Archive for the ‘Medical Qi Gong’ Category

Life is Hard and then You Die

Thursday, November 12th, 2015
Life is hard and then you die

Life is hard and then you die

Life is hard. Then you die. Then they throw dirt
on your face. Then the worms eat you. Be grateful
it happens in that order. —

David is a talented guy, the writer of Star Trek.
Although his statement on life is somewhat crude,
it’s what many people think and how they live
their life accordingly. On the other hand, life
can be an adventure of discovery and joy. When we
don’t recognize that life is a gift, you close the
adventure of life. We actually shield our
intellectual, emotional, and physical functions.
When this happens, we go through life with
blinders on. When you are not open to change, life
no longer becomes an adventure but a struggle. We
go through life as if it were a problematic dream,
and life is hard. Life is what you make it. It’s a
gift. Don’t send it back unopened.

Last night, I went to a memorial service for a
young lady. We lost her life too early, but she
lived every moment to its fullest. Many of the
people who were there lived the same way. Stay
healthy, work out, eat a good diet, play and laugh
a lot, and make this planet a better place. Make
consciousness, awareness, respect, responsibility,
and resourcefulness your way of life. Pay
attention, be creative in every aspect of your
life, and you will see a difference in everything
you do.

I am blessed that I am able to share with you what
I have learned over a lifetime of practice. Take a
look at my YouTube station,
add me as Woody Swartz and like my page,
Wudhi-Energy Medicine on Facebook, and subscribe
to my blog at They are
all for our growth.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi
Dr. Wu Dhi

Protect Yourself From Evil Wind Disease

Monday, October 26th, 2015
Stay out of the wind it can make you sick

Stay out of the wind it can make you sick

Protect Yourself From Evil Wind Disease

This week in Miami we have been having strong winds
coming from the East and Northeast at 10 to 15 KTS
with gusts of 20 to 25 KTS.  In traditional
Chinese medicine, wind causes considerable
difficulty. It is one of the six external causes
of disease. Wind is a word that is widely and
freely used in Chinese medicine in relation to
health and disease while it has no equivalent
meaning or implication for the Western medical
field. External wind can cause diseases that are
acute, like the common cold, influenza, sinus
infection, skin eruption, sore throat, cough, and
eye disorders.

Now, we are in the season that’s ruled by the
metal element affecting both the lungs and large
intestines. Autumn, which means it’s a windy
season and a time when cold and flu are easy to
catch. According to Chinese Medicine, we are all
most susceptible to catching a wind at the change
of seasons. Here are some tips to help you avoid a
wind attack:

I can remember my friend, Ronny, would always
wear a scarf around his neck in a windy weather.
When I asked him why, he said, to prevent an evil
wind invasion. According to Su Wen, “Wind-evil is
the main factor to induce various diseases, and
has many variations and no regular pattern when it
turns into other diseases. But, in the last
analysis, the diseases are stemmed from the
invasion of wind-evil.” Traditional Chinese
Medicine teaches that external pathogens (bugs)
are carried in the wind and that they enter our
bodies at the back of our necks. We have
acupuncture points that “expel wind” used to treat
a cold. If you cover your neck when going out in
the wind, you can actually help to prevent
catching a cold.
•       During the windy season, we are more prone to
wind disorders. Things are changing in the
environment and for our bodies as well. Our bodies
are changing from the warm weather to the cold of
winter, and this change leaves us more vulnerable
to getting sick. It’s time to change your diet to
foods that are warm, oily, and slightly heavier to
help to counteract the drying, rough, and cold
quality of wind. It is essential not to let our
digestion get cold as we head into fall and winter
seasons. Our digestion is the key to our immune
system. Start adding winter squash, soups, whole
grains, and root vegetables. This is the time of
the year that I change my oil from coconut oil,
and apply sesame oil on my skin before taking a
bath or shower. It’s good to ward off stiff joints
and it puts a little more heat in the body.
•       It’s also the best time to place more of your
intention into your meditation practices. The
Internal Mantra Program will
give you instructions and exercises to strengthen
yourself for the fall and winter internal work.
Get it today, and I will send you a FREE
meditation CD to enhance your practices.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Be sure to ask for the FREE meditation
program when you order.

