Archive for the ‘Medical Qi Gong’ Category

Trick or Treat

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

The streets are lined with pumpkins and a soft
orange glow. Small children are disguised as
everything from scary monsters to Ghosts, Goblins
and Witches.

I love Halloween; it’s a great American tradition.
What’s great about Halloween is how we use it to
spoof our fears. We indulge ourselves just a
little bit and it takes the sting out of life.
Fear and the fear of pain and suffering are some
of the strongest forces in most people’s lives.
Every Halloween since I’ve lived in Florida I
spend this scary night with some really fun, yet
spooky friends. They remind me of one of my
favorite TV shows as a kid; The Addams Family.
They go all out for this holiday! Their house
takes on an eerie glow, decorated from top to
bottom with all kinds of creepy stuff. And on the
31st of October literally hundreds of kids would
come to their ghoulish residence to see all the
decor of skeletons, ghosts and goblins, and go
home with handfuls of goodies.

If you are lucky enough to peek into the house
you’ll see that it’s filled with monsters, large
robots, witches, crystals, magic wands, and
statues of dragons, frogs, and even a captain’s
chair from the Starship Enterprise. The Master of
the house spends weeks preparing for his favorite
holiday and hours giving treats to hundreds of
spooky little kids.

If you didn’t know them you would think they were
either crazy or really part of the Addams family.
Some folks would consider their house scary and
stay away as it can bring out hidden fears.

If you consider your fears of sickness, old age or
dying; let them all go. Use this Halloween to
think about what fears you have that may be
holding you back and make a commitment to release
those fears and breakthrough to what you really

Remember, you can turn back the hands of time.
Start today by freeing up the tensions in your
body with some movement and breathing. Visualize
what you want coming to you as you do your
These are the important principles I believe in
and practice.

Those of you who already have the Flying Crane Qi
Gong know how this works and the importance of the
kidney and lung exercises when dealing with fear
and sadness.

If you haven’t gotten the Flying Crane Qi Gong yet
now’s the time. We just upgraded the package and
the new production looks really great. You can get
it here

Wishing you Health, Wealth and Happiness.

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. As a sweet treat you can get the Flying Crane
at a BIG discount. Just Click here: enter keyword: SCARY

PSS.images-1 I teach a class every Saturday morning at
7:30 on the beach at 93 and Collins
check it out you will be glad you did.

Scary Movies

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

When I was a little kid around seven or eight
years old my parents would drop me off at the
movies for the Saturday matinee. There was always
a double feature sometimes a Tarzan movie and
other times monster movies, like “The Creature
from the Black Lagoon or “It came from Beneath the
Sea”. They were great, but they would scare the
dickens out of me.

For years I slept with the covers over my head and
would never let my feet touch the ground at night
when getting out of bed. I’d jump on the throw rug
and scoot over to the bathroom. As soon as I got
in the bathroom I’d lock the door and put up
imaginary invisible walls, gates, bars and high
electrical voltage wires to protect myself from
any monsters that may be trying to get me.

I did this for years and to tell you the truth, I
really got good at making invisible walls, binding
spooky things and putting up invisible force
fields around my room and myself.

I guess a lot of kids do this pretend stuff and as
they get older they forget about monsters and join
the world of non-believers, the others they put in
homes for the mentally challenged. I guess I
slipped through the cracks.

Jumping forward 25 years. I was quite interested
in Unknown, yoga, Guru’s and the
meaning of life itself. I began to study the
eastern religions quite extensively and eventually
I had the privilege to study with a great
meditation master. He directed me into a deep
meditation and then into a deity practice.

You may be wondering what a deity practice is? The
Deity practices are techniques to evoke
realization on the deepest levels. These practices
lead to the awareness of the divine as it already
exists within the true nature of mind. I learned
to visualize the deity and all the intricate
details. Each little detail represents a different
teaching in conscious work as one holds the detail
in your mind’s eye. I found it second nature as I
have been practicing visualization for years. We
all have these skills and once you learn how to
invoke them your meditations will open up at a
much deeper level.

Want to learn more? Join me and the members of the
Qi Gong Inner Circle and I will share
with you teachings, meditations and healing
practices to enhance your spiritual digestive

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Every month you will receive a DVD or CD in
the mail plus a lot more.

Are You being Drained by Energy Vampires?

Monday, October 20th, 2014

A while back I went to a business conference in
Orlando, Florida. For the most part it was
all-good. But there was a woman there who was an
energy vampire! She was trying to suck the life
out of many of the participants.
Upstairs in the revolving restaurant she started
complaining that the food was too expensive, the
service was too slow, and the water wasn’t wet
She didn’t say that about the water, but you know
what I mean. In her world, which is quite small,
there was nothing wrong with what she was doing.
She was just pointing things out. Things that she
thought the rest of us dummies should know.
Then she had criticism about all the
presentations. She criticized people’s ideas, and
it just went on and on. At some point I excused
myself and left.
I didn’t totally escape because an hour later she
came to the bar where I was hanging out, and she
s tarted pressing people for information. Some
smart people cut her off. One very strong person
told her to “beat it!” You might find this cruel,
but I assure you it wasn’t. She just moved on to
someone else.
A person like this is an Energy Vampire. They like
to hang around, dispensing their negative energy,
and then try to suck away your positive energy and
knowledge. It’s like they stick a straw in you and
start to feed until you just don’t have anything
The two Chakras that vampires commonly attack are
the Solar Plexus Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is used for draining the
life force and the Third Eye Chakra is used for
draining the will force.
There is a way to deal with these energy vampires,
and it’s very effective. I have taught many
students how to set up a mirror and reflect the
energy vampire’s negative energy back at them, and
h ow to keep it away from you.
There are six steps to ridding yourself of these
suckers, and keep yourself in the light.
1.BREATH-Taking a deep breath will allow you to
free up stored tension and disperse energy easily
and that includes negative energy.

2.GOSSIP-Don’t listen to gossip no matter how
juicy it is. That’s how the energy sucker gets you
locked in for the big bite.

3.BLAME-Don’t blame someone else. Take the
responsibility and the power. Blaming gives the
other person power over you and opens you to be
drained of your energy.

4.WORRY- Stay balanced and grounded. An energy
vampire can smell worry and feed on your negative

5.ANXIETY RUSH and HASTINESS –Love Respect and
Honor everyone you come in contact with and those
suckers will have a hard time biting you.

6.FEAR-Kindness can kill an energy sucker . No
pity; only compassion and they will fly away.

Energy vampires can be close and you may not even
know it. Your family, friends, clients,
colleagues, teachers, neighbors, lovers, or even
just the gal or guy next-door could be one.
In Medical Qigong we learn how to build a psychic
wall of protection around us, like a bubble of
light. Negative sucking energy will just bounce
off you whenever you’re attacked.
In the book and DVD Turn Stress into Power I explain tried and proven
methods to clear yourself from these stress
producing suckers and how to build your personal

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


A Good Lover gone Bad.

Wednesday, October 15th, 2014

In last week’s Wednesday night meditation class

one of my students had a question about sexual

relationships. She recently broke up with her

boyfriend of one year. She didn’t go into details

but she was going through a lot of emotional

garbage. She was images-1 She asked me how she

could cut all the emotional ties and free herself

once and for all from that F@#&* guy.

In Medical Qi Gong we learn how to cut the lines

of energy from past situations. They are called

“Energy Cords” and we all have them. If you have

been intimately involved of course the cords are

much stronger, and they can cause havoc in your

next relationship.

According to Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson the human body

attaches, extends, absorbs and collects Energy

Cords. They can be of different sizes and shapes

depending on the amount of emotion invested in

their attachment. Energy Cords can keep you stuck

in unhealthy situations and even make you sick.

The negative, co-dependent bonds that are created

are rooted in spiritual, emotional, mental and

physical reactions to our relationships and will

produce good health or sickness.

An unhealthy relationship can create and feed

energetic clusters and cysts through the Energy

Cords. I have seen several patients that have had

abortions when they were young and never cleared

the Energy Cord from the procedure. Now ten to

fifteen years later they have developed cysts and

even tumors. These can form into diseases such as

cancers or other unwanted energy patterns . By

removing the Energy Cords an energetic shift takes

place allowing you to reprogram your thinking

process and behavior and makes it easier to become

more proactive instead of reactive.

In the Western world of health care these

situations are hardly ever talked about or even

acknowledged. But in Medical Qigong we address and

resolve these blockages long before they cause any


To find out more call my office and make an

appointment today 305-407-0120

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and


Dr. Wu Dhi

The Power of the Blog

Monday, October 6th, 2014

When I write a blog it effects me and the thousands

of people who read then from all over the world.

This morning Jonathan from Dublin, Ireland

took the time to drop me a note and

this what he said; “

I must really thank you for

that wonderful introspective question this morning

“What am I grateful for? It’s a wonderful question

that turns one’s mind to positive thinking.”

I am very grateful for all your emails, thank


Jonathan thanks for your note. I’d like to share

some more information on gratefulness.

They say that gratitude is in the center of the

Triad of Realization.

The Triad consists of “WORK”; the work is to

develop Lucidity and Awareness.

Extra Attention=The Essential Master Key. This is what true Warrior-ship.

Is about when we are using the example of Warrior, Healer Priest.

The three stages of our development to becoming whole.

The second point of the Triad is “triad ”;

Opening to Grace, Abiding as a Hosting Presence.

“Who’s Living You Now?”

The last leg of the Triad is “ASKING”; true,

responsible asking. Asking from the core of your

Being and being Congruence of Body, Speech and Mind…

And… in the center of the Triad is “GRATITUDE”

The True, Heart-felt Gratitude.

Grateful for the possibilities of your Life.

Grateful that you can deliberately “DO”.

If this type of WORK sounds like your kind of work

Join me and the members of

The Qi Gong Inner Circle

and I’ll send you a new teaching every

month. Yes every month I send out a CD or a DVD to

the members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle on waking

up from the illusion.

Join today

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and


Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. The Qi Gong Inner Circle started in May of

2007 and has been going strong ever since. Are you

ready to change your life for the better?

Opening the Spiritual Centers

Friday, September 5th, 2014

This morning, I received a call from a woman in
distress. She found my name on LinkedIn and asked
if I could clear her chakras of negative energy.
Her ex-boyfriend was sending her the evil eye
daily and she felt like she was being drained by
his vampire-like energy. Sometimes, when we break
up with someone, there is a lingering energy that
could make any room stink.

I asked her what symptoms she was getting and she
went on to explain how her energy seemed to be
off, like, someone or something was draining her.
I asked her if she was familiar or had any
knowledge of the different realms of the spirit
work, like, meditation or medical Qi Gong, and how
they can affect us. She said not much but believed
in spirit very much. I went on to explain that
long before modern science described our bodies in
terms of just the physical, the ancient healers
and medicine men described the body with a
symbolic language and our health and well-being
also include, not only our physical body, but also
our energy body and our spiritual body. The three
bodies make up our entirety.

She asked about the chakras and what they did. The
chakras are of the so-called etheric centers of
consciousness and communications. Chakra means
wheel and is described as a spinning vortex and is
considered to be the center of transformation. The
first chakra is located near the rectum or
perineum that governs survival issues. The second
located at the pelvis area and sex organs reflects
creativity and rejuvenation (money, sex and
power). The third chakra is located at the navel
and focuses on personal identity, power and
judgment. This chakra’s physical connection is to
the stomach, intestine, adrenals, kidneys and the
spleen. The fourth chakra is considered the heart
center whereby an imbalance can cause both heart
and lung problems as well as problems with the
thymus. The fifth chakra rules communications and
the thyroid or throat problems. The sixth chakra
has to do with our spirit and it’s known as our
third eye. The seventh chakra is located at the
top of our head and it is the entry point of the
higher self.

When working with the chakras, we are working with
the second and third bodies. The energy is subtle
and deals with the spirit of a person’s makeup. In
the book, “Turn Stress Into Power”
there is a chart that explains the relationship to
our either openness or blocked energy in the
chakra system. Get a copy of the book and DVD and
start to discover where your blocked energy lies
and how to open it.

