Archive for the ‘Qi gong’ Category

Avoid Getting Sick

Saturday, January 23rd, 2016
Avoid dis-Ease

Sick and Tired

Avoid Getting Sick

I decided it was time for a medical checkup, you
know, the traditional kind; blood, stool, and
urine analyses, and echocardiogram. I had the
doctor take a look at everything. I like to do
this once a year to see what’s going on, but if
there is any kind of a problem, I choose to treat
it holistically. Sometimes, it’s a change in my
diet, or a different exercise. My blood pressure
was a little high this time. So, I took coffee out
of my diet as well as chocolates and all other
caffeine products, and started doing an IV of 50
grams of vitamin C twice a week, and will build it
up to 100 grams over the next few months. I also
doubled my intake of CoQ10 and lowered my intake
of salt. One of the main things I did was to
increase my internal exercises to both morning and
evening. This may sound like a radical approach
when I could just take a pill and be done with it,
just like most people would opt for. That’s
exactly what your doctor would tell you to do.

Although Western medicine has made a big
difference in people’s lives over the years and
increased the life expectancy, there are many
drugs that cause more harm than good. If you watch
TV, you know that every other commercial is some
drug company tooting their horn on what drug you
may need. Then, the warning comes in a low
monotone voice;You may experience some of these
symptoms: headache, stomach upset, back pain,
muscle pain, stuffy nose, flushing, or
dizziness or decreased sexual desire or ability,
failure to discharge semen (in men), aggressive
reaction, breast tenderness or enlargement,
confusion, convulsions, diarrhea, drowsiness,
dryness of the mouth, fast talking, and excited
feelings or actions that are out of control,
fever, inability to sit still, increase in body
movements, increased sweating, increased thirst,
lack of energy, loss of bladder control, mood or
behavior changes, muscle spasm or jerking of all
extremities, nosebleeds, overactive reflexes,
racing heartbeat, red or purple spots on the
skin OMG! There are even more side effects and,
that’s why, I choose to do it the hard way. No
pill popping for me. I eat a healthy diet, pass on
fast foods, fried foods, and my red meat
consumption is very low. I eat fruits and
vegetables daily.

The drug companies are in business to make money,
and you are the customer. It takes work to keep
your health in order, but if you do, you can avoid
being caught up in the system. Here’s how to keep
you healthy: start doing the Recharging Qi Gong
exercises daily
Pay close attention to the way you do the
exercises. The breathing is very important. And
I’ll give you a bonus. I’ll send you one of my
meditation CDs that will help you keep it
together. Do not delay, order today!

This is the time to work it while you’re healthy,
strong and vibrant.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Befriend me on Facebook:

Is beer Sucking Your Life Away?

Sunday, January 17th, 2016

Is beer Sucking Your Life Away?

This week, I was at a party with a group of people
from a much different walk of life than myself.
Most of them were just working people with good
jobs and a family. They all drove nice cars and
had pizza one day a week. They liked to stop at
Popeye’s for fried chicken now and then and ate
Campbell soup on cold days. They all liked to
party and were very fond of their beer. To this
day, they all spent hours a week working on their
suntans, drinking, and eating a lot of
bar-B-Q. For the most part, they were all
Americans with strong values. Most of the people
at the party went to church every Sunday and
belonged to a bowling league. They were very sweet
and came from good families.

The friend who invited me I knew from high school,
and he lived in my old neighborhood. It was a
delight to see him and hear about his wife and
kids. When the conversation came around to what I
was doing, that is, acupuncture, people either
didn’t have a clue to what I was talking about, or
thought it was just a scam and asked if it really
worked. The conversation went okay until I started
to talk about our energy body and how internal
exercises like Qigong would make the quality of
their life better. You would have thought I was
from another planet by everyone’s reaction. I told
them that I am starting my day with Qigong and
meditation, and I could feel the difference in my
energy all day long. That’s when the comments
started to fly…”What the Sam Hill is Qigong?” I
got a lot of heckling, and so did my friend who
invited me. “Your friend’s a hippie, isn’t he?”
“Do you eat tofu?” “You a yogi?” And it went on
until they found out that I was the same age as my
friend, but looked and felt 20 years younger than

Jeff is a good guy, but he looks like he was
riding the range for 50 years and most of his
friends looked the same. All of a sudden, the
women wanted to know if I’d teach them and,
reluctantly, their husbands followed suit. I
explained that Qigong is a Chinese exercise for
strengthening and balancing body and mind. Qigong
means cultivation (gong) of energy (Qi). Besides
revitalizing the body, Qigong calms the mind by
its soft movements, visualizations, and direct
contact with nature. The soft movements stimulate
the blood circulation to the internal organs. By
absorbing nature’s energy, we restore the
harmonious energy flow within our body. This
energy flow boosts the immune system, repairs
damaged cells, and balances emotions. If the flow
of energy is disrupted, dis-ease or pain may
occur. I continued explaining that the regular
practice of Qigong has a lot of anti-aging
benefits: balances emotions, eases chronic pain,
brings mental clarity, boosts the immune system,
promotes self-love and confidence, and helps to
put things into perspective.

“If the mind is calm, the heart listens.”

Acupressure is based on the same principles,
meridians, and acupuncture points. Meridians are
channels through which vital energy or Qi runs.
The energy flow through these meridians or rivers
of energy can become interrupted or blocked by
stress, anger or disease. Through specific points,
we can manipulate and rebalance this energy flow.
In natural healing, Qi follows the mind and blood,
then oxygen follows the Qi. This Qi or ‘life force
energy’ will mobilize the immune system and repair
damaged cells. Whereas conventional exercise lead
to consumption of energy, Qigong gathers and
rebalances the energy within our body.

Before the night was over, I had half of the
people at the party wanting more information. As
they passed me a cold beer, I told them about my
website and how they could get a copy of the
Flying Crane Qi Gong
and start reversing the aging process. If you need a
boost in your health and vitality, get on the
program now before it’s too late.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi


Sucking a beer down

Do you Trust Your Grocery Store?

Monday, January 11th, 2016

Do you Trust Your Grocery Store?
In today’s world, you really have a hard time
trusting your own Grocery store   and people in the medicine business. Just when you think “natural” means it’s healthy, you find out that it isn’t so and is just an advertising buzzword. Even when you are buying organic, unless you read every word on the label, you could be buying just a few ingredients that
are organic and the others are questionable. As
for the fruit and veggies, we all hope that
“organic” means no chemical sprays or other

Eating off the land is one of the best ways to
nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Working in
the garden is a great way to de-stress from work,
and a joy to see one’s efforts grow. A garden
grows at its own pace – you can’t rush it or slow
it down. It needs just a few things to grow: the
right soil, water, and sunlight. If the pH of the
soil is too acidic, you’ll get a poor crop. If the
garden isn’t watered, your garden will dry up and
die. If there is no sunlight, nothing happens at
all. A garden is very similar to our bodies. We
need to keep our internal system more alkaline
than acidic to stay healthy and, without a doubt,
we need to stay hydrated. As far as the sunlight
is concerned, it’s one of the biggest factors in
keeping us happy, vibrant, and free from
depression and anxiety.

This year, I planted 2 all-organic Feng Shui
gardens that are both 9’x9’, a magic number. One
is filled with tomatoes and 6 different varieties
of lettuce, onions, garlic, and lots of turmeric.
The other garden has ginger, peppers, cabbage,
spinach, lemongrass, chives, and broccoli. But
wait, there is more. I planted 7 banana trees, a
dozen of pineapples, and a wall of passion fruit.
Now, I am busy with watering, weeding, and chasing
bugs away. Setting up the garden is as important
as planting. I first divide the space into 9 equal
parts, one for each square of the “ba gua” plus
one for the spiritual part. Then, I plant using
the garden as my meditation.

To find out more on how to use your environment as
your meditation, join the members of the Qi Gong
Inner Circle and get all the goodies.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Do you know what's in your food

Do you know what’s in your food

Dr. Wu Dhi

Nightmare in Venezuela

Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

Nightmare in Venezuela

More Nightmare in Venezuela with the promise of hope

More Nightmare in Venezuela with the promise of hope

Jose called from Venezuela this morning. He was
telling me that the situation in his country is
not the best. In fact, he said it’s a
nightmare. The hospitals are left without
supplies, and shops without basic necessities. The
supermarket shelves are empty even for common
items like baby formula, flour, milk, and toilet
paper. Although the government promises help, they
only have a quick fix at the most that’s not
working. I asked if it was safe to visit, and I
was told that the crime rate is similar to a
country at war. Whenever you need to have anything
fixed, you are out of luck as there are no parts
for cars or anything else for that matter.

I have been following the situation in Venezuela
for years. I lived there for a few years back in
the eighties and have visited many times in the
seventies. When I was there, the country was very
lovely, quiet, and prosperous, and the people were
happy and very friendly. You could get just about
anything you needed, and it was safe to go
anywhere. I climbed the Avila mountain many times
by myself and didn’t have any worries at all. I
asked some friends who still live there what’s
going on, and they said the government has to keep
everyone poor and in fear in order to stay in
control and in power. This kind of government
limits people’s choices and growth. Jose told me
that the meditation group has fallen apart like
everything else in the country. But now, there is
a spark of light as the government oppression has
lost a major election. Where there is hope, things
open up. Oppression only lasts until people see
the truth, then light will stream in.

If you are Venezuelan and live in your beautiful
country, or have moved on, turn your friends on to
my FREE health tips at
So far, it’s only in English but, with some luck, I’ll get
things translated into Spanish as well.

Soon, I’ll be starting an online meditation to
support all of our growth.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi


Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015


It’s now the first day of winter. The holiday
season is here! There is a Santa Claus to be found
in every corner, ringing his bell. The churches
are in full glory, preaching the Scripture of the
birth of Christ. It’s a glorious holiday season,

Is the scripture for real?

Is the scripture for real?

but there is a danger in the scriptures. All
religious scriptures are the documents of someone
else’s experience of their god; it’s not your
experience, it’s someone else’s. Even if the good
book is an exciting story and inspires you, it’s
NOT the same as experiencing it yourself.

We all have different experience with love and
romance and what we call love and feel from our
expression of love. Everyone has a different
experience of what love is and does. “Romeo and
Juliet” was a beautiful love story, but it’s not
mine or yours. We all have a different expression
that makes up our life. It’s the same with our
experience of God. Maybe we had an experience with
the Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, or an awakening from
a personal experience that opened us up. I have
many patients that have had a trauma from an
illness that has awakened them up and changed
their life forever. This happens to many cancer
survivors; they change their diet, the way they
think and act, and their belief structure. Insight
comes to people in a multitude of ways and, then,
they are not their old selves, whoever they were.
Remember the world’s religions are not at war with
each other. At the heart of all religions, you
will find love and compassion. Never limit
yourself by what you have read, no matter whose
holy book it is. The dogma of a religious
organization can actually limit your own spiritual
growth. Be open and loving, and forgive others.

“Do all the good you can
By all the means you can
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as you can.”
— John Wesley

And make that your religion.

I wish you a beautiful winter season with love in
your heart, for yourself and for others.

Health, Wealth, and Happiness.

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. I’ll be revamping the Qi Gong Inner Circle
over the holidays and you will be receiving new
great stuff all through 2016. If you aren’t a part
of our Qi Gong Inner Circle, join us today

Learn Your Lessons while there’s Time

Thursday, December 10th, 2015

 Learn Your Lessons while there’s Time

This has been the strangest season I can remember.
We have had strong winds a blowing, and they
started a week before Thanksgiving; now we have
been getting heavy rains every day of December.
There is even a flood watch. More than four inches
of rain fell, leaving roadways and low-lying areas
under water, and the streets near the beaches are
impassable. When I first moved to Florida, I
wasn’t aware of puddles, and I sunk my car in an
8-inch puddle. Just when I opened the door to get
out, a truck drove by and sent a wave of water,
filling my car with muddy water. I am now well
aware of what water damage is all about. There was
bad flooding in my office parking lot in Aventura
and, when I left the office tonight, I had to take
my shoes off, roll up my pants, and walk through 6
inches of cold water. Usually, the rain in Florida
is nice and warm, but tonight it was cold. It had
been raining so hard that I was stuck at the
office for another hour twice this last week.

I learned my lesson. I never drive through a
puddle as sometimes they are much deeper than you
could ever imagine. It’s the same with your life;
you are going along just fine and, then, you come
up to a puddle. It looks safe, so you venture out
into the puddle and, the next thing you know is
you are sinking over your head. I learned what not
to do after destroying one of my cars in a deep
puddle years ago. But our life is a lot more
delicate, and we usually don’t see the puddles
before it’s too late. We are either being washed
downriver or sinking. What can you do to be aware
of those puddles? And if you get stuck in one,
what can you do? The best approach to take is to
be prepared and watch your step. How can you
prepare? It takes training to discipline the body
and mind. I have found that Qi Gong will give you
just that, plus a lot more. I look and feel at
least 20 years younger than my a

We get lessons daily and we hope to learn them

We get lessons daily and we hope to learn them

ctual age. Most of
my friends are in their 20’s, 30’s, and the older
ones in their 50’s. Why? Because people my age
can’t keep up with the pace I keep.

Don’t drop off in a deep puddle. Get on the
program today, and you can reverse your aging
process. Get your Recharging Qi Gong program
and all the FREE GIFTS that come with it today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. The Recharging Qi Gong program is a specific
set of exercises that will not only slow down the
aging process, it will also boost your immune
system and keep you looking years younger than you
are. Get the entire program now and take those
aging blues away

Are You Shocked? Or Are You Shocking?

Monday, December 7th, 2015
Are you shocked or shocking

Are you shocked or shocking

Are You Shocked? Or Are You Shocking?

I have 6 new bamboos planted at my new house. They
are doing well for the most part, although the
black bamboo seemed to lose its leaves. I think it was


I called
the landscaper and, he said, “Your bamboo most
likely went into shock. Keep watering it and
fertilize in 2 weeks. Like everything in the
animal and plant kingdom, it doesn’t like to be
moved, no matter if it’s a new home, a new city,
or being replanted in a new pot.”

We feel uncomfortable with a change in our natural
habitat or environment. The bamboo plants got
disturbed when they were transplanted to a new
location and a different landscape.( Shocked)!  This lead
to transplant shock. Sometimes, this shock
or stress is mild while, other times, it is so
prominent causing plants to lose all its leaves or
die. This can be costly and frustrating indeed.
They say transplant shock generally happens due to
damage caused to the roots. As a result of
relocating, a plant can lose major nutrients, and
ultimately goes into shock. This can happen to us
as well. Change to If we are not rooted in our practice,
like yoga, meditation, or Qi Gong, we lose our
rooting and, the next thing is we go into some
kind of shock. The reason I harp on the importance
of practice and training all the time is it gives
you the proper foundation and rooting. This will
keep you grounded and rooted. The more you are
rooted in your practice, the stronger you are. If
you get transplanted at work, in your
relationship, or moved for one reason or another,
you have your foundation well rooted inside. The
external circumstances will not shake the leaves
off your tree. Why? Because you have strong
internal root system, and things will not be able
to shake you no matter how strong, or you will
only feel a small bump in the road before you
recover. The key is practice and practice and
practice until you have built a strong foundation
with big enough roots that nothing, no one, not
anything will shake you.

Get the Recharging Qi Gong program and grow BIG

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Finally, A Surefire way to Stay Rooted

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2015

Finally, a Surefire way to stay Rooted

For the last 22 years, I have been living in South
Florida. I love the sub-tropical weather. My home
is a few blocks from the ocean and just 15 minutes
away from my office. I have been in my new home
for 3 months, and it’s starting to shape up. The
place is a jewel. I have large mango trees in the
backyard, a dozen of banana trees, 2 papaya trees,
and a guava tree in the front yard, and not one of
them is genetically modified. No GMOs in my yard.
Just before the holiday, I planted a black bamboo
and two Buddha belly bamboos in the front of the
house, and a large, green-striped, and a red
bamboo in the back of the house. Over the next few
weeks, I will plant my Feng Shui garden filled
with herbs and vegetables including tomatoes,
lettuce, kale, broccoli, spinach, and more green
than a big family could eat, and it’s all organic.

Eating off the land is one of the best ways to
nourish your body, mind, and spirit, and to ground
your energy. When you work in the garden, or just
put plants in your home, it’s a great way to
de-stress from work, and a joy to see your efforts
grow. A garden grows at its own pace; you can’t
rush it or slow it down. It needs just a few
things to grow – the right soil, water, and
sunlight. If the pH of the soil is too acidic,
you’ll get a poor crop. If the garden isn’t
watered, your garden will dry up and, if there is
no sunlight, nothing happens at all.  A garden is
very similar to our bodies. We need to keep our
internal system alkaline rather than acidic to
stay healthy. Without a doubt, we need to stay
hydrated. As far as the sunlight, it’s one of the
biggest factors in keeping us happy, vibrant, and
free from depression and anxiety.

Working the land, no matter if it is acres of land
or just a small plot, will help with your Qi Gong.
When you plant a garden and practice your Qi Gong
daily, you will be amazed of how grounded you will
get in just a few months. Plant a garden, no
matter how small, even if it’s in a pot, and watch
it grow. I also suggest you get a copy of the
Flying Crane Qi Gong
for yourself or give it as a gift. It’s the gift
of health you will be giving to your friend or
family member, a new way to stay healthy and

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and
Dr. Wu DhiIMG_8576

A lost Love can be a Real Blessing

Thursday, November 12th, 2015

A lost Love can be a Real Blessing

Ellen lives in the Western part of the USA and has
been dating Jack for many years. Last week, Jack
decided to move out and find a new lover. Ellen
fell to pieces, she was heartbroken, pissed off,
and called me crying. After she finally stopped
crying and yelling at Jack for leaving her, I told
her what one of my Masters told me years ago when
I broke up with the love of my life, “Girlfriend,
boyfriends, husbands, and wives are not property.”
At that time, I really didn’t want to hear that,
but I knew what the Master meant. I moved on, and
my life turned out 1,000 times better than it was
with my ex.

Moving along takes maturity, and true maturity
knows what we really want in life. For Ellen, it
wasn’t Jack that she really wanted at all. What
she wanted was a loving, responsible, caring,
mature, and successful partner to share her life
with. He wasn’t! So, like the words in Ray
Charles’ hit song, I suggested to her to tell Jack
to “Hit the road, and don’t you come back no more,
no more, what you say?” As soon as Ellen woke up
and took responsibility for herself, she realized
that she alone was the source of unlimited
possibilities and was actually the mature one in
the relationship.

Being mature is not only the expression of our
true values, it is also not avoiding what we don’t
want. If we are able to receive what is presented
to us with joy, miraculous things will happen.
Ellen is a talent in many aspects of her life. She
has been in movies, plays, performed for thousands
of people all over the world, and is a creative
genius on her own. Now she is opening up to her
own power, and a new source of possibilities are
flowing in. Years ago, Ellen was one of my first
students when I moved to Florida. She embraced the
spiritual work with open arms and an open heart.
She learned the Flying Crane Qi Gong and committed
to the practice to memory. She totally embodied
the work. Jack never seemed to wake up as Ellen
continued to mature in her spiritual growth. Like
an old sweater, she grew out of that part of her
life. Now I can’t say that the Flying Crane Qi
Gong pulled them apart, or make her grow beyond
Jack. Nevertheless, she worked her spiritual
muscles and build a spiritual life, and Jack is
off trying to find himself.

Don’t be like Jack, off on his own. Learn and
work your spiritual muscles and get the Flying
Crane Qi Gong program today.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth, and
Dr. Wu DhiIMG_2369

Life is Hard and then You Die

Thursday, November 12th, 2015
Life is hard and then you die

Life is hard and then you die

Life is hard. Then you die. Then they throw dirt
on your face. Then the worms eat you. Be grateful
it happens in that order. —

David is a talented guy, the writer of Star Trek.
Although his statement on life is somewhat crude,
it’s what many people think and how they live
their life accordingly. On the other hand, life
can be an adventure of discovery and joy. When we
don’t recognize that life is a gift, you close the
adventure of life. We actually shield our
intellectual, emotional, and physical functions.
When this happens, we go through life with
blinders on. When you are not open to change, life
no longer becomes an adventure but a struggle. We
go through life as if it were a problematic dream,
and life is hard. Life is what you make it. It’s a
gift. Don’t send it back unopened.

Last night, I went to a memorial service for a
young lady. We lost her life too early, but she
lived every moment to its fullest. Many of the
people who were there lived the same way. Stay
healthy, work out, eat a good diet, play and laugh
a lot, and make this planet a better place. Make
consciousness, awareness, respect, responsibility,
and resourcefulness your way of life. Pay
attention, be creative in every aspect of your
life, and you will see a difference in everything
you do.

I am blessed that I am able to share with you what
I have learned over a lifetime of practice. Take a
look at my YouTube station,
add me as Woody Swartz and like my page,
Wudhi-Energy Medicine on Facebook, and subscribe
to my blog at They are
all for our growth.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi
Dr. Wu Dhi