How to Unwind this Weekend

Friday, September 4th, 2015

How to Unwind this WeekendUnknown-1

Here’s a way of unwinding and kicking back that
will be good for you in every way:

1. Take a sauna. – Make sure you drink plenty of
water before you start, and after as well. The
sauna will relax the body and mind.

2. Hot bath – A good 20-minute soak in a hot bath
with a cup or two of Epsom salt will relax your
muscles and pull toxins out of your body.

3. Get a massage. – I recommend a massage as often
as you can.

4. Take a hike. – No matter if it’s the beach, the
woods, or the mountains, a walk in nature will do
wonders to relax and renew you.

5. Take some time to read a good book, and avoid
TV for the weekend. It will do wonders for your

6. Spend some special time with friends. Take your
lover out to a romantic dinner.

7. Stretch your body. – It will relax the mind as
well as the body and spirit. I always practice at
least 2 sets of Qi Gong on the weekends. It resets
everything and will work for you all week. The
Recharging Qi Gong program
will de-stress you big time.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. The Recharging Qi Gong program really does
help you double your flexibility…fast. And yes, it
is a very quick mood-altering exercise. Find out

The Key to Maximum Growth

Tuesday, September 1st, 2015

The Key to your Growth

The Key to Maximum Growth

Early this morning, I was on the beach practicing.
Then, I walked out to the pier to watch the waves
crashing and spraying over the sea wall. Looked
like a huge storm is rolling in. It’s dark,
threatening, and I could see the lightning out in
the distance. It is hurricane season until
November, and we get our share of storm this time
of the year with lots of rain. I was hustling back
home to try to beat the rain. Shanti stopped me. I
see her every morning on the beach. She’s a Yogini
and has been doing and teaching yoga for a long,
long time. She wanted to know what happened to my
arm with all the details. I told her the story,
and she said, “There is always a hidden reason and
lesson for everything that happens to us.”

When I got home, I decided to see what the wrist
represents. According to Louise Hay, the wrist
represents movement and ease. And the “Lama on the
Mountain” refers to the wrists as having to do
something with our connections. Who needs to be
brought together or what needs to be brought

I still think about both of those interpretations
of my wrist accident. The cast will be on for
another 2 weeks, so I am working on my legs and
grounding techniques. You can always find a way to
keep up with your training no matter what happens
in your life. Practice is the key to building an
indestructible body, mind, and spirit.

Practice, Practice, Practice.

Want more? Of course you do. We all want more if
it’s the real thing. Join the Qi Gong Inner Circle and I’ll share my practices,
stories, and everything else for your maximum

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and
Dr. Wu Dhi

Why Oh Why Qi Gong?

Thursday, April 30th, 2015

Why Oh Why Qi Gong?

Hundreds of thousands of people are doing it, but

People are on a constant search for methods that
can help them stay healthy and disease-free, and
they end up trying anything and everything that
they could find information on. Qi Gong is a
practice that has gained popularity around the
globe, and the primary reason for this is it works
and is producing some awesome results for people.
For those of you wondering what Qi Gong exactly
is, it is an exercise, a meditation, a breathing
technique, and a lifestyle. It has health benefits
and treatments which work by creating balance in
our body, mind, and spirit. The Chinese discovered
and perfected Qi Gong over thousands of years. It
is an internal exercise that builds power,
strength, and calmness all at the same time. Most
of the world knows about energy work, internal
exercises, and Qi Gong, but here in the USA, it’s
discounted as hogwash. It makes me laugh that the
country that I live in has the worst health ever.
Most people are way overweight, have way too many
drugs in their system, and eat the worst diet you
could imagine. We hardly know anything about
staying healthy. Yet, in China, Japan, Korea, and
Taiwan, anti-aging techniques that promote
longevity have been practiced for hundreds of

When I was in China, I got up at 4:30 AM and went
down to the park to practice and train as I always
do. To my amazement, there were thousands of
people in the park practicing. Right now, it seems
to be one of the best healing exercises that one
can find, and it recharges you to get back on your
feet and live your life smooth and healthy without
any problems. Qi Gong has many qualities, and one
of the most important aspects is that it is
completely organic, and the process is known to
free your body of all the negative energies, and
removes imbalances allowing the body to function
efficiently. The advantage of Qi Gong is that it
can be practiced by people of all age groups, and
it is a treatment plan that has no side effects.
As you practice, you only get better, healthier,
and younger. However, there is one thing that you
need to understand about Qi Gong – it isn’t an
intellectual process or just mental masturbation.
Qi Gong needs to be practiced and trained into the
body. Every hour you put into your practice will
give you more life, more vitality, and change you
from the inside out.

We have seen people searching for alternate cancer
treatments and take up many trials hoping to see
results. Some people get lucky and many others
fail to achieve the results they are looking for.
So, what do you do next? Educate. Practice. Be
consistent. Never stop training even if you are a
150 years young.

Now that you know that Qi Gong will change your
life and give you the edge over most of the
population, it is time to get started. Order the
Recharging Qi Gong program
It will cost you less than that cup of coffee you
have every morning and will make you better than
you already are.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. If you still have cold feet and all of this
is spinning around in your head, let’s get
grounded, centered, and rooted. How can you do
that? Get your ticket to longevity today,

Dr. Wu Dhi

Are You spoiled ?

Wednesday, April 8th, 2015

Are You spoiled

Last night, I had dinner with on old friend in a
charming little place near the beach. The
restaurant had a European flair to it. All the
tables had a candle burning with a soft blue glow.
The waiters were very friendly and they knew the
menu well and told us what to order and what to
stay away from. There was always someone watching
our table to attend to our every need. In the
background, there were 3 musicians, a violin, and
a cello playing softly. You would think this would
have been a very romantic experience. Well, it
wasn’imagest. Her grandson came along and pouted through
the entire meal that you would have thought he was
5 or 6, but this young man was well into his
twenties. First, he complained about his parents,
and then his grandparent, and how they all had
problems and should fix their own problems and
leave him alone. Then, he went silent and refused
to speak for the rest of the meal. And out of
nowhere, he spoke up and said to his grandmother,
“Oh please, please, please, can I stay at your
beach house for the weekend? If that happened
when I was a kid, I would have lost a few teeth.
This spoiled kid is in his last year of college,
and claims that he is only going to school to
please his mother and grandmother, and how it’s
just a waste of his time and energy. Then, he made
another about-face and told me that he carried a
4.0 average and was working with some of the most
talented professors on the planet. You could see
that this young man was tormented from the inside

In our Western world of medicine, he would
probably be diagnosed as a bipolar or
schizophrenic. Looking at his situation from a
Daoist perspective, one has to look into different
dimensions. We live in a multi-dimensional reality
with the spirit world. Believe me or not, it
exists. Encounters with the spiritual entities can
either prove to be positive and uplifting or
negative. A positive encounter can include
inspirations, divine guidance, and even warn you
of danger. The negative encounters can include
spirit oppression, psychic attacks, and even
energy vampiring. The spirit world can affect our
body, energy, and mind as well as an individual’s
thoughts, desires, and feelings through the
conscious and subconscious energetic interactions
of the person’s spiritual state. These emotions
stem from our natural interaction with the spirit
world, and even if we try, spirits can’t be
totally repressed. We are continually being
directed and redirected without being aware of it.
The challenge is waking up from our unconscious
behaviors and ousting out the negative spirits.
Our conscious mind is either going in a positive
direction or a negative one, which will show up as
either healthy or diseased.

Later that same evening, I learned that the young
man is highly creative and intelligent, and was
ridiculed as a boy, and punished quite severely.
Or at least, he thought he was.

