
Practice What You Preach or Get Ill

Many years ago, I worked for a company that produced subliminal programming tapes. My job was to teach workshops using neurolinguistics programming, applied kinesiology  and many other communication skills to help people break through their limitations and make their lives function better.

We did seminars in California, Washington state, New York City and Michigan. Every few  months, we traveled to a new city and gave presentations to hundreds of people. I’ve always been a bit of a health fanatic, but the owner of the company enjoyed drinking and smoking. When we finished seminars, he socialized and indulged in food, drink and merriment.  I would usually go roller balding for a few hours after each seminar and spend time meditating recovering after putting out so much energy. That worked well for me, and kept me focused.

During that time, I spoke to one of my mentors and I expressed my concern for the owner of the company. He told me that if you claim to be something or teach something, and you’re not congruent with what you say and what you do, you’re opening a door to dis-ease.

We continued the program for three or four years and just as my mentor predicted, the company owner was stricken with cancer as well as a heart condition. He only lasted a few years after that. He went through the millions of dollars he made, and only left his wife a small insurance policy.

This happens all the time when a person claims to be one thing and yet doesn’t live by his or her own example. There are preachers and big business people who claim to be things, claim they are blessed, religious and improve people’s lives. Yet, their true nature is incongruent with their words. They have no idea that soon, they’ll fall, and their followers will disperse.

When we want to make positive changes in our lives, communication is very important: saying what you do and doing what you say. Many people get lost in the fake news and end up making a mess for themselves and their families. It’s a sad situation. Being congruent takes some serious steps.

What I’ve found over the years, is that you need a map that’s congruent to move in the direction you want to go. In the magic square workshop, there’s an ancient Chinese formula that will get you congruent with your life’s goals and purpose.

Pick up the Magic Square formula on my website: http://rechargingqigong.com/products/magic-square-workshop/.

These formulas work well to keep you inline with your mission by setting goals in every domain of your life.

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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