Posts Tagged ‘Brazil’

The True Power of Healing

Thursday, April 18th, 2013

I received a call from Barbara 2 weeks ago. She
was having severe hip pain and although she saw
her doctor his only solution was surgery and she
really didn’t want to go that route.

I worked with her when I was in California and in
Wyoming years ago and was surprised to get the
call after so many years. She told me she was in a
pickle and spelled out all the details and asked
if I could do anything for her. I suggested she
come to Florida to see me but she said it was
impossible at this time and asked what other
options I could give her. At first I thought my
hands were tied, but I told her that I would think
about it and call her the next day. The next
morning I called and told her I would do a long
distance healing for her and we will see if it
will help. So we picked a time and I asked her to
find a comfortable space that’s quiet and I will
work on her from here.

The next day she reported that she had a
remarkable experience. She felt that she was
covered with light and then became very hot as the
treatment was going on, it went on for about ½
hour and then she said she fell asleep for 2 or 3
hours and when she woke the hip pain was gone. She
sent me this letter that I will share with you.
“I met Dr.Sherwood Swartz AKA (Dr Wu Dhi) several
years ago at a Peace Conference in Jackson Hole,
He was leading a Qi Gong class, the idea being
that learning to be peaceful within would lead to
a more peaceful world. The class was wonderful!
As time went by I had an acupuncture treatment for
a bladder infection on a stopover in Florida on my
way to Brazil. Who wants a bladder infection on a
long plane flight? Again I was cured.
Then years later I had a painful hip event (bone
rubbing on bone). The doctor wanted me to wait
for surgery until I was older, so the joint would
not wear out and have to be replaced a second
time. So I called Dr. Wu Dhi to help me with the
ongoing pain.

Since he was out of town he did a distance healing
on my hip which I was not sure would actually
work. To my amazement, the pain subsided! It was
incredibly helpful and powerful!!

-Barbara Lee, Northern California

Long distance healing is a powerful way to heal
many different conditions; it is recognized in
many different healing systems around the world
using prayer, energy healing such as Qi Gong and
Reiki healing.

I Wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

If you would like to schedule a session call my
office 305-407-0120