We all have unnecessary baggage, and even a
skeleton or two hidden in our closets that we
carry around for most of our life. That’s until we
clear it and decide to get on with life. Take
responsibility for your own situation, eliminate
the three poisons of Worry, Struggle and Blame,
and free yourself.

In the Internal Mantra program, I explain the
How-to-Free-Yourself and regain your personal
power. The good news is you can order today and
receive the program in just a few days

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Internal vs. External Exercises

Wednesday, March 25th, 2015

Internal vs. External Exercises. We work and save our money and eventually invest
it to get a return on it. We want our money to
work for us, not always having to work for our
money. If we are wise, the investments we make
will give us a nice income, and we can live on the
interest and never touch the principal. Our
investment can actually take care of our needs,
pay our bills, and even give us financial security
for years to come. This is what we strive for – to
have financial freedom. But when it comes to your
health, you may forget to invest, and you end up
spending the principal. When that’s gone, so are

Are you investing in your own health? Do you watch
what you eat? Do you exercise? What about your
headspace? Are you putting positive energy into
your health bank? The investment you make in your
health will keep on paying you interest for years.
But if you spend the principal, you will age
faster than a Jack Rabbit.

Maybe you never put too much attention into your
health when you were younger, or you thought you
were doing everything right, and it turned out
that your exercise of running, weight lifting, and
sports turned out to cause more harm than good.
Now, you are getting problems like back pain and
shoulder pain, shin splints, joint problems or
even worse.

Last week, Joe stopped at my office. He is a
healthy guy in his early fifties. I have known him
for years and he only eats organic foods. He runs
3 to 6 miles a few times a week, swims a few miles
a week, and likes to go to the gym and throw
weights around a few times a week. If you saw him,
you would say that he is as fit as a fiddle. He
looked a little worried when I saw him. He wasn’t
his usual self. He told me that his heart was
giving him some difficulty and, although he hasn’t
felt anything different and the tests came back
negative, there was something wrong as his heart
skipped a beat now and then and it seemed to be
getting worse.

I told him I’d come over to his house this
weekend, and talk to him and his wife about the
program I have been doing for the last 35 years. I
showed up around noon and told him about the
internal exercises that I do daily. They work on
keeping your organs healthy. I explained that when
we do the common Western exercises, we can build
muscle and create a lot of internal heat. Too much
heat can cause an imbalance in the Fire and Water
elements which are your heart and kidneys,
respectively. They also put excessive strain on
our joints. The internal exercises are an
expression of the art of self -healing. This means
that these exercises will revitalize the organs
and keep them healthy.

Don’t think that you are bullet-proof and won’t
get hit by some illness sooner or later. By doing
the internal exercises like the Flying Crane Qi
you can protect your health and well-being.

If you don’t practice, you are training yourself
to fail. But if you are training, you are training
yourself to be the best that you can be.

I wish you the best inimages your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Train daily,make it a habit and you will look younger, feel younger and be younger


Friday, March 6th, 2015

Just last night, we had a Micro Full Moon.
What is a micro full moon?

A micro full moon occurs when the moon is farthest
from the Earth. If it is farther away than around
250,000 miles, it is said that it is a micro moon
and that it affects human mental health and brings
on natural disasters. I would take that with a
grain of salt. When the moon is at its apogee, it
exerts its lowest gravitational pull, leading to
low tides and a smaller variation between high and
low tides. And that’s a fact.

The full moon was in Virgo yesterday on March 5th.
It was a good time to reorganize your home and
work space, and it will be for the next 2 weeks
all the way up until the new moon on the 20th.

