact me

The Mango Lady and the Qi Gong Doctor

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010
Hatcher Mangos

Hatcher Mangos

Early Saturday morning around 6:30 , I received a distress call from Mairlynn,  the Mango lady.
I usually don’t get a call from her this early in the growing season.
She is the owner of Hatcher Hill Mango Farm.
It’s a small farm about 3+ acres large with more mangoes than I’ve ever seen.
They are all organically grown, not to mention are the biggest and best darn
mangoes I have ever tasted.

I usually visit the 60 year old farm a few times each season to feast on the mangoes.
Those farmers, in general, are really hard workers – picking, packing and shipping
mangoes is a back breaking job.
In fact, that’s how I became friends with the Hatchers.

It was about 14 years ago when I discovered Hatcher Hill Mango farm.
I was driving up to see my parents and I saw the sign, “Organic Mangoes for sale.”
I drove up the dirt road to the farm, when I got the top of the hill,
I couldn’t believe my eyes, there were tables of the largest mangoes I’ve ever seen.
Man this was a real find, “I love mangoes.”

I jumped out of the car and as I was picking out the mangoes that I wanted,
I heard the Mango Lady say. “My back is really sore.” I told her I could fix that and
within seconds,
I was in the farm house in seconds putting acupuncture needles in the mango lady’s
back and doing Medical Qi Gong.  We’ve been friends ever since.

But, let’s get back to the distress call.
The Mango Lady called and said she could hardly walk, that’s always bad but just
before the mangoes ripen, it’s a really BIG problem.
She said it all hit the fan at the same time and she needed some help.
I got into the “Chi-mobile” and drove up to the farm in Boynton Beach.

It’s true, STRESS can cause more health problems that lifting heavy boxes
of mangoes all day or any physical work.
So, I had a long chat with the Mango Lady about stress
and what it does to people.

Stress is the # 1 killer in the USA – causing more heart problems, cancers,
mental and emotional problems than anything else.

We went over exercises and relaxation techniques together that are in my
“Turn Stress into Power Program.”
We worked for about half an hour on the meditations and the internal exercises,
to turn those stresses around and use them to her advantage.

Long story short, by the time I left Hatcher Hill, she was feeling 100% better!
So why not turn your personal stress into power too?  It’s as easy as one, two – FREE!

Get your personal copy of  the “Turn Stress Into Power” book and DVD and
get on the free conference call, also you will
receive two free tickets to the workshop –  “completely FREE with purchase”.

Simply go to and ORDER NOW!
I wish you the Best in Your Health. Wealth and Happiness
Dr. Wu Dhi
PS Remember Saturday June 12 is the Recharging Qi Gong Workshop
it’s only $50.00 and you will learn all the internal workings of the Recharging
Qi Gong Exercise program

Mirroring The Master

Friday, September 25th, 2009

Yesterday, Greg emailed me back from one of my
blogs and asked, “Dr. Wu, I am curious on how
you came upon Medical Qi Gong?”

So I wrote him back…

It was back in the late seventies and I wasand stamina.
living in Detroit, Michigan.  I was training
both in Aikido and Wing Chun Kung Fu. I had
asked my Shifu how I could develop more internal
energy. A few days later, he introduced me to
Dr. Chen Wang, a great energy healer who just
arrived from China.

Dr. Chen’s specialty was moving Qi (energy) in
the body/mind and spirit. He was a Doctor of
Medical Qi Gong for over 20 years at that time.
My teacher insisted that I study with him. And
Dr. Chen kindly agreed to teach me his form of
Qi Gong to build my internal power, strength

I had a ton of questions, but Dr. Chen didn’t
speak a word of English. All of my training was
to follow him and watch his every move. So I
used a technique I had learned from one of my
Masters called mirror and matching. The technique
is to follow every movement that the teacher
does, as well as the breath, facial movements,
and even eat what they ate.

The idea is to get as many of your senses
involved as you can; seeing, hearing, smelling,
tasting and moving.  And as you get the muscle
memory congruent with all the senses, you will
be one with the teachings.

Try it! It works great! 

When I had put together the Recharging Qi Gong
exercise program, I knew that if people were
really going to make a big change in their life,
they needed to train from the inside out and use
as many of their senses as possible.

The program was to build on these principles;
to allow the student to use sound, visualization,
breath, color and movement and to embody the
teachings as quickly as possible. This form of
teaching involves “Super Learning” techniques,
as well as NLP programming techniques to give
the student the maximum learning experience in
the least amount of time. 

Check it out

I wish you the Best in Health, Wealth, and Happiness,
Dr. Wu Dhi