Archive for the ‘Medical Qi Gong’ Category

How to Stay Warm All Winter

Friday, January 23rd, 2015

In the Five Element theory, the water sign is the
ruler of both the kidneys and urinary bladder. The
season is winter and now it looks like we are
being hit with another Arctic blast in the USA. I
have a lot of friends that live up North and,
whenever I call, the first thing they say is it’s
really, really cold. When old man winter is in
town, you have to be prepared both inside and out.
Grab your hat and coat because it’s cold outside.
As for us in sunny Florida, things aren’t as
intense but, whenever it drops down to 50 degrees,
it’s cold! You also have to be prepared internally
and, although most of my diet is green
plant-based, I know when my body needs warming
foods. Lamb is a warming meat and will take the
chill right out of your body. So, I made a large
pot of Eluv’s Greek Lamb delight. This is one of
my favorite recipes. I use a crock pot and let it
cook for 6 to 8 hours on a low setting.

Here’s how to make the dish…

Go to the grocery store and pick up these things:

• 2 lbs lamb meat
• 1 head garlic
• 1 kohlrabi, cubed (high in potassium)
• Rosemary, fresh (has astringent, diaphoretic,
and stimulant properties)
• Burdock root (high in minerals and a good
source of iron and essential oils)
• Lotus root (provides minerals like copper, iron,
zinc, magnesium, and manganese)
• 1cup carrots, sliced
• 2 red potatoes (potassium for energy)
• 2 turnips, cubed (rich in vitamin C)
• 2 cups fresh okra (rich in vitamin A and
flavonoid anti-oxidants)
• 2 cups Shou wu chih (tonifies, warms and
invigorates blood, nourishes the liver, kidneys,
and tendons, strengthens the bones) *you can get
it at any Chinese market
• ½ cup Bragg’s liquid aminos
• 2 teaspoon olive oil
• Sea salt to taste
• A little cayenne red pepper to spark it up (it’s
filled with vitamin A, E, B6, C K and manganese)
• ½ gallon purified water

Cooking instructions:

1. Brown the meat with ½ of garlic in a stainless
steel or iron pan.
2. In your crock pot, add water about ½ gallons
and put the meat in and cook until meat is nearly
done (can take 1 to 2 hours to cook).
3. Add a sprig of fresh organic rosemary.
4. Add peeled Burdock root sliced thinly.
5. Add turnip and kohlrabi. They cook at about the
same time.
6. Add potatoes & lotus root.
7. Add 2 cups Shou wu chih.
8. Add the other ½ ball of the garlic.
9. Prepare okra by cutting into ½ slices.
10. Add brags at end, sea salt, cayenne and olive
This recipe will keep you warm and give you lots
of energy
and plenty of vitamins and minerals. I only use
organic vegetables and buy lamb that is both
hormone- and antibiotic-free.

Exercise is also very important at this time of
the year and I make sure that I do the Recharging
Qi Gong exercises every morning. It keeps the Qi
moving, invigorates the blood, and keeps your
joints pain-free.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. If you are a vegetarian, replace the lamb
with chunks of soy nuggets (tofu). Brown first
just as you would brown meat to add deep and rich
flavor. Browning the tofu first makes the nuggets
chewier, giving them a very meat-like texture
that’s often hard to replicate in vegan
substitutes. If you look in the cooler section,
there are usually meat substitutes that work just

We Got The Ball Spinning

Friday, January 23rd, 2015

In the Chinese art of Feng Shui, it is important
to have movement in your home and office. If there
is no movement, there is stagnation of Qi and that
could account for slow business or a lag in your
energy. That’s why, they claim they it is
important to live near a river or a body of moving
water. I often choose those kinds of places to
live. It’s also nice to have a pet in the house or
lots of wild life in your neighborhood. In my
office, I don’t have a river or a pet and we are
at least a mile or two from the ocean. To
counteract this and get movement in my treatment
room, I have one of those Japanese good luck cats
whose arm moves up and down, giving the room a
constant movement. If you aren’t for sure what a
Japanese good luck cat is, it’s the paw-waving
kitties you see in Asian stores. It’s a talisman
that is believed to attract good luck and fortune
for its owners.

