Posts Tagged ‘David Gerrold’

Life is Hard and then You Die

Thursday, November 12th, 2015
Life is hard and then you die

Life is hard and then you die

Life is hard. Then you die. Then they throw dirt
on your face. Then the worms eat you. Be grateful
it happens in that order. —

David is a talented guy, the writer of Star Trek.
Although his statement on life is somewhat crude,
it’s what many people think and how they live
their life accordingly. On the other hand, life
can be an adventure of discovery and joy. When we
don’t recognize that life is a gift, you close the
adventure of life. We actually shield our
intellectual, emotional, and physical functions.
When this happens, we go through life with
blinders on. When you are not open to change, life
no longer becomes an adventure but a struggle. We
go through life as if it were a problematic dream,
and life is hard. Life is what you make it. It’s a
gift. Don’t send it back unopened.

Last night, I went to a memorial service for a
young lady. We lost her life too early, but she
lived every moment to its fullest. Many of the
people who were there lived the same way. Stay
healthy, work out, eat a good diet, play and laugh
a lot, and make this planet a better place. Make
consciousness, awareness, respect, responsibility,
and resourcefulness your way of life. Pay
attention, be creative in every aspect of your
life, and you will see a difference in everything
you do.

I am blessed that I am able to share with you what
I have learned over a lifetime of practice. Take a
look at my YouTube station,
add me as Woody Swartz and like my page,
Wudhi-Energy Medicine on Facebook, and subscribe
to my blog at They are
all for our growth.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi
Dr. Wu Dhi