I have been spending some quality time with
friends and business associates to discuss some
important issues on what new products I should be
putting my attention to this spring and summer.
Although some of the discussions heated up at
times, we all remained rational and didn’t let our
emotions interfere with our decisions. The full
moon can be a time when your feelings are
vulnerable. So, before we started our meetings, we
did the stress-relieving exercises and the
protections in the Turn Stress Into Power program
If you don’t have yours as yet, get it today
It will make your life better!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Chinese New Year Surprise

Monday, February 16th, 2015

It’s the Year of the Sheep and the biggest holiday
all over Asia. Stores are closed and people are
traveling all over to visit friends and family.
The Sheep is the eighth among the Chinese zodiac
animals and eight is an auspicious number that
symbolizes peace and prosperity.

This year can bring more interest in realizing our
dreams in a natural way. If there’s been something
you have been unwilling to do, don’t do it. Refuse
to do it but with elegance and the greatest of
gentleness and patience. This is a good year to
settle disputes and to create a harmonious
atmosphere around yourself and your family.
Communications will be important in this Year of
the Wood Sheep. Do what you say and say what you
do. Be straightforward in all your communications
and you’ll have a great year.

In a Wood Sheep Year, people hold back in their
communications until they know you well. Even
your own family may seem a little more needy than
usual and they may feel heartbroken if you are not
at every birthday celebration, dinner party, or
even missing a coffee date with your son or
daughter may be a major trauma to them. Don’t
worry, they will get over it.

It seems that people born in the Year of the Sheep
— 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
— are melancholic and sentimental by nature. They
always look upon the world passively. Besides,
they are used to counting on others to cheer them
up. It is easy for them to get lost and to be blue
when frustrated, and to make improper choices when
going shopping. People born in this year are good
at covering up their own weaknesses with petty
shrewdness and in obtaining what they want by
clever tricks and hints. They are also talented in
the skill of pestering. People born in this year
are known for their balance and surefootedness.
They just have to be careful where they climb to.

I plan to be more grounded this year and increase
my Qi Gong practice as well as my Shen Gong

I offer all of you a great opportunity in
celebration of the Year of the Wood Sheep! Be more
balanced by getting FIVE of my most popular
meditation programs for ONLY $108.00 FREE SHIPPING
included. This amazing offer starts today,
February 16th until the 27th. Let’s round up the
herd and welcome in the Year of the Wood Sheep!

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. If you want these programs you have to email me at images

Want A Better Heart-on, For Valentine’s Day?

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

We celebrate Valentine’s Day by giving our lovers
flowers and sweets. But, who started this day of
love? Let’s look at the truth about the man for
whom the day is named. Not one but two different
men may have inspired this romantic holiday.

One account from the 1400s describes Valentine as
a temple priest who was beheaded near Rome by
Emperor Claudius II for helping Christian couples
wed. A different account claims Valentine was the
Bishop of Terni, also martyred by Claudius II, on
the outskirts of Rome. But who may have really
invented this day of love was a medieval English
poet, Geoffrey Chaucer, placing his poetic
characters into fictitious historical contexts
that he represented as real. No record exists of
romantic celebrations on Valentine’s Day prior to
a poem Chaucer wrote around 1375. In his work,
Parliament of Foules, he linked a tradition of
courtly love with the celebration of St.
Valentine’s feast day. The poem refers to February
14 as the day birds (and humans) come together to
find a mate. He wrote, Whan every foul cometh
ther to choose his mate.

What can you do that’s really special for your
Valentine this week? I am sure you have done the
same ritual over and over for years. You stopped
at the drug store, bought a card, picked up a
bunch of flowers, got a red box of candy, and may
have even planned a nice dinner. Isn’t it about
time you woke up and smelled the roses? She is
bored of the same old thing and may be bored of
the way you make love

Want to make this Valentine’s Day really special?
How about changing the way you make love??? Is
your lovelife just a cum-and-go situation???

Are you ready to change your lovemaking habits and
become a wizard in the bedroom?
If you want to re-train your sex tool and have
both of you screaming for more, get Dr. Wu Dhi’s
Sexual Secrets and start an adventure of a

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Order before February 14 and you get a gift
of a personal Skype call where I’Unknownll give you the
nitty-gritty on cultivating sexual energy. A $300
value for FREE with the program!