I wish you the best in your health Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Chang dirt into Gold

Monday, August 25th, 2014

Charles called me and asked a question, “Dr. Wu
Dhi, how long will I have to practice the
Recharging Qi Gong program to get its full
benefits?” Charles, I’d like to share this old
parable from Burma, The Old Alchemist:

Once upon a time, there was an old man whose
daughter was married to a handsome young lad. The
young couple led a happy life except for one
problem: the new husband spent all his time
dreaming of a way to turn dirt into gold. In those
days, people who did this were known as
alchemists. Soon enough, he ran through all of his
inheritance, and the young wife had to struggle to
buy food each day. Desperate, she begged her
husband to find a job.

“But I am on the verge of a breakthrough!” he
insisted. “When I succeed in turning dirt into
gold, we’ll be rich beyond our wildest dreams!”

Finally the young wife went to her father about
the problem. He was surprised to learn that his
son-in-law was an alchemist, but he promised to
help his daughter and he asked to see the young
man the next day. The young man arrived
reluctantly, expecting a scolding. To his
surprise, his father-in-law confided in him, “When
I was young, I, too, was an alchemist!”

The father-in-law asked about the young man’s
work, and the two of them spent the whole
afternoon in animated conversation. Finally, the
old man cried, “Why, you have done everything I
did when I was your age! You are surely on the
verge of a breakthrough. But you need one more
ingredient in order to change dirt into gold, and
I have only recently discovered this secret.” The
old man paused. “I am too old to undertake the
task,” he confessed. “It requires too much work.”

“I can do it, dear father!” cried the young man.

“Hmm, perhaps you can,” said the old man. He
leaned over and whispered, “The secret ingredient
is a silver powder that grows on the back of
banana leaves. You must plant the bananas yourself
because it’s important that you cast certain
spells on the seeds. Then, when the plant grows,
the powder on the leaves will become magical.”

“How much powder do we need?” the young man asked.

“Two pounds,” the old man replied.

The son-in-law thought out loud. “Why, that would
require hundreds of banana plants!”

Yes,” sighed the old man, “and that is why I
cannot complete the work myself.”

“Do not fear!” said the young man. “I will!” And
so, the old man taught his son-in-law the magic
spells and loaned him enough money to start the

The next day, the young man bought some land and
cleared it. He planted the banana seeds just as
the old man had told him to do and murmured over
them the magic spells. Each day, he examined the
seedlings, keeping weeds and pests away. When the
plants bore fruit, he gently brushed the silver
powder from the banana leaves, but there was
scarcely any powder on each plant so the young man
had to buy more land and cultivate more bananas.
It took several years, but finally the young man
collected two pounds of the magic dust. He rushed
to his father-in-law’s house.

“I have the magic powder!” he cried with

“Wonderful!” rejoiced the old man. “Now I can show
you how to turn dirt into gold! But first you must
bring your wife here. We need her presence.”

The young man was puzzled, but obeyed. When his
wife appeared, the old man asked his daughter,
“While your husband was collecting the banana
powder, what did you do with the bananas?”

“Why I sold them,” the daughter said, “and that’s
how we’ve earned a living.”

“Did you save any money?” asked the father.

“Yes,” she replied.

“May I see it?” asked the old man. So his daughter
hurried home and returned with several bags. The
old man opened them, saw that they were full of
gold, and poured the coins on the floor. Then he
took a handful of dirt, and put it next to the

“You see,” he said, turning to his son-in-law,
“you have changed dirt into gold!”

When we begin a new practice or receive a new
teaching, we always want to hurry up and get the
treasures from that teaching as soon as possible
and get on to the next advanced teaching. As a
spiritual seeker, this is just what we do until we
become a Spiritual Finder(one who finds a
teaching and grows with it). We find a teaching
and work with it until we open up spiritually. How
long does it take? Sometimes a lifetime but, with
the right teaching and teacher, we grow daily as
we practice. The Recharging Qi Gong program is
such a teaching that will be with you for a
lifetime and strengthen your growth mentally,
physically and spiritually. Get the program, work
the program and you will surely turn diet into pure gold as you grow and develop.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Today is the New Moon and it’images-1s in Virgo. This
is a great time to organize your papers, put your
desk together, go through your filing cabinets, if
you still have one, and clear out those old
papers. And set your short-term goals for the next
2 weeks before the next Full Moon on September

Opening to the Divine

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

My visit to Tampa was guided by spirit. I was able
to see friends who have been teaching and
practicing yoga that I have known for 35 years,
worked on the format for Energy Medicine radio
with Eluv, and visited the Thai Temple of Tampa.
On Sundays, there is both a spiritual and a
culinary adventure and hundreds of people show up
at the Wat Mongkolrata Buddist Thai temple, come
rain or shine. The Thai community gets together to
offer the public a taste of treats from Thailand
ranging from green papaya salad to delicious,
little, mouth-watering, coconut dumplings, and a
whole lot more that I have no idea what it is, but
it’s great tasting. The Temple sits on 3 ½ acres
overlooking a river and the Buddhist monks give
special prayers and blessings in the beautiful
temple that was completed in 2007. When you are
there, it looks just like Thailand.

When you are in alignment with the Spirit or the
Divine, you are led to places and people that
bring you IMG_7913. You’ll know when you
are in alignment with the Spirit because good
things will happen and good people will start
showing up in your life. You will have more energy
and more smiles on your face.

Want to find out more? Join me and the members of
the Qi Gong Inner Circle
and grow your spiritual digestive system.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. There are now members of the Qi Gong Inner
Circle all over the
world and every month, they receive a teaching via
CD or DVD on meditation, internal exercises, diet
and stress reduction. Don’t let life pull you
around by the strings. Take charge of your
spiritual life and transform your being into the
person you always wanted to be.

Daoist Mysticism Revealed

Friday, August 1st, 2014

The workshop with Professor Jerry Alan Johnson
really made some profound changes in the way I’m
practicing. In the past, I was practicing as an
acupuncturist doing Qi Gong with some very good
success for many years. After working with Dr.
Jerry Alan Johnson and doing more of the Daoist
Mysticism, he pointed out that I was actually a
Doctor of Medical Qi Gong that does acupuncture.
Long ago when I went to school, there were many
students who really didn’t believe in Qi. They
didn’t know how it worked or what it really did.
Qi Gong, pronounced as Chi Gong, is more than five
thousand years old. It’s the work that the Shaman
practiced in ancient China, a form of Daoist
Alchemy. This is the heart of spiritual work when
we’re working to a fact and change someone’s
health; we’re working with their spirit. When you
make the change in their spirit, you affect every
aspect of the person’s health – their physical
matter, their energetic vibrations, and the
spiritual, which is actually the Divine Light. Qi
Gong masters discovered that each internal organ
within the body has a different vibration, and by
vibrating the right frequency, you can heal the
body, mind and spirit. This is truly Energy
Medicine. It affects the mineral world, the plant
world, the animal realm, and the human realm. This
is what changes the vibration and brings in the

When I put together the program called Recharging
Qi Gong, different segments were taken from
different teachings – some from Tibetan Buddhists,
some from Hindu philosophy, and some from Daoist
energetic work. The combination of these three set
up a vortex in the body that changes it on all
three levels. When you practice these exercises on
a regular basis, you change the vibration of your
spirit, which in turn, changes you. If you don’t
have the program as yet, what are you waiting for?
You don’t want to wait until you are sick, or you
have dis-ease in the body, mind and spirit. It’s
time to make the changes now.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Every Saturday morning at 7:30, I am on the
beach with a group of people at 93rd Street and
Collins right behind the lifeguard stand
practicing and training. If you are in Florida,
you are most welcome to join.

Yes it’s a Go!

Friday, August 1st, 2014

Dr. Wu Dhi and Eluv have teamed up to share an
experience of a lifetime. Eluv is a super talent.
She is originally from the Land of Down Under,
Australia, and is a master in music and sound
empowerment, crystal singing, bowl sound healing,
yoga mantras, guided meditations, and music and
radio production. We combined our energies to create
“Energy Medicine Radio” which is about to take birth
very soon. We are going to do our first broadcast on
August 19, Tuesday, on at 9:00 PM
EST and you can listen in on the World Wide Web
(WWW) anywhere in the world. How cool is that! On
our first show, we will be rolling out the format
and the programming for the year and we will be
sharing some really hot tidbits on Energy Healing,
Medical Qi Gong, meditations and sound healing.
Every week, we will host a different guest that
will share their pearls of wisdom with you. For
years, I have been posting blogs on my website,, and sharing on my
YouTube channel,, and now
radio! Tune in to and go to
Energy Medicine Radio.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi