Posts Tagged ‘Education Training’

keep Your Eyes Open and Your Big Mouth Shut.

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

Many years ago my master
warned me to keep my eyes
open and my mouth shut.

He would say, “Guarding your
speech is as important as guarding your life.
What ever you say, when you say it and who
you say it to can get you killed, or save your life.”

I remember I was a blabbermouth
and my teacher gave me an assignment to
control my speech and break me out of
a habit for over talking.

At first it seemed like an easy exercise to me.
I thought I could do it for the assigned time of
12 hours without any problem, but it was
more difficult than I imagined.
Before I really made a commitment
to train myself, my mind was jumping
from one thought to the next, like a monkey
jumping from branch to branch chattering as
I went from one subject to the next.

Here is the exercise the master had me do:
He told me to take a penny, wash it and
put it on my tongue and hold that penny on
the roof of my mouth.

I was told to be sure to take it out of
my mouth to eat and drink.
It’s a way to train the mind,
to stop the mind from chattering and a
way to guard your speech.

When we talk and talk and talk and talk
we lose a tremendous amount of energy.

The 3 ways we lose the most of our energy is:

1. Through our digestion
– over eating is an energy sucker.

2. Sexual activity
– too much too often can zap you and age you prematurely.

3. Over talking, your speech, and what you say
– Guarding your speech is most important of the three.

When we are trying to make changes in our lives,
no matter if it’s mentally, physically, emotionally
or spiritually, we will run into some resistance.
Our bodies are like robots and we like doing the
same things over and over. It makes no difference
if those habits are good or not, the body / mind likes
doing what it does.

Now, how can we make those positive changes
that we all want in our Health, Wealth and Happiness?
There is a way and it really works.

1st is Education and 2nd is Training.

With the right instructions and the correct
Practice, you can change just about anything
and be in control of most situations in your life.
The easiest way to get permanent change
is to change the body first.
That’s where the commitment comes in.
If you want to change, you need to do something
to make those changes.

Body first, then mind and spirit.

The combination of the three will
make and hold the permanent changes in your life.

I have found that Qi Gong Practices include all three.
It trains the physical to be more flexible and supple,
it opens up the flow of energy in the meridians and
quiets the mind.

When I was first introduced to Qi Gong, it blew my socks off.
My hand chakras opened, my meditations improved and I
became much more flexible in both body and mind.
I started my Qi Gong training in
Flying Crane Qi Gong and
I still do it to this day.

if you haven’t learned this one yet
pick up your copy today.
It’s easy to learn and it will last you a lifetime.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi