Archive for the ‘Meditation’ Category

Will You Survive this Season?

Monday, September 15th, 2014

Every day it’s coming closer and closer and on
September 22nd. it will be here, if you are ready
or not. Yes the weather is a changing and fall is
upon us, the equinox is about to start. Brings the
fall season to the Northern Hemisphere on
September 22nd at 10:29 P.M. EDT. The temperature
is begging to drop even here in southern Florida
and the days are starting to get shorter and the
nights longer. Fall can brings up melancholy moods
if we aren’t aware of what’s going on around us.
Through out history mankind has been celebrating
the harvest around this time of year. This is the
season to look and see what you need to change, to
have a more bountiful, fulfilling harvest in your
The fall and winter seasons are about deep
contemplation and we are rapidly moving into the
dark, yin months of the year. It’s the perfect
time to meditate, study and reflection on y our
life and to be more social, commune with the
people who support your visions, nourish your
soul, keep your spirits lifted.
In the USA we traditionally start our harvest time
at Thanksgiving, which falls in November, but
harvest time is the fall equinox. In the past,
it’s when we figure out how well our crops did,
how fat our animals have gotten, and whether or
not our tribe will be able to eat during the long
cold winter. Originally, the American Thanksgiving
holiday was celebrated on October 3, which makes a
lot more sense agriculturally. Early agricultural
societies understood the importance of hospitality
— it was crucial to develop a relationship with
your neighbors, because they might be the ones to
help you when your family ran out of food in the
cold harsh winter. It’s always a good time to be
thankful and grateful for all we have. I will be
spending more time in meditation as the days
become shorter and we start to internalize our
energies. Learn and practice the internal
meditations and free your mind, body and soul.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu DhiUnknown

Opening the Spiritual Centers

Friday, September 5th, 2014

This morning, I received a call from a woman in
distress. She found my name on LinkedIn and asked
if I could clear her chakras of negative energy.
Her ex-boyfriend was sending her the evil eye
daily and she felt like she was being drained by
his vampire-like energy. Sometimes, when we break
up with someone, there is a lingering energy that
could make any room stink.

I asked her what symptoms she was getting and she
went on to explain how her energy seemed to be
off, like, someone or something was draining her.
I asked her if she was familiar or had any
knowledge of the different realms of the spirit
work, like, meditation or medical Qi Gong, and how
they can affect us. She said not much but believed
in spirit very much. I went on to explain that
long before modern science described our bodies in
terms of just the physical, the ancient healers
and medicine men described the body with a
symbolic language and our health and well-being
also include, not only our physical body, but also
our energy body and our spiritual body. The three
bodies make up our entirety.

She asked about the chakras and what they did. The
chakras are of the so-called etheric centers of
consciousness and communications. Chakra means
wheel and is described as a spinning vortex and is
considered to be the center of transformation. The
first chakra is located near the rectum or
perineum that governs survival issues. The second
located at the pelvis area and sex organs reflects
creativity and rejuvenation (money, sex and
power). The third chakra is located at the navel
and focuses on personal identity, power and
judgment. This chakra’s physical connection is to
the stomach, intestine, adrenals, kidneys and the
spleen. The fourth chakra is considered the heart
center whereby an imbalance can cause both heart
and lung problems as well as problems with the
thymus. The fifth chakra rules communications and
the thyroid or throat problems. The sixth chakra
has to do with our spirit and it’s known as our
third eye. The seventh chakra is located at the
top of our head and it is the entry point of the
higher self.

When working with the chakras, we are working with
the second and third bodies. The energy is subtle
and deals with the spirit of a person’s makeup. In
the book, “Turn Stress Into Power”
there is a chart that explains the relationship to
our either openness or blocked energy in the
chakra system. Get a copy of the book and DVD and
start to discover where your blocked energy lies
and how to open it.

I wish you the best in your health Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Six Words that will Change Your Life

Wednesday, August 20th, 2014

The other day, I was unpacking boxes and arranging
everything in my new home. I found one box that
wasn’t labeled and didn’t have a number on it. How
strange as I labeled and numbered everything. Or
so I thought. So, I opened the box and what were
in it were two large checkered table cloths that
my mother gave me years ago. They’re still in
perfect condition and they brought back many good
memories. When I was growing up, we had a swimming
pool in our backyard and everyone in the family
came to our house for picnic. My dad has eight
brothers and sisters and I have a whole bunch of
cousins. On my mothers side, there are another
eleven people. So, our house was always full and
lots of fun. There was always a lot of food and
two picnic tables were set up with everything you
could imagine. And guess what? I have inherited
the family picnic table cloths.

My cousin, Susie, is celebrating her birthday on
August 19th and I couldn’t imagine what I could
send her that she really would like. So, I’ve
taken one of the families heirlooms, the checkered
table cloth filled with memories of childhood
picnics, family fun and a great summer. You may
have such an heirloom in your house. It could be a
table cloth or maybe a piece of jewelry, something
that has been in your family as long as you can
remember. You can use this in your meditations.
Here is what you can do: Take the heirloom, hold it
in your hand or wrap yourself up in it, and
visualize all of the happy memories of your
childhood. And if those memories weren’t so happy,
you can rewrite the program in your head, let go
of all the sadness, and imagine the perfect
situation for you and your family where you are
happy, healthy, and even wealthy.

I sent my cousin a picture of the Picnic God; and
the mantra that goes with it: Hari picnic, Hari
picnic, Hari Hari OM . images-1 May you have many picnics and
open your heart to love and the Divine. If you
want to learn more about mantras and how to invoke
the real magic into your life, I have a program
called The Internal Mantra Program
It includes a subliminal CD with over a hundred
thousand repetitions of the mantra, a DVD of the
teachings, and a special interview on mantra and
the power it has on ones life.

The mantra Om Mani Pdme Hum is one of the most
powerful mantras and it is practiced in most
cultures throughout the world. It’s easy to say
yet quite powerful. According to H.H. Dilgo
Khyentse Rinpoche, when you say the first
syllable, Om, it is blessed to help you achieve
perfection in the practice of generosity, Ma helps
perfect the practice of pure ethics, and Ni helps
achieve perfection in the practice of tolerance
and patience. Pad, the fourth syllable, helps to
achieve perfection of perseverance, Me helps
achieve perfection in the practice of
concentration, and the final sixth syllable, Hum,
helps achieve perfection in the practice of
wisdom. So, in this way, recitation of the mantra
helps achieve perfection in the six practices from
generosity to wisdom. The path of these six
perfections is the path walked by all the Buddhas.
What could then be more meaningful than to say the
mantra and accomplish the six perfections?

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. To receive the teaching and the practice is a
great blessing. Don’t delay, get it today!

Number Four, A Blocked Door; Number Nine, Very Fine

Wednesday, July 9th, 2014

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog called “What’s
Your Lucky Number?”, and I was totally amazed on
how many people wrote me back. Mary asked me about
the number 4 and what I thought about it. Well, in
China, number 4 is the most unlucky number. When
you get on an elevator, there’s a first floor,
second floor, third floor, and the fifth floor.
They skip the number 4 completely. Even though
people claim that they are not superstitious in
the United States, you’ll notice that there is no
13th floor in any elevator or building. 1+3 = 4. 4
is considered a box. From a numerologist’s
standpoint, these numbers are stagnant, blocked
energies. But, it’s not that number 4 can’t be
your lucky number.
In the Chinese system, they use the number 9 as a
very lucky number and the number 81, 8+1 = 9, is
the luckiest number of all. It is the total Yang
number. The Yin number would be 36, also equals a
9. The Five Element System addresses Fire, Earth,
Metal, Water and Wood. In the Yin set, we address
the Five Yin organs — the heart, the spleen, the
lungs, the liver, and the kidneys — to keep you
healthy, young and beautiful.

If you don’t have it, get it today. It could be
your lucky number!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Improving Your Spiritual Digestive System

Monday, July 7th, 2014

I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July,
healthy and safe. I was looking at the calendar
and it looks like that there’s no more holidays
until September. This is the time when we go
swimming, fishing, and just lay back for the
summer. But for some reason, that has disappeared
for me. Yeah, I’m busy! I’m having fun! Every
Wednesday night, if you’re in South Florida, I
teach Meditation in my office. The focus is
strengthening your spiritual digestive system. We
all have an experienced energy. Some of it’s good
and some of it’s bad. So we would think but that’s
not true. Energy is energy. But if you don’t eat
the energy, the energy will eat you. When we study
the yoga behind energy, we find that it’s all raw
and can be used for our growth mentally,
physically, emotionally and spiritually. Guess you
never heard this in your church or your temple,
but as we strengthen our spiritual digestive
system, we become stronger. We become alchemists
of energy and able to transform lead to gold, the
lead being our lower nature and the gold our
higher nature. So, if you’re in South Florida,
come on over on Wednesday night at my office and
learn how to strengthen your spiritual digestive

In the Qi Gong Inner Circle, every month, I send
the members a CD or DVD on how to use energy.
Sometimes it’s for your health, sometimes it’s for
your wealth, and always it’s for your happiness.
If you haven’t joined your Inner Circle yet, what
have you been waiting for? The energy to eat you,
stress you out, put you on a state of depression
or anxiety? Don’t take that route. You can
transform your lead into pure gold. Join me and
the members of the Inner Circle today and make
your life work a hundred and fifty percent better!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

An Opportunity for Your Independence

Friday, June 27th, 2014

Six years ago, in 2008, I was invited by Dr.
Thomas Rau from the prestigious Paracelsus Klinic
in Switzerland to come to the clinic and intern in
Biological Medicine. Biological Medicine is a
holistic approach to health and wellness that
allows the human body to maximize its own innate
healing powers. It looks for the root cause of the
disease that may include several factors like,
diet, food allergies, intestinal and dental
disturbances, family history, stress, and aging,
among others. Half of the day, I was a patient and
the other half, I was an intern. As a patient, I
would get 6-7 treatments a day and as an intern,
we would see 10 people. This was a great
experience for me and I estimated in my head that
it was going to cost me about $500 a day. Much to
my surprise, when I checked out of the clinic, it
cost me $only a little more a day! Of course, that included my
plane fare and food. I maxed out all my credit
cards and transferred some money from my bank
account in the United States before I left
Switzerland. Although I didn’t expect to spend
that much money, within 3 months, my business
doubled and my health improved. Some from the knowledge
that I acquired and others from the referrals I got
from the clinic in Switzerland. When ever I get a chance
to return I’ll definitely return.

Many of us have money issues and are reluctant to
do something in fear that we won’t have enough. I
find that if you are presented with an
opportunity, seize that opportunity with all your
heart, mind, soul and strength.

On July 25th, Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson will be coming
to Miami for a special workshop.
images-1It is a workshop that you don’t
hear about often with some very ancient teachings
from the Chinese Daoist system. If you’ve been
reading my blogs, you know that I highly regard
Dr. Johnson’s work. I took his Beginning Program
years ago, and although I didn’t have the money at
that time, the opportunity was presented to me and
it was a rare one to have a Daoist Master,
advanced Martial Artist, and Doctor of Medical Qi
Gong in my neighborhood. Back then, I have been
hearing about Dr. Johnson from other Masters,
martial artists and advanced healers, and everyone
said, “If you can study with him, don’t miss him.
He is the real deal.”

Sometimes, all you have to do is open up to the
lessons presented to you and the universe will
open up and give you everything you need and more.
If you are thinking of doing Dr. Johnson’s work
and wondering what you’ll get out of it, I can
guarantee you that you can get way more than what
you pay for. To register, call Dr. Isaac Goren at
954-732-5050 or call me at 786-271-0325.

I wish the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Many of you called and emailed me about the
link didn’t work last week and you were not able
to buy at the 33% off all my products.
The Solstice Sale is back!
my web guy transformed the SALE into the July 4 Sale
here is the link

Happy Summer Solstice and Independence Day!

What’s Your lucky Number?

Thursday, June 26th, 2014

Did you ever have a number that got stuck in your
head? One that just seemed to keep reappearing
over and over? Well I did today. I woke up at 2:27
and did a meditation for 27 minutes. I went back
to sleep and had a dream of hanging out with my
27-year-old friend. The number was so strong in my
head that I decided to work with it to see what
would happen. I did my workout based on the number
27. 2+7 = 9, the most Yang number and very lucky
in China and all throughout Asia. When I returned
home, I pulled out my old I Ching Book, “The Book
of Changes and the Unchanging Truth,” by Master Ni
Hua Ching to see what it said about number 27.
Number 27 represents “Providing Nourishment” and
it speaks of the image of the mouth. Through the
mouth, nourishment begins, nourishment as in
self-cultivation, both spiritually and material.

The Trigram is the basic structure of the
universe. According to the Daoist view, the three
spheres are the Heavenly Realm, Earthly Realm, and
Mankind. They make up the structure for the 64
Trigrams in the I Ching. In Trigram 27, the upper
part of the trigram represents the nourishment you
give to others as well as spiritual nourishment.
The lower trigram represents the nourishment you
provide for yourself, like physical exercise.

To have balance, it is important to support
yourself and others. Although physical nourishment
is important, it is minor compared to spiritual
nourishment, and people who spend their life
seeking nourishment only for the mouth will never
develop spiritually. My Master always emphasized
the importance of guarding your speech. The mouth
is the opening where things both enter and leave
the body and it must be guarded. Proper nutrition
for the body and healthy communications provide
nourishment for the mind and spirit. Most people
overuse their mouths for talking, kissing and
eating. As we develop spiritually and become more
aware of our true nature, our communications will
open spiritually. A true Master will use less
talking and more breathing, less eating and more
inner awareness. I have been following this
formula for years and still working on guarding my
own speech.

Meditation is the key in the Internal Mantra
Program. There is a formula to perfect your body,
speech and mind. Get it today and start practicing

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Coming Soon: The Energy Medicine Radio Show!

Monday, June 16th, 2014


I consider my life to be very lucky. You might say
that I live a charmed life. I have studied with
many gurus, masters, and lamas. I spent most of my
days getting people healthy — mentally,
physically, emotionally and spiritually — and
generally enjoying myself. I’ve been one of the
fortunate ones that has gathered a lot of
knowledge in my life. Now is my time to share it.
I’ve also spent a lot of time with very creative
people and I was talking to a very talented woman
today. She’s a musician, writer, singer,
producer, disc jockey and actress who has been
living in Florida for the last 18 years that I
know of. In Tampa, she has a radio show called
Ultrasounds with Eluv and you can pick it up on
the Internet at 88.5 FM WMNF with airtime every
Thursday from 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM. We were talking
today on how important it is for people to be more
conscious, to be aware of what’s going on in the
planet, and to come from a place of loving
kindness. She asked me if I’ll be willing to share
more of my knowledge with others, and of course, I
told her that I’d be more than happy to share it
with the whole world. That’s when a moment of
creativity struck both of us, like a bolt of
lightning. Why don’t we start a radio show and
invite healers and artists and creative people to
share their knowledge and expertise with us? What
a great idea! So, today, we decided to start a
radio show to bring you the best in Energy
Medicine, alternative health care, vibrational
healing, and all the other modalities that have
validity and work. I don’t care if it’s a Shaman
with a drum. If you feel better and it makes you
happier, healthier, and puts a smile on your face,
we’ll find somebody to talk about it and give you
tools so you can be a participant in your own
health, well-being, and longevity. The show will
probably not be starting for a few months. We’re
looking at August or September before it airs.
But, without a doubt, I’ll be blogging about it,
and give you the times and dates and everything
about the show as soon as we nail it down. They
say that when you want to get something done, you
give it to a busy person. And you know I’m busy. I
see patients every day. I write to you four times
a week. I teach a meditation class every Wednesday
night and a Qi Gong class every Saturday morning.
I train and work out daily. I write books and make
programs, have private coaching sessions, and I
couldn’t be any happier.

If you want to have some real fun, get involved.
Join me and the members of the Qi Gong Inner
Circle, and open up your knowledge centers and
build your spiritual digestive system. Click here to join, and
I’ll send you a DVD or CD every month and a
teaching to make your life better.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. I just wanted to remind you of Dr. Jerry Alan
Johnson’s workshop. Don’t miss it! Call me at
786-271-0325 or Dr. Isaac Goren at 954-732-5050.

Hold On To Your Hat! Summer’s Just Around the Corner!

Thursday, May 29th, 2014

The New Moon just passed on the
May 28th and it the last New
Moon until summer. This year,
the Unknownfalls on a
Saturday, specifically, on
June 21st. In Florida, it will
hit us at 6:51 AM EDT. For many
years, I would go to New Mexico
and spend a week in deep
meditation, never uttering a
word except for mantras and
prayers for the entire week.
Morning meditation started hours
before the sunrise and the
entire week was devoted to
meditation and spiritual
practices. Other than that,
the retreat was in complete

For eons, people from all
over the world acknowledge
and celebrate the longest
day of the year. This is a
powerful day with a lot of
energy as it is the longest
day in the Northern Hemisphere
and the shortest in the
Southern Hemisphere. Places
like, Stonehenge and Macchu
Pichu, were built to align
with the powerful energies
of the Summer Solstice Sun.
I will be writing more about
the power of the Solstice
and what the best practices
are to do around this time
of the year as we move closer
and closer to summer.

My birthday is in December
and I always intensify my
training 6 months before my
solar return (my birthday).
On June 1st, I will begin my
intense workouts for the summer
aimed at strengthening my Wei Qi
field and practices to
cultivate and store more Qi.

If you are anything like me,
you will want to start now by
practicing your Qi Gong twice
a day. Whether it’s your birthday
or not, who wouldn’t want to
increase your life expediency
and stay healthy and young for
as long as you can? Start out
with the Recharging Qi Gong
in the morning and the
Flying Crane Qi Gong
in the evening. The best times
to practice these powerful Qi Gong
forms are at sunrise and sunset.
Thats when you will receive the
most powerful energy.

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. This is the Year of the Horse.
Make sure all of your horses are in
alignment and you give yourself all
the advantages of sunrise and sunset
practices. Time is shorter than you
would think.

Practice, Practice and more Practice.

Full Moon Energy Practice

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

On May 14th, the moon is full in the sign of
Scorpio and it’s known as the “flower moon”
or the “planting moon”. This is a special full
moon as it’s Buddha’s birthday and will beimages-2
celebrated by millions of people all over Asia.
This is the celebration of Buddha’s enlightenment
under the Bodhi tree.

Traditionally, homes are cleaned and decorated
with bright colors. This is the time of the year
that I will hand new prayer flags over my gates
to blow blessings into my home and garden.
In many countries, during the festival, Buddhists
will visit their local temples for services and teaching,
and will give offerings to the monks of food,
candles and flowers. Chanting and praying are
important parts of the Wesak Festival.

Customarily, water is poured over the shoulders
of the Buddha as a reminder to purify your minds
from the three poisons — greed, hatred and
ignorance. Gifts are taken to an altar to be
offered to the Buddha statues. This shows
respect and gratitude to the Buddha for his life
and teachings.

Here’s what I will be doing on this coming full moon.
I will devote the day to meditation in early in the
morning before the sun comes up. I will be putting
up the prayer flags and chanting the sacred Mantra
that eliminates the three poisons. You may know
them as worry, struggle and blame. As I do this,
I also place my attention on the healing energy of
Quan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion. If you aren’t
familiar with this mantra and how you can gain
personal power and enlightenment, click on the link.

I wish you the best with your Health, Wealth and Happiness!
Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. The Internal Mantra Program is a teaching and
a practice. When you get both, you will know how to
open up the energy in no time at all.

Dr. Wu Dhi