Here’s how the story goes…

There was a wealthy man who took shelter from a
rainstorm under a tree next to a temple. He
noticed a cat that seemed to be beckoning to him,
so, he followed it inside the temple. Shortly
thereafter, lightning struck the tree he had been
standing under. Because the cat had saved his
life, the man was so very grateful, he became a
benefactor of the temple and brought it much
prosperity. When he passed away, a statue of the
cat was made in his honor.

Another way to get movement in your home or office
is to get a fountain or something with flowing
water. We have a fountain with a spinning ball in
the office that is visible to everyone as soon as
you walk in the door. The movement of the water
keeps a constant flow of positive energy

Qi flow is important in the human body to keep you
healthy, young, and pain-free. If there is a
blockage of Qi, you are asking for some kind of
dis-ease, and that’s a guarantee. If you were
wondering why Qi flow is so important to your
overall health, your blood follows Qi. That’s why,
Qi Gong exercises are so important to your health
and longevity. These exercises, called internal
exercises, get your internal rivers flowing. They
are far different than going to the gym as they
will keep you disease-free and young for years.

I have two great programs. If you are just getting
started, pick up a copy of Flying Crane Qi Gong
It’s a series of 5 different sets plus the
“Automatic Move” where the natural Qi will flow
through every part of your body and unlock any
blockages you may have. The other program,
Recharging Qi Gong,
is for the more advanced student. This series of
exercises will open Qi flow, heal your internal
organs and keep you younger in body, mind and

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. No matter which program you choose, once you
start on this path of longevity, your entire life
will change forever.

Internal Laughter is the Better Medicine

Friday, January 23rd, 2015

UnknownIt all started when I was in my late twenties. I
started practicing yoga with the 3HO Foundation.
My good friend, Mark Singh, was my teacher and a
darn good one at that. We did classes a few days a
week, started fasting to clear out the toxins, and
generally, had a great time. He told me that there
was a retreat twice a year, one at the summer
solstice and one at the winter solstice. So, I
took off to New Mexico to do my first spiritual
retreat. There was ten days of meditation and it
was all done in silence. The only words you were
allowed to utter were the names of God. We got up
before the sun rose and chanted sacred mantras
until daybreak. And then, we had to take a cold
shower. It was a lot of fun and really pushed me
to my limit at the time. Since that time, I have
done many spiritual retreats, some in silence,
some focused on Buddhist teachings, and others on
the Daoist teachings. I would say that, on
average, I spent a month a year in spiritual

So, the other day, my executive assistant told me
she was going on a retreat this Friday. It made me
smile inside as I know the importance of doing
spiritual practices. They enrich your soul, open
your mind, and force you to grow in ways that one
would never expect. Whenever we do a discipline to
make our lives better, it forces us to grow
internally and expand our horizons. It gives us a
way to operate from outside of the box. The norm
for people is work, sleep, eat, and they don’t put
much attention to the spiritual realms at all.
Even the religions of today have so many rules
that it’s hard to get beyond yourself and open up
to the Divine.

In my type of work, when people are coming to me
for healing and counseling for their ills and
being lost in the path of life, I take the time
every day to meditate, relax, and open up to the
spirit. This allows my Qi to flow and, as I build
my own energy, I am able to give to others. That’s
why I create programs, videos, CDs, and write, so
I can pass this type of work to you. It makes me
smile inside as I open my heart to share with all
of humanity. Yes, I am one of the blessed ones. My
programs are distributed to seven different
continents and next month, they’ll even be in the
Philippines. It makes me smile and laugh inside
that I can affect so many people. You can, too!
You just need to get started on a path that makes
you smile inside.

Some years ago, I put together a program called
Turn Stress Into Power. One of the exercises in
this book is called the Smile Meditation and it
works on putting a smile in every part of your
body. And then, spontaneously, laughter comes up.
Last week, I shared this program at Unity Church
here in Miami and sold out most of my books. I
only have twenty left before the reprint. If you
don’t have one as yet, click here and order today,
and you’ll be chuckling to yourself with a big
smile on your face.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

We’ve Got A Problem!

Friday, January 23rd, 2015

Here it is Martin Luther King’s day. Dr. King
fought for freedom and equality to make this
planet a better place. And yet, today, when people
get pissed that things aren’t going their way,
they break a window and steal a flat screen
television. Really, folks? Does that make any
sense? Not to me. Or, you’re walking down the
street, and a cop says,Stop or I’ll shoot!, and
you run. Hello? This cop probably has fewer brains
than you, he’s nervous, got a gun, and is afraid,
so, he pulls the trigger early. Probably does the
same thing in his sex life.

I don’t really like rules especially if they are
rules to cramp my freedom. I’ve lived in Venezuela
for a few years and there weren’t many rules. The
only problem was nothing functions. It was a mess.
People were running red lights, throwing garbage
all over the streets and not caring much for
others. That’s what they called freedom, to do
whatever they wanted whenever they wanted to do
it. And, before they knew it, someone came in and
stole their whole country. In the United States,
we have law and order. It has a lot of rules but
it’s a much safer place to live. And, if you
follow most of the rules, nobody really messes
with you.

I’ve been a rebel all of my life and practiced
things like yoga, Qi Gong, acupuncture,
meditation, health diets, tantric sex, and even
the martial arts. I never really had a job. I’ve
always worked for myself. This may sound unusual
to you but I did it my way. Like Frank Sinatra
said many years ago,I’ve lived a life that’s
full, I traveled each and every highway, and more,
much more than this, I did it my way That
doesn’imagest mean you break laws but, rather, you use
the laws to your advantage.

Every month, I take the time to make a DVD or a CD
for a special group of people who belong to Qi
Gong Inner Circle. We touched on diet, internal
exercises, meditations, sexual practices, the
study of spirit, how to protect ourselves from
evil entities, and how to increase our finances.
Most in the group has been studying with me since
2007. It is my pleasure to share this work with as
many people as I can. If you want to learn the
real deal, join me and become a member of the Qi
Gong Inner Circle today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Six Rules of Eating Healthy

Thursday, January 15th, 2015

I’m sure you heard of the saying, “You are what
you eat.” Well, there’s more to it than that. If
you’re buying your food from a normal grocery
store or even from a healthy store, and the food
is labeled conventional, that means it is grown
with heavy fertilizers, sprayed with toxic
pesticides, and most likely, it is
genetically-engineered. The medical profession is
not informing their patients on the importance of
diet. Multinational food companies are more
concerned with their profits than your health.
When I was at the A4M Anti-Aging Medicine
conference, the only thing that they could say for
sure that can make your life longer and keep you
healthier is a restricted food diet. My suggestion
is to eat organic as much as possible and, if you
can, grow your own garden. Don’t overeat. If you
eat conventionally-grown food, stay away from all
root crops – carrots, potatoes, beets, onions,
yucca and radishes, etc. They suck up the poisons
on the ground and end up in your body, making you
old and sick long before your time.

When I was in my twenties, I lived in Michigan.
Every year, we grew a large organic garden. I
learned how to control the weeds without using
pesticides, what flowers to plant to keep the bugs
away, and what natural sprays one could use to
keep the critters from eating all your food. We
had to put a fence around our garden because we
have rabbits and deer munching on our food. These
days, I’m buying my food at the health food store,
and sometimes, from local farmers. But, be aware.
The word ‘natural’ means absolutely nothing. If it
doesn’t say ‘certified organic’, it is most likely
grown in toxic soil, sprayed, and sometimes, even
processed with dyes to make it appear healthy when
it’s not. In the United States, we seem to have
some very strange laws that protect the big food
and pharmaceutical companies more than to protect
our own rights to know what we’re putting in our
bodies. This is not cool. I was watching
television this morning and, when the commercial
came on, there were four ads for drugs. The USA is
the only place in the world where drug companies
are allowed to advertise their products to the
public. The food companies are allowed to get away
without telling us what exactly is in the food.
So, to take responsibility for your own health,
there are a few key steps to follow:

1. If it’s in a can or a box, pass on it.
2. Buy and eat organic as much as possible.
3. Buy non-GMO products.
4. Stay as far away from fast food restaurants as
you can.
5. Stay away from corn and corn products, high
fructose corn syrup, beets and soy.
6. Only take medicine when necessary. As soon as
you can get off your medicine, do so.

In the Qi Gong Inner Circle, not only do I share
great techniques on how to take good care of your
body, but there are also meditations, dietary
suggestions, recipes and much more. Every month,
you will receive a CD or DVD with teachings that
you can’t find in a book or read in a magazine.
These teachings are direct transmissions from
masters that I have studied with over the last 40
years. Do not hesitate for another moment. Join
the Qi Gong Inner Circle today!

I wish you the best in your health, wealth and

We will stay healthy, wealthy and happy if we
stick together.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Why Learn Meditation at All?

Monday, December 15th, 2014

For countless generations, great sages and masters
have known that, by making the most of this One
Thing, they could achieve inner peace and
happiness. What is it? It’s Meditation. Despite
the myths about it being dangerous, that it’s
difficult to do, boring, and it takes years to
master, the truth is, meditation is easy to do and
easy to learn. You just need the guidance of a
good teacher. I’ll share with you all of the
secrets and all the energy points to open you up
the safest and quickest way.

Every morning, long before sunrise, I get up and
begin my meditation practices. It didn’t start out
that way, but, over the years, our bodies, minds
and spirit learn how to use energy and our
spiritual digestive system begins to grind up
energy, both positive and negative, for our
spiritual growth. You just might be surprised by
how quickly and easily meditation can help you
find greater peace in your life, give you more
energy and even improve your sexual energy.

Isn’t it time you took the next step in your
growth and leave your stresses behind? Join me and
the members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle before the holidays and
make your life bigger and better.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. WARNING: Meditation can trigger fears when
you first get started. That’s why, it’s important
to learn from those who have gone before you.
Don’t hesitate to join me and I guarantee you
excellent results.

How To Get What You Want All The Time

Wednesday, November 19th, 2014

Good news! My assistant is returning after
spending a month at Yale University Hospital. She
is a pharmacist by profession but is now taking a
sabbatical to learn more about Unknown-1. It’s always a great idea to
gather as much knowledge as you can and, when an
opportunity arises, it’s best to jump on it as
quickly as possible. You never know the
opportunity may never happen again.

Years ago, I heard about Medical Qi Gong from my
teacher when I was on a retreat in New Mexico. He
knew that I was practicing Flying Crane Qi Gong
for years and received immense value from the
practice. He highly suggested that I find out more
about the practice and contact Dr. Jerry Alan
Johnson at the International Institute of Medical
Qi Gong. That year, I went to the National Qi
Gong conference and Dr. Johnson was there selling
his book on Medical Qi Gong. I was delighted to
meet him and I got his book as soon as I saw it. I
read that huge book from cover to cover and still
had a bunch of questions. When I learned that he
was coming to Miami to teach a course in Medical
Qi Gong at the Five Element School that was only a
few miles from my office, I got really excited.
The next day, I visited the school to inquire
about the Qi Gong course and get all the details.
The enrolment was a few thousand dollars just to
start. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the bucks at
that time. So what I did was to ask the universe
to give me a sign. Should I take the course or
not? That’s all I asked for…I asked deeply inside
and left it up to fate. A few days later, I
received a call from a lady who had a sick
relative and asked me if I would do a house call.
I agreed and, after working on her mother, the
family asked if I would see their mother 4 days a
week. I agreed and we settled on a price that
covered my enrolment in the Medical Qi Gong
course. Yes, miracles happen, but you have to
ask for exactly what you want and never say, think
or tell anyone what you don’t want because that’s
usually what you’ll get. The more exact you ask,
the better chances you have of getting it.

If you want to start practicing Qi Gong, ask for a
teacher, a DVD, a CD or a good book on the subject
and that will appear in your life sooner than you
could imagine. The secret is how you ask, whom
you ask and how often you reinforce you’re asking.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. If you find my blogs useful, please turn your
friends and family on to them. The more
information we get out to others, the better our
lives will be and so will theirs. They can sign up

The Attitude of Gratitude

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

When I sixteen years old I was introduced to Yoga
and the Self Realization Fellowship where Rev.
Oliver Black had a meeting, lecture, and
meditation every Sunday morning. It took place at
the Detroit Institute of Art, and was based on the
teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. In those days
a few hundred people showed up for services. It
was my first introduction to spiritual work, yoga,
and meditation. One of the things that Rev. Black
stressed was thankfulness and gratitude for
everything and everyone. As I evolved in my
spiritual path every teacher, Master, Guru and
Lame stressed the importance of being the same

During Thanksgiving week, people express more
gratitude for the abundance in their lives than
any other time of the year. You may not realize
that you are improving the quality of your health
and increasing your lifespan at the same time.
Did you know happy people live up to ten years
longer than unhappy ones, and optimists have a 77%
lower risk of heart disease than pessimists?
I bet you want to know how you can be happier,
don’t you!

The How To of Happiness

You can be 40% happier without changing any of
your circumstances just practices of gratitude.
Grateful people are happier, more energetic, more
hopeful, more helpful, more empathic, more
spiritual, more forgiving, and less materialistic
and they don’t get sick.
The more optimistic you are the fewer physical
symptoms you get. Chronic illnesses improvement
happens when practicing gratitude for self and

Unknown Increase Happiness
1.It gives you a positive life
2.Builds your self-worth and
3.Works as a stress buster
4.Build community strengthen
5.Reduces negative feelings like anger,
bitterness, and greed

You don’t have to wait for Thanksgiving to enjoy
the benefits to your health and happiness that
come with gratitude.
1. Keep a gratitude journal.
2. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
4. Express gratitude directly to others.

In my book Turn Stress Into Power I will show you
specific exercises and meditations to build your
happiness muscle and turn your stress into power.
Get a copy of the book and the DVD and within
weeks you will be smiling from ear to ear.

Enter the keyword: GRATITUDE for a BIG discount!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Developing More Internal Energy

Thursday, November 13th, 2014

It was back in the late seventies and I was living
in Michigan. I was working at my Dad’s store all
day and training five nights a week in Aikido and
Wing Chun Kung Fu. It was my own form of today’s
popular cross-training and it kept me in good
shape mentally and physically. Wing Chun is a
Chinese system of Martial Arts developed by a
woman. They say she was watching a fight between a
snake and a white crane and, from her knowledge of
Shaolin Kung Fu, she developed the Martial Art
called Wing Chun. My Aikido training is a Japanese
system rooted in several styles of Jujitsu. Aikido
takes the joint locks and throws from Jujitsu and
combines them with the body movements of sword and
spear fighting. Both are a lot of fun but I wanted

I had
 asked my Sifu (teacher) what would be
the best way for me to develop more
 energy. A few days later, he
introduced me to Dr. Chen Wang, a great energy
healer who arrived from China only a few months
ago. Dr. Chen’s specialty was moving Qi (energy)
the body, mind and spirit. He was a
Doctor of
 Medical Qi Gong and had worked at
many of the Qi Gong hospitals in Mainland China.
My teacher insisted that I study with him. Dr.
Chen kindly agreed to teach me his form of Qi Gong
to build my internal power, strength
stamina. I had a ton of questions but Dr. Chen
didn’t speak a word of English. All of my training
consisted of following him and watching his every
move. So, I used a technique I had learned from
one of my teachers called “mirror and matching”.
They use it in Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP).
The technique is to follow every movement that the
teacher does, as well as the breathing, facial
movements, and even eating what they eat.
Mirroring someone’s body language is an excellent
way to build trust and understanding quickly. If
you want to establish a connection with someone,
start mirroring his or her posture, gestures,
sitting position, tone of voice and talking pace.
This will make them feel that there is something
about you that they like. Why, you might ask? It
is because they will see in you their own
reflection. Note: Never mirror another person’s
negative body language as you will just give off a
rather negative vibe.

The idea is to get as many of your senses involved
as you can — seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting
and moving. As you get the muscle memory
congruent with all the senses, you will be one
with the teacher and the teachings. Try it! It
works great! When I had put together the
Recharging Qi Gong
 images-3exercise program, I knew
that if people were really going to make a big
change in their life, they needed to train from
the inside out and use as many of their senses as
possible. The program was to build on these
principles: to allow the student to use sound,
visualization, breath, color and movement, and to
embody the 
teachings as quickly as
possible. This involves “Super Learning”
techniques, as well as NLP to give the student the
maximum learning experience in 
the least
amount of time. Check it out,

I wish you the best in Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Prostate Problems

Thursday, November 6th, 2014

Louie came to see me for a consultation last week.
He had back pain that went down to his knee and
affected his entire leg for days. He went to his
primary doctor where they drew his blood and he
got an MRI. He was prescribed pain pills and
ant-inflammatory medicine but didn’t want to take
After hearing what his medical doctor had to
say, he came into my clinic hoping acupuncture or
Medical Qigong would help. Louie is a guy that
isn’t too keen on Western Medicine or the
treatments they offer. He said, “There are just
too many side effects for me to deal with.”
I did a standard work up and treated him with
acupuncture, some deep tissue work and gave him a
shot of Vitamin B for images-2. When Louie
left my clinic he said he felt much better and I
didn’t see him again for about 3 weeks.

Finally, he came back to see me. Louie was bent
over and walking with a cane. On examination I
found his kidney channel was very weak; when the
functions of the kidney channel aren’t strong the
quality of life diminishes.
It could be multitude of things
• Kidney Qi is low
• He could have adrenals fatigue
• A Possible a bladder problem
• Prostate problem
• Too much stress

I asked him a few questions and then took a look
at his blood work. That’s when I saw his PSA was
off the charts. I asked him; “Didn’t your primary
doctor say anything to you about your blood work?”
That’s when he told me of a far greater problem
than just a painful back and knee. Lou was
diagnosed with Cancer of the prostate and they
wanted to do a biopsy and start radiation
immediately. He was shaking in his boots and I
don’t blame him. I would be too.
I told him I would be willing to work with him
and his Oncologist to get things under control. We
started with a Medical Qigong therapeutic
technique used in China to treat prostate cancer.
It involves purging the liver to remove stagnant
Qi and blood from the body.

Toxicity is a big factor in prostate cancer and
needs to be purged from the kidneys and bladder as
soon as possible. In Medical Qigong heat is pulled
from the cancer cells, than we reset the chakras.
There is a special diet and meditation used to
disturb the blueprint of the cancer. We worked
together for about an hour and I sent Lou home
with some homework. He needs to do three different
prescriptive exercises that are used to treat
prostate cancer. First is a sugar restrictive
diet, and a regular meditation program. Louie chose
to do a radioactive seeds combined with 3
treatments of Medical Qigong a week.

I’ll let you know how he progresses over the next
2 or 3 months. If you are ever afflicted with
cancer or if you know anyone who is, have them
contact me 305-407-0120. I will be glad to talk
to them and share some helpful things.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Dr. Carola Cuenca will be working at my clinic
from November 5 to November 10th testing patients
using Computer Regulation Therapy (CRT) for any
imbalances in your body. The key to avoiding
cancer is early dictation and the CRT test can see
what’s going on 6 months to a year in advance.
Call to schedule an appointment today 305-407-0120