Posts Tagged ‘Sole Purpose’

Going the Extra Mile

Friday, October 14th, 2011

I came across this story that Petey Parker wrote.
I don’t know who Petey is, he could secretly be
“Spider Man” as far as I know or just a dam good writer.
Petey, thanks for sharing this.

“A cab driver taught me a million
dollar lesson in customer satisfaction and
expectation. Motivational speakers charge
thousands of dollars to instruct his kind of
training to corporate executives and staff.

It cost me a $12 taxi ride. 

I had flown into Dallas for the sole purpose of calling
a client. Time was the essence and my plan included a
quick turnaround trip from and back to the airport.
A spotless cab pulled up.
The driver rushed to open the passenger door for
me and made sure I was comfortably seated
before he closed the door.
As he got in the driver’s seat, he mentioned that
there was a folded Wall Street Journal
next to me for my use.

He then showed me several tapes and
asked me what type of music I would enjoy.
Well! I looked around for a “Candid Camera!”
Wouldn’t you? I could not believe the service
I was receiving!

I took the opportunity to say,
“Obviously you take great pride in your work.
You must have a story to tell.” 

“You bet,” he replied,
“I used to be in Corporate America.
But I got tired of thinking my best would
never be good enough. I decided to find my
niche in life where I could feel proud of being
the best I could be.
I knew I would never be a rocket scientist,
but I love driving cars, being of service and
feeling like I have done a full day’s work and
done it well. I evaluated my personal assets
and… Wham! I became a cab driver.
One thing I know for sure, to be good in my
business I could simply just meet the expectations
of my passengers. But, to be GREAT in my
business, I have to EXCEED the customer’s
expectations! I like both the sound and the return
of being ‘great’ better than just getting by on ‘average’

Did I tip him big time?
You bet! Corporate America’s loss is
the traveling folk’s friend!”

Lessons to be learned here:
-Go an Extra Mile when providing any Service to others.
-There is no good or bad job –You can make any job good.
-Good service always brings good return.

“Imagine what a harmonious world it could be
if every single person, both young and old,
shared a little of what he is good at doing.”
~ Quincy Jones

We all strive to achieve personal success in our lives.
At times we forget how important service is to others —
Things like unselfishness, kindness and generosity;
deeds that give meaning to your lives and above all,
that sustain and honor the lives of others.
I have been teaching and working for my entire life to
help others achieve their goals no matter if it’s health,
or being all they can be.

I have worked with Master’s, Guru’s, Lamas,
Doctors and Coaches that have
devoted their lives to the service of others.
They all helped others to move beyond their own
self-imposed limitations to success.

The members of the Qi gong Inner Circle receive teachings every
month to enhance the quality of their lives.
Take the opportunity and become a member of this exclusive group today.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi